Four weeks later, I got an even shorter pixie cut! 50 Women Who Ditched Hair Dye And Look Beyond Awesome | Bored Panda He concluded that: 'If someone decides to quit drinking abruptly, they will experience Delirium tremens. There are moments at work when I feel a bit insecure about it, but no one seems to be staring, so I guess i'm ok. An Experiment in Going Gray | YOU CAN DO IT LADIES, , DO NOT LET ANYONE FORCE YOU BACK TO DYE. Cold turkey, shave, partial color, and strip color and add toner. A different cut helps to eliminate a bulk of the hair you're trying to match or catch up to it also introduces the element of new. I was ready to show the world the real me. it has good reviews. Its been a lot of trial and error to see what products work with my gray hair and my new gray hair needs. Somebody needs to read this today. Jan 26, 2023 - Explore Audrey's board "Grey hair ponytail" on Pinterest. I knew I was ready and I did it cold turkey. These are just two of the benefits Ive discovered while transitioning to gray hair but Ive detailed out 18 more in this video! I knew I could save a lot of money by not doing color anymore, but, I didnt want a line she suggested we color my hair one more time, but go dark to match my natural brunette color, cut it pixie short and then wait one month and frost it (long enough to allow the roots to show so she could match and also so it was not over processed). I've already cut back to washing my hair only 2x a week, and I also have an array of purple shampoos being delivered to me via Amazon and visiting friends. More like, I caught myself wondering what I would look like gray. Go Gray Cold Turkey - My Gray Hair Transition Month 8 - YouTube I just have to deal with the auburn left on the ends till it goes away in time. More ideas here! Photo courtesy of Michelle Ortiz. What happened to my hair! Or do you wish him to disregard your opinions entirely? As the hair grows from the roots, the demarcation line keeps widening as the months pass. lot's of lean protein is important, avoiding too much fat, eating the right carbs, and drinking lots of water is key. Not all women have the guts to carry the two-toned hair for 15-20 months. Now I can say that going gray and loving it is a reality. My Two-Year Cold Turkey Transition to Gray Hair is OVER! If I start now i will have a full head of beautiful silver hair for my 50th. It helps to read about the experiences other women are going through and makes me feel connected and accepted as I am among my peers. . I stuck with growing out the color and every time I had a new cut, I could see the grey/white strands of hair shining through more and more (especially around my face like a light). After three years of caring for my grays, these are the top 5 products I keep going back to and they are what I recommend for anyone going gray. Going grey? On the other had, I do not like to have this obligation to color my hair all the time. I am aware of the changes I feel. It starts with lightening your hair and adding a ton of highlights. Reading all the blogs has really helped and I will keep you posted on my progress. How to Go Gray Naturally | Next Avenue Ive been debating going gray for a few years now, and now on the brink of turning 40 I feel ready for so many of the reasons you mentioned but one of my biggest reasons in my hair is so dry and brittle. I had it all grown off and wore it silver for five years, and then in 2008 I allowed negative people to tell me I was too young to have silver hair. We are proud to belong to this community of amazing women who just accept themselves and each other, just as we are! There's a fair amount of dark blonde-y, brown-y hair mixed in with the streaks of silver, but the more . I have gotten nothing but positive comments, and to be honest it was quite liberating! Thanks dad. I really wish I could just have waited a little longer. Domestic production. I went cold turkey, and it took me about a year, with a lot of patience, to grow out the dyed colored hair. But, I do think gray hair can be so beautiful and cool looking. I am thrilled to have found this website! Your young one may just LOVE having the cool mom with the awesome grey hair ? I made some other, heart wrenching, difficult decisions at the same time. Again, 2 months later, cut, toner styled. By going cold turkey, a person's body can begin to recover immediately from the damage the substance was causing. Much to my surprise, I have been getting a lot of compliments on both my cut and color! But its always there if I need it. Translation: if you have mid length hair between jaw and shoulders it will take you 20-24 months to grow out your gray hair cold turkey. The hardest part about going gray for me personally was deciding to go for it. It is used when a person suddenly stops consuming a substance such as alcohol, tobacco, or another drug, instead of gradually . Hi Joy, you may find that you hair grows in