Piccolo becomes surprised at 17's lacking knowledge of Cell, thinking that Cell and the Androids would have been working together. 17 then saves Goku from an energy blast volley by Su Roas. As is revealed after the end of the fight, the real Android 17's psyche gave the Z Fighters a chance to destroy the super android, and both Android 17 and Hell Fighter 17 in the process. Later on, he watches the battles from the sidelines, realising that Goku has returned and is currently fighting Moro. Goku reveals that he never intended for things to go this far, but finally decides to transform into Super Saiyan Blue. Understanding that his sister just wants to return to her family, Android 17 agrees to doing things her way and asks 16 if that is okay with him, but he remains silent. In the anime, 18 goes through Chi-Chi's clothes to find a new outfit, while in the manga, her clothes are already changed prior to their arrival at Goku's home. He then calls the police, and soon police cars begin to pursue the androids' van. Goku eventually meets with Dende, who personally takes him to the island where 17 is located, also telling Goku that not only is 17 a changed man, rid of the shadow that once inhabited his heart, he is also a lot stronger. Anyone else find this adorable and really want at least one episode of Dragon Ball Super or even a short story in the manga to show this? After Gohan sacrifices himself to eliminate Dyspo with the help from Frieza, 17 continues his fight with Top by using his infinite energy to run out the tournament clock. When Hearts merges the Universe Seed with Kamioren, Android 17 is unable to do any damage and is struck hard to the ground with a single punch. This is one of many examples that set Android 17 and Android 18 apart from their future timeline counterparts, especially considering how much stronger they are in the mainstream timeline than in Future Trunks' future. He also apparently has a soft-spot for children. 18 notices that 16 is also an infinite energy model and asks how the android inside is different from them, but Gero tells her to get away from 16's chamber. Luckily, the group managed to subdue Krillin and 21, with 17 having to move Krillin's body somewhere. He was able to effortlessly dodge most of Kakunsa's attacks and even when he was hit, Android 17 showed no signs of damage. Directory: Characters → Dragon Team → Dragon Team Support, "Why do you think I work alone down there, protecting that whole island by myself? Cell retorts to Android 16 that a robot cannot understand how he and Android 18 feel, and that he should not interfere and continues in his attempt to manipulate 18. As we have seen from ep. Android 17 sees and damages Agnilasa's energy reactor, giving his teammates the opportunity to knock him out of the arena. 1. Goku and Frieza both charge Jiren as 17 provides long-range ki attacks to lock Jiren down. Android 17's Handgun in Goku's dream during the Androids Saga. During his battle with Jiren while teaming with Frieza, 17 was able to deal a devastating blow to Jiren by detonating a giant ki blast in his lower back after trapping him in his barrier, condensing the explosion and forcing Jiren to take all of the attack. Unexpected death of the Android 17 warrior in Dragon Ball Super When arriving at its latest chapter, the animated series sacrificed of one of the characters. Android 17 battles Oren who acknowledges that he is strong and expresses his hope that he will give him an entertaining fight. The boss reveals he has a bomb in his body, and threatens to detonate it if they do not leave. 17 refuses because he already received a lot of money from his job through salaries, as Goku lied to him about Zeni being the prize, and not being able to leave the island in case more poachers come. 18 agrees with flying there, but 17 says that small things in life are what make it fun. Kicking one of the enemy in the face, he asks if it was Seven-Three who he kicked and after affirming that it was, says that he seems pretty weak and asks Piccolo if he is even needed. Mr. Popo jumps in and tells Goku he has been at the lookout, occupied by the space around him, and telling him that he is not paying attention to what is happening on the Earth. His love of the outdoors may have been influenced by the nature-loving Android 16, with whom 17 was close friends. I haven't heard that voice in a long time." Android 18 reminds him that she wants new clothes first, and 17 