As mentioned above, being transparent is incredibly important and this includes not misrepresenting your workforce and using things like stock images to appear as something you’re not. If you haven’t felt that way, reflect on what might be putting you in the in-group. Julie Yoon partners closely with organizations to build learning solutions, assessment strategies and leadership development pipelines that reinforce organizational goals and values. The Global Leadership Forecast found companies with a diverse workforce have more sustained and profitable growth. Without a sense of safety, people waste energy worrying about what will or won’t be accepted instead of being productive. But the goal should be to develop understanding. While these groups are extremely important, I believe that internal communication should be striving to create organisation-wide safe spaces for these discussions. It isn’t just our individual and collective workplace habits we need to rethink. Most companies today are working hard to get these benefits of diversity. Learn More. That’s exactly what the Interaction Essentials are: tools for conversations. This could be done through annually publishing your employee demographics or your gender and ethnic pay gap data, or simply through a communication which states: “this is where we are right now, but this is our vision for where we want to be”. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. The role of a special education teacher in such a arrangement varies according to the needs of individual students and how well the two teachers work together. To help foster a diverse and inclusive culture, internal communication should assume two key responsibilities within all organisations: Here are my top five tips for how internal communication can achieve these deliverables and successfully drive diversity, inclusion and equity in your organisation. Instead of avoiding these conversations, maybe you could ask a different question. But take a step back and feel their emotion. The school was considered important in creating an environment that enabled inclusion, particularly through positive peer relations, prevention of bullying and help from support staff. This has not only helped to raise the profile of these groups and any issues they are facing, but it has shown that the organisation and its leaders are fully committed to diversity and inclusion and to making a difference. So, what happens when your nice, homogeneous team and the diverse team take on the same problem? Multi-Channel Diversity and Inclusion Communication Plan. This has made me reflect a lot recently on the role that internal communication has to play in this and what we can do as communicators to help create more diverse and inclusive organisations. ( Log Out /  We'll be in touch soon. The widest impact comes at a system-level. Before you begin discussing diversity and inclusion, it’s important to build a safe environment. Should you broaden where you advertise for company jobs? Research shows that interacting with diverse groups of people increases innovation, problem solving, and general thoughtfulness. Asking your leaders to be visible sponsors of your diversity and inclusion activity and to lend their voice and influence to communications is one of the most effective ways to get your employees listening and to drive cultural change. If it makes someone uncomfortable, come back to a space where you share common ground. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Seven diversity and inclusion best practices to help strengthen your leadership culture and grow your company’s bottom line. In the area of financial literacy, individuals will find it difficult to participate in what they don’t fully understand, and vice versa. Tell stories to pass on cultural cues about ideal behaviors and show how inclusion can get misunderstood. But why is it so difficult to also talk about diversity and inclusion (D&I)? Listen, observe, and ask questions to make your platform more inclusive.” This includes some major areas, like sex, race, age, visible disabilities, or religion or culture, which we’ll call surface-level diversity. Tom McGovern MBA MCIPR, Internal Communications Specialist. Remember, no conversation is going to be perfect. Take time at the beginning to create a safe space. Tom McGovern is an internal communications specialist currently working in higher education. Specifically, with the contributions to information and communication technology, the education sector has been able to benefit greatly. For each individual to bring their best self forward, a … A diverse and multigenerational workforce can be a challenge to reach. If that happens, your first reaction may be to become defensive or accusatory. Transparency is a key component in all communication efforts, but it’s even more important when you’re talking about an important subject like diversity and inclusion. This may take practice. Affinity groups, such as the staff equality networks I referenced earlier, are a common way of creating these spaces. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. These systems are integral to enacting change. On top of that, your team is likely going to compete against a team of people with all different skills, perspectives, and backgrounds. Inclusive communication is an approach to communication which enables as many people as possible to be included in that interaction. Remember, your reality can be very different from others, even on the same team or in the same environment. Not all technology is accessible, however. This provides a platform for people to share their experiences, but also creates opportunities for others to listen and to think about their role in supporting them and creating a more inclusive environment. So, once you’re prepared to talk with your team about diversity and inclusion, be sure to use Key Principles. Many organisations claim they are diverse and inclusive and talk a lot about diversity being a priority, including it in corporate strategies and on company websites, but how many truly are diverse and inclusive? If your senior leaders are not fully committed to the cultural shift that is needed, it won’t happen. To accelerate financial inclusion in Nigeria, communication will help create awareness and drive financial literacy to deliver inclusion and trust-building to promote deepening. Take the Inclusive Culture Pledge for 2021. Unfortunately, this doesn’t always incorporate the diverse opportunities we have today. Inclusive leadership is more than making sure the room isn't full of the same perspectives and backgrounds. It might seem nice at first, but what happens when everyone has the same ideas? Regardless of how you’re doing as an organisation, being transparent about your current position is crucial. You should celebrate your strengths, but you also need to own your weaknesses, communicate your challenges and present a clear plan for improvement. We've known diversity is a key component to success for a long time. ( Log Out /  Encourages, supports and enables people to use whatever ways of understanding and expressing themselves which they find easiest. Not only will employees appreciate your openness, but it shows that the organisation is taking responsibility and demonstrates your commitment to change. Not a fan of forms? Whether you’re producing videos, case studies, imagery or events, use employees from all levels and areas of the business, and from a mix of backgrounds. The quickest way to tap into deep-level diversity is by accelerating the hiring and retention of a diverse workforce. Being inclusive means remembering that communication is as much about listening as it is about talking. Establish a sense of belonging for everyone. There is a plethora of research out there which shows that embracing and valuing different thoughts, ideas, experiences and identities makes for more successful and profitable organisations –  the ‘Delivering through diversity’ report by McKinsey is one that I refer to often. Colleagues were tasked with discussing various diversity and inclusion issues and collectively developing solutions which they then pitched to the rest of the room. In my current organisation, we recently launched a diversity and inclusion advocacy programme for our Executive Team. No matter how well-prepared women of color are, they won’t get a seat at the table … That way, you can involve everybody in the conversation and in co-creating solutions. It should be a stalwart item across all your channels. Diversity of thought results in better solutions and innovation, which leads to better products and services. From a constructivist view of learning, talk is also essential to students’ understanding of new information within their existing schema. From January for 12 months, we’ll be providing all Pledging organisations with free support on progressing their diversity and inclusion agenda. But remember, it’s also a positive sign that you are learning, growing, and becoming a more inclusive colleague. Biases, myths, and experiences may impact our assumptions about each other, especially when it comes to race, gender, or identity. Social media and digital tools play a role in everyone’s daily routine. So, let’s talk about one of the underlying issues of diversity in the workplace: we don’t know how to talk about it. For more information on how to develop more inclusive leaders, watch our on-demand webinar, How to Develop Your Leaders for a More Inclusive Workplace. But one of the big barriers? In education, an inclusion specialist is a certified teacher who has specialized knowledge of the current principles and techniques of educating students with significant disabilities in general education classrooms. The complementary policy review, Information and Communication Technology for Inclusion: International Policy Review (in development), provides a context for much of the practice undertaken across the EU, and also more widely across the world. Communications plays an important role in achieving a key diversity and inclusion … When you build a house, you need tools for each job. Recognising religious festivals and days of significance across different communities is another way of celebrating your diversity and inclusivity. For awareness days/weeks/months, we work closely with our Diversity and Inclusion team to run events which educate colleagues about different minority and underrepresented groups and their struggles. The workshops not only inspired some great ideas, but they sent out a powerful message that diversity and inclusion is everyone’s responsibility, not just the Diversity and Inclusion teams. Accessible technology can serve an important role in inclusion of students with disabilities. Statistics show companies with leadership in the 25 percent for racial and ethnic diversity were 35 percent more likely to exceed the median financial return for their industry. Which one is most likely to get a successful solution? It plays a vital role in creating understandings and establishing relationships. We're surrounded by prominent images and experiences of violence against marginalized people, which can be triggering