Lexikon des Mittelalters. the period between A.D. 300 and 1500. 1-7 (1567 col.): Erzkanzler-Goslar (March 1987 … Historically the works range from the Late Antiquity to about Lexikon des Mittelalters (10 vols.) ; Angermann, Norbert [Hrsg. Genre/Form: Dictionaries: Additional Physical Format: Online version: Lexikon des Mittelalters. Das Lexikon des Mittelalters ist ein deutschsprachiges Nachschlagewerk zur Geschichte und Kultur des Mittelalters in neun Bänden und einem Registerband. IV-X), Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum, Corpus Latinum Commentariorum in Aristotelem Graecorum. © 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. Abstract. Historically the works range from the Late Antiquity to about 1500, covering the Byzantine Empire and the Arab world . ; Auty, Robert [Hrsg.] The Lexikon des Mittelalters covers all aspects of the history of the European Middle Ages, viz. Mit seinen 24.000 Stichwörtern dokumentiert das Lexikon des Mittelalters alle Fakten und Zusammenhänge zur gesamten Epoche. Series C: Prints, Papers on Archaeology from The Leiden Museum of Antiquities, Philosophie hellénistique et romaine / Hellenistic and Roman Philosophy, Philosophy in the Abrahamic Traditions of the Middle Ages, Les Principaux Manuscrits à Peinture de la Bibliothèque Royale de Belgique, The Print Collection of the Royal Library of Belgium, Proceedings of the International Summer School on Christian Apocryphal Literature E-book Only, Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, Les Pseudépigraphes de l'Ancien Testament, Publications de l'Association Internationale d'Etudes Occitanes, Publications du Centre Européen d’Etudes Bourguignonnes (XIVe-XVIe s.), Publications du Centre de recherches archéologiques et historiques anciennes et médiévales, Publications du Comité des Fouilles Belges en Egypte, Publications du comité national de Logique, d'Histoire et de Phil. © 2002-2015 Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. B. Metzler. Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. "[4], The CD-ROM edition was chosen as one of the "Selected Reference Books of 2001-2002" by College & Research Libraries. Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. Supplementa, Corpus of 15th-Century Painting in the Former Southern Netherlands, Corpus of Cuneiform Texts in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, A Corpus of Drawings in Midwestern Collections, Corpus of Gothic Sculpture in American Collections, Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in American Collections, Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages, Dictionary of Medieval Latin from British Sources - online, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques – Fascicules, Dictionnaire d’histoire et de géographie ecclésiastiques - online, Dictionnaire d’Histoire et de Géographie Ecclésiastiques – Volumes, Dictionnaire des philosophes antiques - online, Distinguished Contributions to the Study of the Arts in the Burgundian Netherlands, Durham Medieval and Renaissance Monographs and Essays, Durham Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Translations, Durham Publications in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, Église, liturgie et société dans l'Europe moderne, Encyclopaedic Prosopographical Lexicon of Byzantine History and Civilization, Environmental Histories of the North Atlantic World, Etudes (Institut Historique belge de Rome), Études de Philologie, d'Archéologie et d'Histoire Anciennes, European Yearbook of the History of Psychology, Farrago. Be the first. Lexikon des Mittelalters. The Lexikon des Mittelalters ("Lexicon of the Middle Ages", LMA, LexMA) is a German encyclopedia on the history and culture of the Middle Ages.Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. Its Editorial Board comprises scholars from universities in Europe (Hamburg, Oxford, Leeds, Poitiers and Budapest) and the United States (UCLA, Yale and Columbia). Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. The Lexikon des Mittelalters (LexMA) is the standard encyclopaedia for Medieval Studies and is an indispensable tool for medievalists across all disciplines. The first six volumes were published by Artemis (later Artemis & Winkler), Munich and Zürich; volumes seven through nine by LexMA, Munich. We haven't found any reviews in the usual places. Holmes, in The English Historical Review, foresaw that the entire encyclopedia would be "a valuable reference work of a kind which medievalists hitherto lacked. Brepolis portal. Wie schon beim Kleinen Pauly wurde auf eine gebundene Ausgabe verzichtet, und stattdessen eine Paperback Ausgabe heruasgegeben. Stuttgart and Weimar: J. The Lexikon des Mittelalters ("Lexicon of the Middle Ages", LMA, LexMA) is a German encyclopedia on the history and culture of the Middle Ages. Tome IV, fascicules 8-10. Zweiter Band, 2210 col. (May 1981-November 1983): Bettlerwesen-Codex von Valencia. The first six volumes were published by Artemis (later Artemis & Winkler), Munich and Zürich; volumes seven through nine by LexMA, Munich. Add tags for "Lexikon des Mittelalters. Bautier, Robert-Henri [Hrsg.] The Lexikon des Mittelalters ("Lexicon of the Middle Ages", LMA, LexMA) is a German encyclopedia on the history and culture of the Middle Ages. It will consist of 5 volumes of 1128 pages each, followed by separate indexes. Dritter Band, 2208 col. (May 1984-June 1986): Codex Wintoniensis- Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen). "Lexikon Des Mittelalters-I: Islam" published on 01 Jan 1983 by Brill.

