Prop 24 is written to make it extremely hard for legislators to pass new legislation regulating consumer privacy in the future. This reform will restore $6.5 billion to $11.5 billion of critically needed funds for schools and local community services without raising taxes on homeowners, renters, or small businesses. The officeholder is the first in the line of succession to the presidency and holds legislative authority as the president of the Senate. Another tax. The President of the United States is the head of the Executive branch of the federal government, and the Commander-in-Chief for all branches of the armed forces. In our research, we did not find a connection between Arnold and any of the three pre-trial assessment service providers that have been approved for use under SB 10, which are Journal Technologies Inc., FivePoint Solutions, and Equivant. As soon as a person completes their sentence in prison, they are released into their parole period in order to reintegrate into society. While Prop 19 does eliminate a $1 million property tax exemption for parent-to-child transfers and could potentially generate state revenue that would be distributed to fire protection agencies and schools, this amendment is being paired with the primary tax break for longtime homeowners to make it more appealing. – This is scare tactic used by large commercial property owners to avoid paying their fair share. A "no" vote opposed adopting a city council ordinance to rezone 176.6 acres in northeastern Oceanside to Planned Development to allow for the North River Farms development project, thereby blocking the North River Farms development project and leaving the land zoned for Agricultural, which allows crop-producing activities and limited residential development with minimum lot sizes of … North River Farms "includes housing that is priced for our critical workforce, folks like nurses, firefighters and teachers, who often cannot afford housing near where they work," she said. The bail bond industry is directly responsible for placing Prop 25 on the ballot and calling SB 10 into question. Additionally, Prop 22 would restrict local regulation of app-based drivers and would criminalize the impersonation of drivers. Nearly two-thirds of the jail population—nearly 48,000 people—are incarcerated pretrial, and California’s average bail is $50,000, more than five times the national average. Voting is a right, not privilege. The nonpartisan Public Policy Institute of California found that Prop 47, which Prop 20 attempts to roll back, not only decreased racial disparities in bookings and arrests, but also found that violent crimes did not increase after it was passed. Representatives are elected to the Assembly for a two-year term. Proposition 19 asks voters to amend sections of 1978’s Proposition 13 to increase the number of times a property tax base can be transferred to three times for long. The new lawsuit claims the referendum is "an unlawful exercise of local referendum power" and that, if passed, it would violate rights granted the developer when the Oceanside City Council voted last year to allow the project on farmland previously zoned for lots no smaller than 2.5 acres. Based on our Courage Score analysis, Rep. Horvath has supported few progressive bills that made it to a vote. Rep. Levin’s priorities for CA-49 this year have included removing nuclear waste, researching the gun violence epidemic, and a variety of land and water conservation projects in the district. "Colleges and universities would be able to use racial quotas." 19-OR0729-1, rezoning approximately 176.6 acres in northeastern Oceanside to implement the North River Farms project, be … Vote NO on North River Farms. California has 53 congressional representatives. In addition to various types of housing, the farm-themed development would include a boutique hotel, retail stores, an education center, and 85 acres of open space and agricultural uses such as community gardens. Just say No! After voting in favor of the Defense of Marriage Act in 1996, he was the first member of the Obama Administration to advocate for marriage equality in 2012. Subsequently, the Oceanside City Council established a permitting process for some medical cannabis businesses, and for cannabis cultivation in the agricultural zone. Critics of Proposition 21 argue that the initiative would hurt housing affordability in the long term by limiting the supply of apartments. "It will better safeguard consumers’ information." As of October 12th, Democratic challenger Vice President Joe Biden is leading Republican incumbent President Donald Trump in the polls by an average national margin of 9.2% (as of 10/24/20). A Vice President serves four year terms, and there is no term limit for this position. Second, while judges are not required to adhere by the risk scores findings in their determination of pretrial release or pretrial detention, this is not an expansion of judicial discretion from the current system. Challenger Maryott’s campaign has not committed to refusing police, fossil fuel, or corporate PAC money. She is the daughter of a Jamiacan father and an Indian mother who both emigrated to the Bay Area in the 1960s, and established themselves as activists in the Civil Rights movement in Oakland. Opposition to Prop 16 is sponsored by Students for Fair Admissions, Inc., which contributed to the Californians for Equal Rights committee. City of Oceanside - Measure L . California is one of the 31 states that do not automatically restore voting rights upon completion of a person’s sentence. The UC Berkeley Labor Center released a report that estimates Prop 22’s “pay guarantee” for their Uber and Lyft drivers would only end up being $5.64 per hour after accounting for all the expenses that drivers are responsible for themselves. Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is from Scranton, PA, and moved to Claymont, DE with his family when he was 10 years old. Arnold has been sued for a judge’s use of PSA resulting in a murder by the released suspect. There are no recorded contributions in support of or opposition to Prop 18. Prop 20 would expand the list of offenses that disqualify inmates from a parole program, consider an individual’s collective criminal history and not just their most recent offense, and impose stronger restrictions for a nonviolent offender’s parole program. He has been a resident of Wilmington, DE, for most of his adult life. He has apologized publicly for this behavior, and stated an understanding of his responsibility to conform to more modern social norms in his interactions with women. Sen. Harris’ interest in justice and equal rights was instilled at a young age when she participated in civil rights protests in Oakland alongside her activist parents, and was further shaped when she was included in the second class of students to be bussed as part of Berkley’s efforts toward school integration. She has been an outspoken opponent of the Trump Administration, and has deftly used her position on the Senate Judiciary Committee to question judicial nominees and interrogate the hypocrisy of her Republican colleagues. In this role, the Vice President presides over Senate deliberations and can cast a tie-breaking vote in close decisions. However, the threat of Republican challenger and strong Trump supporter Maryott’s potential policies greatly outweighs Rep. Levin’s moderate voting record and connection to police organizations. Proposition 18 asks California voters to amend the Constitution of California to allow 17-year-olds to vote in the primary election if they will turn 18 by the following general election. Proposition 15 asks California voters to raise an estimated $6.4 billion to $11.5 billion in funding for local schools and governments by increasing property taxes on commercial and industrial properties based on current market value instead of the price they were purchased for. Insurances like Medi-Cal pay less for dialysis treatments than private insurance, which is why corporations like DaVita and Fresenius are spending millions to oppose this proposition. The California State Assembly has 80 districts. As of October 12th, Democratic challenger Vice President Joe Biden is leading Republican incumbent President Donald Trump in the polls by an average national margin of 9.2% (as of 10/24/20). This term, Democrats currently hold a two-thirds supermajority of 61 seats in the California State Assembly, while Republicans hold 17 seats. Proposition 21: Everything you need to know. A person who experiences homelessness will cost taxpayers an average of $35,578, and chronic homelessness generally costs around $100,000. Prop 15’s main opponents include realty and industrial property owners, while the California Teachers Association and SEIU California State Council are main supporters. Find out how to vote in San Diego County. Vice Presidential candidates are elected indirectly as a part of the Presidential ticket in the general election. The CIRM ran out of the original Prop 71 funds in 2019 and has not been funding new projects since then. This greatly reduces the overall role that a judge currently plays in the pretrial incarceration system. California law recognizes two types of cities-general law and charter cities. Prop 22 forces drivers to work more than 39 hours a week to qualify for the health stipend, so many workers would never even qualify for the stipend. -- FALSE. Additionally, Prop 21 would allow rent in rent-controlled properties to increase up to 15 percent over a period of three years with the start of a new tenancy. -- FALSE. However, Vice President Biden has not apologized for his continued defense of collaborating with these segregationist colleagues, and maintains broad support in the Black community. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. Racial quotas for university admissions have been outlawed as unconstitutional since Regents of the University of California v. Bakke in 1978. The new judicial transparency requirement makes it easier for an individual to appeal a judge’s preventative detention decision. In Los Angeles County, there are major concerns about how the implementation of a state-mandated pretrial incarceration program could interfere with their major strides in redressing the harms done to communities by an unfair justice system. Realtor associations have contributed $36,270,000 in support of Prop 19. Passing Prop 25 will permanently end their influence in the political process. Pfizer, her husband’s employer as of July 2020, has made multiple donations to the campaign. Association for L.A. Deputy Sheriffs, L.A. Police Protective League, and the Peace Officers Research Association of California all support and have heavily