Pages in category "Operas by Francesco Cavalli" The following 27 pages are in this category, out of 27 total. His operas have a remarkably strong sense of dramatic effect as well as a great musical facility, and a grotesque humour which was characteristic of Italian grand opera down to the death of Alessandro Scarlatti. He established so great a reputation that he was summoned to Paris from 1660 (he revived his opera Xerse) until 1662, producing his Ercole amante. He wrote many popular works for the Venetian stage, including Didone, Egisto, Ormindo, Giasone and Calisto His other works include Eliogobalo, not performed during his lifetime. Bien avant sa parution sous le label Erato, le nouvel album de Philippe Jaroussky avait déjà fait parler de lui en raison de sa pochette qui pique la curiosité – et les yeux : Venise, un masque, l’assemblage exubérant de couleurs disparates… C’est finalement un bon avant-goût de ce que nous réserve ce disque. Le 28 novembre 1651, les spectateurs du Sant'Aponal viennent voir le dernier spectacle du tandem composé par le librettiste Giovanni Faustini et le compositeur Francesco Cavalli. He was popular by the name of Cavalli, which he acquired from his patron, Federico Cavalli. Il avait pris pour pseudonyme le nom d'un noble vénitien qui était son mécène. Monteverdi had moved to the city from Mantua and composed his last operas, Il ritorno d’Ulisse in patria and L’incoronazione di Poppea, for the Venetian theatre in the 1640s. There are a lot of well-known Francesco Cavalli operas out there so this list is a great way to learn about the ones you haven't heard of before. Créé à Venise au théâtre San Cassiano, carnaval le 1er mars 1641. Opera is an art form in which singers and musicians perform a dramatic work uniting text (called a libretto) and musical score, typically in a dramaturgical scenery Place. The early baroque period opera, La Calisto by Francesco Cavalli, was based on the myth of Callisto from Ovid's Metamorphoses.The opera premiered on Nov. 28, 1651, at the Teatro Sant 'Apollinare Public Opera House in Venice, Italy. [1], Cavalli's music was revived in the twentieth century. 1651, Francesco Cavalli présente La Calisto au public vénitien. Yet for centuries the Venetian operas themselves were almost forgotten. The leading composers of the period—Francesco Cavalli, Francesco Sacrati, Antonio Cesti, and … In December 1616 he became a singer in the choir of St. Mark’s, … He used the recitative to propel the story and made use of a new form of aria, a ‘da capo’ aria in two sections, where the first section is repeated at the end of the song. Francesco Cavalli was an Italian musical composer whose real name was Pier Francesco Caletti-Bruni. Tremendously popular during his lifetime, he was soon forgotten after his death, and his operas vanished from the stage until their resurrection toward the end of the twentieth century. Opera by the great composer Francesco Cavalli based on the life of the Roman emperor Heliogabalus. Cavalli was briefly known for his out of world oper… 8. The discography is extensive and Cavalli has featured in BBC Radio 3's Composer of the Week series.[1]. Cavalli's operas provide the only example of a continuous musical development of a single composer in a single genre from the early to the late 17th century in Venice — only a few operas by others (e.g., Monteverdi and Antonio Cesti) survive. He became a singer (soprano) at St Mark's Basilica in Venice in 1616, where he had the opportunity to work under the tutorship of Claudio Monteverdi. He actively showcased his talent in Vienna and Paris. He took the name "Cavalli" from his patron, Venetian nobleman Federico Cavalli. Cavalli was the most influential composer in the rising genre of public opera in mid-17th-century Venice. It was designated as a... Ormindo is an opera in three acts and a Prologue by Francesco Cavalli to an original Italian... Pompeo Magno is an opera in three acts by Francesco Cavalli. Libretto. List of popular Francesco Cavalli operas, listed alphabetically with photos when available. Caletti, was probably his first music teacher. Musicopolis vous fait découvrir cette oeuvre, La Calisto. Francesco Cavalli (born Pietro Francesco Caletti-Bruni 14 February 1602 – 14 January 1676) was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period. Pier Francesco Caletti Bruni dit CAVALLI 14 février 1602 (Crema) – 14 janvier 1676 (Venise) (*) Cette illustration est extraite de l’Enciclopedia italiana di scienze, … He began to write for the stage in 1639 (Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo) soon after the first public opera house opened in Venice, the Teatro San Cassiano. He is chiefly remembered for his operas. Giasone from Pier Francesco Cavalli. Cast. Success and affluence followed him like a river and spending time in the theater was his in-thing. It was designated as a... Elena is a dramma per musica in a prologue and three acts by Francesco Cavalli, set to a... Eliogabalo is an opera by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli based on the life of the... Ercole amante is an opera in a prologue and five acts by Francesco Cavalli. Francesco Cavalli. He is chiefly remembered for his operas. This Francesco Cavalli operas list includes the names of all Francesco Cavalli operas, so if you're an opera lover you might recognize many of these historic operas. A selection of 23 arias, duets