There were weeks of hospital stays for my brother who had a blood clot in his arm and required surgery to remove a rib constraining his vein, strained relationships with people I care deeply about, as well as sleepless nights, heartbreak, tears, rejection, confusion . Matthew 6:33. Mustard Seed (Thai), Scripture quotations taken from The Holy Bible,New International Version® NIV®      and day after day have sorrow in my heart? Let us keep worshipping Him, trusting that He will bring us through even the most difficult days. Worship, I realized, was all the more important in difficult times. 2017 Dec 22; Share Tweet. Take care of yourself. (2) We can be thankful in difficult times because we have salvation (v.18) As much as we would like to … The psalmists were constantly practicing this discipline. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® How long will my enemy triumph over me? In so many of the psalms, the writer recalls the story of God’s faithfulness as a bridge toward worship and hope. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®. 1 In the midst of a pandemic, people in your services are likely struggling with fear, anxiety, grief, and uncertainty. It seemed like it was never going to end. And in your brokenness He stays as close and as involved as you want Him to be. God’s Comfort in Difficult Times Julie Woodley 3 May 2016 ... Worship in tears. I believe in love, During the weeks my brother was in the hospital, my sister-in-law and I heard that song consistently playing on the radio. His plans are far greater than any we can imagine. It would be so nice to listen to Christian music for a few hours every day spending time in worship with God. In times of conflict and crisis we tend to focus on ourselves, but we need to remember our place in this world and God’s providential care of all things. Prepare beforehand by reading Worshiping God in the Hard Times by Tom Kraeuter. . Article Images Copyright ©, 11 New Worship Songs to Bring You Closer to God, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. It’s worth turning them on anyway. In Psalm 42, for example, he cries out to God, “Why have you forgotten me? And, you know, we can quote lots of Scriptures, and we can talk about it, and we can find, in the Old and New Testament, lots of places where it tells us to trust. If we can’t bring ourselves to trust that He is full of mercy, then perhaps, at least in part, we’re implying that He has a mean or uncaring streak. The writer of Lamentations was not alone in his faith-building technique. The lyrics were just what I needed to hear. He wants to be there for us, and He wants to listen. Sometimes positive, upbeat music is the last thing we want to hear when we are wallowing in our troubles. Matt and Beth Redman received the Dove Award for Worship Song of the Year for “Blessed Be Your Name.” In additional to being a full-time worship leader and writing and recording music, Matt is the author of the Unquenchable Worshipper and Facedown. Or the time the flood filled the Earth (Genesis 6-7). Not only did I encounter God’s Word in my daily quiet time, but it seemed like wherever I turned, the verse Romans 8:28, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose”, would somehow surface, whether it was in a conversation with someone, reading something random, or even purchasing a t-shirt for a fundraiser. She lives her daily life by her favorite verse, “whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men.”, This is very encouraging cause many are times when we Christian’s are going through the deep Waters,we forget to worship God we just complain and became bitter.thanks for this. Worshiping God is easy when life is going well. I know now that the previous years I had spent studying prayer, being in intercessory groups, and having personal prayer times, prepared me to fight in prayer for my family during this very difficult time. Instead of covering up how I feel, I am learning that sharing my true emotions brings me peace unlike anything else. God was behind the scenes working, and though it might take time, it will all have a purpose. Every day we’re faced with the choice either to acknowledge and proclaim Him as the great and merciful God He declares himself to be or to deny Him. If you feel God is calling you into a deeper prayer life with him, do not resist it. They reminded me that the Lord was working, and I just had to trust Him through the wind and waves. Sometimes it’s difficult to open up my Bible and read a story about how good God is, especially when it doesn’t feel like it at the time. He is either the all-powerful, all-loving God His Word declares Him to be, or He is not. I’ve been thanking God for everything, but I’ve forgotten about being raw with Him, as you said, regarding my emotions. We have looked at building relationships, the intimacy and sanctity of marriage and this morning look at trusting God when you are in difficult times. See all formats and editions Hide other formats and editions. I just cried a lot at first and prayed that God would heal and comfort me. Worship ushers us into God’s presence, where there is peace, assurance and calmness of heart. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego show us this lesson because they were willing to worship God even if He did not deliver in the physical. I was mad. It started off great—I went to my first-ever Christian conference in February, and it was amazing. WarungSaTeKaMu (Bahasa Indonesia) The God of unbroken promises. If we’re confused, we can talk to Him about it. One promise we can count on is that God will provide a way for us to experience salvation, which leads us to the second reason for why we can be thankful in difficult times. Here are four inspiring stories about finding faith and joy during trials—everything from job loss and unemployment to parenting issues and life-threatening illnesses. 11. While such a reaction is appropriate, we can also go to Him by singing praises for Him who loves us most dearly. For in His amazing grace, our heavenly Father finds delight even in the most broken and fragile of our offerings—in the same way that an earthly father will rejoice upon receiving a simple yet heartfelt piece of art from his young child. Use these timeless Bible verses about praising God in … The Israelites were taught from birth about praising God during difficult times. How long will you hide your face from me? The doors He chooses to open, no one can close; and the doors He purposes to close, no one can open. Worshipping can help us overcome the dark season we find ourselves in. This is one reason some leave the faith. The ultimate test of faith, however, is whether you will still worship in the difficult and painful times. Used by permission of Biblica, Inc. ® All rights reserved worldwide. Faced with anguish and distress, the psalmist even talked to himself. Save. No plan of His has ever been thwarted. It's easy to tell somebody to trust, when they're the one that needs to do it. Will you forget me forever? Give the glory to God and praise his power and faithfulness. Look for the truth the song proclaims, and repeat it to yourself until you believe it. He’s working everything together for our good. I believe God will turn it, and I can worship and thank Him now. ), is a platform for Christian young people all over the world to ask questions about life and discover their true purpose. John 13:34. Say that out loud. Thy will be done, as in heaven, so in earth” (Luke 11:2). 5–6, 11. I had questions. I have come to know in an intimate beautiful way that the kingdom of God is in the depths of who I am and when life suddenly turns upside down, I find the deepest place of worship is in my tears. I was able to smile when I was around others, but when I was on my own, I couldn’t keep it together. We are also called to praise Him – no matter what the circumstances. Reading about God’s promises and faithfulness in the stories of the Bible gave me hope. In trusting God during the hard times that means we must trust His sovereignty. King David was clearly well aware of what worshipping could do to the posture of one’s heart — I believe it can make a difference for us too. “Walking on Water” by NEEDTOBREATHE was another song that got me through the hard times.      for he has been good to me. It’s possible to talk your soul into a place of hope. Introduction-This morning we continue our series “Nuts and Bolts of life”. When we suffer, we can remember that He suffered, and His suffering gave us freedom! I believe in God, YMI is a part of Our Daily Bread Ministries. When He speaks, His commands never return empty. The all-powerful and all-loving God, who is faithful in all He says and gracious in all He does. And the greater the pain we’re experiencing, the greater a choice it may be. Trusting God in difficult times. Strength Overcoming Hard Times Love And Strength problems shelter Having A Good Day Praise And Worship A New Day Getting Through Hard Times I Will Sing Praises. Sometimes we will walk blindly, unable to understand why we are going through a certain situation—our only comfort being the knowledge that God himself is not walking blindly, but instead is wisely, kindly, and firmly in control. If we’re angry, we can tell Him. To worship God is to tell Him that we believe Him for who He says He is., We're talking about trusting God in difficult times. Everything I heard and saw at the conference encouraged me, challenged me, and filled my heart with a deeper realization of God’s love for us. The One who has never been anxious, overwhelmed, or outsmarted. Think of Joseph, for example—sold by his brothers and eventually sent to prison for two years (Genesis 37-41). We worship a triumphant Savior, a victorious King. Worship and grief don’t usually go hand-in-hand. The Bible says “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.” (Proverbs 25:11). How long must I wrestle with my thoughts Plus discover how you can find joy in trials too with a free joy Bible study sample. has been an uplifting realistic experience….reading this through. Job had lost most of his worldly possessions yet he continued to trust God. Why so disturbed within me? Sure, worshipping God might be the last thing we feel like doing. But the word of God is not bound! Let us take our true emotions and feelings to God, and may He fill us with His peace, joy, restoration, healing, and love. 7 Benefits of Praising God in Hard Times 1) God Will Fight For You God will fight for you, when you place your full trust in him. Used by permission of “Bethany House Publishers, a division of Baker Publishing Group,”]. A lot of things I had hoped for and prayed for have turned out differently, but they surpass what I originally had in mind. My favorite part of the song is the second part, which is very upbeat. Please hear it in the context of the incredible wealth of patience, kindness, and compassion stored up for us in the heart of God. Since he is faithful to help, we can know that we will praise him again. Trusting God in Troubled Times. vv. ... shelter Trusting God In Difficult Times Pouring Trusting Prayer, Described As Heart, ... that in the last days difficult times will come. Illustration: Warren Wiersbe wrote a book, “Victorious Christian”, about Fanny Crosby.      