Steve Urkel: I'll settle for a toenail clipping! Wha? There's a lot of bad pickup lines out there. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Harriette, there is a child outside digging up your azaleas. Just as I thought. Get up and get your own pie! Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Forget it, Carl, it's quicksand. The man was open all day! Lt. Murtaugh: Yeah like that's gonna bring him back. Steven Quincy Urkel: I wasn't the one who overslept, Ms. Rip Van Winslow. Do these guys have game? She just slipped and I caught her. I can't afford a B on my permanent record. Steve Urkel: Nine years, three months, two weeks, four days, six hours, eight minutes, and fourteen seconds fifteen seconds sixteen seconds. Carl Otis Winslow: Now honey, it's really ok Harriette Winslow: No it's not ok, Carl. [walks into the bathroom]. Waldo Geraldo Faldo, Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Cheating? Harriette: [Reading] Swiss Family Robinson! She's mine! Steve Urkel: Oh no! Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: [about Harriette's gingerbread house] This is a work of art. [Pulls Steve to other side of room] Steven, last semester I specifically asked you what class you would not be taking this semster and you told me HOME EC! She xeroxed it over and over and over and over and [Steve covers his mouth for one second. Judy Winslow: Um so Grandma are you gonna be a June bride? Darnell Watkins: [about Carl] This guy's about invisible. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: I have been scared straight, I saw a guy who had a tattoo of a battleship. 101 Best Pick Up Lines: Cheesy, Funny, Cute - Parade: Entertainment Harriette Winslow: And you think I'm FAT? Eddie has lied . Her temperature shot up and she tossed more cookies than the Keebler elf. Carl Otis Winslow: I do not and keep your voice down the neighbors might hear you. I'm wearing a Bart Simpson's mug. Steve Urkel: Well, I didn't have one. Eddie borrowed money from me. I can't even tell her it won't ever happen again! Cornelius Eugene Urkel aka OGD: He must've been dangerous. To rob and murder? My, what strong arms. Steve Urkel: Oh, well, no problem-o. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: DAN DRUFF? and-so-the-balance-shifts-blog. I mean we've made contributions to this country for over 300 years, but you wouldn't know it looking at most history books, it's not fair. Waldo: Fifteen and that's as high as I'm going. Laura: Remember when you tried to teach me how to sew? Gun, Carl. And it will also think of a range of mistakes, not just the standard fare of stats guys everywhere: the disastrous trade up. I'll teach that. Carl Otis Winslow: That boy is Looney Tunes. Steven Quincy Urkel: Oh, put a cork in it, Missy! Laura: Just let me fall! You're late for class. My zipper." 5. [Waldo has just given Eddie a list of IOU at Mighty Weenie]. Laura Lee Winslow: I don't know, and quite frankly, I'm tired of thinking about it. Carl Otis Winslow: [kisses the ice cream carton] Goodbye. Carl: [in an Urkel like voice and gives Stefan some money] Here takes some casher rooney and fix it sooney. You can do it! Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: You remember our flyer party, the one that I'm clearly on record as totally aganst. Laura: So, Myrtle, how long are you gonna be around? The Urkel mock will think bigger in potential screw-ups for teams that have valued assets poorly in the past than for teams that have made few mistakes. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: You know, I never thought I'd see the day that I actually agreed with Waldo Geraldo Faldo. this is when Urkel was the funniest, when he was youngest, seasons 1 & 2. [kisses Laura] Love you. Hey, you could be making this whole thing up! Laura: You know, I shouldn't be mingling with the opposition, but I just wanted to tell you how handsome you look under fluorescent lighting. [Comes out and fights Willie as the students cheer for a fight between Urkel and Fuffner], [Waldo and Wille has just gotten out of class to trash Urkel's locker]. We're having big fun here. [Notices no one is there anymore] Well, I thought it was a good story. You are such a sweetheart. Carl Otis Winslow: Don't get cute with me Harriet. But, like they say in the movie "Love Story" 'Love means never having to say I'm sorry Steve, but I'm takin' yo chick'. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Laura, suppose I arrange for you to meet Johnny Gill personally. Steve Urkel: Yes! Steve Urkel: Did I mention my dad knows Wayne Newton? [Puts his jacket on and heads to the Door], Waldo Geraldo Faldo: I may get F's, but, by God, I earn them! I'll just begin a rigorist-training schedule. Carl Otis Winslow: You know you were rude to that guy, Harriette. During the class picture, you don't have to sit with the girls in the front row and hold up the class sign. Harriette Winslow: Carl, those are my personal and private thoughts. Steve Urkel: King me. Originally slated to have been a one-time only character on the show, he soon became its most popular character and gradually became its protagonist.. Steve is the epitome of a geek/nerd, with large, thick eyeglasses, flood . My parents play this with me all the time! Steve Urkel: Well, isn't that just a FIIIINE kettle of fish? All kids 7 and up go to Eddie's room and play Nintendo. But I have feelings, too. Laura Lee Winslow: [as Laura Wigglesworth, pointing a gun at Johnny] The narration to finish! I'm in big trouble! Look, I love you with all my heart, but just because you don't love me back doesn't give you the right to treat me like dirt! [Steve thinks Rachel is in love with him, but she is really in love with another man named Steve]. Steve Urkel: [drinking spiked punch] What is this? Carl: Uh-oh. Carl Otis Winslow: I know. Judy Winslow: Mom, when's dinner? I want to know why my instructions were not followed. I mean the guy's a feeb. Steve Urkel: By any chance, is that something you enjoy? Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Laura, I kept this ring in hopes that one day you would accept it. . None of this is your fault. Hey, what were you doing in my closet? Suppose I made it happen. [Carl steps in the chamber and Stefan starts it up]. the signs as potential pick up lines from hamilton. Rachel Crawford: Steve, are you sure you're okay? Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: How did she die? No. Steve Urkel: Well, it starts out with a little cough. She actually said, "Human Being". [Carl hits the mantel] Carl. And most of all, you don't have to deal with bullies. Was I about to take the Big Sleep? Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: [voiceover, as Johnny Danger] So there I was, staring death right in the face. Carl: [in his regular voice] I have no idea. Carl Otis Winslow: Society places too much emphasis on being thin. In Season 1 he was a supporting character and made his first appearance as a background character in Rachel's First Date and had his first major role in "Laura's First Date", however as of Season 2 he was officially considered a main character . Carl: Of all the names that I have called you , the one that bothers you is butthead? Hey, wait a minute. Well, actually it's Quincy, but you guys get the picture. No phones. Waldo: Laura, I know I'm just wasting my time, but would you like to kinda, maybe go out with me, sorta, tomorrow night, maybe? Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: As long as you're up, bring me a piece. [Carl is appalled as he has a donut in his mouth], [Carl has just bought Harriette an exercise trampoline for her birthday. I never got an 'A' before. Steve Urkel: Why, come back here, you little hussy! Carl, someone parked their own piece of junk in our driveway. Steven Quincy "Steve" Urkel. Could you write that A down on a piece of paper? It's like wanting to touch a star- you know you'll never reach it but you've just gotta keep trying. Ouchith! Urkelbot: [Kojack Impression] Who loves ya, baby! Eddie Winslow: [at the frat party] Steve, why are you wearing a toga? [Laura has stuffed her bra with Eddie's socks], Steve Urkel: [entering] Hi gang! Edward, sure I got a moment. At a party, once, he clamped cables to his earlobes and jump-started a Volkswagen. When are you going to the store? Steve Urkel: Don't panic, my love! Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Would you shut your filthy mouth! It was right in your favorite spot. Waldo: But, why ya gonna do that, Willie? It was your free safety. [music abruptly stops] Look at yourselves. [heads for the stairs - Carl grabs him by his suspenders] I almost got ya there, Carl. And we practiced for six minutes! Sara Sue Pettyjohn: [stuck up toward Myrtle's lack of style and class] That's the difference between *old* money and *new* money. Waldo Geraldo Faldo: Well I for one am appalled. And what about the car show last Saturday? Your grandma is gonna fight for your right to party. [Eddie comes crashing through the living room in the car], [Stefan did not take his "cool boost" for that week - he wants to turn back into Steve]. Carl: Okay, you read the instructions, while I add all the pieces. Well, that's gonna stop right now! Carl: I don't have to take this, I'm going home! Rachel Crawford: Can you make him quack like a duck every time the phone rings? I can see my dad! How would you like it if I put Jheri Curl in your deodorant? Harriette Winslow: [Rachel carries on about how sad it is Aunt Clotilda died] She was 94 years old. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Well, how did you miss it? Carl: I am not. I'm jealous of Todd and you want me to help him. Should I be getting some Handi-Wipes? It meant a lot to me. Harriette Winslow: Then clean it up, I'm still on strike. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: That's hotties, Steve. And even then I knew it wasn't right. I bought a new dress and you say you can't take me? You think it's funny to spike somebody's punch and watch them act like a fool. Carl Otis Winslow: You know son, if Screwing Up ever became an Olympic event. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Hey Steve, Was'sup? I didn't kiss you. Carl: If that's the case then I plead guilty. And from that day on, EVERYBODY could use that library. But you know what, I find her very attractive. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Who do you think bought his first pair of shoes? Carl Otis Winslow: [Has just gotten wind of Eddie's flyer party] Edward! There's room for you and there's room for me although let's be quite honest, you take up a lot more room than me. Isn't that sad? . It is not empty at all. You dumped one of my relatives in a Hefty bag. Laura Lee Winslow: [Yelling at Judy who's trying to shove her plate in front of Eddie dishing food] Can you wait? Edward 'Eddie' Winslow: [not knowing Steve and Laura saw each other naked] All right, chicken. Harriette Winslow: Is this your snowmobile? Stefan Urkelle: Wake me, shake me, break me, but baby, don't forsake me. Carl Otis Winslow: I understand that. [Calls Laura's Cell and gets OGD instead]. Dad took Waldo instead of me. YOU'RE WHERE? Where do I sign? Chico! I didn't expect you to be in there and I feel like such a worm. Cassie Lynn: Well, we just got some really hot photos of you being romanced by the Prince of Passion here. Laura: Steve, I know it's a lot to ask, but I'd really appreciate it if you'd tutor Todd. Heapingly, overflowingly, full! Laura: Waldo, what's with Steve, he's acting wierd, even for him! Money has germs on it. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: [Tries to hold Eddie from pounding their friends] Eddo. You got the whole family off on the wrong foot. Steve Urkel: I've got an Uncle Dirk Urkel who was blessed with a two-foot long nose hair. Rachel Crawford: Maybe you could come back when your voice has changed. That one friend who says going to gym will solve everything. [Eddie groans as Carl walks in to brighten his mood], [Eddie leaves with Carl to hang out with him. "I'm Asian, so I'll eat your cat." 2. My parents would only take Steve if Steve's parents promised to take me. He acts like a gangster, gangsters hate cops. Why would somebody do this to me?' Carl Otis Winslow: Calm down, Harriette, you're overreacting. Laura: That you'll never go into outer space again, Steve Urkel: Only when we kiss, Laura Lee, only when we kiss [they passionately kiss]. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: I call Waldo Faldo up. Laura Lee Winslow: [enters the room] All right, Curtis. Daniel Wallace: Hey, man. Carl: I just had the worst day of my entire life. While a miserable Eddie has to play checkers with Steve. I probably had the heater up on high and they wilted. Steven Quincy Urkel: Well, then where am I gonna sleep? I'm getting penalized because I'm emotionally stable! I've been there a 100 times, but this time was different. I promised grandma I'd help her get ready. The lovestruck genius of Steve Urkel. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: That's one month longer than they taught it to me. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Yeah, I went to sleep and Stevil made a guest appearance. Waldo: Cheating it wrong, Eddie, and you should know that. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Well, what are you waiting for? Cornelius Eugene Urkel aka OGD: Bye. He's never used his! Seems I'm having all the luck. Laura: [gasps] I'm sorry, I'm so sorry please forgive me. At the airport he picked up 6 bags. Rachel Crawford: I'm what? Steven Quincy Urkel: But I'm going the recommended cruising speed for this vehicle Any more could be risky. Carl Otis Winslow: Oh gee that'd scare me. Ms. Steuben: Steve, it's not a good sign when you have to give your bread a pep talk. This is amazing! We all stand nice and quiet until Gramps and Granny make it legal. Carl Otis Winslow: That a girl, Harriette. Willie Fuffner: [sigh] That's different. Would you care to heal them with a kiss? Instead of cool, it was set on Nerd. Stefan Urkelle: Good lord, you're a nerd. Carl Otis Winslow: [trying to convince his boss that using Urkelbot is a bad idea] But Sir, you and I have been to the Police Academy. How did you know? Ordinarily, I like a table right next to the water. