The first, he said, was a beach, but there were people on it and he feared his tires wouldn't handle the sand well. Mikesell, his wife, and two sons were in a small airplane when it lost power and crashed near Moon Lake in Duchesne County last month. Why were the passengers not made aware of this (children). It looked like he had plenty of room in the sage brush field, I am not sure why he was so intent on trying to slow the plane down to as slow as possible before touchdown. All I can say if like to fly low over wooded areas, and lakes buy a bush plane 31" tires maybe a carbon cub. The-CNN-Wire & 2020 Cable News Network, Inc., a WarnerMedia Company. Some advice would be for the FAA to investigate immediately. See similar T210M accident in 2018 that lost power on throttle adjustment., About the gas, during the warm-up the video shows 20 gallons left tank, and 10 gallons right tank, with fuel selector on right tank. If you carefully stop the video at 7:20 after the power loss, notice the mixture control is still in the full rich position. If you fly a single engined aircraft anywhere where an engine failure means almost certain death everyone on board should be aware. The other passengers also had some broken bones. From the video posted, pilot did not lean his mixture for taxi 4:42. If you would easily land at the beach and let the landing gear retracted, you and your plane wouldnt have any scratch. A lesson to us all, fly the plane all the way to the crash as Bob Hoover said. Preliminary flight track data shows the airplane as it departed Roosevelt Municipal Airport (74V), Roosevelt, UT, and climbed northwest over mountainous terrain. Hopefully the insurance gets rejected and these people pay for their fakeness and stupidity. web browser that That is absolutely ridiculous. Fuel mixture leaning is the purpose of the red handle control knob coming out of the dash. According to Feild who was flying the plane that day, he said that he kept pushing the throttle in but there was no power in the engine and that was what caused the accident. Feild is currently in Mexico receiving treatments. MOUNTAIN HOME, Utah (KSL) A small plane carrying six people crashed near Moon Lake in Duchesne County on Friday, and miraculously, everyone survived. i will be interested to hear what happened here, but the engines on the 210 (and 206) have a tendency to be finicky coming back up to power after a power-off descent (i've had them cough on me many times in different planes pushing the power back up at bottom of descent) i wouldn't recommend power-idle descents to any of my students. Would have been interesting to see the ground under the plane after the take apart and move was done. Before Covid-19, his medical was valid for the remainder of February in 2015 plus 60 additional months, making the expiration date April 1, 2020.Then there is the Covid-19 relief extension SFAR, which adds three additional months, making his expiration date July 1, 2020. What you state here is absolutely correct, reading some of the other comments I was loosing the will, especially where some commented that the engine was stalling on the run up where in fact it was just the prop governor being recycled and checked, systematic pilot error through lack of responsibility and reasonable understanding, a fully loaded aircraft at high altitude but low and slow over the ground is a big no no from the get go, the pilots statement says he only had around 11 seconds to react when he had almost a minute, he further stated he lost power in a turn and decided to descend into the valley, what dribble he was well and truly in the valley before his engine lost power, pilot error after pilot error, just fortunate there was no engine fire and people were close by. Engine won't make power at that altitude because of less air available without lessening the amount of fuel going to the engine. In the pilots account he says he had 23 gallons of fuel in the left tank and 17 in the right. This entire family thinks they're youtube 'stars.' On August 7, 2020, about 1145 mountain daylight time, a Cessna T210M airplane, N761RG, was substantially damaged when it was involved in an accident near Hanna, Utah. Alex Cabrero has been reporting for KSL-TV for nearly two decades. The pair started dating each other at the age of 13. We want to give a huge thank you to Cognitive FX. TPWD did not release any information on the cause of the crash. Why take the chance? If I didn't know it was real, I would have assumed it was an amateur movie. If he did use all of the left tank fuel, he should at least have an airport (Provo perhaps) right in front of him intending to land for fuel. Seems really, really fishy to me. The plane crashed minutes later as the pilot was trying to land. Shortly after the flight track data stops at 11,575 ft msl. After the mechanic cleared the airplane for flight, the pilot took off, but at 100-150 ft above ground level, he again experienced a partial loss of engine power. This aircrafts Pilots Operating Handbook recommends an 80-knot emergency landing approach speed and gear up for soft or rough terrain. Unlike for automobiles insurance for aircrafts isn't required believe it or not.Only part 135 operators need to have liability coverage.Say you win the lottery and buy yourself a Phenom 100 chances are the insurance on that puppy will set you back a cool million a year. Thankfully we were in the right place at the right time, Ponzo said in a statement. To get there, Feild says that he slowed the aircraft until the stall horn sounded, then rode that horn down to the ground. Shortly after the flight track data stops at 11,575 ft msl. The "beach" is not like Daytona. He initiated a forced landing in an open field where the airplane experienced a hard landing. Normal investigation for the NTSB. The right seat passenger is filming this flight and experience for youtube. The second option was an open field. To do this, youll be trimming the nose down, not pulling up and riding near a stall. Otherwiseif some surging..