for I will yet praise him, Can Loved Ones in Heaven Look Down on You? 20 Bible Verses About Praising God in Hard Times When you need to find words of praise on those hard days when your heart is heavy and it’s a struggle to see the blessings, lean on words of praise from the Bible. But difficulties can change that. When He acts, no one can reverse it. These past few months have been a lot for us to process. I will sing the Lord’s praise, Even when it is not shining. Learn more. Focus on who God is. The God who never wastes His words. Keeping faith in God during hard times can be extremely difficult. 12. The lyrics, “Mighty Warrior, You will see that all things work for my good, things work for my good” in particular really spoke to me. My bones suffer mortal agony as my foes taunt me, saying to me all day long, ‘Where is your God?’” (Psalm 42:9-10). Thy kingdom come. While I wouldn’t choose to go through it all again, the experiences of the past year taught me the power and faithfulness of God in even the darkest of times. If you yourself are in a season of struggle, take a moment now to remind yourself of the God who sees your struggle. We don’t need to have it all together to go to Him. I love to listen to this song in hard times, even though God hasn’t turned my situation yet. To find strength and hope, he repeatedly speaks to his soul, reminding himself that there is One who can save him. Some nights we see a half moon, at other times just a small sliver of moon. Praising God in the hard times doesn’t minimize or deny heaviness of heart. Several Psalms and many Proverbs divide all … Some of the people went through some really rough stuff, sometimes for years. In this psalm, we are given four steps up and out of despair, fueled by Hope For Hard Times. The times we are living in are difficult. What we expect from God, is going to have a critical effect on how we respond to life and hard times. It is my prayer that you can find some encouraging and inspirational words in these Christian quotes. Every piece of us. Worship is for the difficult moments too. That may sound a touch harsh. Find songs that lift you up, that you can worship through. I now call it my year of plowing—plowing deep and digging into a deeper relationship with God. God promises us peace that surpasses all understanding in Philippians 4:7: “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, … In worship, congregations gather as God’s chosen people, recalling who they are by baptism and finding themselves again in the gospel narrative. Put the songs on repeat. RSS this blog Archives Contributors. While I wouldn’t choose to go through it all again, the experiences of the past year taught me the power and faithfulness of God in even the darkest of times. There is actually no middle ground. I was scared. I have seen God’s faithfulness, and I trust and believe that He always works it for our good (Romans 8:28). But we don’t always witness it like this. For me, it’s still a daily process and something I have to choose day after day. The same is true of our walk as worshipers of Jesus. In so many of the psalms, the writer recalls the story of God’s faithfulness as a bridge toward worship and hope. . Last year was a tough one for me. Though it hurt at the time, the pain wouldn’t be for no reason at all. No matter how dark things seems right now, hold tight and know that God loves you deeply. His faith is implied in that he goes to God from the outset, but the process is also important because it can serve as a model for how to worship while facing difficult times. But we have seen the form of the Lord many times before—in life and in Scripture—and know Him to be as good and as kind as He ever was. But I’d learned to practice worshipping God no matter what the circumstances. Worship is trusting God. Remembrance of Christ and His death at Golgotha needs to be the center piece through which we praise God in the hard times. Worshipping through the hard times brings us new strength and hope. From the moment I left the conference to the months that followed, it seemed like anything and everything that could go wrong, did. I didn’t understand. He can handle it. Also, I’d love to check out the music you mentioned. David the psalmist is a great example of this. Beth is the author of Soul Sister and Beautiful. It was during that time that I learned to worship God in spite of my circumstances. 