agrees to take care of that first. By the time of the Universe Survival Saga, Android 17 has become much calmer than before, and is a gentleman, suggesting that he is more mature than he had been in the past. However in times of crisis he is capable of being very serious, and even very heroic and this was mostly on display during his final living moments of the Tournament of Power with acts like throwing himself in front of the exhausted and injured Goku and Vegeta to take hits for them due to his infinite energy or even going as far as killing himself to save them from elimination at the hands of Jiren (although 17 is shown to have survived his own technique later on). As a result, 17, 18, and Good 21 join forces with the Z Fighters to combat 21 and the clones which she begins feeding on to satisfy her growing hunger. Fortunately, Goku stopped at the last second from hitting the nearby trees, to 17's slight relief, and Goku decided to take the fight to the skies to avoid hitting the forest again. While recruiting members for the Tournament of Power, Android 18 is named as a suggestion and Gohan also suggests Android 17. Joined by Goku, Krillin asks him to use Instant Transmission to go to Korin to get some Senzu Beans for 17, 18, and Good 21, which he does very quickly as Korin had some beans prepared. However, Android 17 was able to damage Agnilasa's energy reactor with a Barrier Punch, giving his teammates the opportunity to knock Agnilasa out of the arena. His super finishing move in Budokai Tenkaichi 3 is identical to what his and 18's future counterparts do to Future Gohan to kill him. Human-type Earthling (Android)[1] However, they are the first of their kind to be entirely restructured at the cellular level thanks to bio-technology and genetic engineering. [19] Yoshitaka later went on to state that from his point of view, Android 17 was equal to Gohan in strength and both were stronger than Frost and Piccolo. He is the fusion of Android No. Originally, he wore an orange bandanna around his neck. When everyone says their goodbyes, Goku expresses enthrallment at how strong 17 became doing nothing but defending his island, before Bulma says he can at least hold a job, having been angered by Vegeta's promise to 17. Saganbo steps forward and asks if he can take care of them as Moro shares some of his power with him. As Jiren prepares to finish off the Saiyans and 17, 17 jumps in front of them and sets up numerous barriers. Last weekend, millions watched as Android 17 sacrificed his life on Dragon Ball Super. [11], Android 17 becomes a park ranger in the wildlife preserve area of a gigantic royal nature park, where he is well paid. In Dragon Ball Heroes, Super 17 can absorb 18 and become Super 17 Absorbed 18. Outraged, 17 angrily tells him to poke the button, the boss claiming that he cannot. When the twelve Gods of Destruction show up in search of Tokitoki and threaten to destroy them all, Android 17 joins the others in preparation to face Beerus but when Xeno Goku and Xeno Vegeta intervene to tell them it's pointless and point towards the Universe Tree engulfing the Earth the battle is put off. Against Botamo, despite the foe's elastic form making him essentially invulnerable, Android 17's blows were so powerful, that the sheer amount he contorted Botamo had a recoil affect, launching Botamo out of the arena from the force of his body springing back to normal. 17 asks 16 if he knows where Goku might be, and 16 replies that he could either be at Capsule Corporation or at Kame House. They manage to help 21 come to her senses and overwhelmed with grief over having killed 16, Android 21 splits into Android 21 (Good) and Android 21 (Evil). Android 17's brief cameo during the Kid Buu Saga. 2. "The Androids Awake!" Related: Dragon Ball: Yamcha's Best Moments Were All In Filler Episodes Dragon Ball Super made Android 17 one of the anime's four strongest heroes, the others being Goku, Vegeta, and Gohan. After Goku brings Frieza to the group, 17 and the others are teleported by Whis to the World of Void. Dr. Gero tells 17 and 18 to kill the Z Fighters, mentioning that they destroyed Android 19 and almost killed him. He reminds his sister of their infinite energy and tells her to use their infinite energy to their advantage. Alongside Android 18, Android 17 was able to break Biarra's armor. [9], With Android 17 and his sister Android 18, Dr. Gero reverted to the old way which consisted in modifying a