thicker and healthier after you stop coloring. Was I happier then? I learned that you cant always blend into the crowd, but the truth is this was never my goal. Cant I just dye my hair gray and skip the whole transition? . But this time I am going to see it through. Hope I dont change my mind:). They are my joy! Something about turning 50 that made a shift in my psyche. Then 2 months later 20 foils, toner, cut/styled. PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD, PROS & CONS TO TRANSITIONING TO GRAY HAIR AT THE SALON. But I am more comfortable with it now.. My hair is just a little shorter than shoulder length, and I have been wearing it in a sleek low ponytail. It gives me hope that I might find a way to live with it! 4. I still have a 10, 12, 14 and 16 year old. We added highlights, then low-lights, for 6 months or so as I was not open to cold turkey.. Why I'm Going Gray - A Well Styled Life I have never loved my hair more. I have been going through the process of thinking about stopping colouring for about a year and then suddenly I had a shift and felt strongly that I wanted to be a more authentic me. These cookies do not store any personal information. In this article, we will talk about one of the slangs or idioms that people use daily. My husband told me a few months ago he was so happy my hair was getting longer as he really despised my pixie cut. Ive been growing mine out for 6 months and its only just now covering the crown of my head. The Au Natural - Also called the "cold turkey" . So thankful and inspired from all these comments. I want to cut back on the relaxing bit I have course hair and I do like the straight look. Another poster mentioned that one had to change their color palate, but that's fun and I don't mind. I love promoting the beauty of ageing. I really like my new, natural hair color and I LOVE saving time and money that used to be spent dying my hair! 29 following. I have seen several women in grocery stores and other various places who are letting their grey grow out and sometimes I stop and talk to them for support. I put some thin bleached stripes down my part. To Tanya, dont worry how youll look and especially dont worry about what others think. The reaction wasnt satisfying at all. I just chose to go gray cold turkey, no color corrections, no interfering in my natural grow-out process even if this surely wasnt the most stylish solution. My husband loves the blonde, and we all want the husband to be happy right? Looking at myself in my bathroom mirror and looking at myself in pictures is a very different thing. Rock it! QuickSilverHair is a Registered Trademark of QuickSilver Moon, LLC. We went on a cruise and between the salt in the ocean and sun bleaching out some of my dk. You kind of figure out who you are, and what is important to you in life. In my 30s a few grey strands showed, and it helped to hide them. I.m 49 and my friends say I.m too young to go grey. So, with the encouragement from my husband, (who is completely gray) I am sticking it out. What kind of styling tools should I use and what is the bet product to use for black American women with graying hair. Save. who said a thing about giving up??? Anyways, she struck me because her face looked so young and her hair looked sogray. This means no touch-ups or anything, except for a haircut here and there. Got lots of compliments all the time. It was exciting to see how bright my silver was. That only left one route open to me - going gray cold turkey with long hair. One of the best decisions about me I have made. PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD. Hi Maxine! Go Gray Cold Turkey - My Gray Hair Transition Month 7 - YouTube I myself have been flirting with the idea of going gray. You can dye all of your colored hair gray to blend in with your gray roots. Have a weird yellow bit on top even though my hair was brown . So how to go gray gracefully? In a nutshell; I have elbow length hair that has been colored and hennad since the 80s. I went 'cold turkey, ' and it took me about a year, with a lot of patience, to grow out the dyed colored hair. It was a vicious and messy cycle. A pixie cut could have been an option, but I wasnt ready for a drastic change of color and cut at the same time! I disagree with the complexion getting lighter as we age; its all about the colors we wear be that on the face, the hair and body. I love this blog and have been enjoying reading about everyones various experiences. I am embracing aging in very apparent way. And it's been a blast! So, I get my hair cut every month regardless of which length Im keeping it. I used to be a dark brunette. But there I was dying my hair again and again. Thank you all. I got my hair highlighted with 60-80 foils, cut/styled. That's how I do things. How I Feel One Year After Saying Good-Bye to the Dye My only regret is that I didntstop dyeing it sooner.In my collage, you can see that I tended to straighten my frizzy wavy hair. Im still sexy, funny, powerful, and most of all Im still me.