You are always overexcited, full of nervousness, and you may suffer from overwork and insomnia. It is often referred to as "the ascendant" or "the rising sign" on an astrological birth chart. This is one of the signs that can allow a person to appear younger than their actual age. The influence of the Gemini ascendant can be inspiring for the Virgo sun and helps to live out their creativity. This gives you natural confidence. They believe in the idea of having a smooth and peaceful life and leave no stones unturned to achieve the same. Appearance. They do not support him. Your rising sign (ascendant) plays a huge role in how you project yourself. You do not eat like a horse, far from that, but you can be a perfectly nice guest and do justice to the most renowned tables at some moments of your life. Their look is marked by neutrality, sobriety, and ordinariness. As already stated, caution is necessary in this regard. It may also be that you experience some problems of sciatica or torn ligament in the thighs. The career House of Gemini ascendant lies in the Water signs. Cancer Rising. Their arms and legs are typically long and slender as well. Since you use up a great deal of energy, your food must be rich and energy-giving: proteins, meat, rice, pasta, dried fruits, etc. A mild diet once in a while may do you a lot of good, but if you don't like this idea cultivate your garden and quietly try on a few outdoors activities several times a week. Although Johnny Hallyday, a famous French Rocker, has a Virgo Ascendant, the features of this sign are not too obvious! You ought to learn to remain Zen under all circumstances, for this little effort would enable you to save so much time. People probably want to tell you about all of their problems and expect that you will not only understand, but empathize. In spite of your tendency to have accidents and all sorts of incidents due to your intense activity, you are very tough. They have regular and pleasant traits, dark and thick hair, and their hairstyle is either sober or unusual. Your nervous system is excessively called upon, and your capacity to ask yourself questions is unreasonably high-strung. Due to Gemini Ascendants wide range of interests, you may see that showcased around their house. It provides an insight into your outward personality and shines a light on the path of your life. 11. Read this personality profile and discover the truth about Gemini ascendant. As a consequence, their look is neutral. You are quite frail, but you have a good and reasonable nature. Aquarius rising is highly independent and wont chase or compromise for Gemini, which keeps your short attention span engaged. Your health is good thanks to your robustness which is above average, but your energy is such that you need to watch out several areas. Communication is important to this person and he or she may be extremely talkative. Gemini Ascendant may have a hard time committing to one path. Psychosomatic disorders affecting the intestines may constitute another weak point which is all the more active because you refrain from expressing your emotions throughout your life. The following foodstuffs are good for you: celery, cucumber, cereals, all sorts of crustacean, and seafood, dandelion, garlic, melon and watermelon, parsley, pear, radish, red fruits, rice, tomato, watercress, and wheat germ. Gemini sign in 1st house gives one good height with very attractive features like nose and lips. Your mind is in a state of perpetual alert, and therefore, burnout or nervousness problems may affect you. Gemini ascendants are not much into following a fixed routine, in the sense that they do not like schedule and pressures that come at work. Your email address will not be published. horoscopes having the Ascendant in Taurus, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Gemini, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Cancer, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Scorpio, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Sagittarius, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Capricorn, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Aquarius, horoscopes having the Ascendant in Pisces. During the first part of your life, your level of energy is very high. The Ascendant, or rising sign, is a vital component in personality analysis. They might be creative if they're Gemini, Cancer, or Capricorn. A Gemini rising sign will have a bunch of friends in every city of the country and outside the country as well. The whole physique gives an impression which is somehow misty, mysterious, benevolent and quiet. Gemini Risings love spontaneity, and they are very interested in getting to know people. The person underneath stays strong and true. The whole physique gives an impression of might and ruggedness. This duality of personality enables them with the efficiency of handling two entirely different professions in a single time. Your potential weak point is the kidneys and the bladder, which are ruled by your sign. The Twins is the symbol for Gemini which lends the added dimensions of another personality to their characteristics. Their favourite colours are all the hues of red, orange, and indigo. A person needs to at least know which hour they were born within to calculate their rising sign. Overview of