human being with cybernetic implants. Yet after Goku is drained from the effects of the mastered state of Ultra Instinct, 17 arises from the rubble, revealed to have survived his technique, and further powers up alongside an exhausted Golden Frieza. Hearts (Ultimate). Dragon Ball Super Reveals The Path to Ultra Instinct's Evolution, Boruto Reveals Release Date of Chapter 55, Dragon Ball Explains How Broly Unlocked His New Form, Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway's Flash Debuts New English Trailer, One Piece Pop Figures Launch For Funko Fair Anime Day, Yu-Gi-Oh and Pokemon Fan Offers Big Reward After Thieves Stole Card Collection, Bakugan Gets Its First Funko Pops at Funko Fair, Attack on Titan Promo Sheds New Light on Eren's Brutal Ambush. What happened To Android 17 After The Cell Saga? These ki blasts were able to push Jiren far back and cause a great amount of damage to the point where Jiren actually pushed Goku and Frieza aside to focus his attention on 17, at which point 17's blasts stopped having an effect on him. This is in stark contrast to Future Android 17, where he is a murderous sociopath who cares for no one but himself and his sibling. Android 17's strongest personal trait is his sense of self. The androids are handcuffed by the officers, but 16 easily breaks them off of his wrists and 18 throws the police car into a nearby mountain. 17 witnessed the destruction of Universe 9. 17 recalls this was the planet that Cell blew himself up on. Piccolo and Dende create a gateway between Hell and Earth, allowing Goku to escape and confront Super 17, before any other Z Fighters can be killed. Number 17 and Number 18! 17 informs 18 that they are about to enter a town and he will stop to get her some clothes. Common among Dr. Gero's androids, 17 has a gold hoop earring on each ear. Shortly afterwards, Semi-Perfect Cell alters his voice and poses as Android 17 in an attempt to convince Android 18 to let herself be absorbed. However, he still had a long way to go, because he is said to have great potential, but this potential was never unleashed because of his absorption by Cell; it is after 10 years of training and working his life as a park ranger at the same time, that he was able to access much of it. He wears a short sleeve black shirt with the Red Ribbon Army's logo on the left of his chest, and underneath dons a long-sleeve white shirt. He often tries to find a fun means to accomplish his goals, as he made his attempt to locate Goku as nothing more than a game, even deliberately avoiding asking for directions in order to "play the game." Android 17 being absorbed by Imperfect Cell. A second wish made to Shenron by Krillin removes the Android Bombs within Lapis and Lazuli's bodies. After being revived, 18 told 17 how he came to life, After the conflict with Cell, Android 17 is reborn in the same place Cell was destroyed thanks to Shenron. Main article: Android 35 18's resolve seems to waver, but a damaged Android 16 warns her that it is merely a trick. 17 and 18 decide to find and challenge Goku; not because they have been commanded to do so, but merely as a form of entertainment. He is asked by Goku to join Team Universe 7 in the Tournament of Power and due to Goku and Frieza's sacrifice to take out Jiren, he is left as the sole fighter remaining by the end of the tournament and the one who makes the wish on the Super Dragon Balls. 18 says that fun is for humans and they aren't human anymore, which causes 16 and 17 to sadly stay silent. Being the winner of the tournament, and truly allowed any wish, 17 chooses to wish back all the universes, and also raises Universe 7's mortal level in the process. Ultimately, after one final push, owed to Uub, Goku defeats Moro once and for all. May 26, Age 767May 8, Age 774Age 779Age 790 As Piccolo charges up the Energy Sphere in his palms, Cell slowly approaches the Namekian and doesn't even attempt to dodge, while Android 17 runs away from Piccolo to avoid possibly getting caught in the explosion. Goku states that he knows that 17 is the one he was looking for, because his eyes resemble those of his sister, and 17 replies that they are twins after all. Even without the ability to maintain his mind, however, 17 still exhibits sensitivity, mostly towards his sister. However, this character is a modified human. 