Over 300,000 babies were stolen from their parents up to the 1990s. It was a trope, a literary idea. If Donald Trump regains the Presidency, there will certainly will be Rothschild banking system takedown & replacement. I dont expect you to understand that at this time because its all very different to how we visualised it to be. You can read all the Trump Prophecies here: http://sordrescue.com We are in the middle of a potentially terrifying clash between good and evil but we know the end of the story God wins! . The report in Iran's Tasnim News comes amid tensions in the region and Iran's increased enrichment of uranium. Its a good synopsis of what has been going on. I went in as a civilian national intel officer in Jun 2003. Gold in tunnels under the Vatican, now taken to the U.S. (2) Sequestered Illuminati and Cartel Wealth (3) Gold from the Chinese elders, buried in underground Taiwanese vaults (4) Gold brought from off-planet (5) The St. Germaine World Trust (6) Historic bonds (7) Income-tax refunds (8) Along with this massive amount of gold were found many books or manuscripts. They are believed to have been of strategic importance for the Templars to escape when they came under siege. Its like when a good spirited person enters the room the others tend to become happy as welk.. My job is simply to cause people to research. Thank you for being a strand of twine in that net which will bring a bountiful harvest to our Father in heaven. They sent me brochures for free to give to people. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. With two videos for me. It will carry millions of tonnes of crap that would otherwise have been dumped into the River Lee. We didnt know the anything about what was going on under our feet, and the bit we did know completely pales in comparison to reality. Hope so ready for movie to end, I took David Wilcock class last year , he talked about Vatican to Jerusalem tunnel said in eqypt you can dig all over and find stuff but its illegal, Im to the point just want peace , money doesnt mean that much for some reason. I have been reading your replies to comments made in this thread. Thanks for your comments! There is a lot of jealousy over Charlie and therefore the trolls that come against him. They show all of our planes in flight. The Vatican sponsored archaeological excavations (also known by their Italian name scavi) under Saint Peter's in the years 1940-1949 which revealed parts of a necropolis dating to Imperial times. It might be a good idea to read the book Peace among the Willows that evaluates Francis Bacons book of 1626, The New Atlantis. Thanks again Patty! There are Med beds being set up for release after Nesara is activated. Marilyn, I am not that optimist as you are. God also says Hes coming back for a glorious church without spot or wrinkle and we are the church. Yes I think I would love a copy also Trump & Alliance will never win over the people if not seen & nothing is seen. Dan 12 says seal up the words of my prophesy, its going to be a long time, 3 1/2 YRS, a long time. After Tomar helped launch Portugals 15th-century maritime expansion, spearheaded by Henry the Navigator, the church became the inspiration for all Portuguese churches built overseas leading some to declare it the Vatican of the Templars. Do not believe in reincarnation!!!!!. 650 planes full of gold and the large tunnel with it, with couple of shots of that would encourage people to believe more). tunnels and underground excavations, horizontal underground passageway produced by excavation or occasionally by nature's action in dissolving a soluble rock, such as limestone. Lets research them and see what we come up with. What with the Vatican and Buckingham Palace etc all boarded up while it appears they both are out and about on their duties. Nesara/ Gesara, Please go to Duck Duck Go or You Tube and put these words in individually. Do I believe that? Im sorry Jackie, I dont go along with these Annunaki/alien or monkey theories. This may include adverts from us and 3rd parties based on our understanding. But, I do love fiction as well as the next guy. Why? Thank you for being awake to the truth . These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. Tell those facts to Catherine Austin Fitts, she probably will not believe it. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Hi Marilyn, It's located right below the St Peter's Basilica. Running from Vatican City, and deep underground, there is a tunnel that runs almost in a direct line to Jerusalem. Thanks so much for contacting me Debbie! Davos, UN for example. I know He makes no mistakes so it was all part of His perfect plan, but so hard for us to comprehend. Its a very sad state of affairs October 22, 2020 One to mention here is Jordan Sather, a massive douchecanoe!!! It is kinda funny, but for why is heartbreaking. Charlie said enough for everyone to have 1 million each. Sorry Anna, I might not have made it clear enough. Vaccine news: Oxford jab outperforms rival amid Macron criticism, Yanis Varoufakis dismissal of EU's claim that Brexit can help bloc, Underground tunnels of the Knights Templar were found in Portugal, Historian and author Paulo Alexandre Loucao, Gualdim Pais, an important Templar in Portugal, King Arthur: Holy Grail of history unravelled by 'tantalising clues', Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert, Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert after Holy Grail mystery unravelled, Antarctica: Scientists make breakthrough over dinosaur-extinction [VIDEO], NASA asteroid revelation: Space rock 'threatens' Earth researcher [ANALYSIS], Asteroid tsunami: Why scientist offered dire warning to US coast [COMMENT], Secret door leading to underground caves of Knights Templar, Knights Templar: Lost secrets of Crusaders who 'carried Holy Grail'. However, the tunnel is now blocked off. This article is utterly ludicrous! PlusJessie Czebotar of Illuminate The Darkness weighs in and takes your questions. It is just that we in California see no no change. Quote: 17:5,6 On her forehead was written a name, a mystery: Babylon the Great, the mother of the prostitutes and of the disgusting things of the earth. 