Contemporary locals, on the other hand, seek to get a good education, get a decent job, and make some career advances before devoting themselves to family. After the wedding ceremony, the celebration goes on, with Folklore dancing and singing, a lot of food and drink. Both the bride and the groom’s house are decorated with flowers, balloons, ribbons, etc. Mar 6, 2016 - Explore Seattle Weddings's board "Russian Theme", followed by 4942 people on Pinterest. Meet the Slavs is your most comprehensive online resource about Slavic people, their cuisine, culture, history, mythology, and more. “In a Russian wedding,” say our catering managers, “the entire family marches down the aisle escorting the bride, who first walks in with her parents. It’s a Pagan custom of the ancient Slavs. The ancient Slavic tradition that a girl should get married as soon as possible also becomes a thing of the past. This custom symbolizes the happiness of married life. Traditionally, … When the wedding cake is spectacularly presented, the bride and groom cut together the first piece of cake. Easter. The bride’s consent was usually not asked. Untouched glass meant the opposite. Wearing "something old" represents the bride's past, while the "something new" symbolizes the couple's happy future. Being given away is a tradition that evolved from the days when men bought brides from fathers or, even worse, captured them! After the wedding, the young couple went to the groom’s house, where they were met by their parents and blessed with bread. Once upon a time, the bride was really purchased with large amounts of money or gold. Russia in the 12th century was not a single state but a large formation made of numerous small principalities, thus wedding traditions varied from a principality to a principality, from tribe to tribe. Trumpeters, Buklia, Folklore dancing and singing, ikebana flowers, rosemary for wedding guests, apple shooting, sieve throwing, “buy the bride”…. As the morning progresses the wedding guests will begin arriving and gathering outside the house. Closeup photo of bride and groom nibbling traditional loaf. Then, the groom has to do the same thing to her. Not So Fast. The classic menu; Cold Appetizer; Njeguska prsuta and Uzicka prsuta (homemade prosciutto), homemade pork sausage, stuffed eggs, Russian Salad, Ham and cheese bread rolls, Kajmak (traditional dairy Product). Vegetable Potage or veal soup the Serbian way. Your wedding reception is easy to personalize—your ceremony, however, can be tougher. Matchmaking was the first stage, previously agreed upon by the parents of both families. Poetic traditions within popular laments have been worked out in the course of centuries to complete a series of unchanging formulas, patterns, and compositional devices. At the end of the celebration, when newlyweds go home, the groom must carry the bride over the doorstep. How did people get married after Peter? Meet the Slavs covers topics related to the Slavic culture, history, mythology and more. Mixed meat roast (lamb, pork, veal), Potatoes on Serbian way (fat from roasted meat is topped), cooked vegetables. Culturologist, professor of Russian as a foreign language and promoter of Russian culture. Stealing the bride’s shoes by a child is a funny and cute custom. Marriage being sort of a turning point in life, wedding ceremony and everything related to it has always been accompanied with variety of traditions and beliefs, some rooted in hoary antiquity, some recently devised, but all targeted at bringing good luck to the newlyweds and averting misfortune from them. Iriski, Sjenicki), chicken salad, Leskovacki urnebes (cream cheese with red paprika pepper), Proja (type of corn-bread). The custom known as “buying the bride” is used today for fun. Just a few words that can describe the atmosphere of Serbian wedding. The elders discuss a dowry (ጧሎሽ) and verify that the intended bride and groom are not relatives by checking their lineage a minimum of seven generations. Alexey Korzukhin. For example, the bride had to cry and howl a lot which was supposed to drive away evil spirits from her future family. This is where … Beef ham, Homemade prosciutto, Serbian cheese (semi soft cheese), Hard cheese (e.g. Surely, we may conclude, the respect of marriage is deeply rooted in the Serbian tradition. 10 French Wedding Traditions Share this article: Whether you're thinking of a romantic French wedding, have been invited to a wedding in France or are planning to incorporate French elements in your big day, it's always interesting to look back at traditions to bring a certain je ne sais quoi to your special day. A special moment in a woman’s life was a bachelorette party, when the girl’s girlfriends first untied the bride’s braid and took the red ribbon woven into her hair (the red ribbon symbolized the girl’s youth and beauty), and then weaved her braid again but this time with a string decorated with pearls which was a symbol of the new married life. Here, you can find bakery products, sweet biscuits, canapes, croissants, small muffins, bagels and similar delicacies. Svatovi are