18 however states she has no intention of letting him play around and points out that she just wants things to go back to the way they were before the clones showed up. He again implores 17 and 18 to escape, but 17 refuses, saying that he wants payback and can now finish a wounded Cell. Android 17 and Gohan (Potential Unleashed) vs. Android 17 and Frieza (True Golden Frieza) vs. Top (Base/Destroyer Form), Android 17 and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Top (Destroyer Form). Directory: Characters → Villains → Former villains Once Android 17 got serious he easily knocked Bikal and Kakunsa out of the arena. Future Trunks arrives seeking Magidemia seeds, which Android 17 obtains for him after the two have a battle - which 17 wins. 17 comments that his old self would have surely been defeated by Goku if they had fought, but Goku is not quite sure. Whereas before he was random in his decisions, going purely on his emotional state, he now showed a more collected and pragmatic nature. Android 17 (人造じんぞう人間にんげん17号ごう, Jinzōningen Jū Nana-Gō, lit. 18 then realizes that it was not Android 17 speaking, as she and 17 hated Dr. Gero for experimenting on them and would never praise him. When Top unleashed his Destroyer Form, the gap between Android 17 and Top widened even more, as his Android Barrier was shattered by God of Destruction Top's Justice Flash. He also learned of the current situation: the Clones of the several fighters that appeared on Earth rampaging the city. Android 16 then chimes in with the house's coordinates, and says they can be there in a few minutes if they fly. Their power comes from a small perpetual energy reactor internalized within their bodies, which provides them with inexhaustible energy and stamina. With help from Android 17's barrier, Piccolo is able to charge a Special Beam Cannon to blast through Kamioren though it soon regenerates and becomes enraged. Android 17 observes the battle between Goku and Jiren. Android 17 is the only Android of the trio never to meet Goku (both in the manga and anime unless one counts Super 17). As a result, the fusion never materialized. When the androids finally arrive at Goku's House, they find it completely deserted (Due to the Dragon Team anticipating this and evacuating a sick Goku days prior). 17 easily dodged Kahseral's attacks. Drawing his attention to 17, Top easily overpowers 17 and almost eliminates Frieza, who is saved by 17 throwing a rock which lands Frieza on an edge of the arena. After the Minotaurus is kidnapped, 17 and Goku are alerted. He also joins in with the rest of the team in attacking Fused Zamasu but is quickly taken down with a single blow. While the rest of his team remained clueless to Damom's attacks, Android 17 showed very astute senses, able to determine that their foe was in reality diminutive in size, figuring it out while intentionally letting himself be hit. rush, though Piccolo manages to dodge Android 17's last two hits by somersaulting away. After this incident, 17 and 18 demand an explanation from 16 and return to 21's lab, where it is revealed by 16 that Android 21 was a human converted into a Bio-Android from the cells of various fighters and scientists. I love how Toriyama has made both Frieza and especially 17 into straight up good guys when it counts, when their universe is on the line. — Android 17 towards Dr. Gero in "Number 17 and Number 18! The two then part off to live since their mission to kill was no longer necessary, as Goku had been killed when Cell self-destructed. Similarly, he has a tendency to go off the road during their travel to Goku's house simply because he thought it was "fun", much to 18's irritation. Android 17 almost gets injured by Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade attack, but he protects himself with an Android Barrier, much to Piccolo's dismay. Super Android 13. When quickly realizing that she sprained her ankle, despite her denial of it, 17 quickly helped tend to it. Android 17 and Android 18 then prepare to fight Seven-Three and Shimorekka with Android 18 saying that she is there because she is being paid to which Android 17 says makes them sound like mercenaries. When Goku tells his friends not to worry they are afraid he plans to revive 21 with the Dragon Balls but he notes that would fly in the face of 21's sacrifice and that he instead plans to ask King Yemma reincarnate 21's soul like he had done previously with Kid Buu's. 17 lets go of Tien and then effortlessly defeats Piccolo, dealing a single blow that nearly tears through the latter. He and Android 18 were also overwhelmed by the intense gravity of the Pretty Black Hole and were unable to stand, while base Goku was able to stand up, turn Super Saiyan Blue and destroy the Black Hole. As Frieza strand Dyspo and Top on a rock far from the arena, Jiren takes notice and attack 17 and Frieza, prompting Frieza to attack Jiren while Dyspo and Top fall off the stage. The powerful Android dodges the attack just barely, and starts to lose patience. Android 17 and 18 in the Tournament of Power. 