6And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of the holy ones and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. With Jesus, its all good and I think more and more people are beginning to believe that God has to be involved in all of this. Some will tell of terrible things to come and how we must prepare because the D/eep S/tate are going to do this and that. What I see is exactly what your replies are, we are on the same page, the page of truth. No swamp has been drained, the powers that be are still the same. Thats the message of the poem I sent to you and the readers. Apart from one or two health things which he has promoted on his site, he doesnt charge any money. Do your own research and learn how you and your family have been screwed! How did God put up with it? Military with other countries have been saving the caged, tortured children in tunnels and Dumbs. Nothing is as it seems but it all has to be. You need to go to alternative sources not the msm as they will tell you nothing. how to update splunk license; kssa council of superintendents; boone county wv jail arrests; where are giani bernini purses made all virus and bacteria theories are a cover up for all the toxins the evil ones introduced on this planet, to blame it on an act of nature. The Regavim Movement, a group dedicated to the protection of Israel's national resources, filed a petition against the Jerusalem Municipality last week demanding they take action against the tunnel. But dont think of it that way as thats not the reason anyone moves on simply cause they dont wanna die, you have to find love in all things and wake up from deception. Please re-read Revelation, and you will find there are three separate books, of 7 chapters, all written to first century Christians who were being tormented and killed. It was completely necessary that they kept the worlds attention on the virus which allowed them to clean out the tunnel and other necessary work that needed to be done. No, not one of them. Who built this tunnel, then? The journey down in the lift lasts barely a minute, but is the closest thing on Earth to travelling into another dimension. WWG1WGA. He doesnt hide it, he comes right out and states these things, in the endeavour of helping others who may have found themselves in these places. Honestly, if he would have condemned it, they would have humiliated him on msm. I do not know what Dane thinks about chemtrails not being dangerous anymore. If he had told everyone to go use natural substances he would have been totally crucified! You should pray andlook within yourself cause all answers lie there and this yndersyanding helps you in a sense graduate to the next.. its almost here. Vatican authorities denied permission to . GITMO is another NOTHING BURGER. The Bible was put together over time. CHILDREN BEING RESCUED FROM TUNNELS BY THE MARINES: Not confirmed yet seems apparent from reports coming in. Very true and scary! I heard him say this. I am quite confident that one after another, all these things will be stopped which is great news dont you think? Gold was $325 oz. We can relate it to the Mount of Olives, in Jerusalem, which is still a sacred place today. Amen. The Catholic Church was said to have made $20 billion dollars on the adoptions. If you followed Trump you would have known he pushed personal responsibility as you should have done your research. But for those of us who have really discerning minds, we were the ones considered conspiracy theorists by most everyone else because we were being good Bereans. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Everyone has been through the same. The actual name of the Vatican archives is Archivum Secretum Apostolicum Vaticanum . I try to keep under the radar as much as possible as there are many headings I would prefer to use but choose not to. The greed of people and organizations is unbelievable. Touch to pray for all our people's needs.Click to see individual prayers. The they are on the White Hat team the military. Local legends say there are underground connections between Tomars castle and the church., READ MORE:Knights Templar treasure debunked by expert after Holy Grail mystery unravelled. Its going to be so interesting to learn the full truth as time goes on what a privilege for us all! Housecleaning? God is good! Hi Dennis! Thank you. But thats just the body, the soul has salvation, so Hallelua Anyway. And certainly it would be a place where the Templars would perform not only funeral rituals but also initiation rituals.. Its not only what you are told, but what you feel. Thanks for sharing with us. I must say, that in recent times as Ive studied Revelations from the light of what is happening in the world during this time, Ive done a complete shift. August/Sept/Oct have all been slated as HUGE months and from everything we are seeing, that is truly the case. The expert went on to explain how the Templars secret underground tunnels were uncovered. Youve seen more than most of us together youre hardened in ways that would turn us to jelly I appreciate that but you also know the way things are carried out. Thanks for your responses great! Wonderful. What really is eating at me is the 14 Billion Trump gave for vaccines and now he is tell to get them as he says he got one ! They have blowing up tunnels and DUMBS around the world for years saving the tortured children. They have found ways to steal from us all. Look the truth is this you may be right! In World War II, the tunnels were transformed once again as they were used as bomb shelters. He reveals how his experience in the laser industry led him into contact with the dark military-intelligence alphabet agencies. Gitmo nah, cant prove anything! But historian Daniel Jones previously debunked this myth during an interview on Dan Snows History Hit. Try to keep faith as we all tread this dark road. His people have gone on to their rewards for centuries with Acts 2:38 and living dedicated Holy lives in His care. Thank you so much talk soon Marilyn, Marilyn, I found Charlie Wards videos on Rumble.com and they are in date order. Humans have stripped gold from the dead for nearly 2000 years to fill the tunnel. Rough estimate, but thats what people should hope and wait for. At my computer (You Tube mainly) I had tons of choices to read from. In American, over 800,000 children per year go missing. Citizens of Tomar once told me that, when burning tires there, smoke came out here - so there was an underground corridor here that, as far as I know, was closed in the 20th century. The Native Americans, Incas, and many other long lost civilizations had gold that was stolen from them, and who really knows how long people have been collecting the mineral. The underground base and city at the Getty Museum in Los Angeles is exposed by whistleblower Steven D. Kelley. Hi Dennis! In Croazia, Slovenia,Serbia si sono formate delle voragini nel terreno a seguito di piccoli terremoti sempre a 10 km di profondit. 