the wedding guests. Several pieces of evidence show that mass orgies were a part of Slavic celebrations until the … Bachelorette party, 1889. The bride gives the groom first bite from this piece, making a mess around his mouth! In addition, through the matchmaker, the groom learned details about the appearance and character of the bride, which in some cases he could see for the first time openly only on the wedding day. If he drank a glass of honey brought to him by his potential wife, this indicated that he agreed to marry her. The Lillooet Indians, from what is now British Columbia, had a ritual called “the … The holiday came to Russia from Byzantium … After that, the wedding procession goes to the wedding ceremony. See more ideas about russian wedding, russian wedding traditions, russian fashion. The Serbian folk costume, whether it is male or female, includes several parts. Oh, sure ­­– plentiful menu, we should not skip such important characteristic of Serbian wedding! Hungary: the bride is for sale! As we noted at the beginning of this article, the wedding ritual has changed over time. Mixed salad and chili peppers. The traditional Slovenian wedding consists of much activity. In the morning, when receiving guests at bridegroom’s house, and then at the bride’s home, the hosts usually set up the buffet table. Despite their seemingly unique matrimonial ceremonies, Russian weddings have adopted some western traditions, including incorporating bridesmaids into the wedding party. The most famous source on that is the annals of the Christian priest Nestor called “The Tale of Bygone Years” written in the 12th century. Whether they go to church or the municipal building, wedding guests form an entertaining column of cars. Groom carries her over the threshold by respecting their ancestors. The groom is escorted halfway down by his parents. Karavay cake. Usually, female wedding guests bring cakes. In the 14-15 centuries, when the state united around Moscow, the wedding ceremony became more uniform, and remained unchanged until Peter the Great came to power. The traditional wedding vows have given way to more personal expressions of love. Kum is the best man at a wedding. The Touching Dance. The matchmaker had to persuade them. Betrothal. The groom has to shoot the apple. Traditional Russian wedding traditions are really interesting and diverse. An apple is hanged, in the courtyard of the bride’s house, on the top of the tree. DIY Traditional Slavic Pagan Wedding This couple decided to go for a unique wedding - a traditional Slavic pagan one More and more couples are looking for something really special and unique – unusual color combos and cool wedding themes, even geeky ones. In general, there are many different wedding styles in America, each with their own list of wedding traditions. At this stage, the parents of the bride must decline the offer, even if they were happy to marry their daughter. Funny and silly! The door or gate of the house is especially well decorated. After that, the braid was undone again, and the pearl string was given to an unmarried girlfriend of the bride or her younger sister, so that she would also get married sooner. Then, they should kiss each other. We are the most comprehensive English language resource dedicated to educating the world about ancient Slavs and modern Slavic nations alike. After the wedding ceremony in the church, the guests go to the Wedding Luncheon. Traditionally, Russian weddings used to begin long before the ceremony itself, when the family of the groom, usually the father or one of the brothers and sometimes the mother, came to ask for the potential bride's hand in marriage. This wedding tradition dates back to the origin of arranged marriages. Wedding Veil. Any roast-meat or barbecue, side dishes, seasonal salads. This is a brief overview of Serbian weddings. To create the real impression, you need to see, to smell, you need to experience it for yourself. A wedding is not a wedding without a great moderator In many countries, wedding planners are available to organize and smoothly orchestrate weddings – but often from behind the scenes. Spending the first three days confined to their home together … In the 14-15 centuries, when the state united around Moscow, the wedding ceremony became more uniform, and remained unchanged until Peter the Great came to power. The married life should be sweet like cakes! And so, with food, with drinks and toasts, Serbian wedding lasts until the early morning hours. But karavai and salt are complemented in Belarus with a honey-based beverage called “medovukha”. Also, learn about Celtic wedding and engagement ring symbolism, choosing a Celtic wedding tattoo and Celtic wedding cakes. Origin of the Word Slav Explained, The 8 Best Russian Movies and TV Shows on Netflix. Firstly, wedding guests come to the groom’s house. Required fields are marked *, Maslenitsa – Slavic holiday of saying goodbye to winter, Russian banya - History and traditions of the Russian bath house, Top 7 Russian habits and things that surprise foreigners, Russian habits and things