So, he called in yet another person who came and repaired the crack. 3:12. “For look, the wicked string the bow; they put the arrow on the bowstring to shoot from the shadows at the upright in heart” (v. 2). Suppose you go to a football game and look up in the stands. While we believe the Supreme Court has erred in its ruling, we pledge to stand steadfastly, faithfully witnessing to the biblical teaching that marriage is the chief cornerstone of society, designed to unite men, women, and children. In his own unforgettable style, he preached for 40 minutes on just two words: “God is.” He said it over and over again. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”. Today we stumble along through this life. Tony Evans Sermons [November 9, 2020] | Building on the Right Foundation Subscribe Now: New Tony Evans Sermons here! Outside the dam, the rest of the good guys hear the explosion. Our opening hymn was “How firm a foundation.” Its opening stanza declares, “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord./ Is laid for your faith in His excellent Word!” If you want a strong foundation, build your faith on God’s Word. Sermon on the Mount. By Lois Parker Edstrom. Jesus Christ is the Foundation. Jesus illustrated this in the Sermon on the Mount. He illustrated it, declared it, proclaimed it, and dared anyone to deny it. If a story from early American history is true, some Indians were influenced by the Sermon on the Mount. Foundation The Unwise Tree (illustration) Once upon a time there was a tree. The words in Matthew 7:24-27 conclude one of the greatest sermons ever preached. That’s the whole point of these verses. Eden Prairie. One of the reasons this was a great fall was that it was unnecessary. When the state issues a decree that profoundly opposes what God has said, we have no choice but to dissent publicly. When he died, the nation was plunged into turmoil. 6:1-18) Being different in whom and what we trust (Mt. If you have realized today that you are building on the wrong foundation, you can change today. It is one who is lacking sense, judgment, or discretion. We will no doubt be disappointed by evangelical leaders who cave to the gay marriage position. That brings me to a familiar question from Psalm 11:3, “When the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?”. I’m not in the “roll over and play dead” category. So in a sense it can be said that the apostles and prophets laid the foundation (by preaching the message of salvation). In “The Foundation For Favor,” the first lady of Elevation Church, Holly Furtick, revisits the story of Mary to reveal more about the … Sometimes you have to stand and fight. Sermons Gift & Home For Kids; Sermons Sermons on CD; Sermons on DVD Sermon Series on CD; Sermon Series on DVD; Box Sets; Gift & Home. We know ISIS wants to attack America. When the foundations are being hacked away, we’ve got to go back to the First Principles. No, this is something greater. Sometimes you have to stand and fight. When the foundations are destroyed, there are many things the righteous can do, but above everything else, they must first get a right view of God. There is a better day coming for the people of God when all will be made right. The lighthouse is a … Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain." "Another foundation can no man lay than that which is laid which is Christ Jesus." But appearances are not always to be trusted, and they were not in this case. (ESV) Pauls concern; the world without a foundation; incapable of laying a foundation; the wrong approach; the great inspector; the only foundation; the great builder. If a foundation is bad, the building will collapse. Jesus Christ the only foundation. But, thank God some seed fell on good soil and flourished. Harrison Ford and Robert Shaw dress up as Nazis, clamber down the steep steps to the bottom of the dam, find the right spot, put the explosives in place, and then turn to leave. Tenacious means we keep on praying. A Call to Backsliders (Sermon 86) – Ps 77:7-8 4. Anselmo B. Ingay Broadcaster: Bible Baptist Church Davao Event: Sunday - AM … The word translated “foundations” refers to the moral and spiritual underpinnings of any society. 20, but here designated by its "foundation," because the antithesis is to the baseless fabrics of heresy.Other explanations have been: the doctrine of the resurrection of the body, the promises of God, the fidelity of God, Christ, the Christian faith, the election of God. ( Log Out /  5:21-48) Being different in our worship (Mt. A sermon on I Corinthians, III. You can come to Jesus. Change ). It was a lovely-looking tree, shapely, strong, and stately. Passionate followers of Christ are those who are passionate about obeying God’s word and following His commands. Older Children – Do one or more of the following: 1) Write down all the verses mentioned in the sermon and look them up later. Tenacious means we keep on keeping on. If we try to live the Christian life on a foundation other than that of Christ Jesus, we will not remain steadfast and committed to true Christian living. He whispered it and he shouted it. While Jesus used many comparisons we must also recognize that there are also many similarities in the passage. Winsome means we face life with a smile, not a scowl. Without question, the absolute most important aspect of a building is the foundation and it is true when it comes to building the home. I’ve titled my sermon this morning, “Foundations”. But why should we despair? You may be wounded. I Corinthians 3:11 For no other foundation can anyone lay than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. He told a parable about one man who built his house upon the sand. September 11, 2011. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. In fact, in the Old Testament Samuel spoke to Saul and said that “. Matthew 7:24-27 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. Christ constitutes the keystone, supporting the two sides of the foundation (the prophets and the apostles). You can’t become what God wants you to be on a faulty foundation. 7:24-27. A Solid Foundation Luke 6:46-49 The leaning tower of Pisa in Italy is going to fall. That magnificent passage begins with the words “In the year that King Uzziah died.” That note is important because Uzziah was one of the best kings Judah ever had. There is no other foundation substantial enough to keep us stabilized in this life, as well as for all eternity. If you’ve got a small God, you’ve got a big problem. How can you say to me, ‘Escape to the mountain like a bird!’” (v. 1). Truly the “perilous times” of 2 Timothy 3 are upon us. Ironically, these verses challenge us with some difficult interpretive issues, so I will try to explain the text as we work through it, so that we can apply it correctly. This is really awesome .I thank God for tha t revelation…Glory to GOD, You mentioned here that your car clutch cable broke and then you had tools and you started working on it yourself. Regardless of what you do to the house you are building, what matters the most is the foundation. Catholic Spirit (Sermon 39) – 2 Ki 10:15 6. It shows that you have great knowledge of auto parts. But Jesus is the foundation. Foundation The Unwise Tree (illustration) Once upon a time there was a tree. Winsome means we don’t lose our temper and say something stupid. The battle we are fighting will only end up in the grave ,but remember the Lord Jesus Christ died for you and me and have paid the price on the Cross of Calvary that why you are redeemed from the curse of poverty, untimely death, setback and others, I have a good news for you: The dam will collapse eventually, washing away the traditional definition of marriage altogether. We don’t know exactly when David wrote this psalm. The Foundation to which (or to Whom) he refers, is Christ. A little dynamite in the right place will do the trick. Perhaps we should keep Isaiah 6 in mind. Give me the courage to do whatever needs to be done. So it is with the Word of God, we can ignore it or we can believe that it is not important and it will take us longer to get where we are going and will face more frustration and negative response to life than is necessary. A lighthouse is a tall structure that looks like a tower with a large light at the top. As I read this passage it reminded me of a story I read some time ago. Real favor is built on a strong foundation. Answer: It all depends on how big your God is. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. He will rain burning coals and sulfur on the wicked; a scorching wind will be their portion” (vv. We’ve seen clearly that it matters greatly who occupies the White House. Matthew 7:24-27 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. But as certainly as God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, as certainly as the great empires of history have fallen, America will not escape God’s judgment. We ought to write letters, speak out, refuse to be intimidated, support good candidates, and run for office ourselves. In an image that reminds us of Sodom and Gomorrah, God promises to rain burning coals and sulfur on the wicked. May 24. So except you give your life to the Lord Jesus Christ and pray deliverance prayers not gentlemen prayers for. You cannot build a skyscraper on a fou… Post was not sent - check your email addresses! It is always built near an ocean or large lake. We cannot retreat, and we will not run away. In this sermon on 1 Corinthians 3:11, Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that any foundation in life that is not Jesus Christ is doomed to fail! Many Christians feel that this decision signals a decisive attack on the foundations of society itself. Suzanne Ross uses Christ's Sermon on the Mount to examine fake freedom and to answer the question "How free are you?" But today is not the last day. The same is true for our lives. We will all face storms in our lives. As we look at the first three verses that describe David’s predicament, let’s consider the commitment we must make as we face an uncertain future. Today I have the task of looking at the foundation of our nation. There is no other foundation substantial enough to keep us stabilized in this life, as well as for all eternity. Joshua 4:21-22 Topic: Foundation Stones We aren't a 'Jesus only' church, but we are a 'Jesus name' church! Once again this speaks of the moral character of the person rather than the simple act of building or not building on a firm foundation. The reason for this is that God has impressed on my heart the deep-seated need for this generation of Americans to understand a key difference in how we look at things, how we approach our daily lives and the decisions we make. Bernie Parsons. How then should we live? It is always built near an ocean or large lake. For the tree knew inwardly that its massive strength was beginning to … I have told and retold the story of Richard John Neuhaus, founder of First Things magazine, and a valiant defender of the moral and spiritual values of the Christian faith. Sermons In alphabetical order. The house built upon the rock endured the raging storms and howling winds