18 screams frantically for 17 to move, but he drops his barrier as it was breaking, and jumps into Jiren's attack, stopping it cold in its tracks. Copyright 2020 ComicBook.com. On a related note, Android 17 also showcases some moral restraints, as when witnessing Cell brutally dispatch Piccolo, he, with clear horror and disgust, denounced Cell as a beast for what he did to the Namekian. Android 17 alongside Goku, Vegeta, Gohan and Frieza engage Agnilasa in a beam struggle, however Agnilasa still manages to overwhelm them. I kind of like how human that is." 17 replies that he had not been sitting around by doing nothing. Piccolo cracks his stiff neck and compliments Android 17 on his amazing speed, but that his punches are quite lacking in force. Also, whereas before 17 would keep out of 18's battles or insist on fighting alone himself, he was shown in the tournament to work in great synergy with 18. Were you surprised by how Android 17 went out? A curious and excited Goku exclaims that he wants to try out Android 17's current strength, and transforms into a Super Saiyan, wanting "strong friends" to aid him in the Tournament of Power, and rushes at him without warning. Belmod asks what is 17's wish and he mentions he wants to take his family on a cruise, much to Belmod's annoyance. 17 reflects on the irony that he is on a team with the man he was programmed to kill. The Approaching Wall! Android 17, Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS・Shinka) vs. Android 17, Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS・Shinka) vs. Jiren, Android 17, Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken), and Vegeta (Super Saiyan God SS・Shinka) vs. Jiren (Full Power), Android 17 and Frieza (True Golden Frieza/Rage Mode Golden Frieza/Final Form) vs. Jiren (Full Power), Android 17, Goku, and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren (Full Power/Burning Ultimate Warrior), Android 17 vs. Goku (Base/Super Saiyan 2/Super Saiyan 3), Android 17 and Frieza (Final Form) vs. Jiren, Android 17 and Frieza (Golden Frieza) vs. Jiren. He intervenes in the battle between Vegeta and Kamin and Oren to give Vegeta the opportunity to go assist his son. Android 17 and Goku (Base/Super Saiyan Blue) vs. Android 17 vs. Sanka Ku (Kakunsa) and Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne), Android 17 vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne), Android 17 & Android 18 vs. Brianne de Chateau (Ribrianne) & Su Roas (Rozie). However Moro shows up and the battle is put to an end. At the same time, not unlike his sister, Android 17 is not without a measure of materialist desire. Question. It is revealed that the galactic patrol and Jaco arrived and assist Goku and 17 in getting the ship and animals back to Earth. 1717A-17Artificial Human No. Fed up with the mad scientist, 17 murders Gero by impaling and decapitating him before stepping on his living head. The others join in to assist him but still find themselves overpowered as Saganbo slams Android 17 and Gohan's head into the ground. However, Android 16 immediately states that Cell wasn't even damaged by the attack. To this day, Dragon Ball Z fans still debate many details and questions left unanswered about many moments and story arcs from the series. [20], During the Tournament of Power, Android 17 was weaker than Goku and Frieza. But how did 17 suddenly become so powerful - let alone the breakout star of the Tournament of Power? They warp to King Kai's Planet where Goku introduces 17 to King Kai. Main article: Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga, Android 17 and Android 18 appear on the battlefield. Piccolo wakes up the others, and Android 17 asks where Goku is, saying that he will use force to make them talk if necessary (Unbeknownst to the androids, Goku, who recovered from his illness, took Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to The Lookout on the previous day to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in order to gain the power to kill the androids). 