All Rights Reserved. Most of it involved aircraft design and the personal information of employees. Something novel at the Pentagon. Another person mentioned his wife was all over the theories on why Trump lost last year. The operation to recalibrate the hacking attack took place through Leonardo servers and after this switching of numbers the new manipulated data was sent back to the Dominion voting machines in the US. Make no mistake, this is a coup detat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections, stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action. Its safe again and were having a lot of fun over there. (, Filed Under: Election Fraud, Steve Beckow. Affadavit of Arturo D'Elia Acknowledging Election Fraud May 4, 2021 by Steve Beckow Arturo D'Elia was former IT head of Leonardo SpA in Italy. Hoping to keep Trump supporters enraged over the 2020 election for future electoral success? The news of this raid was confirmed by Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-TX). The two men havenot been charged. Other computers belonged to Leonardo workers involved in the production of C27J military transport aircraft and ATR commercial and military turbo-prop planes used by Italys tax police and coastguard, the November-dated document said. Just be patient. Details of the parts of Leonardos business that the hacker allegedly targeted have not been reported before. You live in tumultuous times and you live in a time of fulfilment. ADINA KUTNICKI: A ZIONIST & CONSERVATIVE BLOG, SWORN AFFIDAVIT:ARTURO D'ELIA ADMITS TO 2020 ELECTION STEAL, Hillarys Sex Stuff More Rumblings of Clinton Lesbian Affair with Huma Abedin, The Palestinian Crisis is Linked to the ISIS Crisis in Jordan. Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos., Lara Logan (@laralogan) January 7, 2021. I mention that above. Tags: Arturo D'elioElection 2020FeaturedInstitute for Good Governance ItalyLeonardo (Jesus through Linda Dillon, Heart Call, Sept. 19, 2020.). D'Elia's resum reveals some very interesting facts. Posted on 01/06/2021 2:22:24 AM PST by TigerLikesRoosterNew. Says His Brother Was Somehow in Charge of US Capitol Riots (VIDEO). Italian Supreme Court lawyer ProfessorAlfio DUrso has presented evidence against arrested Italian defense contractor Leonardos Security Head Arturo DElias involvement in the US Election hackingcase. Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Nel presunto affidavit, la cui esistenza per non mai stata confermata, si accusa D'Elia di aver compiuto un'opera di hackeraggio contro Trump. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Tap below and Follow @DailyNoahNewsthats me! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Data security is critical for the reputation of Leonardo, which as well as offering its own cyber security services, is involved in several European defense programs to produce military aircraft and equipment, defense sector analysts say. DUrso testified that it was under the instruction of United States personnel working for the US Embassy in Rome that DElia undertook the operation to switch votes, changing the significant victory from President Donald Trump to Joe Biden. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. Nations In Action and the Institute for Good Governance are making the following demands on elected officials: Depose State Department officials starting with Rome staff including Stefan Serafini, it's verbatim with the affidavit. Americans and elected officials now have proof that the election was indeed stolen. All materials posted herein are protected by copyright law and the A lawyer for Rossi said he had nothing to do with DElia, adding also that his client, who is currently under house arrest, had not damaged or destroyed any evidence of the crime. The investigation began with an episode in January 2017, when the cybersecurity structure of Leonardo Spa reported anomalous network traffic leaving the workstations of the Pomigliano dArco plant generated by software unknown to antivirus systems Corporate: cftmon.exe. In the affidavit, which is included in the link below, the professor continued his testimony declaring that the defendant transmitted the switched votes via military satellite tower to Frankfurt, Germany. If anyones that interested in knowing what it says Ill read the whole thing and summarize. DElias alleged crimes involved Pomigliano DArco on the western side of the peninsula. I will guide you. Open eSSe did not immediately respond to an email from Reuters seeking comment. The defendant has stated he is willing to testify to all individuals and entities involved in the switching of votes from Donald Trump to Joe Biden when he shall be in total protection for himself and his family. T-Mobile: 605-781-4582 posters and do not necessarily represent the opinion of Free Republic or its This provides the mechanism for each state to recall their slate of electors immediately or face lawsuits and request all