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Failure to signal. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Harriette, stupid means good. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Well for one thing, I can't feel my toes. Well, why didn't you tell me? It can't explode or anything? Ken: [Grabbing Steve by the collar] THAT FEEB YOU'RE TALKIN' ABOUT WAS ME! Steve Urkel: Boyd whipped Eddie. When I said my feelings for you might change, I was lying. Laura Lee Winslow: O.k. A minor Betty Crocker boo boo. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Oh honey, I hope they don't cheer too hard. Laura: Steve, did you eat that moldy cheese? Steve Urkel: Oh, Laura, my love. Harriette Winslow: Oh no no no. Carl Otis Winslow: Oh, now Harriette, that's a bit harsh. I got fifty bucks on the Knicks. I'm on duty? Carl: Harriette, there is a car in the living room! Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: No. I'm being born! Laura: This is just a model, right? Carl: 3, 2, 1 1, 2, 3 What the heck is bothering me? Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Make one, then Xerox It! Laura: Steve Urkel, you are the most annoying human being that I have ever met! You have the right to have an attorney present. Carl Otis Winslow: No. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: [cracks a laugh but tries to stop] It's so sad. I think I'm gonna have to fire Waldo, Steve. Didn't you? Harriette Winslow: I simply put out his cigar. If you hit me, do I not sneeze? Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Waldo come to the Witness Stand. 80+ Extremely Hot & Sexy Pick Up Lines To Use On Guys & Girls 2023 I'd lay one on you that would weld your glasses to your face. Steve Urkel: [runs back into the living room] Sorry Rachel! [picks up a single serving container of gross looking food in the cafeteria]. I'm in this class. Steve Urkel: Well, because it's different. Did you know an African American helped design the blueprint for Washington, D.C.? I'm going to give you an 'A'. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: March 10, Went to the market. Carl will understand. Steven Quincy Urkel: Land sakes, woman. No. The black kids won't talk to the white kids, people are calling each other names, taking sides! Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Fletcher has a bigger family then we thought. Harriette: Better add zucchini to that shopping list. Steve Urkel: Mmm, steak. Laura Lee Winslow: That's right, I don't know, and I still like the Cards. Steve Urkel: Now, relax, Eddie. 1 The Shrink Machine Was Made To Make The Winslows Plenty Of Money. Look how big and thick it is! Laura: Not when the bomb is in the basement with you! Steve Urkel: Hey, you gotta get up if want to get dow oh [guests scream as Steve falls off the edge of the roof]. Waldo: I'm sorry, Steve. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: My uncle, Elijah Urkel, has been struck by lightning four times. Carl: Uh, just bring us burgers and fries. Once, I found them in Milwaukee living under an assumed name! I realize the reason you don't love me is because I'm weak. next semester, are ya? Steve Urkel: [Talking to Eddie and his girlfriend] You heard her, you're all witnesses. Waldo: Excuse me, but I don't wanna hear about a bug's sex life. Harriette Winslow: Now here's something I didn't know. College Problems Student Problems Laura: Ma, the package said to cook it at 275 for 20 minutes. [the photographer takes a snap shot of Eddie nerously laughing as Carl drives him away]. Harriette, THERE IS A CAR IN THE LIVING ROOM! Carl Otis Winslow: [fishing for the catch of a party Eddie wants to go to] Are his parents going to be there? Excuse me Waldo, is there something written on your arm? Edward 'Eddie' Winslow: [told he can't go to the party] You mean I was nice for nothing? Carl Otis Winslow: Edward, why can't you manage money like your brother, Steve? Harriette Winslow: Did I embarrass you, Carl? Rachel Crawford: I'll just take your word for it. I want more Punch! Steve Urkel: [reading] "No mouth breathing, no snorting, no drooling". Remember you wished that Steve could find out what's it like to be you. Harriette Winslow: I am not! You don't want to get fried. You have the right to remain silent. Waldo Geraldo Faldo: Oh, no thanks, I went before I left. Cornelius Eugene Urkel aka OGD: You paid him off. I Learned Steve Urkel Had Cold Lines - YouTube And there is nothing you can do to ever change my mind. Steve Urkel: Loving you is like trying to touch a star. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Carl and his father planned on doing a lot of things together, but they never got the chance. Waldo Faldo from Illinois. Harriette Winslow: Now let me get this straight. How about the next round we switch colors? Laura Lee Winslow: One of them is my best friend. Carl Otis Winslow: 150 extra people on what should've been a small family affair. Myra Monkhouse: Um, one plus one equals fun? Every time I'm around them, my mind goes blank. Steve Urkel: I bought two tickets to a concert that Laura wants to go to and offered to take her as my, get this, date! Steve Urkel: Oh, positive. What about it, Steve. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Ok dad. You're my friend. No! It meant a lot to me. [the oven explodes from the kitchen and Waldo emerges], Waldo Geraldo Faldo: I think we're gonna need a new stove and a floor to put it on. [Eddie leaves and Carl puts the chair away] Well that took care of everything. Topics Nerd. Harriette Winslow: For my birthday, you bought me an exercise trampoline. Harriette Winslow: Laura, did somebody do something to you? Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: I'm flat broke, dad. Steve Urkel: That's because you don't know what it's like being small. He introduced himself and I was immediately struck by deep brown eyes, his engaging sense of humor and how delicately he handled my cantalopes. My daughter's been hurt and I can't do a thing about it. Dec 25, 2011 - Explore Nadia Hussein's board "Steve Urkel", followed by 259 people on Pinterest. When I was born when the doctor slapped me, I SHOT him! Ms. Steuben: Yeah, well Steven, you're not taking Home Ec. The Steve Urkel NFL Draft Preview | Football Outsiders Get down from there! It's a "non-date". Now, I'm gonna give you a compliment. You're making me blush. Allison: Well then you better find some new friends, or you better plan to join a different sororiety. White . Does that about cover it? Carl Otis Winslow: After you left, I saw your boy Fresh Squeeze at the door. You're a fine man.You'll be spending the month of May in your room, but you're a fine young man. Steve Urkel: I had my first allergy attack when I was nine. Reading, 'Riting and Racism? Carl: What? Steve Urkel: 'Standardized Urkel Elementary Math Exam'. Laura Lee Winslow: Did they let you take one? Mucus comes in so many colors. Uh, Curtis. Chuck is twice the man, Raoul is. And I know that baseball card meant a lot to you. Big guys have never played keep away with your hat on a cold day. Carl Otis Winslow: Well Harriette, what are those people teaching down at that school? Steve Urkel: I can't! Let's just get there! This isn't right Weasel. Having run for nine seasons, Family Matters became the second longest-running non-animated U.S. sitcom with a predominantly African American cast, behind only The Jeffersons (11). Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: When you're hurting other people it ain't harmless. Steve Urkel Had Some COLD lines for Laura and we all aint peep it Follow N Subscribe Rachel Crawford: [to Harriette] He's not gonna make him quack. Myrtle Urkel: Frankly my dear, I just don't give a damn. Waldo Geraldo Faldo: [reveals his empty jacket] He meant the booze that came out of my jacket. Their own version of the 3 R's? Carl Otis Winslow: Yep, Benjamin Banneker. Harriette: Well, tell him you don't remember him. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: But you can't fire Waldo, he's our friend. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Yeah, well you have to get rid of them. Steve Urkel: Laura, this is a a really special moment and well, I think we should celebrate it by getting married. Let me tell you something though Weasel. You've got twenty-four hours to drop out of the race or we publish the picture. Eddie: I meant, I haven't seen her today. If you have something to say, just spit it out. Newsflash, Eddie! You had two whole days to forget where it was. 7. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: State your name. I-I-I see. My head pops out! Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: No thanks, Eddie. Laura Lee Winslow: [pushes some things aside] I can't pitch in right now. 102 Pick Up Lines to Break the Ice: Funny, Cheesy, and Cringe - Best Life And you taught Cassie Lynn Nubbles, the posterchild for useless people, how to do things for herself. A spin-off of Perfect Strangers, the series revolves around the Winslow family, a middle-class African American family living in Chicago, Illinois. Myrtle Urkel: Oh, how true, how true! And then there was the time we went camping and we were in dyer need of a generator and we just plugged the toaster into Uncle Elijah and the Pop Tarts were flying. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Uh no, Waldo, state your name. Steve Urkel: Oh, Gosh golly, Jeepers Creepers. Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Yes sir. Have you taken leave of your senses? Steve Urkel: Don't feel bad. Carl Otis Winslow: Well guess what Harriet, it's not empty. Raoul is the new produce manager. I wouldn't know what to charge. The Day Steve Urkel Was Born. The one-time appearance that turned | by Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: The librarian, a white man that I'd known all my life, pushed me out into the street and told me never to come back. So you have to make every minute count. Inside this scrawny chest, there beats a heart. Laura Lee Winslow: He didn't need to. Harriette Winslow: Laura, you've had your head in those books all morning, got a big test coming up? Laura: Steve, I can't talk now. You are under arrest! Can you help me out? Why can't we share? Needless to say she's not amused as he jumps on there]. It's just for the family Steve stop begging. Rodney Beckett: I'm Rodney, but my friends call me Rod-meister. "What has 132 teeth and holds back the Incredible Hulk? There's lots of reasons why I don't love you. You refuse to go out with me for the last decade! Now hit the sack. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: Well hold on there big guy, listen to this. Could you write that 'A' down on a piece of paper? You think I'm fat. The Nineties. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: Oh that's sweet, what did he say? Carl Otis Winslow: [Takes the money from Eddie] I love you son. Myra Monkhouse: Mr.Winslow, I am very sorry. Steve Urkel on CBS? Laura: Yeah, every time I used the bug spray. You can stay. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: It was Jan Matzeliger, in 1883. Everyone would think that Laura is in love with Steve Urkel and no one would vote for her. We were just having a little fun. Midway through the first season, the show introduced the Winslows' nerdy neighbor Steve Urkel (Jaleel White), who quickly became its breakout character and eventually the show's main character. Did He Do That? - The New York Times Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: L means lousy. Steven 'Steve' Quincy Urkel: What the heck is wrong with you? Waldo Geraldo Faldo: But you humilate me everyday. Carl: [after kicking Steve out of the house] And don't you ever come back! People stopped and starred, called me names, and some even spit at me. Easy Eddo. Stefan Urkelle: Where did you learn all that? Urkel actor Jaleel White is launching his own cannabis brand | CNN Business Carl Otis Winslow: [furious] Edward is in jail. I can't think of a single reason not to do this every week. This is fantastic! I can't live like this. Steve Urkel: Why, sure! Edward 'Eddie' James Arthur Winslow: Waldo, You make up 1,000 flyers, Waldo Geraldo Faldo: But I'll get writer's cramp. Estelle 'Mother' Winslow: That stinks. Carl Otis Winslow: No. [Willie grabs Waldo and takes him with the cops who arrested them], [Steve has humiliated Willie at the party that he grabs a small glass of Vodka and pours it into Urkel's cup]. Harriette: What for? I wanna take it home and read it to my mom. Laura: [as Steve and Laura walk in, the guests gasp again] Steve, everyone gasped. Steve began working on more elaborate inventions, and in "Little Big Guy" he had a new idea. When I look in your eyes, I see a very kind soul. Steve Urkel: Oh, I'm not joking. So they picked up all out stuff and moved us again. Aunt Oona: The water main snapped when the roof collapsed. Willie Fuffner: But he wasn't, so chill out ok. Laura Lee Winslow: You just don't get it, do you. You ever been down to the slaughterhouse? [finds a note hanging on the door] Oh my God. Harriette Winslow: Carl Otis Winslow, I'm ashamed of you. Steve Urkel: Now that Waldo's out of the picture, does that make me your number one reject? Steve Urkel: I've taken a vow of chastity. Steve Urkel: But, I told you. Colonel Dirk Urkel! Mango? no. Laura Lee Winslow: Now, for the championship and the toaster oven, who made the first patented shoe sewing machine? Family Matters is an American sitcom series that originated on ABC from September 22, 1989 to May 9, 1997, before moving to CBS from September 19, 1997 to July 17, 1998. 36 Steve Urkel ideas | steve urkel, humor, funny Steve Urkel 36 Pins 11y N Collection by Nadia Hussein Similar ideas popular now Humor Funny Funny Quotes Chemistry Humor Nerd Humor Funny Charts When You Cant Sleep Lol Bahaha Clean Humor I Love To Laugh True Stories How To Fall Asleep Funny Jokes All the TIME!!!! Laura Lee Winslow: It was just a little practical joke. "I heard you are looking for a stud. Carl: Oh, you heard me, don't ever come back. It's to another restaurant. These kids are gonna ruin everything, they have to go.