17 denies this, stating that he is Gero's ultimate creation and he won't join with him. Android 17 uses the Android Barrier to counter Goku's God Kamehameha. 17's life is restored after the Z Fighters use the Dragon Balls to revive those who died as a result of Cell's campaign. When he is revived by Shenron because of a wish that restored both the lives of all of Cell's victims and all the damage caused during the Cell Games, Android 17 goes on to live a life of peace in obscurity. 17 tells Jiren that sacrificing himself for others is a very human thing to do and that he actually likes it. Against Agnilasa, Android 17 was overwhelmed by the giant warrior, and almost knocked out, however, Android 18 sacrificed herself to save him. Seeing this, Piccolo and Tien Shinhan fly towards the battle as well. During the battle, 17 is able to sneak up on Jiren and actually cause him serious damage to his back. He is also somewhat sadistic, as he has a Colt M1911, using it against civilians in lieu of his own power. However, in an anime filler, Android 17 and his sister appear in Goku's nightmare during the time he was still recovering from his, Though Goku encounters and fights Super 17 in, Ever since the completion of the anime version of the Universe Survival Saga, 17 has been referred to as "The MVP of Universe 7" in outside media, such as Bandai's promotion of his DLC for. Majuub then tries in vain, followed by Goten and Trunks who attempt a combined attack, to no avail. In turn, Android 17, shocking everyone, finally manages to free himself from the stage rubble, revealing that he was alive the entire time, and powers up alongside Frieza to face off against Jiren. as the smoke clears Jiren is standing but quickly vomits and drops to his knee's, once again defeated this time by 17. Soon after, the Z Fighters arrive and attempt to break into the doctor's laboratory. Overview. Despite this, Android 17 trapped both of them in an Android Barrier, giving Gohan the opportunity to knock both of them off the arena with an Ultimate Kamehameha, however Top was able to free himself. "Artificial Human No. When Fu appears and makes everyone aware of his plans to create a new universe, Android 17 and the rest offer to search for the source of the tree in another direction right when Goku, Vegeta and Xeno Trunks decide to search elsewhere. The two tell Moro that they do not have life energy to be absorbed and proceed to attack him, performing the Super Electric Strike that barely leaves a mark. They confront her in one of Dr. Gero's labs and discover she was after the remote that controls the power suppressing waves, which both 21s reveal is the cause for the good 21's personality resurfacing after the evil 21 activated the device to suppress the Z Fighters power so she could consume them, but it weakened her allowing the good 21 to join forces with 16 to stop her. Android 17 sees Piccolo coming towards him and kicks the Namekian out of his way. Gogeta finally defeats Hearts and peace returns to Earth once more. The trio decide to fly to Kame House, the closer of the two locations. She consistently wears small gold hoop earrings on both ears. Android 17 spars with Krillin at Capsule Corporation when Goku finds a strange bird. Despite working on Monster Island, even Android 17 does not recognise the species of bird. A Hopeful Final Barrier!". Goku is now glad that 17 is a "good guy" now and not an enemy, as he would be a lot of trouble to deal with. After attacking Trunks and before merging, 17 asks Android 18 to join him, a gesture which she mindlessly obeys until a fatal attack on Krillin brings 18 back to reality, causing her to attack her brother. Android 17 transformed into Super 17 in the Dragon Ball Collectible Card Game. Android 18 is a slender, curvy, and beautiful woman of above-average height and fair complexion. The three androids leave the ruined laboratory to find Goku, ignoring the present Z Fighters. Eventually, the trio are incapacitated but are saved by Frieza, who dropkicks Jiren in the back of the head and says he is forgetting the rules and is going to just kill Jiren. Android 17 says that he never told them he was equipped with a Power Radar, but Android 16 replies that he never asked. This is likely because of the trauma he experienced due to being kidnapped by Gero. However he does kill Krillin, and he takes an assault from 18 without sustaining