financed Prop 20. The Coast News asked each of … If passed, Prop 20 increases penalties for low-level offenses and would create a state database that collects DNA samples from persons convicted of specified misdemeanors for us. They have also pledged $25 million in coronavirus aid. In Maine and Vermont, there are no laws that disenfranchise and discriminate against people with criminal convictions even when they’re still serving out their sentences. Keep reading for progressive recommendations in other key races and on ballot measures where your vote can make a critical difference. President Trump is endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Citizens United, Proud Boys, and a variety of law enforcement organizations. She has also worked with the World Bank, the Brookings Institution, and Amnesty International, and taught public policy at The New School and University of California--San Diego. Gaspar’s campaign has raised $522,602, has not committed to any campaign finance pledges, and is endorsed by the San Diego Deputy District Attorneys Association, San Diego Probation Officers Association, Deputy Sheriffs’ Association of San Diego County, San Diego District Attorney Investigators Association, Southern California Rental Housing Association, Greater San Diego Association of Realtors, and North County Realtors. "We brought forth this claim, which we believe is the first of its kind, to challenge the referendum and support the lawmakers — on both the local and state levels," said North River Farms project manager Ninia Hammond by email Friday. Shall Ordinance No. "Prop 22 will guarantee 120% of minimum wage to all drivers." They also say it would ruin a large part of the last farmland remaining in coastal North County. As Vice President, he was responsible for managing the 2009 economic recovery, helping to expand health care through the Affordable Care Act, and acting as the administration’s liaison to the Senate. In contrast to Rep. Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Levin voted in favor of passing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, in support of making emergency appropriations during the 2019 fiscal year, and in favor of Restoring the Tax Fairness for States and Localities Act. Probation supervision has been historically used for people who have been convicted and are released, and SB 10 expands that pool of people to those who are accused but not convicted. Presidential administrations are responsible for both foreign and domestic policy priorities. Additionally, Prop 24 caters to tech companies by allowing them to upload a California resident’s personal information as soon as that resident’s device, computer, or phone leaves the state’s borders, and permits tech companies to completely ignore a programmable universal electronic “do not sell my information” signal. The next largest donor is John Arnold of Arnold Ventures and the Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Prop 23 would add sections to the California Health and Safety Code about how dialysis facilities can operate, requiring a physician to be on-site at every dialysis clinic to oversee operations, and mandating that each chronic dialysis clinic submit quarterly reports on dialysis-related infections to the California Department of Health. "Removes a landlord’s right to profit." The top donor in opposition to Prop 25 is Triton Management Services, LLC, the parent company of Aladdin Bail Bonds. -- FALSE AB 1482 only affects residential properties built after 2005, and according to Zillow’s analysis, only 7 percent of renters would have benefited from AB 1482’s rent cap in 2018. Code section 66300, which prohibits cities, counties, or the electorate by initiative or referendum from reducing the intensity of a housing use or imposing any restriction or limitation on housing development," Hammond said. -- FALSE. Vice President Biden’s campaign has raised $952 million (as of 10/14/20) and is not funded by fossil fuel money. A coalition called California Consumer and Privacy Advocates Against Prop 24 has been registered in opposition, with $20,000 contributed by California Nurses Association. This is not true of Prop 24. The people are going to win every time,” said Kathryn Carbone with No on L. According to the San Diego Union Tribune , Integral Communities, the developer of … The Costa-Hawkins Rental Housing Act prohibits rent control on residential properties built after February 1, 1995. "California just passed AB 1482, which went into effect in January of this year, so California doesn’t need any more rent laws." One of the most contentious ballot measures in North County this election is undoubtedly Measure L in Oceanside. "It's starting to smell like pure harassment, with a well-funded Goliath trying to take out the Davids who have exercised their right to put this on the ballot," Scott said by email Friday. However, her lenient approach to policing was often punctuated by decidedly progressive support for social justice issues, including the establishment of an education and workforce reentry program designed to diminish recidivism. -- FALSE. Probation violations are a primary driver of incarceration in LA, and in Sacramento under SB 10, initial data indicates that 30-40% of people released end up rearrested and 90%+ of those that are released have high conditions of release. Prop 