~Alethiea W. I believe if one knows themselves, has self-confidence, it makes the transition easier when outside noise tries to interfere. How did your hairdresser color it to avoid the line of demarcation? I would get compliments all the time on the gray!!!! Not white, but light. Karen and I first decided to start this endeavor as an Instagram page. In that moment, she kinda blew my world open. Why in the world do I want to look like Im in my twenties? How To Survive Going Gray: The First Year: Tips, Tricks & HacksThis is everything I could think to say about my year of transitioning to gray. How Tarla Went Silver the Easy Way Using Wigs! My hairdresser is on board and has lightened me up in an attempt to reduce my skunk stripe as it gradually gets wider!! I just want to be myself now. There's an Instagram account dedicated to getting women to embrace their natural grays, and they are here for it. Im determined and search Pinterest for inspiration. My children are in their 20s and both have a lot of grey hair. Hey, gals - it has been TWENTY-ONE freaking months of growing out my grey hair cold turkey. I havent been ready to feel like I look old but seeing so many women who look terrific with gray hair like Helen Mirren is encouraging. My husband is very supportive and anxious to see the end result, I might just make it this time. I will confess tho, that I have used the power for the back and top of my hair to break up the line I am however leaving the front, full coverage. If you dont have any of that, consider joining The Gray Book. It will take a few more cuts to clear out all the old highlights, etc, but after 5 months, I have a head of beautiful grey hair with dark roots (all my own, no artificial color). Octocurl Soft Heatless Hair Curlers Product Review, This is the ONE Downside to Going Gray from Dyed Hair. From there if you choose to use the help of a Supportive Stylist, it will depend on the processes you choose for your comfort zone. Being myself, accepting myself and not caring about other peoples opinions that was the true self I was about to embrace completely, I went to my hair salon and asked them to lighten my hair. I'm in the process of going from brunette to gray. Click SHOW MORE to Open Shopping Links and Helpful Blog Post Links BelowIf you are going gray cold turkey from dark brunette hair, take my advice and a. Add to Cart . Quitting Substances Cold Turkey: Safety, Risks, and More - Healthline Also, a vitamin B-12 . Its was almost like I wanted to create and opportunity to commemorate the experience, really give is space, honor every part of it. I'm not sure how I'll deal with it when I start looking like a skunk, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Here, hair color isn't just hair color: Dallas . Do you want to try color? So, I said, sure, why not? I wear my hair pixie short to chin length bobs and most often, layered. I have been to many countries; I spent 1 year in the U.S. at the age of 16 and moved to Austria 18 years ago. In the beginning, of my transition to gray hair I scoured the internet, Pinterest, and Facebook looking for women who had posted about their full transition to gray hair. Salon Transition. In my bathroom mirror my hair looks good and the gray hair coming out looks like silver highlights. 243K followers. As I searched the internet some more, I found that natural grey looked even prettier than dyed grey. first and foremost healthy hair starts with a healthy diet. The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008 film) - Wikipedia Take a few months to be prepared physically and mentally.Its all about faking it until you make it.Have you ever been somewhere that you were not supposed to be?If you have, you know that if you look insecure or nervous or out of place, someone will ask you what you are doing.However, if you walk along as if you OWN the place, people will not even think twice toquestion you being there.This is ALL about confidence.Take a few months to get your confidence at the level that will deter those who want to tell you that youre insane, that gray will age you, that this just isntdone. To book your free gray consultation with Joey today call him . My grandmother had snow white hair and so does my mother. The Surprising Thing About Going Gray Gloria Judging by your pictures it looks like an inch per month! It became and is aboutdiscovery, patience, courage, confidence, personal connections, and loving friendships made near and far!