and traumatizing. Diversity isn’t an easy topic to tackle, and it’s even harder to discuss at work. It requires a cultural shift and a commitment at every level of the organisation. Diversity in America is on the rise. Inclusive practices advance the common good, increase organizational effectiveness, and enhance impact (D5 Coalition). Since joining DDI in 2018, Julie has worked with clients across a wide range of industries to create customized programs focusing on high-impact development and accelerate leaders’ success. Companies base a lot of systems on what’s worked in the past. So, once you’re prepared to talk with your team about diversity and inclusion, be sure to use Key Principles. But, really, everyone should be open to talking about diversity. Furthermore, it covers less obvious areas, like personal experiences, skill sets and motivations, also known as deep-level diversity. Genuine concern and interest are a must. Communicators should use tools such as internal email, intranets, social apps, and internal blogs to communicate the D&I initiatives with employees. Finally, you might be confronted with a reality that implicates you're creating a negative experience for someone else. Setting up an inclusive classroom: changing practices • Communication It is important for inclusion teachers to advocate the needs of their special education students by ensuring that resources such as peer tutoring, instructional assistants, team teaching and staff development opportunities are available along with consistent policies that assess the individual student's progress. It is your role to create a bully-free space. Highlighting the business benefits of diversity and inclusion is one of the most effective ways of securing support and commitment across the organisation. They help everyone feel heard, involved, respected, and trusted. These communication skills are the building blocks to enable open, honest, and constructive conversations about D&I. Tailors teaching for all learners. Based on research I have previously undertaken in this area and my experiences as an internal comms practitioner, I have pulled together a short briefing paper with practical tips and guidance to help fellow internal communicators to drive diversity, inclusion and equity in their organisations. Inclusive education approaches differences and diversity affirmatively, recognizing the value of such differences and the learning opportunities that such diversity offers. How can we make it part of the fabric of work rather than an add-on initiative? Tom has a background in PR and journalism but has been working in internal communication for the last five years. I want to be clear that this isn’t about tokenism; it’s about making sure your communications are inclusive and are representing your current and future workforce. They give people a chance to meet with others who understand their experiences and share their feelings, and are a place to be heard, believed and supported. Finally, it’s vital that you don’t let diversity and inclusion slip off the agenda. Simply getting your leaders to talk about diversity and inclusion is not enough, they need to be able to articulate what diversity and inclusion mean to your organisation and why it’s so important. Everyone should consider what they’re bringing to the discussion before it starts. Marks with a ® are registered trademarks of Development Dimensions International, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. They help everyone feel heard, involved, respected, and trusted. Change ), Diversity and Inclusion in British Football, You can download the paper here or read it below. In my current role, we have organised several world café-style workshops on diversity and inclusion issues, which have produced insightful and productive discussions. Your information has been submitted. Each of these changes start with meaningful conversations. Restoring the leadership role of the state through a national narrative also requires a redefining of the concept of political opposition and the societal roles of all actors. We should be facilitating regular opportunities for collective learning and dialogue around diversity and inclusion issues, which are aimed at everyone in the organisation, not just those directly impacted. By always turning to the same people for ideas, we create a culture that maintains a homogeneous status quo. If you were entering a new market or launching a new … 2020 was a year that brought into sharp focus the racial and social inequalities that are still prevalent in today’s society. Let us know a little bit about your company so we can start helping you create better leaders for a better future ASAP. ©Development Dimensions International, Inc., 1970-2021. So what is systemic to the recruiting or hiring process that needs changed? An inclusion teacher is a special education teacher who works with inclusion students. The Importance of Communication and Inclusion Published on ... are team building and communication. Lesson Planning In an ideal inclusion classroom, the special education teacher and regular education teacher engage in co-planning. In addition, businesses can get a boost through company engagement, retention, and financial health. This approach: Recognises that all human beings use many ways of understanding and expressing themselves. DDI Privacy Policy | Let's imagine how easy and comfortable it would be to get things done if everyone were just like you. If you've felt excluded or marginalized, think about specific examples and how it has impacted you, the team, or outcomes overall. Teacher-parent or teacher-student communication is necessary for dealing with teaching issues. We must work to confront those thoughts and actively unlearn them. Communication has been derived from the word ‘communice’ which means ‘to share or to make common’. | As well as attending network meetings and listening to and actioning feedback, they act as a spokesperson for each group and provide regular updates from the networks in our monthly Executive newsletter. What are you doing to drive diversity and inclusion in your organisation? This is where we should ask ourselves, “What is the role of communication in promoting workplace diversity?”