that surprise foreigners - Part 2, Weddings in Russia after the Revolution of 1917 and during World War II. In his annals, Nestor mentioned that Slavs practiced the so-called “abduction” (the groom abducted the bride during merrymaking having previously agreed with her). There is one more custom that is still practiced in rural areas, known as “Apple Shooting“. Drowning of Marzanna. After that, the young couple was taken to church where they were married. This is the sit down meal. In Russia engagement or betrothal were considered the most important ceremony before wedding. A few days before the main celebrations a glass of honey liquor – a sacred Slavic drink which underwent fermentation much like wine – was placed in front of a statue of Świętowit, the god of war and fertility. But it still practiced at weddings: when the groom’s mother greets the bride and groom. The wedding traditions regarding karavai in Belarus are similar to Ukrainian. The custom was established at the time when life was subordinated to rural activities. Русская традиционная свадьба. Often, the matchmakers were hired by the parents of the groom, but sometimes the relatives of the groom acted as such. The “old godfather” custom (which is transmitted from generation to generation) is strictly respected by the Serbian people. Sarma (a dish made of cabbage, minced meat and rice) or Stuffed peppers (dried peppers are used). In 1846., Serbian Prince Alexander Karadjordjevic issued an order: asking for and giving money and gold for the girl is abolished, as a custom that is contrary to the human dignity. Therefore, before to begin outing together ideas for wedding registry, you need to figure out what type of wedding you’ll have first.. traditional: Though not religious, the traditional wedding follows certain norms that are common to the religious wedding. Usually, the groom provides for the wedding rings, although that might vary depending on specific circumstances and material possibilities. A lot of Serbs get married while respecting national and religious traditions. / Legion Media. At the celebration, there are many customs. In the end, the groom was supposed to make the decision whether he liked the girl or not. Cold Appetizer known as “Mladenacka zakuska “. Работа Владимира Кулакова и студии SaveMoment The bride was supposed to symbolically “die” for her own family (the withering and lamentation was a part of the tradition) and to “be born” in another family. This means that the groom „buys“ the bride from the groom’s brother. Decoration is an indispensable entertainment, enjoyed by both old and young. The betrothal is the first part of a traditional Russian Orthodox ceremony. The best man and maid of honor are called Witnesses or Свидетели (svideteli) in Russian. Although today, the groom sometimes can choose a new best man. Ольга и Павел. Feed me. Here are several examples of Serbian traditional wedding menu. First of all, you have to realize that a wedding is the most important day for any Russian … Wedding Ceremony Today, the “Bread and Salt” tradition is not practiced as often during everyday life. Nowadays, it’s just a joke, a way to calm the jitters. We need the support of readers just like you to continue our work.If you appreciate what we do, please consider donating today.Choose an amount for a monthly pledge or a single donation below.From all our team, thank you for your support. The wedding ceremony begins early in the morning. Field works are finished in the fall, after the harvest. Having received the blessing, the couple had to go to the wife’s house to receive wedding gifts with which they returned back to the husband’s house. Back then, people used to get married very early: for girls this age was 12-13 years old, and boys could get married starting from 14-15 years old. There is an old Serbian folk saying: “It’s better to sell the country, rather than lose traditions.” Traditions and customs of a nation, in addition to language and religion, are important keepers of the ethnic identity of a community. The iridescent ringing was to scare away evil spirits. Engagement is the announcement of mutual consent of the couple in love to get married. Just like in the Western world, it is a tradition in Russia for newlyweds to exchange wedding rings. Here are several examples of Serbian traditional wedding menu. According to the belief, the spirits of ancestors are living in the doorstep of each house,  protecting the household and family members. The girl who catches the bouquet is the lucky one – she is going to be the next bride! Aleksandra gives Russian lessons via Skype. 