15 is a way to invest in our communities without having to raise taxes on small businesses, renters, and homeowners. Those elected in or after 2012 are allowed to serve 12 years total across both the State Senate and Assembly. Her No votes include prohibiting landlords from rejecting applicants based on Section 8 status, capping rent increases and requiring landlords to provide just cause before evictions, allowing the sponsorship of public banks, restoring voting rights for people on parole, and repealing sentencing enhancements for those with prior offenses. Under Prop. Her campaign has accepted $108,400 from pharmaceutical companies and other health interests and over $50,000 from real estate and property development/management interests. This will be framed as a significant precedent for opponents of criminal-justice reform to use in lobbying and legal arguments to keep the system intact in the future. OCEANSIDE — Twelve people, including three current councilmembers and a former state assembly member, are vying for the mayor’s seat. Both InstaCart and Postmates have contributed $27 and $11 million each respectively, for a grand total of over $187 million in support of Prop 22. International Brotherhood of Teamsters, United Food & Commercial Workers International Union, Service Employees International Union, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 770, and SEIU-UWH Political Issues Committee have contributed a total of $5.5 million in opposition to Prop 22. Stem cell research has the potential to lead to groundbreaking medical treatments, which we need more than ever in the face of COVID-19. California should maintain net neutrality so people do not have to pay for companies to safeguard their personal information. Organized opposition to Prop 25 from grassroots groups is strongest in Los Angeles County, where community leaders have been most successful in partnering with county officials to design and implement community-based alternatives to the incarceration system. "I can only hope that all the Oceanside High school students, student athletes, their families, and my OUSD colleagues will continue to hold their trust in me and the relationships we've built, and shared the past 35 years," she said by email. "The referendum will go forward as directed by the council. Voters can’t be blamed if they can’t remember whether Prop. The United States is divided into 435 congressional districts, each with a population of about 710,000 individuals. Parolees who are reintegrating into society resume other civic responsibilities, such as paying taxes and jury duty. Show full articles without "Continue Reading" button for {0} hours. Under current law, privacy follows a Californian wherever they go, and businesses must honor the electronic signal. Prop 21 is more or less the same proposition voters rejected in 2018. The federal government provides significantly more funding for stem cell research now  than it did 16 years ago, which makes the CIRM less necessary as a source of stem cell research funding. We’re updating the Courage California Voter Guide with new content daily! Prop 24 removes the existing prohibition on companies from tracking a consumer's data once an individual leaves the state boundary. In a statement, they said that “far too many people that are not a danger are getting stuck in jail waiting for their trials simply because they can’t afford bail.”. Time and again, Assemblymembers Cooper and Fong vote to protect police brutality and discriminatory criminal justice policies. In the primary, Democrat incumbent Representative Tasha Boerner Horvath led Republican challenger Melanie Burkholder by a margin of 15 percent. Prop 14 is an extension of Prop 71, which created the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine (CIRM) in 2004. Judge Gregory Pollock ruled that there was no evidence of any wrongdoing. Robert N. Klein II, a Silicon Valley real estate developer and the top donor for Prop 14, was also the chief author of Proposition 71, which authorized $3 billion in bonds to create and maintain the California Institute for Regenerative Medicine in 2004. Not authorized by a candidate or a committee controlled by a candidate. Reports conclude that the percentage of contracts granted to MWBEs never returned to pre-Prop 209 levels. Members elected before 2012 are restricted to three two-year terms (six years) in the Assembly. Prop 23 builds upon current federal requirements that report dialysis-related infections to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the Center for Disease Control to include reporting these infections to the California Department of Health. California's 76th Assembly District includes parts of San Diego County. 19, a child would have to live in the inherited home as their primary residence or they lose the big tax break. It's known around Oceanside as the North River Farms Project. This personal tragedy shaped Vice President Biden’s public image as an empathetic leader and committed family man. Sell their personal information law and charter cities form part of the States! Allowed to serve 12 years in office total recorded contributions in support of or opposition to Prop 17 restore. Violent crimes. and lost wages must validate the chosen risk-assessment tool for the City will defend the '... 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