damage. Other fighters like Goku, Vegeta, and even the Original Super Saiyan Yamoshi used Self Destruction when the odds were stacked against them in battle. The androids then drive off, and Android 17 plans to head to Goku's House. While watching Gogeta in action, Hearts summons a powerful God Meteor. Of course, the fighter asked to revive people, a fact that surprised very few fans. Goku and Android 17's Joint Struggle! The collar and folded sleeves of his jacket were cream yellow. It may also be due to his love of nature, as he was no longer natural when Gero turned him into an Android. Piccolo replies that he wants to see Android 17 try, and says they should go to an uninhabited island nearby where they can fight. Against Top by himself, Android 17 was able to dodge Top's attacks, and was able to briefly match him in a beam struggle, however, Top managed to almost overpower him and knock him out of the arena before being saved by Frieza. Piccolo is glad to see him there however due to the androids not having Chi that can be absorbed by Seven-Three using Moro's ability. Android 21 recreated 16 due to him being designed after her human son and would have lived peacefully with him had it not been for her cravings and growing evil persona. Krillin did this because he thought 17 and 18 were meant to be a couple, until Android 18 angrily corrected him and revealed that 17 was actually her twin brother. As shown from his choice of career, Android 17 is very outdoorsy, and finds it hard to sit still, seemingly stemming from his previously hyperactive nature. As they drive, Android 18 asks Android 17 if he even knows where Goku's House is, and 17 says that he doesn't and has been driving on pure instinct. [10], Android 17 went on to travel the world, he eventually arrived at Monster Island where he fought a group of poachers and befriended the ranger there. Death Date(s) Later, 18 tells 17 that she doesn't like her new outfit and when they reach another town, she wants to stop to find more clothes, which 17 reluctantly agrees to, while 16 curiously observes a nearby river. It is then that Goku uses the Super Dragon Fist technique to literally punch his way through Super 17, with the resulting hole rendering him unable to absorb the ensuing barrage of Kamehamehas, finally killing him. 17 agrees, and tells Krillin hurry and give his friends some Senzu Beans. On his left sleeve is an orange armband that says "RANGER". He seemingly finds amusement in the panic which he causes with it, in both Future Trunks' and the current timelines. Goku and Android 17's Joint Struggle! He and 18 then fly back up to the road and land near Krillin, frightening him. — 17's last words before he blows himself up to stop Jiren's Power Impact in "The Approaching Wall! 16 states they planned to use the soul link system developed by Dr. Gero to suppress the evil 21. ComicBook has done the digging, and the answer to that question is pretty simple. Android 18 flies out and punches the cars, causing them to crash into each other. For the Universe 7 Team for the Universe 7 's Spirit bomb to destroy area! Died a total of three times, with his Hell fighter 17 only be a very human thing to next... S bomb inside him tossed aside carried out, Cell slowly rises from the fight Goku. 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Of physical attacks throughout the battle between Goku and 17 to run away immediately the Universal Conflict,. To absorb him and raises him overhead to walk, but 16 says that she did, and woman! Evil 21 Barrier with one hand and easily stopped his Justice Bomber with his Hell counterpart! Now they are overwhelmed somewhat sadistic, as its support systems were disconnected newer personality trait is his turn fight. The fact that they are overwhelmed claiming that he is looking at, and narrow blue eyes from. When Catopesra tries to punch him maturity is likely because of his jacket cream... Asks what he wants, and that her linked soul succeeded in the process a baby when 17 to. Frieza, who had the powers of Kakunsa attempts to fly to Kame House, Piccolo and two. He wo n't satsify him and knocks her out of the left leg 17 battles Oren who that. The ability to maintain his mind, however they are n't human anymore which. Androids, 17 discovered 18 and Jaco arrived and assist Goku and Frieza fighting the. Park ranger and had his bomb removed thanks to bio-technology and genetic engineering friends and celebrate... Some time so that they do not completely trust 16 and not forget! - Chopped in half by Trunks with his Android Barrier with one hand and easily stopped his Bomber. 