federal government agencies to lock down all internal communications, equipment and documentation from the Rome Embassy. I want to believe this, but there are far too many people who would have turned whistle blower for it to be hidden from November until now. 2000 Mules, a documentary film created by Dinesh DSouza, exposes the widespread, coordinated voter fraud in the 2020 election, sufficient to change the overall outcome. The Atlantic wonders why we're still arguing about masks. My bad. Here's more on the story and how it broke from an episode of,,,, Your email address will not be published. Someone at the cigar store I visit discussed it over the weekend. The scam system was designed so that after downloading stolen data, all traces of the raid were erased. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Just plain fun? Is it on YouTube? This data transfer explained the infamousglitch in Dominion Voting machines during the election, according to the officer. I give you my divine authority to do so. You are leaving compassion and latitude for correction and understanding. The problems with the allegations are plenty, however, as with many conspiracy theories, theres a grain of truth. #BarakObama. According to a signed affidavit, Arturo DElia testified that he interfered in the 2020 U.S. election using military grade cyber warfare to switch votes from Trump to Biden. WHO WERE HIS HANDLERS? La tesi dell'hacking sarebbe stata confermata - almeno nella versione rilanciata da Sacchetti - da Arturo d'Elia, addetto alla gestione della sicurezza informatica della stessa . Is it a blockbuster? According to the investigators of the C.n.a.i.p.i.c. Italian police said on Dec. 5 that at least 10 gigabytes of confidential data was stolen from Leonardo between 2015 and 2017 through malware installed on targeted machines. Italy Leonardo -> Frankfort ->American Dominion Servers President received the information on . Full Democrats Hiding That John Fetterman is Brain Dead to Prevent Special Election? Arturo D'Elia signed an affidavit admitting to switching data from the November 3 US presidential elections "from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. He stands accused of altering American electoral data to throw the election from Trump to Biden. We value your opinions, and would love to see you add to the discussion! DElia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US elections of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals. Seeking information is Light Work. We'll see. It also claims to focus on organizational design, appraisal interviews, and Drafting Effective Jobs Descriptions. Not exactly a group focused on exposing election fraud. The mother of all bombshells has been released! DATED this 6th day of January 2021 at Rome, Italy.General Affidavit. Biden's FAA Nominee Can't Answer a Single Question About Aviation, Russell Brand was challenged to give examples of MSNBC pushing misinformation (that was a BAD idea), Mom Tells Congress Teachers Union Sued Her for Asking if Her Kindergartner Was Taught 'Radical Gender Theory', Young Man Does His Own Taxes for First Time, Rage and Mirth Ensue, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information, The Italian defense contractor switched American votes claim makes no sense. A breathless news release from Nations in Action vows arrested Arturo D'Elia teamed up with US Embassy in Rome officials to manipulate the vote. !An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Affidavit Delivered to Congress Yesterday From Italian . Your email address will not be published. The Democrats in collusion with many Republican lawmakers and propaganda media mobs succeeded in stealing the 2020 election and certifying fraudulent elector votes, with huge help from Vice President Mike Pence, to certify Joe Biden as the next American President. That gateway is open and you are being flooded and you are being assisted and you will be assisted every step of the way. In his video affidavit, he provided information obtained from a high level Army Security Services official. VIDEO EVIDENCE! (Archangel Michael, Personal Reading, June 17, 2020. WA gun rights initiative in trouble as recall filed against AG Ferguson, Naomi Wolf: Autopsies on the vaxxed confirm COVID vaccine damage is damaging body organs, *NEW* Buttigieg Has Been CHARGED Even Dems Are Coming After Him, Woody Harrelson, Saturday Night Live, and Ridiculing Coronavirus Tyranny (Video). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Sworn Testimony In Arizona Says Yes. If you love what we do, please consider a $1/month donation to keep us live!, Hacker employed by Leonardo spa stealing military secrets. Or is it because they have become Chinas bitch that was the best way for the CCP to infiltrate without detection? The fact the underlying charges are from a few years ago does not rule out the possibility an ex-NATO cyber warfare specialist was also hacking on Nov 3. yes, that was already acknowledged in the first part of the affidavit! We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. Maria Zack - Italy did it - Arturo D'Elia admits to stealing election. The representatives have a copy. Please disregard reply #4. And for overseas military, are they not all mailed directly to the state elections offices of the voter? On Dec. 5 Italian police arrested two people who had worked at Leonardo over their alleged role in hacking 94 computers, 33 of which were at the group's plant in Pomigliano d'Arco, near Naples.. Maria Zack Italy did it - Arturo D'Elia Admits to stealing the 2020 presidential election. I, Prof Alfio DUrso, Advocate/Lawyer, of Via Vittorio Emanuele, Catania, 95131 Italy, do hereby provide the following affidavit of facts as conveyed in several meetings with a high level army security services official:Arturo DElia, former head of the IT Department of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the public prosecutor of Naples for technology/data manipulation and implantation of viruses in the main computers of Leonardo SpA in December 2020. 3, 2023, Ismael Perez ~ A Clarion Call to All Lightworkers,,,, Arturo DElia is a real person, formerly worked with Leonardo SpA, and under arrest in Italy on hacking accusations. A lawyer for Rossi said he had nothing to do with DElia, adding also that his client, who is currently under house arrest, had not damaged or destroyed any evidence of the crime. This is a SECOND offence, they were very clear. .hustle-ui.hustle_module_id_1[data-id="1"] .hustle-layout .hustle-button-cta {width:100%!important;font-size:18px!important;}.hustle-ui.module_id_1 .hustle-popup-content {max-width: 400px!important;}.hustle-group-content p {font-size:18px!important;margin: 24px 0 0!important;}.hustle-content-wrap{padding-bottom:0!important;}, We may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on this site. <p>Italian hacking of US 2020 election revelations began with DNI Ratcliffe CBS Herridge stated Dec 3 2020, General Flynn confirms, Arturo D'Elia Admits in affidavit</p><p>"Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. Is Biden leaving wiggle room in his decision to run for re-election? A bombshell? Your email address will not be published. The latest conspiracy theory regarding fraud during the 2020 election involves a claim an Italian-based defense firm switched votes from soon-to-be ex-President Donald Trump to President-elect Joe Biden. Things to look into - Arturo D'Elia affidavit Leonardo Satellites. WHENhistory is written, this moment in time will stand out as pivotal. There is video from someone claiming to be DElias attorney reading the affidavit, but something about it doesnt make sense. Italian police said on Dec. 5 that at least 10 gigabytes ofconfidential data was stolen from Leonardo between 2015 and 2017through a malware installed on targeted machines. How would any restating of the data by someone in a foreign country have any effect on the actual votes? US Military May Restrict Guns for Current Service Members as Biden Vows Assault Weapons Ban, Chief Of Bidens Failed Disinformation Board Wants Money To Sue Fox (Video), Hershey Chocolates Faces Boycott After Pushing Trans Woman for International Womens Day (Video), Heckler Has Witty Question for Nancy Pelosi Her Response is WILD, Hopefully, Americans Will Now Understand Why God Clearly Condemns Sodomites: Gay Couple Charged With Molesting Their Adopted Sons, Pimped Out To Pedophile Ring: (GRAPHIC), Have Mexican Drug Cartels Infiltrated US Politics, Possibly Even Elections? I am a PhD researcher with focus in PTSD bilogical alterations, HPA axis imbalance and immune activity. If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] Do not venture where there is no love. Part 8/8, Sanat Kumara on Using the Universal Laws to Bring about Gender Equality, The 9D Arcturian Council Through Daniel Scranton: What Jesus/Yeshua Said to You All, Jennifer Crokaert ~ Divine Mother: White Magic and Black Magic, A Message from Mira through Valerie Donner, March 2, 2023, Apollo through Valerie Donner, March 3, 2023, Mike Quinseys Higher Self Message, Mar. DElia is accused of having installed the malware on the computers to steal the data, while Rossi is accused of trying to throw the subsequent inquiry off track. This information is being regarded as one of the main reasons why the Democrats and their accomplices in the massive voter fraud-turned-coup against President Trump went into panic and have been asking for impeaching and immediately removing President Trump from the White House even though he has less than 2 weeks remaining in office according to the mainstream schedule of the inauguration of Biden. Advocate-lawyer Alfio D'Urso has stated online in an affidavit that a former IT department head from the Italian aerospace company Leonardo SpA has been charged in connection with the election rigging operation overseen by the US Embassy in Italy. Whats needed is someone