1–2. She’s an aspiring author (in the process of writing a book!) He wants us as we are. Jam out. Biblical Commentary Children’s Sermons Hymn Lists. There’s so much out there, but hard to find what touches me spiritually. Job chose to worship in the midst of his pain. Even though everything in my own life seemed so out of whack and crazy, this verse assured me that God would somehow use what I was going through for good in the future. A s we walk through life we are sometimes faced with difficult times. Your email address will not be published. Worshipping God in the Hard Times Waiting in the valley is hard. Planning Worship in Difficult Times Worship services can help a congregation through a difficult time by reminding members of the major themes of Scripture and the promises God has made.     I rest on His unchanging grace. Yet this is only one side of the mystery, for our God is also the majestic and holy King—worthy to be trusted and believed in for the wonderful truths He says about himself. God is shaping you and molding you into the person He created you to be, and it’s going to be beautiful. We are a community with different talents but the same desire to make sense of God’s life-changing word in our everyday lives. This is something I knew He was okay with and I’d always tell others to do it too, but I forgot! The theme of the conference was “Stepping Season.” Little did I know, I was about to enter into my own stepping season that would test everything I learned that weekend. After all, He already knows what we’re feeling, so why not just be raw and real with Him? Combining amazing, true-life stories with solid scriptural truth, Kraeuter shows that it is indeed possible to worship … Enter your mobile number or email address below and we'll send you a link to download the free Kindle App. I was reborn at 33, now I’m 50 and have a very small list of Christian music that really moves me. Even when He is silent. 雅米 (Traditional Chinese) You and I were for this time and place. You can make the same choice today that, in every situation, you will still worship God. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Step one: Pray. YMI (which stands for Why Am I? Everyone will face times of testing. Tom Kraeuter tackles the challenges of Worshiping God in the Hard Times.. [Editor’s Note: Content taken from Finding God in the Hard Times by Matt and Beth Redman. I was feeling a lot of emotions, and quite honestly, did not feel like worshipping through it. We are also called to praise Him - no matter what the circumstances. He remains as faithful as the day He created you in love, and as powerful as the day He spoke the world into being. Required fields are marked *. And that is what we especially need in those hard times. However, I am learning to cling tight to His promises. What Are "Signs and Wonders" of the End Times? Focus on his attributes. He would certainly remain faithful in my life. It might be just what we need to get through the day. No one has ever outmaneuvered Him, outlived Him, or out-loved Him. Our Father in heaven has an incredible track record. Autoplay When autoplay is enabled, a … We’ve all seen a full moon and therefore know something of its form. It’s a little like looking at the moon. God is for me. © 2016 by Matt and Beth Redman. For many of us, when hard times come our instant reaction is to ask God for the pain to cease, for the problem to go away and for His peace to reign. And on some occasions we see almost nothing at all—just the faintest outline hidden by a cloudy night sky. Not even the Christian is immune to trials and tribulations. Hilary comes from the heart of the heartland, right in the center of Illinois. Crank it up. Yet God always remained faithful, even when it seemed hopeless. Emmylou Harris Moved To Tears After Band Performs Tribute Song. Twice he cries out in Psalm 42: Why, my soul, are you downcast? In the valley, in the darkest times you cry out, “who will rescue me from this body of death?” In other words, in times when we can’t seem to perceive God amidst our pain, and the clouds of anxiety and fear close in on us, the way forward is to remind ourselves of what we know to be true and dependable—the unchanging grace of God. Why must I go about mourning, oppressed by the enemy? Here are three things I did that helped me worship Him: 1. God bless you! Vaughan Smith. Yet the point is this: Even when the moon is obstructed from our view, we are still convinced of its existence and true form because of what we have seen in the past. 31 Powerful Quotes by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Amazing Children's Choir Sings 'I Can Only Imagine', A Prayer for Peace in Confusing Times - Your Daily Prayer - January 19, Courage for the Days Ahead - New Year Devotional - January 18, 6 Major Differences between Christianity and the American Dream, 10 Encouraging Bible Verses about Not Giving Up. Knowledge of the content is not enough, we must learn to apply what Scripture teaches if we are to experience true change and growth. It’s crazy to look back now at all that the ups and downs of last year, and it’s even crazier to say that I am thankful for it. We can easily be distracted by the noise instead of focusing on God’s stillness and peace. The Rev. A pastor once said to praise God in your trials for what you believe He will do. But let’s do it anyway. In our hardest times, we need to turn to the Lord. We are often trapped by our unbelief and fear, but God is preparing us for the end-time harvest. God might not be changing your circumstances how you would like Him to, but don’t lose hope. Even when I feel it not. The Best Way White Christians Can Respond to Racial Tensions, This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of, Copyright © 2021, Think of the seven years of famine (Genesis 41-45). Put your hope in God, Worshiping God in the Hard Times Unknown Binding – January 1, 2009 5.0 out of 5 stars 1 rating. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” (John 4:23) “ You are worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; For You created all things, and by Your will they exist and were created .” (Revelation 4:11) David was discouraged and sad, and He wasn’t afraid to show it. Worship God by loving the people in Your life. Here are three things I did that helped me worship Him: I had spent time doing devotionals in the past, but now it was a daily necessity. The classic rock is what I’ve always listen to, but it’s the soulful, deeply moving music I love and just don’t know where to find it. A In difficult times we need to remember that worship is first of all about God, not about us. How to Trust God During Difficult Times. Your email address will not be published. At times, painful life circumstances seem to obstruct our view of Him and His goodness. God’s Faithfulness Is Not Limited to Good Times “The Lord is for me, so I will have no fear.” Psalm 118:6 NLT. This gives us at least a vision of ourselves rejoicing in the future. We needn’t be afraid or feel bad about telling God our emotions either. Praise is the will of God, and heaven overflows with it. Throughout the ages, the people of God have found strength in this approach. Take, for example, the writer of the old hymn “The Solid Rock”—a song deeply rooted in the truth of an unchangeable, unshakable Savior: When darkness veils His lovely face, 10 Worship Songs about Trusting God in Hard Times Some years ago, Carl Trueman asked a question churches today are reckoning with: What can miserable Christians sing? To have hope in God is to wait expectantly for him. More often than not, you’ll find her with a cup of coffee in hand or exploring nature. Psalm 13, for example, begins with a desperate cry but ends with a reminder of God’s track record in his life: How long, O Lord? Faced with challenging times, a wise worshiper looks over the form of the Lord—recalling the soul-refreshing wonders of His nature and attributes—and through this finds a way to the place of praise. Psalm 13:5–6. This won’t happen overnight—or maybe it will. He wants to enlarge our territory. And then say it again. Yet he ends his song with the choice to believe and trust in the powerful and merciful nature of his God: But I trust in your unfailing love; One of the ways I can show God my love and worship is to intentionally love the people in my life. Five urgent questions from a worshiper longing to be free of his suffering. The psalmist here teaches us a beautiful truth: Remembering releases rejoicing. vv. The Israelites were taught from birth about praising God during difficult times. Worship, I realized, was all the more important in difficult times. Let’s not hide anything from Him. Worship helps tide us over those difficult times of life, and gives us hope for an eternity—where there will be no more tears, death, suffering, crying or pain (Revelation 21:4). And in these tears, God comforts, He guides, and He gives me strength. So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other.      my heart rejoices in your salvation. He loves us, and He isn’t going to stop listening just because we’re mad or “yelling” at Him. It’s painful when you want to run away and can’t. The Lord’s prayer begins in an attitude of worship and praise, “Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name. When you stop worrying and trying to fix it all on your own, you allow the space for God to step in. Psalm 37 Trusting God in Troubled Times. 雅米 (Simplified Chinese) Christina Patterson. I went through a divorce last year and though it was unbelievably painful, I kept praising God throughout. Comments are turned off. that loves to write, create, and make the world a brighter place however she can. Indeed, as we will begin to see, so often our Father in heaven will take our broken moments and weave them into a powerful tapestry to the glory of His name. Let us take our true emotions and feelings to God, and may He fill us with His peace, joy, restoration, healing, and love. Now I’m happier than I’ve been in years!! Yes, every act of worship is a choice—a decision to believe and respond to God for who He says He is—no matter how pressing our circumstances. A response to the Newtown, Connecticut school shooting. Learn more at Mark 4:35-4:41. “Mighty Warrior” by David Virgo got me through so many days last year.      my Savior and my God. Thank you so much for sharing this. There are also still things I don’t understand, but I now have a different perspective on them. About finding faith and joy during trials—everything from job loss and unemployment parenting! Time, the greater the pain wouldn ’ t understand, but God to. Leads us up and out of despair, fueled by hope for hard times in... Ages, the psalmist even talked to himself finding God in the center of Illinois acts, no has. Where there is peace, assurance and calmness of heart five urgent questions from a longing. Hope elevates our expectations and leads us up and out of despair that needs be! 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