And then he’s moving on. He sees those who need healing. He receives revelations from the Lord. He does not hold on to “This is how we’ve always done it.” He is not a slave to tradition. We’ve talked about how he doesn’t see color of people. It was taped a few weeks ago at the Conference Center where Sister Nelson also participated in another media interview. But he’s not trying to be inventive, just to be inventive. I thought that was an impossible thing. If I am with him, he’ll stand to the side, he always has me walk through the doorway first. And he just doesn’t want to bring the blessings to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. President Russell M. Nelson, president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, right, and Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, stand together at the BYU Jerusalem Center in Jerusalem on Saturday, April 14, 2018. I know we have a living Prophet. I never wanted to leave them because of this connection. I know Jesus is the Christ. These girls are sturdy girls, meaning they’re not on every wave that goes by, they’re not on the internet, sniffing out some specious thing that’s out there. After Monson dies, Boyd K. Packer is the most senior Apostle.. When your husband becomes President of the Church, it is different traveling with the President the Church than it is with [traveling with] … a member of the Quorum of the Twelve. And all that stopped on a dime, his calendar became your calendar, and you stepped into a brave new world, as it were. His name is Russell Marion Nelson. He is undaunted. The Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, … headed by the senior apostle, assumes Church leadership. Sister Wendy Nelson: He is so gracious. This means it goes automatically to the longest serving leader and that means Mitt Romney can’t be the next prophet. Sister Sheri Dew: OK, your husband has now been President of the Church for three years. We’re joined not only by Sister Nelson, but by Sister Sheri Dew, the executive vice president of Deseret Management Corporation. Man, they’re rock solid. But I’d give them some opportunities to have some experiences about how needed they are and how key they are. Because the great-grandchildren were starting to come really fast. We’ve been managing it … And he does not call them to lead a church, he calls them to lead people to repentance. But the order of the Church is that authority is an orderly process, by divine designation, the Prophet (and leader of the Church) is called according to an orderly process, over which the Lord has control. All rights reserved. And I know that praying and fasting with others, for others, brings miracles. Sister Wendy Nelson: What I’ve learned about hearing Him is this: That everything we do in our home is to increase his ability and my ability to hear the voice of the Lord, as brought to us by the Spirit. (Eric Davis – The Cripplegate) Yesterday, a new prophet of the 16-million-member Mormon church was announced. If we are in the kitchen, we walked down the hall to go to the office, we walked down the hall together. I’ve certainly learned that. And there’s no moaning and groaning. And what has caught my attention is, he doesn’t just want to bring the gospel to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. And so that was just wonderful. He’s even again, more what looks like courageous and bold, but is just his obedience, his intense, exquisite obedience to whatever the Lord needs him to do. George Q. Cannon described how in this moment, Brigham Young appeared and sounded like Joseph Smith in a miraculous manifestation from the Lord: “It was the first sound of his voice [Brigham’s] which the people had heard since he had gone east on his mission, and the effect upon them was most wonderful. To keep it short and simple, when the current Prophet of the Church dies (as of this writing, President Thomas S. Monson), the senior apostle becomes the next Prophet and President of the LDS Church. So this is early January, this is pre-COVID. Let God’s vision prevail. In January 2021, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints celebrates the third anniversary of President Russell M. Nelson serving as the leader of the Church. These may be new truths or explanations of truths already received. But I think it’s not an accident that we are immersed in the waters of baptism. Sister Sheri Dew: I know you would love it. Everyone fully expects the new prophet to be Russell M. Nelson, the current president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. You can just see his respect. Sister Sheri Dew: Thank you for “Come, Follow Me.” Thank you for home-centered, Church-supported. In Episode 12 of the Church News podcast, Sister Wendy Nelson speaks about witnessing President Nelson’s prophetic calling in the first three years of his service. And I thought, “OK, well, this is what we’ll do.” And I knew that in between those, there was at least one huge trip a month that in between, we would be doing local opportunities to be with our local congregations. His name is Russell Marion Nelson. Now, when the prophet dies, the president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles (the real president, not the acting one) becomes the new prophet. In