”“The unsurpassed heuristic work of medieval German studies - indispensable for all medieval disciplines including even the history of medicine. - 2021-01-19T05:32:33 Der Schlüssel zur Welt des Mittelalters. Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. Vierter Band, Lief. In view of the present stage of publication its completion may be expected in the early nineties. The Lexikon des Mittelalters Online is fully integrated with the International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages (IEMA), a new encyclopaedia offering supplements that complete or supplement the coverage already offered by LexMA. Series B: Natural History, The Paper Museum of Cassiano dal Pozzo. More info about Linked Data Erster Band, 2110 col. (Oct.1977-Nov.1980): Aachen-Bettelordenskirchen. LexMA & IEMA are part of the cluster Brepolis Medieval Encyclopaedias. In 2000, an electronic (standalone) edition of the Lexikon was published on CD-ROM by Brepols. Based upon the most important encyclopaedia in the world for medievalists (published in German between 1977 and 1999), LexMA’s 36,700 signed articles written by 3,000 authors covers all aspects of medieval studies within the period 300 to 1500. 3 Codex Wintoniensis bis Erziehungs- und Bildungswesen". It deals with all branches of Medieval Studies and covers the period from 300 to 1500 AD for the whole of … Brepolis is the home of all online projects of Brepols Publishers and its partners, aimed at the international community of humanities scholars.. Brepolis est le site des projets en ligne de Brepols Publishers et de ses partenaires, destiné à la communauté internationale de la recherche et des études en sciences humaines.. Philologie et typographie néolatines, Felsina Pittrice: The Lives of the Bolognese Painters, Geography and Cartography (Outside a Series), Giornale Italiano di Filologia - Bibliotheca, Gouden Eeuw. Article Lexikon des Mittelalters was published on 01 Aug 1991 in the journal Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung (Volume 108, Issue 1). © 2021 Brepols Publishers NV/SA - All Rights Reserved. 1787: Stichwörter von HieraMittel bis Lukanien 12208 . The first volume was widely praised upon publication; G.A. Es wurde von einem internationalen Autorenteam erstellt, von Robert-Henri Bautier mit Gloria Avella-Widhalm und Robert Auty herausgegeben und umfasst über 36.000 Artikel. Confirm this request. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. 1 and Vol. New Perspectives on Dutch Seventeenth-Century Art, Greek Language & Literature (Outside a Series), Harvey Miller - Art History (Outside a Series), Harvey Miller Studies in the History of Culture, Histoires de famille. Missing or empty |title= Template documentation. Der Registerband erschließt diese Fülle an Informationen. © 2001-2021, Brepols Publishers NV - All rights reserved. Archaeology and Material culture in the Low Countries, Medieval and Post-Medieval Mediterranean Archaeology, Medieval Identities: Socio-Cultural Spaces, Medieval Latin & Vernacular Literature: Studies (Outside a Series), Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe, MediTo - Archaeological and Historical Landscapes of Mediterranean Central Italy, Modern & Contemporary History (Outside a Series), Monumenta Musicae Byzantinae - Corpus Scriptorum de Re Musica, Music History and Performance: Practices in Context, Musique : Sources – Recherche – Interprétation, The Normativity of Sacred Images in Early Modern Europe, Nouvelle histoire de la littérature latine, Oudheidkundige mededelingen van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden, Outremer. The Lexikon des Mittelalters (Lexicon of the Middle Ages, LMA, LexMA) is a German encyclopedia on the history and culture of the Middle Ages. ]: Contents. 11 reveal how research and presentation methods have become more precise. Lexikon des Mittelalters: Hiera-Mittel bis Lukanien. Etudes de castellologie médiévale, Classical Language & Literature (Outside a Series), Collectionner la musique - Collecting Music, Collections of the National Museum of Antiquities at Leiden, Comparative Rural History Network- Publications, Contributions to the Study of the Flemish Primitives, Corpus architecturae religiosae europeae (saec. Studies in Byzantine History and Civilization, Cappellae Apostolicae Sixtinaeque Collectanea, Acta, Monumenta, Catalogue des manuscrits notés du Moyen Age conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France, Catalogue of Byzantine Manuscripts in their Liturgical Context, Catalogue of Early Netherlandish