18:9-17 The Amazing Puzzle Explained - What's Really Going On? To lie before us like a land of dreams, "Everyone will soon learn about this Satanic evil that has been going on for many, many years under the knowledge of U.S . Translation: Well, in one place you have to store the yellow stuff and America is as good as the moon.But if we do not overestimate it again, we must remove food speculation from the stock exchanges and then the hunger in the world will be able to be eliminated. I guess we just have to make sure we are enjoying the journey along the way. You will find out more. Whether it happens on these dates or not, I also believe there will be a stock market crash at sometime. These people thrive on low vibrational energy. And dont forget, so also those Money Changers in the Temple that YAHUSHA whipped and drew out they are the bankers of today. Thats quite a tight fit. Local tour guide Aurelia Madeira explained in 2020: We know that where there were Templars, there were tunnels. There are of-course, many wonderful believers in these churches. Once Nesara/Gesara are being fully rolled out, all our food supply will be cleaned up. Marilyn Williams In Italia molti terremoti di lieve intensit Thats what I say! They will heal the mind. The reality of the Military in charge is a Fantasy, although it is probably real, we just dont see one little thing. Its because the White Hats need the previous narrative to continue running while the rest of the plot works out. That was the first question posed to him. Even on a brand new page if you want. The Vatican has a long history going back to the early Roman days. If he was really behind that he would definitely be guilty of genocide! It is more that we plant seeds in the hope it will cause people to start doing their own research. Billy Davis, a part-time Baptist pastor, operates a shoeshine stand with a frequent-shine program: unlimited shines for $100 a year. I have seen most of Charlie Wards videos along with Gene DeCodes info and completely concur with you. Pais came down through one of the castles tunnels and got out right here.. There is SO much happening all the time. Well, what do you know! I will enjoy taking a look at them. We need to set our eyes on the real truth and hope for this world, and that is Jesus Christ. I remember Charlie mentioning the missing books once and he cited what is the apocrypha the history of Israel the time between the ot and nt. What If The New World Order Was the Beast of Revelations? Looks really interesting. If you would like to know about the Jesuits, Catholicism and why they hate the KJ Bible. After Armageddon is the 1,000 years of peacewhen Satan is locked up (no longer has any control over the Satanists and is rendered powerless) then the Gog and Magog test battle then our bodies being changed. It has been said that these ancient books were stolen out of the Bible! Who is Dane? they also owned and control every major mainstream media of the world to control the official narrative to scare billions of people of the world into taking their lethal injections for their depopulation agenda. May Gods TRUTH prevail, may justice be rendered, and may our world soon be aright as He determines! The amount found under the Vatican is so huge that it blows the mind. Then you go to where you want to post it. Hi Jon, "I raised six kids in this . . Is the Vatican underground? Thier ending! It is no wonder that there are secrets buried beneath it. So, in My humble opinin, doesnt matter if theres no evidences of what You posted, the Holy Scriptures described their luxurious Life and for me is enough. May be Fitts should talk to Judge Anna von Reitz regarding NESARA. I totally agree with you Jesus is the ONLY answer. Can you provide a link? i read things like that but i dont believe it. Thanks again. Hi David, There are tunnels all over the world. There is probably not that much gold in the physical universe! Our friend in Sarnegor (30 km from Rakovsky) told us that suddenly the sofa he was lying on went trembling for a short time and I said at once they blew up tunnels there. Be encouraged! Im with you Dorothy! There is more than enough gold in the world to back all the worlds currencies on a one to one basis, and sufficient to take care of all needs worldwide. Feel free to contact me further if you would like. As in Blow the Trumpet in Zion, Sound the alarm in My Holy mountain. Please note that when they went to Buckingham Palace, they found similar huge amounts of gold etc., stored up for the wealthy, having been robbed from the poor. Hi Dani! You Need To Dwell Here. Constructed using a 750mm diameter, crawl thru drainage tube, which has been professionally cut and joined to the entry panels using a clamping system. 650 aeroplanes were required to carry away all the gold that was brought out of the tunnel which led to Jerusalem. The opening . Yes, you read that right. We are not to take as gospel anything we hear from anyone, myself included. "Lines of Buses with darkened windows are seen taking the children away from their underground hell. Actually no-one is asking you to believe it Marlene what we are asking you to do is research for yourself. But as the publics distrust for their secrecy increased, King Philip IV of France seized his opportunity to settle his own debts and destroy them. He is very open about his questionable past.