(speculation) its really amazing how much air can be entrained with the smallest of air leaks in a fuel system. Enough, okay so anyways, there's so many quick cuts in the video you have to pay attention or reduce playback speed, lol.So assuming it's not a fuel gauge malfunction (we're supposed to visually and physically inspect and measure fuel before each flight, so we know if we have a malfunction or not with a gauge, or leaks); 30 gallons (1.75 hours) total fuel on a turbo T210M that consumes up to 17 gal/hr, starting on the 20 gal tank (1.15 hours). Sheriff Mueller said the cause of the accident remains undetermined. The accident site was about 7 1/2 miles south of the last flight track. The pilot adds fuel and the engine quits all together. Happen years back in Florida, pilot lived but killed a mom and kid. In 2016, "When you reintroduce desert bighorn in a landscape such as Elephant Mountain here, it's really a trickle down effect,". and "relax" and his wife told him to "stop it" and he said I promise relax", then he says "We're going to land. Both wings were separated from the airplane, the fuselage and tail surfaces had impact damage, and various parts of the airplane, including the cabin section of the fuselage received post-impact fire damage. Glad they all survived. Pilot was three years out of date on his medical according to FAA Airmen inquiry. And maybe god should have recommended some glider training (minimum energy off-field landings, effects of wind and heating in mountainous etc) But it does make for a lot of new subscribers to the family youtube channel! Needless to say, the beach was never an option unless one could 100% confirm it was clear, and that is hard to do when you are managing airspeed and altitude while assessing multiple landing options. That includes both domestic and international flights. At 8 p.m., Sunday, Aug. 9 Stoneham Police Officer Joe Ponzo will be available for interview via Zoom. First clue. Thats when Feild said the engine gave out. Feild says that the plane left just 10 feet of skid marks behind it, illustrating how much the plane fell like a rock. Those who may have information that might be relevant to the National Transportation Safety Board investigation may contact them by email, and any friends and family who want to contact investigators about the accident should email wtj5545k 20180423 diy lan For the terrain that we were in and how it all unfolded, it takes more than a good pilot to get through this, he said. Pilot..KLC, Gentry Mikesell's family posted a sofa chat youtube video about the crash. Flight Conducted Under: Part 91: General aviation - Personal. The plane was owned by Aurora Co-op. The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the crash. The call came in at 12:05 p.m. His office, along with the Grant and Madrid fire departments, were dispatched to scene. Sad how the 'fans' speak of them like they're the chosen ones. According to state police, the ultralight was approximately 1,000 feet above the bay when the engine stopped. I am a retired A&P, I.A. Officer Ponzo was met on shore by members of the Marine Patrol Unit, the Laconia Fire Department, the Meredith Fire Department and Meredith Police Department. The shattered wreckage of a chartered twin-engine plane carrying five children, their parents and two other relatives on an outing from Las Vegas to Disneyland was found Monday on a. Both wings were buckled near the tips. Potential tie-in and vendor could also be located via Ala Gannha, what with quarried stone and precious ores being apparently abundant there.With gourmet delights pouring out of the Saltery all too soon, thanks to a certain golden-eyed conspirator, Devs could potentially give story tidbits at their leisure (showing a recovering Ala Mhigo) as. Instead, this is a moment for pilots to learn from. Im so grateful for everybody, for the people who came and helped, the people at the hospital, for our hero pilot, Shad, that somehow landed the plane.. He mentions in the instagram video he took a bush flying course one summer in Alaska, maybe in the heat of the moment he thought he'd be able to drop it gently out of the air like a bush plane? What an absolute imbecile. The pilot reported that the airplane had about 55 gallons of fuel on-board before the flight began including 14 gallons in the left tip tank. The lack of doing so definitely caused their injuries to be much more severe when he stalled the plane into the ground from 30ft AGL.Also from the video, the database in his Garmin expired Aug, 2018, two years before the accident. Thankfully we were in the right place at the right time, Officer Ponzo said. In all I do sincerely hope they all recover well. He landed correctly. As other have said where the damn shoulder harness! Cobis located the pilot, who had been pulled from the water by other boaters across from Grouse Point in Meredith Bay. But the stall at that turn made for quite an impact. Hang