Painting: Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Catalogue of Medieval Manuscripts of Latin Commentaries on Aristotle in British Libraries, Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum, La Chanson de Roland - The Song of Roland: The French Corpus, Château Gaillard. (*) Prices in Euro, excluding taxes and shipping costs. History and Influence, A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in France, Théorie de l'art (1400-1800) / Art Theory (1400-1800), Thesaurus formarum totius latinitatis a Plauto usque ad saeculum XXum, Thesaurus Linguae Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi, Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge Occidental, Ut per litteras apostolicas ... Papal Letters - CD/DVD, Ut per litteras apostolicas ... Papal Letters - online, Westfield Publications in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, XIX: Studies in 19th-Century Art and Visual Culture, Medieval & Renaissance History (c.400-1500), Lexikon des Mittelalters Online + International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages (2020), Lexikon des Mittelalters Online + International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages (2021). Based upon the mast important encyclopaedia in the world far medievalists (published in German between 1 g77 and lggg), LexMA's 36,700 signed articles Seit den 70er Jahren wurde nun am "Lexikon des Mittelalters" gearbeitet, doch leider lag dieses in einer für Privatpersonen zu hohen Preisregion. The Lexikon des Mittelalters ("Lexicon of the Middle Ages", LMA, LexMA) is a German encyclopedia on the history and culture of the Middle Ages. Der Registerband erschließt diese Fülle an Informationen. Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. You may have already requested this item. Linked Data. Lexikon des Mittelalters is the online version of an encyclopaedia published between 1980 and 1999 which deals with all branches of Medieval Studies and covers the period from 300 to 1500 AD/CE for the whole of Europe and parts of the Middle East and North Africa. J.B. Metzler, 1999 - Middle Ages. Written by authors from all over the world, it comprises more than 36,000 articles in 9 volumes. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France, Marcel Proust. Lexikon des Mittelalters LexMA-- online Vol/date range Began in 2000s. Er bietet ein alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Verweisstichwörter mit Band- It deals with all branches of Medieval Studies and covers the period from 300 to 1500 AD for the whole of … La parenté au Moyen Age, History of the Christian Church (Outside a Series), Illuminated Manuscripts and Incunabula in Cambridge, An Index of Images in English Manuscripts from Chaucer to Henry VIII, Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi, Inner and Central Asian Art and Archaeology, International Bibliography of Humanism and the Renaissance - online, International Center for Medieval Art : Monographs, International Federation of Rock Art Organisations, International Medieval Bibliography - CD/DVD, International Medieval Bibliography - online, International Medieval Bibliography - printed version, Inventaris van het Kunstpatrimonium van de Provincie Antwerpen, Journal for the History of Environment and Society, The Journal of Inner Asian Art and Archaeology, Judaïsme ancien et origines du christianisme, Knowledge, Scholarship, and Science in the Middle Ages, Language: Grammars & Dictionaries (Outside a Series), Latin Language & Literature (Outside a Series), Latin Works of Raimundus Lullus in Catalan, Manuscripta Publications in Manuscript Research, Manuscrits en caractères hébreux conservés dans les bibliothèques publiques de France. In order to assess the value of It will consist of 5 volumes … The International Encyclopaedia for the Middle Ages (IEMA) – A Supplement to Lexikon des Mittelalters is produced under the joint auspices of the Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at UCLA and Brepols Publishers. Cahiers 1 à 75 de la Bibliothèque nationale de France - Edition critique, Medieval and Early Modern Political Theology, Medieval and Modern Matters. In case a price is not available, please contact us for a quote. 330-331 Catalogues, Manuscrits enluminés des anciens Pays-Bas méridionaux, Manuscrits enluminés d'origine germanique, Marcel Proust. What people are saying - Write a review. Historically the works range from the Late Antiquity to about 1500, covering the Byzantine Empire and the Arab world. the period between 300 and 1500 A.D. 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