another revelation, the Lord affirmed that the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles holds the priesthood keys, the same as the Savior’s apostles of old, to direct the Church: “And also with Peter, and James, and John, whom I have sent unto you, by whom I have ordained you and confirmed you to be apostles, and especial witnesses of my name, and bear the keys of your ministry and of the same things which I revealed unto them; Unto whom I have committed the keys of my kingdom, and a dispensation of the gospel for the last times; and for the fulness of times, in the which I will gather together in one all things, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth” (D&C 27: 12-13). Sister Sheri Dew: So continuing on in this line of thought about how your husband feels about women, he’s the father of nine daughters. And sometimes you start with, “OK, God is my Heavenly Father. He’s not hovering over them. Your email address will not be published. Brigham Young, as president of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, held the keys of the priesthood and had the authority necessary to lead the Church. Prophets receive God’s word by revelation and are then commanded to preach to the people (see Amos 3:7; 1 Nephi 22:2; D&C 1:38; Bible Dictionary, “Prophet,” 754). I just felt like I should take those off the calendar.” So there is a prophet in the land. He has told me that in a meeting, he will get an idea. Immersion. Then know that you are working with God and with God all things will be possible and you’ll have an amazing experience. At the beginning of 2017, the new president takes over from the old. It was the voice of Joseph himself; and not only was it the voice of Joseph which was heard; but it seemed in the eyes of the people as though it was the very person of Joseph which stood before them. With the death of President Thomas S. Monson the top leadership structure of the church is transformed, temporarily. “It was a huge honor to play this great man,” said John Munoa, a Latter-day Saint actor who played the … Should the Church continue to function with the Quorum of the Twelve presiding? He can’t restrain himself. President Nelson was next in line behind President Monson in terms of the number of years he’d been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. Let God’s laws prevail. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), the President of the Church is the highest office of the church. He loves that word, hearken, meaning listen to obey. You traveled, of course, widely with him before then, for a number of years, but it’s different. He had been a member of the Quorum of the Twelve for two decades, more than two decades. Yet the Mormons are apparently in the process of selecting their next prophet. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen. But it’s actually just obedience. The Long Version: On June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith Jr. was martyred while incarcerated in Carthage, Illinois. I am a non-LDS who has a great deal of respect for Mormons as being some of the most astonishingly well read Christians that I have ever had the privilege to discuss theology with. Throughout the history of the Church. The president of the Quorum of the Twelve, along with the rest of the apostles, sets apart the new president of the Church through a formal laying on of hands. Ninety-three-year-old Russell Nelson will now serve as the 17 th prophet and president of the LDS faith. See also Book of Mormon; Mormon, Nephite Prophet. The 93-year-old former heart surgeon, who is the second-oldest man to assume leadership of the 16-million member church, is now considered a “prophet, seer and revelator” by Mormons. It is a beautiful process to see how smooth the transition is from one president of the church to the next. But in a meeting, he will have an idea or have words put into his mouth that absolutely changes the trajectory of where things were going. It also means let God’s will prevail. A prophet is a man who has been called by God to speak for Him. LDS, Mormons, next in Line, Boyd K. Packer for a new prophet? Just before Mormon’s death, he delivered a historical record called the plates of Mormon to his son Moroni (W of M 1:1). In this Church News podcast, we celebrate this milestone as guest host Sister Sheri Dew interviews President Nelson’s wife, Sister Wendy Nelson. For much more information on this subject, see the Foundations of the Restoration Teacher Manual, 2015, Chapter 23: Succession in the Presidency. However, once we come up out of those waters, if we only sprinkle our lives — we weren’t sprinkled to be baptized, we were immersed to be baptized. I know that Jesus Christ is at the head of the Church, that He guides everything through His Prophets and Apostles. His prayers are different. I would tell them to absolutely keep immersed in all the light and truth they can, in terms of what they read, what they watch, what they say, what they think. They are rock solid. I can tell you that his prayers are more global. it is well with my servants Joseph and Hyrum….Go and say unto my people in Nauvoo, that they shall continue to pursue their daily duties and take care of themselves, and make no movement in Church government to reorganize or alter anything until the return of the remainder of the Quorum of the Twelve. The senior apostle presides at a meeting of the Quorum of the Twelve to consider two alternative propositions: Should the First Presidency be reorganized at this time? We wish them well, but for us conditioned beings to be selecting the next prophet does not always end well. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS/Mormon) is led by a living prophet who is also known as the president of the Church. If the President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were to die, how is the next prophet chosen? The Lord doesn’t do things by accident. President Ezra Taft Benson, 13th president of the Church, taught that “God knows all things, the end from the beginning, and no man becomes president of the church of Jesus Christ by accident, or remains there by chance, or is called home by happenstance” (“Jesus Christ—Gifts and Expectations,” New Era, May 1975, 16–17). We are blessed to be led by living prophets. But I think that’s just shows how quick he is to adapt, which is really fascinating to watch. Required fields are marked *, Talks on Missionary Work by Prophets and Apostles. If Joseph had risen from the dead and again spoken in their hearing, the effect could not have been more startling than it was to many present at that meeting. So, he was already quite senior in the Quorum. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife Sister Wendy Nelson with the Rev. This is an important doctrinal question and one that many missionaries will likely face in the course of their daily missionary work. Here is the testimony of some of our modern prophets on the Lord being in charge of who becomes the next prophet: Though we often refer to the president of the Church as “The Prophet”, it is important to remember that we sustain all the apostles in the First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve as prophets, seers, and revelators. Sister Dew, also a former member of the Relief Society general presidency, will be conducting the interview today. President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and his wife, Sister Wendy Nelson, wave to attendees during a devotional in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on Nov. 19, 2019. They explore the life and ministry of the Prophet over the past three years. After the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, there was some confusion as to who should lead the Church. It’s reaching out and wanting to meet with the imams of the mosques in the South Island in New Zealand, where there had been a terrorist attack. What’s the next thing the Lord needs him to do? But how does that look from your point of view? If a motion to reorganize the First Presidency is passed, the Quorum of the Twelve unanimously selects the new president of the Church. It was part of a global tour of eight countries. Summary: Based on the authority bestowed by God and historical precedence, the senior apostle becomes the next prophet and president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when the current prophet dies. And anything that would prepare the world for the Second Coming. They’ll feel like they’re making a difference. And one of the very first things he ever taught his son was to honor his mother. Sister Sheri Dew: OK, in this most recent general conference, President Nelson gave really a classic address, I think it will become a classic: “Let God Prevail.” I’ve heard it quoted a billion times in the last two months. Let God’s laws prevail., Below is a list of temples changing status. Those are all the things I’ve seen. Absolutely, because he is always, ever waiting to hear the next thing, feel the next thing, be guided to the next thing. If we’re with someone, and they will say, “Oh, President Nelson, thank you for this. I am a non-LDS who has a great deal of respect for Mormons as being some of the most astonishingly well read Christians that I have ever had the privilege to discuss theology with. He had a large family already, but it was growing fast. And I know the Book of Mormon is real. Next in line right now is President Oaks, who will be the next prophet after President Nelson. He doesn’t even want to use the word must in a talk. So, like I say, our life doesn’t look anything like that. He’s more compassionate than ever; his knee-jerk response is always benevolence, kindness. Because the Lord has such better ideas about what I should be doing or how he would handle a situation. So you have this marriage which provides a hothouse for us to arises who the Lord really needs us to be. Imagine this: Exactly a year ago, December 2019, I looked at our 2020 calendar to see where we would be going, where we were traveling. Have a heart to heart conversation with every woman in the course of their daily Missionary work by prophets Apostles... This a little context there and 9 to the Book of Mormon is.. Him harkening prophet is called by God and have the priesthood authority necessary to lead the Church,. S been an adventure, in terms of absolutely how he is willing to do that had heretofore not done. Would prepare the world may not recognize him, the process is still a more! 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