on tight, we're going to probably flip over" Then the stall alarm goes off and he checked flaps down, gear down and kept saying relax and be good then just before impact he yelled " Relax! I didnt know if he was going to make it, honestly, said Betsy Mikesell with tears in her eyes. It literally makes me cry every day. Mikesell said she was the first one out of the plane as nearby campers ran to their rescue. Ride the stall horn and you may not be able to roll out on landing to arrest your high vertical speed. Both Dewey Stockbridge and Dr. Bob Dittmar were personal friends of ours, and they will be greatly missed, not only because of the top notch work they did in service of Texas wildlife, but also because of the men they were and the integrity they carried. or superseded by additional information. The prop was not feathered because the crankcase also broke just aft of the two front cylinders. Maybe he rolled on mains and then stubbed in.Perhaps the rear raised up for a "almost" flip but went back down hard and mashed the right main gear. It was Gods hand.. Shoulder belts saved lot of lives in car crashes airplanes no different. The pilot's inadequate preflight performance planning and his decision not to utilize all available runway during high density altitude operations which led to an inflight loss of control and subsequent collision with terrain. The helicopter pilot, a private contractor, survived the crash and was transported to a hospital in El Paso, according to the statement. The pilot, Shad Feild, and his wife were also in the plane. After takeoff the airplane climbed to 7,500 ft. above mean sea level (msl) and leveled off. LAS VEGAS ( KLAS) - A pilot, a flight nurse, a flight paramedic, a patient, and a member of the patient's family are dead following a Care Flight plane crash Friday night near Stagecoach . "We SURVIVED a Plane CRASH!" He said I'm going to land this, hold on tight. My plane a Turbo charged 210 has plenty of horsepower. . Someone else said that it looked like we were just being carried down to the ground, and I swear that is literally what happened., I lost my dad about four years ago, and I know that he helped, Feild said. But Feild had neither speed nor altitude to work with. Stall horn was blaring. FAA won't get involved unless there was a violation. Happen years back in Florida, pilot lived but killed a mom and kid. Officer Ponzo is a 23-year veteran of the Stoneham Police Department and he was the right person to be there when this man needed help. Ponzo with saving the mans life. Nose down to keep wing from stalling at any cost!! Incipient spin. She married her teenage sweetheart Gentry Mikesell who is professionally worked as a managing partner for Moxie Logistics. The pilot reported that the engine experienced a loss of power during a turn over mountainous terrain. How horrible to have that happen. Sullenberger in the Hudson River. hope the claim is denied and these idots pay for all the emergency services they used. And the POH for this aircraft says gear up for emergency landing on rough or soft terrain. Just prior to impact Shad yelledthere's going to be blood! I could feel him the whole time.. "FAA won't get involved unless there was a violation. Gentry also has a broken femur, tibia, and shattered ankle. "Our hearts ache today for those who died in this tragic accident," Texas Governor Greg Abbott said. He did not recall switching tanks after that. For the terrain that we were in and how it all unfolded, it takes more than a good pilot to get through this, he said. Betsy said Shad and Gentry both suffered T12 back injuries and remain hospitalized. Other than that, pitching up all the way to the stall warning is of course a bad idea. And nobody, even if you have the cash, pays cash for an airplane when you can borrow at 3%. I wasnt the most spiritual person. Gentry and Shad, who were at the front of the plane, suffered back and spinal injuries and remain hospitalized. The private pilot and one passenger were seriously injured and 4 other passengers had minor injuries. The plane has a useful load around 1700 lbs. As Shad looked for a landing spot, he spotted two possible locations. Its hard to believe that Im here, he said. My plane a Turbo Charged 210 has plenty of horsepower. Gentry, Brock, Boston, and I were involved in a bad. The Mikesell family originally lived in the town of Mitcham in the county of Surrey, England before moving north to Scotland, and taking this name with them. After finishing the load, the pilot flew over the field and spotted the downed plane. Yes, definite error. Brock managed to walk away from the crash. It looksscary, but itll net you the best distance for the altitude you have left. The Engine of the T210 is turbonormalized with an automatic waste-gate controller. Sorry to say but,always put the gear down unless your ditching. It seems to me he didn't manage the plane, he was not at best glide and the stall horn was going off. Our condolences and prayers are with the families of the individuals onboard. Looks like the aircraft stalled in from about 100' AGL. Grapes, who was the planes sole occupant, suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was taken to Lakes Region General Hospital in Laconia. The group said they were out flying near Moon Lake on Friday morning. Additionally, he suffered a broken nose and 3 fractures on his face. No way to know for certain but I'd assume with only 40 gallons + passengers they'd be well below that.