. It means acknowledging what isn't the same and finding ways to incorporate different perspectives in meaningful and valuable ways. Giving every individual a voice and sense of belonging within the organisation. Because it means different things to different people, it's tough to talk about. Remember, no conversation is going to be perfect. ( Log Out /  Who is this module for? From the annual department address to daily email, careful audience consideration is vital in determining how accurately audiences receive messages. Effective communication is a manager’s greatest tool in rallying groups toward a common cause. To highlight the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in fostering the social inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of life. Teachers Role In Inclusive Education Education Essay 1.0.0 Introduction. Generating empathy helps align people to the company’s goals, without telling people to sacrifice who they are as a person when coming to work. They should also consider compensation and total reward systems, product and service development systems, and external partnership systems. It definitely won't happen if we don't start talking about it, either. View more posts. Tom also has an MBA and is passionate about supporting businesses and people to be at their best by revolutionising the way they communicate. Truly committing to a diverse workforce calls for deep evaluation of practices and biases. Define what diversity means to you – and the ‘WHY’ It’s easier to tell a coherent story when you fully … To help you understand the areas where your organisation needs to improve in relation to diversity and inclusion, and to ensure that colleagues feel supported, you need to create safe spaces where people can raise issues, talk about how they’re feeling and share ideas without fear of repercussions. Diversity and inclusion (D&I) means more than just recognizing and appreciating—and dare we say embracing—our differences. Ensure that your internal communication tool is a safe space for employees to share their thoughts openly. There can be a tendency in communications to roll out the same ‘go-to people’ but it’s important to use a diverse range of colleagues and accurately represent your workforce. It helps us work together and empathize with each other. Mears Group, BuroHappold Engineering, The Sunshine Company, VolkerWessels UK and British Land have all taken our Inclusive Culture Pledge. the role of communication in saccos in promoting financial inclusion in kenya Financial inclusion is a prerequisite to economic development. Without taking a deep dive into each system, companies should consider looking at their hiring and talent management systems, and leadership development systems. As for children with learning disabilities, it is even more self-evident. This will help to demonstrate your inclusive culture and enable employees to see others from similar backgrounds within the organisation. Once this is fully understood, it’s much easier to tell a coherent and compelling story. During the workshops, employees had the opportunity to mix with people from different areas and levels of the business and from a variety of backgrounds. Communication between teacher and student and between students is essential in order to build strong relationships consisting of mutual trust and respect. Thank them for sharing their insight, and commit to growing from it. They don’t know how to talk about it. We learn to see and focus on the similarities between us and others. Cultivating a diverse and inclusive environment for all employees goes much further than just hiring more individuals from underrepresented groups. Ideally, we’re going to want both surface-level and deep-level diversity. This paper examines the role of augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) in fostering the successful inclusion of students with the most severe disabilities in general education. Being an essence of any and every society, it helps the people to share and understand the meanings. In my current organisation, we go beyond wishing people a happy Eid, Diwali or Hannukah; we take the opportunity to educate employees about the festivals and the religions and this has been well received. How can you address each of the points above? No problem, give us a call at +1 (800) 933-4463. Importance of Communication in the Work Place Whether companies embrace diversity or not, it has become a reality in many workplaces across the United States. You can discuss topics in a way that doesn’t offend others by using core communication skills. The Roles and Duties of an Inclusion Specialist. Many organisations talk about diversity and inclusion being a priority, but often don’t say why. Transparency is a key principle in all communication, but it’s even more important when you’re discussing a subject like diversity and inclusion. ( Log Out /  Maybe refuse to begin the interviewing process until obtaining a sufficiently diverse applicant pool? Communication plays a vital role in all spheres of life. Unfortunately, this isn't something that can happen overnight. Now that we’ve talked about why it’s so hard to talk about, let’s get down to the juicy parts. Don’t forget that it’s appropriate and necessary to ask for permission before engaging in a diversity and inclusion conversation. These communication skills are the building blocks to enable open, honest, and constructive conversations about D&I. This has been echoed by international as well as national bodies. First, we will define accessible technology, and give examples of both accessible technology and inaccessible technology. 