~Tracey H. Once upon a time, I swore I would dye till I died. I've been going gray since I was 21. So happy you have this blog as it has convinced me to just do it!!!! 2. Finally, there is no right or wrong way to do this Full Transition to Gray Hair; there is only your way. I'm glad there are so many of us to lend support to each other! It's 8 months since I ditched the hair dye and I've never felt better! I have dyed my hair black since I was a teenager, I have light skin and blue eyes and the contrast was beautiful. Going Gray: 5 Months And Counting - The New Knew - This Organic Girl This is a private Facebook group designed to inspire, create community, share insights, spark conversation and provide solidarity. Joni's grey hair transition started when she was in her 50s, and tired of dyeing. Be prepared to take more selfies than you have ever done! So after a few more color sessions on the length only -Balayage- I was done! I was already aware of the beauty norm that dictates society, that any woman with gray hair has let herself go, so I decided to start coloring it. This has been a true transformation both inside and out. I like the cold turkey way and hope to keep it up. But why turkey, and why cold? Wish me luck yallAndrea the Actress in Virginia. My plan is to use temporary hair color (the kind that washes out after 28 shampoos) for one year. i love it and it took a while to grow it this long! This can be your sister, mom, friend, husband, wife or finding anyone else who is going gray to connect with. If I could just buzz cut it & grow out from there Id be fine but that would sure look stupid for a while lol. But really the hard work is just waiting. I think maybe God is wanting that too because my colorist/stylist had gone down to part time (shes a little older than me) and now her two days a week are on days I cant make it in for appointments! Joni's grey hair transition started when she was in her 50s, and tired of dyeing. I didnt start coloring my hair until I was 45 and at that point I was probably 1/4 to 1/3 gray. I got a lot of positive and negative comments. You can read a more complete list on that on the blog post: How Do You Transition from Dyed Hair to Your Natural Grey Hair. Going to my regular coloring appoint today though and going to see about lowlights? It was awesome seeing my natural hair revealed after all those years of using permanent hair dye! Just let your natural gray hair come in as it will. Coping mechanisms. I used to pluck them all out with my Tweezermans but when I couldnt keep up, I started hitting the salon every 2 months, which turned into 6 weeks which eventually turned into every 4 weeks as the years passed. It will accentuate the gray base and seamlessly blend the demarcation line. They are teenagers now and I had another baby (a boy) last year at the ripe old age of 44! And then there is the cold turkey method which I personally chose to do. Confused because I wasnt that girl at all! The dark and silver are coming in full blown now. There is a way to feel good about your hair and we would love to support you. I have always been obsessed with my gray hair since I started growing them in at 19-years-oldand not in a good way. My brunette identity was important to me and I . Im about 4 or 5 weeks grown out. We cut through the marketing B.S. Always real. I dont want to look like I am letting myself go. My decision was based on repeated allergic reactions (that were steadily progressing to a sever breathing emergency) to dye. If you want to look like Pepe Le Peu, the skunk, go for it. Heres to a healthier life made more beautiful with our shining silver halos! Go lighter. Who you want to be, and what you want to put out into this universe. It was like a metamorphosis. PS the relief of not doing my hair every two/three weeks is worth the 60 I spend on a t section blow dry and cut every 8 weeks do the maths x. Hello. Whatever you need to do to feel the most comfortabledo it. This will give you a long bob type of hairstyle. There are affiliate links* in this post. Read my Terms and Conditions Page to learn more. , My situation is very simalar to yours. It's a shame you'd gone through the hardship of it during the pandemic and then erased that hard work, but at least now you know how long the process takes and what it will look like! Now I am older and the contrast doesnt look as beautiful anymore. My point in all this is, this hair journey can be about more than hair. Also a good check up, especially a thyroid test would be a good idea.Mari, After much soul searching Ive decided to go gray! How did you transition to grey hair | Mumsnet QuickSilverHair is an affiliate with the following brands, I earn a small percentage from any qualifying purchases, at no additional cost to you. METHOD #1: FADE YOUR HAIR DYE. foil layers but very few strands in each foil. There are lots of ways to transition to gray from cold turkey by letting your hair grow out naturally like I did, to cutting your hair very . I thought I was just growing my hair out but little did I know I was growing and changing on the inside too. I have a hair appointment tomorrow and have been going back and forth about starting now or dye one more time for the holidays. I had expected to keep adding some color low-lights for