and ensembles drawn from the extant operas of Francesco Cavalli, edited and with translations by Oliver Doyle. Cavalli's father, G.B. This list answers the question, "Which operas did Francesco Cavalli write?". This famous Francesco Cavalli operas list contains various bits of information, such as what language they were composed in and what genre the popular Francesco Cavalli opera falls under. Artemisia is an opera in three acts and a prologue by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli... Ciro is an opera in three acts and a prologue by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli in... Didone is an opera by Francesco Cavalli, set to a libretto by Giovanni Francesco Busenello.... Doriclea is an opera in three acts and a prologue by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli... Egisto is an opera in a prologue and three acts by Francesco Cavalli. In addition to operas, Cavalli wrote settings of the Magnificat in the grand Venetian polychoral style, settings of the Marian antiphons, other sacred music in a more conservative manner – notably a Requiem Mass in eight parts (SSAATTBB), probably intended for his own funeral – and some instrumental music. Caletti, was probably his first music teacher. Italian composer Francesco Cavalli (1602–76) was the most performed opera composer of the generation after Monteverdi and a key figure of musical life in 17th-century Venice. The libretto is... Giasone is an opera in three acts and a prologue with music by Francesco Cavalli and a... Gli amori d'Apollo e di Dafne is an opera by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli. Monteverdi’s pupil Cavalli carried on the operatic tradition, and wrote around 32 operas between 1639-73. Cavalli was born at Crema, Lombardy. List ranges from Elena to Xerse, plus much more. There are a lot of well-known Francesco Cavalli operas out there so this list is a great way to learn about the ones you haven't heard of before. In addition, nine other operas have been attributed to him, though the music is lost and attribution impossible to prove. His real name was Pietro Francesco Caletti-Bruni, but he is better known by that of Cavalli, the name of his patron Federico Cavalli, a Venetian nobleman. It was designated as a... Eritrea is an opera in three acts by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli. His operas are full of fantasy, craziness, humour and emotion. Francesco Dalla Vecchia, “The Forms of Cavalli’s Aria: le vende per misteri e son canzoni.” Amazon 2011, Francesco Dalla Vecchia, “Key Symbolism in Cavalli's Arias: ma su qual voce canti ed in qual tuono?” Amazon 2011, This page was last edited on 29 December 2020, at 23:02. His operas are full of fantasy, craziness, humour and emotion. In 1639 and 1665 Francesco Cavalliacted as the second organist at St. Mark’s. His real name was Pietro Francesco Caletti-Bruni, but he is better known by that of Cavalli, the name of his patron, a Venetian nobleman. The Italian... Erismena is an opera in a prologue and three acts by Francesco Cavalli. Fue, junto a Monteverdi, el compositor de ópera más importante del siglo XVII. The son of Gian Battista Caletti-Bruni, he assumed the name of his Venetian patron Federico Cavalli. In his lifetime, Cavalli gained immense popularity, especially in the field of operas. Composer. Cavalli's father, G.B. Francesco Cavalli. After Monteverdi's death, Francesco Cavalli became the leading opera composer in Venice. Here he takes on the music of Francesco Cavalli in a wonderful collection that can serve as an introduction to this composer as well as a display of Jaroussky's vocal gifts; many of Cavalli's operas are sampled. Cavalli’s operas, which share some of the most outstanding features of Monteverdi’s, provide a treasure trove of material waiting to be performed. Copies of some of the operas also exist in other locations. Biographie. Cavalli wrote forty-one operas, twenty-seven of which are extant, being preserved in the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Library of St Mark) in Venice. He took the name "Cavalli" from his patron, Venetian nobleman Federico Cavalli. Francesco Cavalli, de son vrai nom Pier Francesco Caletti-Bruni (né le 14 février 1602 à Crema, dans la province de Crémone, en Lombardie - mort le 14 janvier 1676 à Venise) est un compositeur et organiste italien. He began to write for the stage in 1639 (Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo) soon after the first public opera house opened in Venice. . [7] Cavalli was born at Crema, Lombardy. [ PDF] - Francesco Cavalli (14 February 1602 ? Most of his known work include countable of voices followed by musical instruments. Opéra en trois actes avec prologue, chanté en italien, d'après un livret de Giovanni Francesco Busenello. Tremendously popular during his lifetime, he was soon forgotten after his death, and his operas vanished from the stage until their resurrection toward the end of the twentieth century. Francesco Cavalli, Jean-Baptiste Lully - Xerxes frontespizio.jpg 2,728 × 4,224; 925 KB It was designated as a dramma per... Rosinda is an opera in three acts and a prologue by the Italian composer Francesco Cavalli... Scipione affricano is an opera in a prologue and three acts by Francesco Cavalli. Some of them include The Marriage of Peleus and Thetis and Egisto. His most important follower Francesco Cavalli helped spread opera throughout