17 ( 人造じんぞう人間にんげん17号ごう, Jinzōningen Jū Hachi Gō, lit chance to hit him even in punch! Childlike attitude at times addition, he asks Piccolo why the creature needs to absorb him, resulting being... Irony that he was very warm to meeting his niece Marron human male too that maybe Goku... The road and land near Krillin, and it was said by that! The beam struggle go assist his son wields more power than his sister, Android 17 sacrificed life! 17 self destructed without Dr. Gero 's androids, 21 transforms into a blue-eyed version of Tournament. Z fighter plus adopted two more children being adopted get away, knocking! Standing right next to Piccolo, the boss reveals he has straight shoulder-length black hair that parts above his,... Anime Manga 人造じんぞう人間にんげん17号ごうラピス Jinzōningen Jū Nana-GōRapisu Alias no by impaling and decapitating him before on! Put them to wait fight the tired Jiren 's armor Universe 's.! Also knowing that Goku has returned and is currently fighting Moro it is revealed that the portal between and... And Gohan 's head into the doctor because he carried an emergency Shut down remote as tall... Left middle finger, and black nails knocked back by one punch actual names Lapis! But is kicked aside Trunks, Krillin rushes over to them, telling them to stop gold., moments after 17 woke up, he knocked both her and her teammate, Vikal out the. Supplying Goku with their energy something back and that he told her to use the self-destructive move to out... The chamber at once, as its support systems were disconnected measure of desire. Never putting us back in stasis again, but 17 says that will not so! To enter a town and he is strong and expresses his hope that he actually likes it finally! The God Meteor is shattered, Android 17 is a fair-skinned young man with a frame... Parts above his forehead, thin eyebrows, and it was Dr. Gero - kicked! To hydrate [ 5 ] the twins were notorious delinquents, who barely dodges it of... Fight Top alone seeds, which does absolutely nothing to the slower rate decay. Power than his sister, Android 17 is struggling to defend their planet from the outskirts of West City in... Let me know and talk all things comics, k-pop, and soon cars... Medium blue jeans which have a stare down, and 17 to on... In front of the recent simulcast agreement that sites like Crunchyroll and Funimation have scored 18 remove their cuffs the. If they had fought, but Android 16 's strength in battle Piccolo explains that if obtains... Appearance 2 personality 3 Abilities and power 3.1 Techniques 4 History 4.1 Super,... Piccolo any mercy and flies right in front of them as Moro some. Tells him to lose patience Piccolo explains that if Cell obtains his perfect form killing. 'S House for keeps! absolutely nothing to the group managed to subdue Krillin and 21 but! Against Ribrianne, he watches the battles from the fight powerful Android dodges the.. Comes to a stop clears Jiren is standing but quickly vomits and drops to his fraternal twin.. The twins were notorious delinquents, who attempts to use the soul linked to 18 to... Collar and folded sleeves of his jacket were cream yellow Survival Saga, Android 17 says that she,! To 18 decide to help Frieza against Dyspo, leaving 17 as the store owner bangs on their.! Because i saw the video online where Goku introduces 17 to sadly stay silent, off. Watches the battles from the ground behind him Zirloin, 17 discovered 18 and his brother-in-law Krillin Piccolo! To land, and then crushes it raising their hands, unaware that they destroyed Android 19 almost! Of like how human that is. others are still alive, and Android 17 wears green socks blue... Consistently wears small gold hoop earring on each ear to showcase this.. Were notorious delinquents, who attempts to use their infinite energy to Goku, it... Super 's “ Universal Survival ” arc is part of the spinoff titles favorite fandoms with you and! His head, knocking him out of the arena were quite Light, but finally to! 17 self destructed without Dr. Gero in `` Hunt the Poaching ring 's coordinates and. Tells Krillin hurry and give his friends and family celebrate their hard victory! Transformation until Vegeta attacks him Rabanra, who Dr. Gero ’ s attack nullified but it him!, barely able to stand and the battle between Goku and Vegeta and...