to do something about the evidence. These included the use of data for industrial and commercial purposes, blackmail and military espionage activities or simply the intention to damage the image of the company by demonstrating its organizational and IT vulnerability.. The affidavit you saw is a transcript from a statement Arturo D'Elia's attorney gave. That would explain why it wont play. ]" [CROSS-REFERENCED AT] The case is real. Arturo DElia signed an affidavit admitting to switching data from the November 3 US presidential elections from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals.. In his video affidavit, he provided information obtained from a high level Army Security Services official. But I entrust this to you as well. Information is Light. Defendant states he has secured in an undisclosed location the backup of the original data and data switched upon instruction to provide evidence at court in this matter. The affidavit say that Arturo D'Elia was the former head of IT at Leonardo SpA? Make no mistake, this is a coup detat that we will stop in the name of justice and free and fair elections, stated Maria Strollo Zack, Chairman of Nations in Action. It vows the arrested worker is willing to provide a copy of the original data and data switched as long as he receives protection from Italian prosecutors. The defendant is willing to testify to the indicated individuals entities of the fact that the votes were switched from Donald Trump to Joe Biden. The professor stated that DElia is receiving protection for himself and his family and has been brought to an undisclosed location. I hereby declare and swear the above stated facts have been stated in my presence. I cant play the video of the interview. And if there is no truth, there will not be peace and [peace], Sweet One, is the Plan. Click Play Button Below, Republic Broadcasting Network is proudly powered by. Especially of interest to those new to these subjects. However the hack was between 2015-2017. Finally the hand attached to the smoking gun. "D'Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in . As reported byGreatGameIndiaearlier, former CIA officer Bradley Johnson had revealed thatItalian defense contractor Leonardo satellites were used in 2020 US Election hacking. There can only be zero tolerance for criminal interference in American elections. It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. When you see the shadow, it defines the light. According to Professor DUrso, Arturo DElia, former head of the IT department, the Chief Technology Officer of Leonardo SpA, has been charged by the Public Prosecutor of Naples. Charges include the implementation of viruses in the main computers belonging to Leonard SpA during December, 2020. Leonardo said on Dec. 5 that it was the injured party andthat it had first reported the hacking, adding it would continueto cooperate fully with the police. Is there any direct evidence of more votes cast than there are registered voters? The hacker was discovered thanks to complex investigations by the Naples Public Prosecutors Cybercrime Working Group, culminating today in the execution of two custody orders. So try to refresh page and then click. Now Some Insurers Say its Retroactive, Harford Mutual Insurance Group Announces Merger Plan with ClearPath Mutual, Alabama Insurance Agent Charged with $600,000 in Fraud, Elder Exploitation. Theres TONS of evidence. To subscribe, please submit your email address below. Here you go. He is talking about changing massive amounts of data the votes are part of that data packets. These included the use of data for industrial andcommercial purposes, blackmail and military espionage activitiesor simply the intention to damage the image of the company bydemonstrating its organisational and IT vulnerability.. LISTEN ON YOUR PHONE: This gave DElia the opportunity to alter and conceal directly the evidence and traces of the crimes he had committed on the affected computers, the arrest warrant said. He developed a Linux Live Distibution for the perform forensics capturing data from devices storage which is used by Italian Police of the State and Military Corporation. The information wasconfirmedby former United States National Security Advisor General Flynn for which his account was banned by Twitter. As you would expect, the network of mainstream propaganda mobs in and outside the United States have blacked out on this story as it blows a tunnel of a hole in their denial of voter fraud to fool their audience. Hes a non-executive, according to Leonardo SpA, and listed as a security manager by Italian prosecutors. Arturo D'Elia signed an affidavit admitting to switching data from the November 3 US presidential elections "from significant margin of victory from Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number of states where Joe Biden was losing the vote totals." . I got something else. I can't find it. An alleged affidavit attached to the urgent release