Gemini Rising Appearance Physically. She loves variety when it comes to her relationship and this keeps her energized and happy. They are optimistic by nature most of the times and the betterment of society or humanity as a whole is also their cause for concern. They usually are persons of good taste and they are reluctant to show off.. Well shaped forehead, oval face. They are of slim build and of average to tall height, with a supple, slender, and nervous musculature. A Gemini Ascendant will have their hand in many projects or subjects; they have a wide range of interests which is what helps them connect with people from all walks of life. Their pursuit for real love involves them in activities involving the opposite sex. These natives need to communicate their knowledge and always want to learn more of everything. Your Gemini Rising sign gives you a childlike enthusiasm for anything new, and you learn easily but you also get bored rather quickly. As a Gemini ascendant, you always follow your heart over your head and tend to fall in and out of love both intensely and quickly. . Whatever they decide to do it must hold some meaning or purpose to their lives. Even though they may not perfectly match your outward appearance, if your Ascendant, or to a lesser extent, your Sun, is in Aquarius, you might take on the following characteristics: Physically speaking, Aquarius people are often slim and of tall stature. Their hair tends toward naturally curly or wavy. Gemini Rising Female Appearance Thin bodies and small features, Gemini Ascendant women are youthful looking regardless of age. They tend to appear restless, anxious, and impatient and it is likely because of their constant involvement in multiple tasks. Actually, Pisces' outward appearance is impossible to classify, similarly to their personality which remains completely elusive! You are quite dependent and passive. You ought to check your Ascendant, and then look up your Sun sign in order to get a description of your outward appearance which, for obvious reasons, is only an approximation. They enjoy intellectual debates and exchanging ideas. They are athletic, of average height and build, with fair or red hair, a protruding arch of the eyebrows, tan complexion, a virile deportment for males, and a dynamic one for females. Nevertheless, you have every chance to live to a ripe old age in good health. They have been influenced by the dynamic nature of mercury making it hard for them to settle at a single point in life. Taurus people take their look very seriously, and they dress with real flair. Offer available to new customers only. She likes to travel, have fun and have sex without bans and reproaches. "Libras tend to be coaches or agents or representatives. They may be different from your outward appearance, which is influenced by your Ascendant sign. It's based on the exact time, location, and date of your birth. Your appetite is quite hearty because you are extremely resistant and tough and you need a sufficient amount of replenished energy. Appearance Gemini energy is extremely excitable, frenetic and swift. to a total lack of interest in them, and then, you eat nearly anything. Thus, a time out from their regular routine periodically could be immensely beneficial. Trading personal experiences is your preferred way to learn about the world. You ought to ensure that you take the most drastic precautions in order to avoid the worst. . A Gemini ascendant also loves to splurge, likes to spend on friends and family but is quite thrifty when he/she needs to spend it on other things in life. In social gatherings conversations with a Gemini ascendant can be engaging and interesting which is entirely due to their wit and overall knowledge of things around them. They are highly self-conscious about their physical appearance, always wanting to look fit, strong, and lean . Gemini Rising With Mercury on the ascendant, your appearance is unembellished yet prominent. The opposite sex has ample reasons to feel insecure around a Gemini ascendant male. Their look may be either eccentric or serious. A Gemini ascendant woman is a complete package. With not much self restraint around him this native male could end up facing serious repercussions in his marriage. I'm back with a new series..or at least, an updated version of a previous series that I made a few years back! In short, Gemini persons are exceptionally expressive in hands, feet, eyes and tongue. Here is a selection of thousand of horoscopes having the Sun in Libra. The native with Saturn in 1st House for Gemini Ascendant works hard to earn wealth. The proportions are harmonious with a rather tall stature and long legs. Let's get back to our Taurus Sun with a Scorpio Ascendant example. Your potential weakness is the head, which is ruled by Aries. Being an airy sign the Gemini ascendant is blessed with a prowess for mental ability surpassing their physical abilities too. Indeed, his Sun sign or his Ascendant is almost always the same as the parents', along with many other similarities between natal characteristics. She is the kind of partner who will be really excited in the initial stages of a relationship but will lose interest soon after. In general they have a characteristic slim figure with a slender and long countenance and a svelte nose and chin area.