2 of 17. The most important guests at any wedding in Serbia are the Best Man and the Bridesman. The custom was that the first three or so visits ended in a refusal. After this, the viewing continued in the groom’s house, where the girl’s parents assessed his wealth and household, thereby deciding whether to marry their daughter or not. Bride’s mother purchases wedding cake, according to an old custom. History Aug 05 2020 Georgy Manaev Getty Images Russian courtship and matrimonial rituals were as complex as they come. Parents sat against one another and kept silent for a few minutes. Your email address will not be published. In case when both parties were satisfied with each other, the so-called “hand-shaking” stage came to place: the wedding was officially announced, preparations for the festivities began, witnesses were appointed. A warm appetizer The Wedding procedure starts with the groom's side sending elders (Shimagle) who then request a union between the parties. Only when he takes off the apple from the tree, he is allowed to enter the bride’s house. They are sisters, aunts and other closest relatives. Sometimes, Serbian wedding may last for a few days! The rule is this: The Best man, the Bridesman, Dever (brother-in-law) and Barjaktar (a cousin who carries decorated flag as a symbol of happy marriage), should sit down at the table together with the newlyweds. They should have found out what dowry is given for the bride and what it consists of. The groom will also arrive here and will be asked by the guests to participate is some games that will take place prior to the wedding. What kind of food Serbs serve at traditional wedding? Orgies. In the old days, … Their duties included not only the matchmaking itself, but also often the choice of the bride from suitable candidates. In the old days, a bride and groom are dressed in national costumes (folklore garments) for their Big Day. At the reception, a guest will grab a big bowl or a hat and shout ‘THE … Nowadays, a large number of the newlyweds opt for a nice old-fashioned Folk Costume instead of trendy Wedding dresses and Groom Tuxedos and Suits. If wealth seemed scarce to them, the groom was refused. If a woman died during childbirth, the man could marry again. The second choice is: Pork Medallions in mushroom sauce. Each stage included many ritual actions of the bride, groom, bridesmaids, groomsmen, future mother-in-law and other participants, as well as ritual songs and various formal procedures. After it, they had the right to be called a bride and a groom. Today’s story is about weddings in Russia before Peter the Great (until the 17th century). According to Serbian tradition, the dining hall is a Wedding Tent instead of the restaurant or hotel. You will learn about this in our next article! A lot of roast lamb and pork are required, as well as boiled cabbage (with several types of meat). They will surprise you for sure while they are accompanied by kidnapping, obstacle courses, and many things that may seem absolutely weird to you. There is a lot of food, particularly meat, and beverages, especially Serbian traditional Rakija (type of brandy) and Wine. They wipe their mouths by kisses! Upon their return, a cheerful and large feast began, which could last up to three days. Njeguska prsuta and Uzicka prsuta (homemade prosciutto), homemade pork sausage, stuffed eggs, Russian Salad, Ham and cheese bread rolls, Kajmak (traditional dairy Product). Buklia is a nice decorated bottle filled with homemade Wine or Rakija (traditional fruit brandy). Source: Meet Russia Online © All rights reserved 2018-2021. It was also stipulated who will be the head of this festivity, what gifts will be given, etc. This tradition is kept today, in slightly altered form. Today we start a new series of articles dedicated to Russian wedding traditions. After all, most wedding ceremonies are rooted in tradition, and involve a series of predetermined steps that have been taken for years (if not centuries!). It all begins in the morning at the Bride's house. Indonesia: Got to Go? It is usually his best friend. Back then, people used to get married very early: for girls this age was 12-13 years old, and boys could get married starting from 14-15 years old. Vegetable Potage or veal soup the Serbian way. At the end of the feast, a new life began for both the girl and the young man. Parents paid attention not only to the size of the house and household, but also to the presence of dishes or fabrics in the house. We also set up an elaborate chuppah. Cutting the wedding cake symbolizes the union of the young couple. The following weeks were broken down into stages. Is it possible for us to transplant your flower into our little garden?” There was many variations of such ritual texts. Here are a few components: Opanci (handcrafted traditional peasant footwear), hand embroidered shirts, Tkanica (men’s belt), Jelek (a short women’s vest), Sajkaca (Serbian national men’s hat) and so on. Buklia is used to invite guests to the wedding, like a formal invitation. The most important feature of Serbian wedding is “a ton of food “! The future bride was taken to the center of the room and asked to walk and move, for example, remove the scarf from her head, raise her hands. Other Wedding Traditions. Easter is the day of the resurrection of Christ. On the very day of the wedding, the groom was supposed to arrive at his bride’s house in a cart decorated with bells. If the matchmaking phase was successful, the time came for the viewing. Spit-cooked beef meat is served mainly in rural areas. There are