because it had a firm foundation. It’s easy to tell who is rooting for the Bears and who is rooting for the Packers. In this hour of moral crisis, God has opened a huge door for gospel proclamation. Was God shocked by the murders in Charleston? Winsome means we are cheerful when others attack us. Courage means we speak up instead of wimping out. Courage means we take our stand for the truth. The second home suffered great loss (a great fall). That’s what David does in verses 4-7. When the foundations of society are destroyed, we can say to men and women everywhere, “Christ is the firm foundation, the cornerstone that will never be shaken.” Where is God? Last week, we began a new study from the little New Testament book of 2 Peter. A foundation, of course, is alwaysimportant, important for the building. Rather, "God's firm foundation stands," i.e., the Church, the "great house" of ver. Sermon on the Mount: Foundation for Understanding [Guelich, Robert A.] And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. But appearances are not always to be trusted, and they were not in this case. Sermon on the Mount – How is Your Foundation? I remember a time when my clutch cable broke on a car I had. I remember that once the same thing happened with me while I was driving and then I ran to the mechanic so that he could fix it. Dr. S. Lewis Johnson remarked that the hardest verse in the Bible to believe is Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” “If you can believe that,” Dr. Johnson said, “you won’t have any trouble with the rest of the Bible.” The truth of that statement eluded me for a long time. The Christian life requires Jesus as the foundation. With the rising spiral of violence in our world and our own slippery slide into the pit of moral corruption, it’s easy to conclude that God either is not on his throne or he doesn’t care what happens on the earth or perhaps there is no God at all. Building on a Proper Foundation Dan Rodgers I Corinthians 3:11-23 November 25, 2007 INTRODUCTION: This evening, we will look at (vv. Enjoyed the sermon and printed out my notes. Their decision to obey and follow God’s word makes all of the difference in the outcome. Children’s Sermon Matthew 7:21-29 Building a Strong Foundation. He will still be on the job long after I go down to the grave. Let’s wrap up this message with a good prayer for all of us: “Lord, grant me tenacious, winsome courage as I go through this day. Children’s Sermon Matthew 7:21-29 Building a Strong Foundation. The Cross, as Paul so clearly sets forth in his letter to the Romans, has provided the foundation, and that foundation has been laid in Corinth. But God knows. I hope you are well today. I can summarize it in three words: Tenacious means we don’t give up. As passionate followers of Christ we must recognize that the Word of God and the instruction of Jesus is not just a good book but it gives us instructions for life and in obedience we grow and become effective for Christ. Young Children – draw a picture about something you hear during the sermon. Wright's investigation showed that a solid foundation could be "floated" on a sixty-foot layer of soft mud underlying the hotel, which would provide a shock-absorbing but solid support for the immense building. The building is the Church, the Body of Christ, comprised of individual believers. A SUBSCRIBER SAYS: “Your work made a huge difference last Sunday when I used your material. Do they resort to violence? The Bible says that there is one throne in Heaven, and there is One that sits on that throne, and His name is Jesus! Today we walk by faith. Not merely wishing. What will the righteous do? I wish you wouldn't do that. It’s not that we didn’t see it coming. Some will lose their jobs because of their convictions. Those who scoff at the Lord and his Word will be consumed with the fire of God’s judgment. As living stones of a spiritual Temple, we contribute to the overall structure of this building. The story of Saul persecuting David illustrates how to find a sure path when it feels like your life is falling apart. Once again in a short few months the crack reappeared. Fear not, child of God. That strikes the right balance for all of us in these difficult days. When you read the headlines, it can seem as if the whole world is spinning out of control. For all other foundations are passing and transient; they satisfy, but only temporarily. That’s David’s final answer to the many perplexing problems of this life. foundation The great architect Frank Lloyd Wright was given the challenge of building the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo, one of the most earthquake-prone cities in the world. ( Log Out /  A FIRM FAMILY FOUNDATION. Many writers connect it to the time when Saul chased David in the wilderness (1 Samuel 23:13-14), but we can’t be sure. The upright will see His face” (v. 7). The brave Christians in the Middle East who face beheading by ISIS are not wrong to flee. Be okay even when the foundations are being jettisoned in Favor of political action sometimes easy to who... Sense, judgment from on high must eventually come Matthew 7:24-27 conclude one of the success of one ’ sermon. Bad guys seem to be trusted, and should not try to recreate family! A mortal sin. ” recognize that there are also many similarities in Old... His word was plunged into turmoil 5:3-20 ) being different in our day, not a. 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Some Indians were influenced by the sermon to join over 20,000 subscribers receiving our weekly sermon email Lord stand...