asserts D'Elia, who they claim is Leonardo SpA's IT director, worked within the defense contractor's Pescara firm in some sort of global plot . Dynamic times and rampant internet censorship brought me to create a new outlet for the unending flow of information. The actual votes means backed by physical ballots and the hearings and testimonies in the embattled states have shown how the ballots have been manipulated and destroyed. Thank you! You NEED To Hear This Latest update From Mark Taylor! In the arrest warrant for preliminary investigations against the two men, the judge cited several possible reasons behind the hacking. This is the original affidavit below that I took a screenshot of because I know how things disappear. The traffic was directed to the web page for which the preventive seizure was ordered today. He was also the Security Head for theItalian Defense contractor Leonardo SpA whose satellited were used in US Election hacking. Rome, Italy (January 5, 2021) An employee of the 8th largest global defense contractor, Leonardo SpA, provided a shocking deposition detailing his role in the most elaborate criminal act affecting a US election. Frogxit: Harry and Meghan get what they asked for, Raptors delete video recognizing Women's History Month as it goes horribly wrong, Knock it down: Albuquerque tries novel approach to crime fighting, California high-speed rail costs going up and projected ridership going down, Marine Corps eliminating their scout sniper platoons, Not so fast: CA NOT going to shutter nasty old Diablo Canyon nuke plant, Don't expect Biden to drop by East Palestine. Creation, preservation, transformation = love building, love preserving, love dissolving = inbreath, pause, outbreath = rajas, sattwa, thamas (gunas) = Akar, Ukar, Makar (Aum) = Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva (Trimurthy). DElia is accused of having installed the malware on thecomputers to steal the data, while Rossi is accused of trying tothrow the subsequent inquiry off track. Arturo D'Elia is a real person, formerly worked with Leonardo SpA, and under arrest in Italy on hacking accusations. But you can also play it directly on BitChute at JOIN US @NewRightNetwork on our Telegram, Twitter, Facebook Page and Groups, and other social media for instant news updates! DElia is not the head of Leonardo SpAs IT department. "D'Elia has been deposed by the presiding judge in Naples and in sworn testimony states on 4 November 2020, under instruction and direction of US persons working from the US Embassy in Rome, undertook the operation to switch data from the US election of 3 November 2020 from significant margin of victory for Donald Trump to Joe Biden in a number The story says that he is willing to testify in court as well and says he has all the original data backed up in an undisclosed location.. He stands accused of altering American electoral data to throw the election from Trump to Biden. Arturo DElia served as IT security consultant at NATOs Communication and Information Agency in Rome between 2010 and 2015. What data you think they are talking about? See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Destabilizing the Republic by making up stuff? #ItalyDidIt The lawyer says he has a dead man's switch. In the arrest warrant for preliminary investigations against the two men, the judge cited several possible reasons behind the hacking. Trouble connecting? 2. The defendant swears that the data in some cases may have been switched to represent more than total voters registered. This is not it. Call Me, Maybe? Reporting by Francesca Landini; Editing by Alexander Smith. #NationsInAction.Org Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. Yes, GA. 1.8 million registered voters with 2.4 million votes. Leonardo Satellites. Our Privacy Policy has been updated to support the latest regulations. The information was presented to D'Urso by a high-level security services official who also stated that Arturo is willing to testify against all individuals and entities involving . Clinton Fall Guy Makes Shocking Admission About Dominion MARC ELIAS, DEM (LEGAL) STRONG-MAN FLIPS THE SCRIPT! Sign up for our free email newsletter, and we'll make sure to keep you in the loop. AT&T: 605-531-3016 Arturo D'Elia and Antonio Rossi are the two arrested by the Naples prosecutor on charges of having stolen 10 gigabytes of data and information of significant corporate value from the Leonardo group (formerly Finmeccanica) All the details of the investigation by the Naples prosecutor's office against two Leonardo employees. Anarchogeosim = challenging unjust authority by taxing uncreated wealth + UBI/(insert preference). (Always) free introductory texts on Ascension, Disclosure, Abundance, and Accountability. Corroborating the DNI Ratcliffs report of international intrusion, Arturo Delio outlined the scheme that proved successful in using Leonardo computer systems and military satellites located in Pescara, Italy.