If you wish to attract an Aquarius woman, you'll need to be unique in your own way. How To Attract A Pisces Woman - Vekke Sind 19. You are exactly right, Oracle!As life would have it, she and I planned before we were born, that she would divorce me after our kids were grown I know this because she visited me after she passed away just 9 weeks ago. i really believe any probelm can be worked from good communication as long as both people are willing to listen and change. This will be a great connection for them if they have developed their minds, studied hard, and applied themselves in many challenging intellectual arenas. The Aquarius Female is a dreamy, analytical, friendly person, who either enchants or scares those she meets. Hey thats a tough oneNot knowing her I really dont know. I do wish you would muster up enough courage to get the hell away from this man, and NEVER return. He wants to get to know you on a deeper level and he enjoys analyzing feelings with his loved ones. SO, sorry Im not an expert on this. I want to clarify something for future responses, my intention behind asking if Pisces men are good at saving and investments is simply because I also believe in equal partnership and participation.I have a corporate job as well as co-own a restaurant with my best friend. I would not worry. I have zero hope for him. I fell in love with him. Oh , we are still married, but that is in title only. And probably impulsivity. This is why we often end up with terrible abusive insensitive men that only think about their own needs and basically use aquarius as a willing slave! Tales a lot but yes once at tipping point avoid pushing further until calms down Each sign of the zodiac has an age or maturity level relative to the other signs. Aquarius is very gentle and she gives up on her romantic ideas in life. By that stage its done. I should know. it will all be to much for her!! 5. Pisces man and dating - Join the leader in rapport services and find a date today. If I wish to spend all day under a tree looking at the sky, I can. We are quite close, very good friends, can talk for hours on the phone day after day, even have phone and text sex. This secret text message will make a Pisces man addicted to you. His empathy is strong which can hinder his own personal growth worrying about others. Do Pisces men like being told I love you first or are they old school about it? This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. It will take a long time for a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman to understand each other. I am a libra, and my husband is a pisces. In this, we see the clear distinction between Aquarius and Pisces. 12) my father was a piecies and he was an amazing father. He loves exploring other peoples imaginations and coming up with new ideas. The pain I suffered, and how angry she became, were so out of place, yet so right. This ability to wait it out for awhile means that each of them is not concerned with trust right out of the gate. She usally calls me when she gets off work on her way home she texted me when she got home. Pisces Man Predictions for March 2023 REALLY listen to her 8. not including friends, family or a lover! He will find excuses to hug you, hold your hand, and touch you in any way he can. Sex with pisces man is not the best. Dating a pisces man like - Search for love But it is fading. The answer isnt a particular body type or facial feature, but rather a womans inner confidence. DOB 02/04/1966. We either want a relationship or we dont, we either care or we do not. Not all happy years. Im an Aquarius woman and she is right..conversation, honesty, and joking. MY problem with pisces man even while we live in the same city he likes to be alone a lot and prefers to go out all alone and hates when i want to be included all the time. Give her a little breathing room and she may come back. I wondered if a Pisces is willing to forgive, bring us back to reality and help us express thats all. I caught him at phone sex (back when that was popular). If youd like, you can learn more about me on this page here. We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. You are sadly mistaken. In my exp its the women scared of commiting or ghosting without an explanation. A Pisces-Aquarius relationshipa union of water and aircan be incredibly rewarding. Im obviously not speaking on behalf of all Pisces. Im one for spontaneity which could mean randomly driving out 200km/124 miles just to go check out the mountains. If Im putting in the effort then the commitment is already there. Sex between these two is likely to be quite satisfying. It was (I finally realized) HIM that was that way but wanting to blame me b/c he didnt accept the way he really was Remodeling our house turned out to be one of the most difficult things we ever did since there were so many decisions to make together. Pisces Man and Aquarius woman do not connect emotionally. Each zodiac sign is attracted to different qualities in a significant other. SO I can not advise you specifically b/c I dont want to tell you wrong. They lived in Ga. They could find a deeper connection if they were willing to sacrifice a little bit and learn to truly open up. Wear subtle but musky cologne. I am an Aquarius female and I am dating an older Pisces male. No. What A Man Is Attracted To, Based On His Moon Sign | YourTango This match up could be rather chaotic or it could work out. Have a good talk with her about your concerns, which for Pisces can be daunting. As for seduction part, I am ultra feminine when I want to please or crave the attention of my man. when he passed away in 2011. She is usually very set in her ways, and bringing someone new into her life is a big change. The Pisces man and Aquarius woman capacity to be parents is there if they want to have children but they must first make their own relationship blossom before they confuse their lives by having kids. Coldness, betrayal, or dishonesty. He sounds like he has some type of a personality disorder and thats something that YOU cant fix dear. Even if he ends up with another but that being said I will make sure he never does haha. I know that once I do find him I will be committed, loyal and that will be it in and out of the bedroom, but finding is the issue. He loves that shes so independent but at the same time he can be a bit fearful of it. Mystic advises a virgo man and aquarius