Italy. Francesco Cavalli, the most important Italian composer of opera in the mid-17th century. da Fonseca-Wollheim, Corinna (2013-03-08). } Dive into the world’s largest online video library of operas! The development is particularly interesting to scholars because opera was still quite a new medium when Cavalli began working, and had matured into a popular public spectacle by the end of his career. The Glyndebourne production of La Calisto is an example. He died in Venice at the age of 73. Francesco Cavalli. Il avait pris pour pseudonyme le nom d'un noble vénitien qui était son mécène. They offer a variety we don’t find in the opera seria of the 18th century.” Francesco Cavalli (1602–76) is an important figure in the history of opera and his works, which first experienced a revival in the 1960s, have been growing in currency in recent years. Born: Crema, Lombardy, 14 February 1602; Died: Venice, 14 January 1676; Operas: Le nozze di Teti e i Peleo (1639) Gli amori d’Apollo e di Daphne (1640) La Didone (1641) L’amore innamorato (1642) Narciso et Ecco immortalati (1642) La virtù dei strali d’Amore (1642) L’Egisto (1643) Media in category "Operas by Francesco Cavalli" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total. Cavalli wrote thirty-three operas, twenty-seven of which are still extant, being preserved in the Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana (Library of St Mark) at Venice. Premiere. He became a singer at St Mark's in Venice in 1616, second organist in 1639, first organist in 1665, and in 1668 maestro di cappella. The new critical edition Francesco Cavalli – Opere will attempt to fi ll the need for reliable sourcebased editions as well as dependable performance materials. He then served as the first organist and later as the maestro di Capella. Time. This famous Francesco Cavalli operas list contains various bits of information, such as what language they were composed in and what genre the popular Francesco Cavalli opera falls under. Copies of some of the operas also exist in other locations. } Francesco Cavalliprotagoniza esta selección excepcional con sus óperas interpretadas por los intérpretes más destacados de la escena lírica mundial. Francesco Cavalli (born Pietro Francesco Caletti-Bruni 14 February 1602 – 14 January 1676) was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period. Cavalli was born at Crema, Lombardy. Francesco Cavalli (14 de fevereiro de 1602 — 14 de janeiro de 1676) foi um compositor italiano do início do período Barroco.O seu nome, Pietro Francesco Caletti-Bruni, é mais conhecido de Cavalli, o nome do seu patrono, um nobre veneziano.Cavalli foi um parceiro próximo (e talvez aluno) de Claudio Monteverdi, cuja morte o fez assumir a liderança entre os compositores e músicos de Veneza. Cavalli, Pier Francesco [6] More recently, Hipermestra was performed at Glyndebourne in 2017. It was never staged and was replaced by another opera of the same name by Giovanni Antonio Boretti. Eliogabalo was first performed in 1999, in Crema, Italy. Francesco Cavalli, de son vrai nom Pier Francesco Caletti-Bruni (né le 14 février 1602 à Crema, dans la province de Crémone, en Lombardie - mort le 14 janvier 1676 à Venise) est un compositeur et organiste italien. This list may not reflect recent changes (). They offer a variety we don’t find in the opera seria of the 18th century.” Francesco Cavalli (1602–76) is an important figure in the history of opera and his works, which first experienced a revival in the 1960s, have been growing in currency in recent years. After Monteverdi's death, Francesco Cavalli became the leading opera composer in Venice. Francesco Cavalli (14 February 1602 – 14 January 1676) was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period., Unsung: Rediscovering the Operas of Francesco Cavalli, "Hipermestra review – Cavalli comes in from the cold",,, International Music Score Library Project,, Wikipedia articles incorporating a citation from the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica with Wikisource reference, Wikipedia articles incorporating text from the 1911 Encyclopædia Britannica, Articles with International Music Score Library Project links, Wikipedia articles with CANTIC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with Trove identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Venice, Teatro Santi Giovanni e Paolo or Teatro San Cassiano, Giacinto Andrea Cicognini and Giulio Strozzi. Cavalli introduced melodious arias into his music and popular types into his libretti. In addition, two last operas (Coriolano and Masenzio), which are clearly attributed to him, are lost, as well as twelve other operas that have been attributed to him, though the music is lost and attribution impossible to prove. 14 January 1676) was an Italian composer of the early Baroque period. Unlike Monteverdi's early operas, scored for the extravagant court orchestra of Mantua, Cavalli's operas make use of a small orchestra of strings and basso continuo to meet the limitations of public opera houses. This volume was made possible by the generosity of the Cavalli Charity, which seeks to advance learning and education in the field of early music. Lists that rank the greatest works, composers, and musicians by instrument. Le nozze di Teti e di Peleo is an opera by Francesco Cavalli - specifically, an opera scenica... 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