Hits hard and fast, but made of glass. Troggherd Heavies has a required Troggboss, one Dankhold Troggoth and no optional units. Gloomspite Gitz are a loose coalition of Moonclan Grots, Spiderfang Grots and Troggoths united by their worship of the Bad Moon alongside Aleguzzler Gargants who are attracted by the offer of brews. The army was littered with lots of wacky Random mechanics that even if rolled well still often failed to impress. In this video I preview the new Gloomspite Gitz battletome and will focus on Da Bad Moon, allegiance abilities, enhancements, Gittish Hordes sub-allegiance, spells lores, grand strategies, battle tactics, point changes, core battalions and key warscroll changes. Their leader options are: Advertisement. which lets you attempt to bring 2 units back with your Loonshrine providing your general is within 12 of it. Press J to jump to the feed. These are basically all fine and par for the course with more recent 3rd edition tomes no particular gimmes but everything is at least acceptably doable if youve built for it or the situation presents itself. Sporesplatta Fanatics got a real usability boost with a new pre-game move ability that lets you get their line of sight blocking up and in front of your army. Kragnos gets reprinted here and remains Kragnos. For whatever reason GW designed one of the coolest looking boxes of goblins and then also continually shitcans them for no reason. This revolting orb veers haphazardly through the heavens above the Mortal Realms, shedding its evil light and leering maniacally at the terrified mortals below. They're fun, they're strong, and they're random! It gets to pick a squig unit within 3 in your hero phase and pick a buff for them from +3 move, mortal wounds on 6s to hit to +1 attack with fangs. Path to Glory rules for your Gloomspite Gitz to concoct strange and esoteric potions to empower your clan. Grimscuttle is a total rewrite from the old White Dwarf rules and feels like it still doesnt quite get there for what is one of the weaker standalone parts of the army. The spider-wizards can grab a once per game +d6 to cast for a phase with Nibblas Itty Ring, even a +1 to cast is a pretty decent artefact but the spike potential here is a lot. Its got the same disappointing attack profile with its wildly variable d6 damage. Then building towards a Squig Rider Stampede Stabbas and Manglers with battalion for 1000ps is a pretty good idea? asks you to do 8 or more mortal wounds by Spiderfang units, which youre not in total control of but is doable if youre leaning hard into Spiderfang. Frequently one of the bottom if not the bottom army in the rankings. The moon now only moves on a 4+ roll and theres no possibility of double moving. Their awful old command ability has also vanished in favour of an unusual but potentially useful once per game ability to retreat this and one other spiderfang unit at the end of the combat phase. Also in the same boat for keywords and battleline-if is the Squig Herd which has that baked in extra gob attack and a d6+5 move. Its still a two-spell caster via the two single-cast models and the spell of Boggleye to stop an enemy unit within 12 being able to receive commands is interesting and useful. The warscroll spell here got a little bit worse as its +1 to the mortal wounds done by the target unit rather than double, but remember that doubling ability is now a command trait. The two most exciting units for me are the Loonboss on Mangler Squigs and the Boingrot Bounderz. 1 x Waaagh! They have a 5+ ward now, and their looncap mushroom rule still prevents their movement but is now a 3+ dice roll (or 2+ under the light of the moon) to hand out a 5+ ward to another Gitz unit wholly within 12. Shipping, returns & payments. Firstly. Theres three interesting, if not overwhelmingly strong, options for the Dankhold Troggboss. Just in case you didnt have enough moon related battle tactics. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. got cheaper but are otherwise the same, retaining their annoying inability to leap out of anything other than pure grot units. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. will make you all warm and fuzzy with their Gitmob keyword, but at 135 for 5 theyre a tricky sell. This review was completed using a copy of Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz given to us free by Games Workshop. Otherwise, the reroll command ability is predictably gone and now you get another modification to all-out attack for troggs, giving them +1 attack on top of the +1 to hit, which is a pretty big upgrade over its previous incarnation. is a once per battle 3 mortal wound bomb that triggers after the Troggboss fights. is still tough to recommend outside of you trogg fanatics, and you do you, kings. If you can beat that heros wounds characteristic on a dice roll, it cant fight in the following phase. He loves to charge in nice and early with some other big scary melee threats to take advantage of his 3d6 charge aura, and the newly juiced up squigs should suit this purpose nicely if youre Kragnos-inclined. Goonhammer and Stat Check are Teaming Up! Theres three interesting, if not overwhelmingly strong, options for the Dankhold Troggboss. Shootas and Stabbas are weak and cowardly but theyre also incredibly numerous. The different clans of the Gloomspite Gitz worship a terrifying celestial body known as the Bad Moon. Squigs - Squig Herd, Manglers, Hoppers, etc.. While you may be familiar with a lot of the Gloomspite Gitz units, there are loads of new and updated warscrolls in the battletome for you to get your claws into. Announcing The Goonhammer 2023 Global 40k Campaign. The beautiful new. Madcap Shaman Stabba x20 Loonsmasha Fanatics (good ol' ball and chain) Squig Herd x6 Squig Herd x6 This is 490 point on the dot. Lore detailing the Gloomspite Gitz and their unique background and worship of the badmoon. Supa-nasty Venom pumps up the jam for your Spiderfang heroes and doubles the number of mortals done by their spider venom, this puts your Scuttleboss on 4 mortals per 6 which is a funny number of mortal wounds to be doing with that model. Terradon Riders - $60. The shrine is an entrance to the Gitz' endless Moonclan Lairs beneath the earth. has seen a total conceptual rewrite and blessedly no longer cripples your number of drops, just being a single unit where each model has a different ability a bit like a very fancy Underworlds warband. Theyre expensive at 140 for 5, but their lances are now rend -2 and damage 2 on the charge and theyre moonclan squigs. This move doesnt include any bonus mortal wounds at the end so is technically strictly worse than the Ogor version of this otherwise identical ability, but the 3d6 move to jump screens and cause chaos is the real money of this ability anyway. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Opens in a new window or tab. This trade is worth it, though its worth pointing out how little of a splash the Sons version has made and the aleguzzler lacks mighter makes rightier. For veteran players, going from being a surprisingly magically powerful army to a fairly mediocre one will sting. The Gitz have 3 leaders, and a huge amount of fighter options. Yes, you can make the Scuttleboss do 6 mortal wounds for every 6 to hit. You Give Goonhammer Writers Serotonin. However, it shows the maximum statistics for the unit in place of any * as shown on the units Warscroll. Theyre still quite expensive for how fragile they can be, but are fast at a d6+10 move and their squig mount picked up an extra attack. Thats pretty awful, but if you hit with any attacks then on a 2+ the target unit has its move characteristic halved until your next hero phase. With the clammy hand giving you two bites at it and this, you could really get recycling on those units. Da Kings Gitz is a brand new subfaction for the army, and Skragrott comes with this keyword baked in. The Bad Moon blocks out the sun, and its rays have a hideous transformative property, driving mortals and animals to madness and forcing vile mushrooms to sprout from everything they touch, be it wood, stone, or living flesh. Its possible to return destroyed units of Grot Stabbas or Shootas at half their starting strength, and depending on your general, you may be able to drive squigs, Spider Riders, or even troggoths up from the depths to join the fray. Scrapskuttles Arachnacauldron feels a bit lost, its handing out an extra cast and knowing the entire lore but this just isnt a strong enough effect to have the downside of killing your own stuff, especially when arcane tome exists. picks an enemy monster and has you kill it with Troggs, also fine and the situation should arise reasonably often to take advantage of it. Scuttletide feels like another winner, being able to be summoned from any terrain feature, throwing 8 dice with 5+ being mortals and also picking up a new ability to only be dispelled on a 9+ if its near an arachnarok, making it potentially difficult to remove for your opponent. This isnt locked to your turn, so a lot of potential extra healing and gives you some interesting play around activation order. is looking a lot more interesting, 80 points is up there with the more expensive spells but it does now have a 12 aura for counting your units as being under the light of the moon, and it also hits each enemy unit within 3 for mortal wounds after it moves. If you get a 6+, they pick up an extra attack, but this definitely changes what youre bringing them for. While the Bad Moon hovers over a table-quarter, it will shed its baleful light on all the models there, and when in the centre of the battlefield it will cover the entire board. Spiderfang heroes are blessed with three really quite nice artefacts. Free 4 day shipping What the cards show: Warscroll Wheel: This information is the standard Warscroll wheel. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Thats pretty awful, but if you hit with any attacks then on a 2+ the target unit has its move characteristic halved until your next hero phase. Resilience: This information shows the MINIMUM number of hits BEFORE saves Continue reading Warscroll Statistics . Troggs have the Glowy Howzit, a mighty 4+ ward artefact that gets turned off if you roll a 1 after taking damage that isnt negated, and the Pet Gribbly which gives +1 wound and then +1 to hit and wound if you roll a 1 after taking damage that isnt negated. has gained a point of damage on each of its melee attacks, 2 wounds and 2 of movement for only a modest points bump up to 130. For those of you with a spiderfang general, can be battleline and certainly exist. Spiderfang Grots worship gargantuan arachnids and can harness spiders of ever more terrifying size to ride to war. It's strictly limited to just 500 individually-numbered copies, available while stocks last. About this item. You dont have as much control of that as you might like, but the Scuttletide at least can be quite difficult to dispel. The Gloomspite Gitz are all but forgotten, dismissed as myths by the surface-dwelling races, but they lurk in slimy sinkholes or deep-sunk dankholds, plotting malevolent mischief. Kings Gitz get to reroll the dice for the Loonshrines moonclan lairs ability. ), Age of Sigmar Kharadron Overlords Battletome review, Warhammer Underworlds Beardgrave fan season adds new warbands, AI creates Warhammer fantasy army from scratch, Age of Sigmar Regiments of Renown bundle contents and value, Another big fat dinosaur joins the Age of Sigmar Seraphon army. If you enjoy what we do and perhaps want to support us in Continue reading Gloomspite Gitz: Top Performing Lists Breakdown A more defensive option is the Loonboss only. Theres no doubt about it, squigs have been seriously pushed in the new tome with more attacks by default, easy ways to pick up yet more attacks and a smoothed out random movement. Yes, you can make the Scuttleboss do 6 mortal wounds for every 6 to hit. For little Grot heroes the Loonboss now has a very unusual ability that modifies any all-out attack command issued by it to include mortal wounds on 6s to hit for Moonclan. which requires your general to survive the battle, potentially much easier than it used to be if theyre a Galetian Champion, and to have been affected by the Light of the Bad Moon in 3 battle rounds. Another attempt has been made to make the. Most intriguing is Loonskin which lets you take one of the non-arachnacauldron Gitz endless spells for 0 points and lets your general attempt to cast it (but crucially, does not make them a wizard so any of those predatory spells will be wild). Gitz retain their two spell lores, though both have been trimmed back in standard 3rd edition style. On the table, Gitz have a fair amount of versatility. A bit techier and less flashy is Wade and Smash which only the Troggboss gets to do. In trade, just about everything got better on a base warscroll level, the keywords are easier to work with and the core moon mechanic will be better to play with. is still your squig subfaction and now hands any of your squig units jaw attacks +1 attack on the turn they made a charge. Theyre expensive at 140 for 5, but their lances are now rend -2 and damage 2 on the charge and theyre moonclan squigs. Le Trne de Fer : Lanciers de la maison Karstark chez warmashop pour le jeu Le trne de fer Their versatility comes in with a range 2 attack, with 4 dice, strength 5 doing 2 damage . Gloomspite are a horde army in most cases that rely on Grots, and while the garrison change is cool, the terrain being set up likely far back in your line (or vulnerable to monsters otherwise) makes it a little harder to make use of well. The herders in the unit have totally changed, and now you roll a dice for each herder in your hero phase and return d3 slain squigs for each 2+. They have to be within 3 of an enemy unit to do it, but it lets them make a 6 move (which has to finish within 3 of an enemy unit, so no cheeky kinda-retreats) and then dish out some AoE mortal wounds. That time is now, does it achieve its goal? You can download the errata from Warhammer Community, giving you the updates needed to bring the army in line with AoS 3rd edition. Could potentially see some use, requiring you to have no enemy models within 12 of the Loonshrine at the end of the game, and for it to have not been smashed to rubble. This is actually OK, Dankholds are no longer totally embarrassing, and this is an easy battalion to fulfil for a decent reward. Spiderfang wizards get a much more interesting mobility spell with. Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz (Limited Edition) $90 The limited edition of Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz will make you the envy of other Loonbosses, presented with a soft-touch cover, a red ribbon marker, gold gilt page edges, and gold foil blocking. This is because the four subfactions I listed have a lot of internal synergy with their abilities that only helps that subfaction, so you tend to specialize. For heroic actions theres Beckon the Loonatic Hordes which lets a Moonclan hero under the light of the moon immediately issue three Rally commands for zero CP expenditure. handing out a normal move in your hero phase to a Spiderfang unit. The moon now starts in a large table quarter of your choosing and from the second battle round you start rolling to potentially move it. Squig Lure is a bit more specialist and is a tough sell before the previous two spells even in a Squig list, giving out re-roll charges to a single squig unit. Up to 30 models can be garrisoned inside the Loonshrine, and once per turn you can try and summon reinforcements from under the earth. is Mangler Squig only and can only be used if it made a charge move in the same turn, it gets to make a 3d6 move that has to finish within 3 of an enemy. Its worth pointing out that the fellwater noxious vomit ability is now absolutely buck wild, any unit damaged by it is at -1 save until your next hero phase. Wizards get to be. now has a very unusual ability that modifies any all-out attack command issued by it to include mortal wounds on 6s to hit for Moonclan. Spiderfang heroes are blessed with three really quite nice artefacts. New Player with Vanguard Box; want 500pt list. These both seem like pretty damn good artefacts, and theres a great choice for your murder-squig hero as well with. For just 80 points if youre running squigs, youll be taking this. Gloomspite Gitz Painted Army LOT Spiderfang Stabbas Grots Squig Gobba Chukka. Updated Warscrolls for all the moonclan, spiders, squigs and Troggs in Age of Sigmar. Its not all great news for the herd, as it is no longer able to receive commands at all. The Bad Moon invigorates your Gitz, making cowardly grots more likely to rally, troggoths thicker-skinned, spiders more venomous, bouncy squigs even bouncier, and inspiring your General with extra Command points and your Wizards with greater magical prowess. Cheap, numerous, and with lots of synergy between their units. For endless spells Morks Mighty Mushroom is the same as ever but is now one hundred points, instantly moving into the realms of being quite nice as a free spell for a troggboss. The following categories are not shared with other factions: Unique standing for unique characters and units, usually defined by having Unique labelled in the Notes Column of their Pitch Battle Profiles. Speaking of which: Moonclan wizards will probably gravitate towards Itchy Nuisance, an 18 range spell that hands out the strike-last effect to an enemy unit, simple but oh so effective. is a total rewrite from the old White Dwarf rules and feels like it still doesnt quite get there for what is one of the weaker standalone parts of the army. Gloomspite Gitz units wholly within 12" of the shrine ignore Battleshock and count as being bathed in the light of the Bad Moon. A Boss on Giant Squig or Mangler will only help Squig units. are battleline with a troggboss general and both units now come with a base 4+ save (giving that +1 from the moon a lot more inherent power) and regeneration has changed from your hero phase to the start of every hero phase. He's also written for PCGamesN, and 'Grimdark', his book of essays about Warhammer 40k and Games Workshop, will be published by MIT press when it finally emerges from the warp. Then in opposite-land, Stab Em in the Dark is to kill a selected enemy unit with a Gitz unit not under the light of the moon. Moonclan wizards get a choice of the old faithful Moonface Momment which still does its old trick of handing an enemy unit within 12 -1 to save rolls in the combat phase, or the Staff of Sneaky Stealin which is a flat +1 to cast with an extra +1 to cast added every time the bearer unbinds a spell.