different cakes, at Serbian weddings. Such early marriages were justified by the short life expectancy and the need to have as many children as possible. In the old days, the groom’s mother presented the couple with “Bread and Salt” at the groom’s family house when the bride moved in to live. Polygamy, although practiced, was generally rare. To be the best man is a great honor, this offer should not be refused. Each of the articles will tell you how the population of Russia (starting from ancient Slavs) were getting married in different historical periods. Your email address will not be published. Decorated Wedding car leads a column of cars, and you can hear the car horns which announce big ceremony. Also, the ground from the porch of the bride’s house to the cart was swept so that not a single stone (obstacle) would come in the way of future spouses. In addition, godparents throw metal coins around, in front of the church, which is supposed to symbolize prosperity for newlyweds, in their future married life. The most common and best-known Serbian traditions are related to the life cycle, including the wedding. The rites symbolized the transition of the girl from the father’s clan to the husband’s clan. A traditional Russian wedding can last between two days and one week. The ceremony and the ring exchange take place on the first day of the wedding. Traditionally, weddings in Serbia are mainly organized in the autumn period. “The dinner itself features lots of food and great variety. A traditional Russian wedding through a woman’s eyes. According to the custom, the Serbs prefer to organize big weddings, so the tent is a perfect solution. The bride is supposed to get her "something borrowed" from someone who is happily married in the hope that some of that person's good fortune rubs off on her. "Something blue" denotes fidelity and love. We told you about the wedding rituals of the Slavs in the Middle Ages. The other wedding guests sit at several long tables. Then, they all go together to the bride’s house. If you get an invitation to the Serbian wedding, don’t miss it! The movements of the girl were closely watched by the matchmakers and the groom who evaluated her physical condition. Then, people are able to celebrate. Christmas in Croatia: Traditions & How to Celebrate, Maslenitsa Melbourne 2015: The Biggest Slavic Festival in Southern Hemisphere, Serbian “Slava” on the UNESCO’s List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, What Does Slav Mean? They don’t let these wonderful customs sink into oblivion. Particularly large changes in the organization of weddings and in the arrangement of personal life occurred under Peter the Great who brought changes to all spheres of life. After the wedding ceremony, the bride indiscriminately throws the bouquet over her shoulder, and single girls are supposed to catch it. A part of the crops was also stored in a shrine. The one of newlyweds who bites off the bigger … The celebration involves dancing, singing, toasting, and banqueting. Celtic wedding traditions and customs, from, including a collection of comprehensive articles, from handfasting to the oathing stone, pebble toss, the caim, the wedding bell, the wedding coin, throwing of rice. Young man, usually the groom’s cousin, carries around this Buklia, by visiting the homes of those who are invited to the wedding. Wedding lamentations are another form of Slavic female tradition. A complex sort of mourning, the poetic improvisation symbolically reflects the farewell to a brides old life. The wedding has always been and remains one of the main events in the life of almost every person. Russian wedding traditions: Engagement. Unfortunately, we know very little about the wedding rituals of the Slavic tribes. The folk costume came back into fashion in a big way. The term “hands-shaking” came from a symbolic shaking of the hands of the fathers of the bride and groom, which meant that there was no turning back, and the wedding would take place. Today, brides ask either parent or both parents to walk them down the aisle. Thereafter, the newlyweds and guests go to a wedding ceremony, in a church. Originating from a pagan ritual, Poles burn and drown a life size straw doll … The bride and groom’s parents also bless their children with a loaf of wedding bread, specifically made for this occasion. The representative of the groom’s family went to meet the potential bride and her family. The Wedding Luncheon is composed of several parts: 1) an appetizer, 2) a soup, 3) a main dish, 4) roast or grilled meatgrill and 5) a lot of cakes. The ritual of baking a wedding cake (Karavay) is still followed by the parents – the groom`s mother has to bake a karavay and present it to the newlyweds when a couple comes to their house. The wedding process was divided in several stages: matchmaking, viewing, “hands-shaking”, a bachelorette party, wedding ceremony, festivities and feasts. Often the matchmaking was accompanied by some ritual text, for example: “You have a flower, and we have a little garden. 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