contrast, but really liked my own color. Going Gray is Kreamer's exploration of that experience, and a frank, warm and funny investigation of aging as a female obsession. I realized that if you stand out in any way, you will have positive and negative reactions. It's a blessing. Do it! thanks because i truly am ready and i know my husband hates it but i need to stop worrying about what people think and do what i want for once. I admit some days it's all I can do not to grab a bottle of dye! I got to experiment with different colors, until the age of 30, when I just chose to dye it what I thought was my natural color: dark brown. Have a hair appointment this Thursday. My husband has always asked me to quit coloring my hair and just be my natural self~ my daughters didn't feel the same. So liberating to let go of colouring. Glad i went foxy white gray after years of abusing my hair with dyes. Lol, nothing special! You sound so like I did last year. Honestly, I have never seen Mother Nature be wrong about your hair color, she knows what she is doing and everyone I have seen make it through the gray hair transition phase looks softer, their eyes look brighter, and overall just more natural.. It made me jealous how good his hair looks and there's no monthly upkeep. While at 55 years, I look much younger than my age; part of that comes from taking care of my skin in my youth and the other being DNA. the decision to go gray - Style At A Certain Age I know what you mean about after dying your hair, it tends to be more shinier. Let us know how things go. Normalizing the Conversation, Tips for Building the Perfect Charcuterie Board, The Going Gray Makeover: Gray Hair and Makeup Tips, Zero-Waste Makeup: 5 Eco-Friendly Products for A Sustainable Beauty | Revolution Gray, Finding Love in Your 50s | Revolution Gray, Low-Key Ways To Ease Back Into Exercising As You Age | Revolution Gray, Fitness After 50: 10 Must-Have Items To Kick-Start Your Fitness Routine in 2023. Cut it as you want. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. What if Im made fun of? I noticed too that, as is normal for women of the peri-/menopausal phase of life, my hair was getting a little thinner, especially at the front so my scalp was more visible through the dyed hair. Please ladies, understand how that looks!!! The next thing I knew I heard myself say, Hi! It was literally; WTF am I doing??!! She has been doing my hair for many years now. We live in a world of instant, yet our hair doesn't instantly grow without extensions or a wig. I decided to ditch the dye at the age of 45 for a number of reasons. My mother died her hair up until she passed away and both of my sisters color as well. Hi I'm 48 and suddenly I just don't feel me, being brunette. He looked me right in the eye and said, You should totally do it.. And I was a die-hard. So I'm doing it. Approximately one year and three months into the grey hair transition, the overall effect is, er, patchy. Color correction, cold turkey, shave your head, try a pixie.Whatever floats your boat. PROS & CONS TO TRANSITIONING TO GRAY HAIR AT THE SALON. Hey, ladies! I know my hair is healthier now but its not like its 1000X healthier. It was the best choice I've made and the transition will be difficult in the beginning but I swear I go on Pinterest and look up pictures of women with gray hair as inspiration when I feel the need to turn back , This is my third time going gray, and I believe that this will be the last time. What is the most expensive way to go gray? I now surprise myself realizing Im not only not ashamed to have gray hair, I am happy and proud to have it! I love reading your article. Aveda Blonde Revival Purple Toning Shampoo 200ml. One day I caught myself fantasizing about going gray. And she was BEAUTIFUL! I LOVE LOVE LOVE my new hair and wold never go back to colour. ! thought youd be the last to give up. It was becoming a trend, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. Hahaha! I decided over a month ago that I would like to stop dying my hair. Definition of go cold turkey in the Idioms Dictionary. The silver roots are really there in two weeks!!!! Im at the skunk stage, dark dyed hair & it grows in totally silver. The only thing that bothers me is i will have to cut my long curly hair. combating the effects of aging hair. I got scared off by negative men and career worries the first two times, yet I had abundant evidence that the people who matter to me thought it looked great and were proud of me. I just want to keep going. don not let anyone make you feel bad aboput going grey it is ok. Would I want to go back there? Not in the sense that it was a utopic scenario. As I said, I planned to retire when I turned 52 meaning a cut in pay, so, in August, I asked my stylist, what approach we needed to take to allow the grey to take over. My colorist has said when Im ready shell help me grow it out!! I will be 55 the end of the month.