4. These conversations will probably make people feel uncomfortable. Modern companies have a choice to either know their audience or realize the shift in revenue as a consequence. All students learn differently. We interview a diverse panel of women to discuss the state of diversity and inclusion at the workplace today, as well as tips for leaders for how to build inclusive teams. It’s a difficult question to answer. Recognize bias. We did this recently for Disability History Month where employees got the opportunity to hear from several Paralympians about their experiences and struggles and how they had overcome them. Also, regardless of their role, everyone must realize they have the power to increase a sense of inclusion and safety through conversations. How about, “What is the role of communication in promoting workplace diversity?”. It doesn’t represent facts or others’ realities. This is a principle of inclusive … To help foster a diverse and inclusive culture, internal communication should assume two key responsibilities within all organisations: Informing, educating and supporting all employees to adopt inclusive attitudes and behaviours in all aspects of their working lives. For diversity and inclusion to become a strategic business driver, leaders must understand which functions must embrace diversity and inclusion—and then work to … Everyone needs to feel safe to share their thoughts, take risks, and bring their authentic selves to work. Most likely, you'll find that innovation and new ways of thinking will come to a screeching halt. Informing, educating and supporting all employees to adopt inclusive attitudes and behaviours in all aspects of their working lives. Internal communication is fundamental in achieving this. Functions and Roles Diversity and inclusion is only as effective as the functions with which it becomes integrated. But despite the benefits, people find diversity discussions to be tense, scary, and downright uncomfortable, especially at work. We push diversity discussions to the side to avoid being uncomfortable. Fulfilling a diversity goal means hiring or promoting people who are different than others, especially ourselves. Today, protecting revenue and brand image means defining and communicating with audiences as individuals, including people … It’s imperative, therefore, to have a real discussion about why your organisation is committed to diversity and inclusion and why it’s valued. Using just one channel to reach employees that may be used to … Actively promote diversity and inclusion initiatives, recognise days of significance, clearly share support and resources, and provide regular updates on what your organisation is doing to drive your diversity and inclusion strategy and what this means for employees. This site uses cookies and other tracking technologies to assist with navigation and your ability to provide feedback, analyze your interest in our products and solutions, assist with content personalization and our promotional and marketing efforts, and provide content from third parties. All rights reserved. SOURCE. Well, for one, it involves looking at ourselves and others, and acknowledging the differences. That’s huge. If done thoughtfully, D&I conversations can have a huge positive impact on the people taking part in them. The events of the past 12 months have caused a lot of companies to revaluate how diverse and inclusive they truly are and highlighted that there is much work to do internally for many. It makes people uncomfortable, so they settle for the status quo rather than make changes. Educate and Empower Your Leadership Team. So, if we can actualize why we don’t talk about D&I, perhaps we can pinpoint ways to start having those conversations. Regardless of how you’re doing, failing to be transparent — or completely ignoring diversity and inclusion in your communications altogether — could be perceived as shady. Get in touch and let me know! As part of this, each member of the Executive Team is now a sponsor of one of our staff equality networks, which are affinity groups that aim to give diverse groups a voice within the organisation. National harmony, political inclusion and reconciliation should be the pillars of Jordan’s internal policies. In my experience, this is often down to confidence, but it’s mostly due to a lack of clarity. The directive principle to guide state policy Article 45 states that "free and compulsory education should be provided for all children until they complete the age of 14". A good place to start is ensuring that the business case for diversity and inclusion and how it impacts business success and performance is understood throughout the organisation. Should consider what they ’ re doing as an organisation, being transparent about your current is... Also, regardless of how you ’ re doing as an organisation we... 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