people around dating a chaos addict, what are not be . Obviously, he won't turn away a woman with a gorgeous face and rockin' body. After the kids grew up we separated. PLEASE dont tell me anymore about this sick situation until you get the heck out and do something about it. 10) homebody The Aquarius woman is wise to suggest a short getaway. She needs friends who either ground or excite her, and she will see Pisces as a potential grounding force. A Pisces man adores it when a woman is confident in her appearance and likes the way she looks. I cried reading this. Likewise, he also feels utmost comfort in sharing his dreams with her, who patiently listens to him and give all of hers to help in make them come true. I also dont consider myself to be pretentious. I said, I gave you a year of my life, blocking out all other woman emotionally and physically and youre still doing the bullshit with me, Im done Ill restart with someone else and just make sure not to make the same mistakes she was all upset with me but she wore my level of care for her feelings down to 0%now Im with an Aries woman and it just feels right. I am a scorpio woman but I feel like this too. An Aquarius can learn a lot from Pisces in this association and the Pisces always feels very compassionate and concerned towards Aquarius. They prefer confidant leaders that pull them out of the clouds once and a while. He calls me nasty names when he is angry at me for the most trivial things like forgetting to get the mail. certain things and the way you say them makes everything feel really intense and maybe just, keep everything light hearted. We stayed together for 34.5 yrs. 10. Assuming the relationship just easily sparks? She could decide hes too clingy and leave. Of course, I still get people coming out of the blue, saying: I have been wondering what you are doing. (thid=s is on my property) As I have no wish to justify myself, I reply: I dont have the slightest curiosity about what you are doing. we dream for the future, if we will get married, the vacations we will take, hwo to build our life together. she confuses me and I feel she kinds play hard to get. But you need to get to that point with her first. Once again, most likely a deep-seated issue. That is how I lost my twin flame Pisces man, the love of my life when I was young. I was with a libra before and while he was good for me, my pisces man is perfect for me. Im an Aquarius woman and my significant other is a Pisces man, and boy do I love him. And when theyre bad, theyre temporary and get resolved. The Pisces man thinks the Aquarius woman is very kind, talented, intelligent, and appreciates her capacity for telling the truth. They dream fantastically together and can make their dreams come true as a couple. Your email address will not be published. @Wandakate thanks for your response. Their mutual curiosity about each other will be enough at first to make Aquarius and Pisces sexually compatible. Aquarius woman rather likes being social and having fun by herself. He is manipulating you and controlling you and abusing you emotionally and doing all manner of evil to you. Venus in this forceful, yang sign (Aries), relates by being forceful with the self, in a relationship. Threw pots and pans when he was upset. A. Our connection, chemistry and attraction was amazing. I love my pisces so much. Can these consecutive signs come together in a blissful relationship? Wow. I dont understand him. Whereas, the Pisces woman depicts calmness, serenity and composure. On the other hand, because of the general nature of these signs, they will be able to make a relationship work between them if they want to. Im finally happy and content with someone. Aquarius is constantly critically looking at the world and questioning its reality. Apparently he had a bad bad migraine and had to go to the ER, but he texted me so I would know. Next minute he is trying to laugh with me. I am currently talking to a aquarius and from the first time we talked we clicked rite away. I really enjoy the peace and quiet. They can easily put themselves in someone elses shoes and feel their emotions. If he is successful, the two will have to work out the bugs in their relationship to make it last. Pisces can be more instinctively nurturing to an Aquarius; they can still open them up sexually but also offer something that Aquarius craves and Scorpio often neglectsromance, emotional intimacy, and originality. Let her know you love her and you are hers. This is often why its easier to have short escapes for alone time to think, and recharge. It hurted me. To me its may the best man winI give my all to all of them, and am very dependable, text back or write them when they do, but their part is to be there for me as much as possible. If its going well then immediately. I am HAPPY for youI was with mine for 33 years that were bitter sweet. I feel the same way about my pisces. She is very forgiving, kind, and softhearted. I am older now but I am still Aquarius, just an older version hahaha. I am assuming you two are in a serious relationship with real commitment. i'm on here because i'm trying to figure out if it's in my best interest to end things with this leo and start back talking to this pisces . But more seriously: Loyalty, honesty, communication (this cant be stressed enough) and various other traits that arent morally skewed. What to do? I hope this helps! 6. Free to join to find a man and meet a woman online who is single and looking for you. I am also in a long distance relationship with a pisces. Pisces is romantic, compassionate, and unconditionally devoted. Aquarius are generally a brilliant, innovative, and curious zodiac. Pisces Man & Cancer Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? The Gemini man and the Pisces woman are concerned about each other's feelings to the point that they will refrain from freely expressing themselves to one . No need to harp on about it. Idk stick your tongue in her ass and see what that does. You dont have to break the bank to be generous with your Pisces guy. I tend to overthink, I dive into logic way too much sometimes, and he helps me to go and feel more with my heart, and a little less with my mind. One thing that could damage this relationship is the Pisces woman's tendency to create a fairy-tale expectation for the relationship. By that stage its done. I just love him and I want him to give me all of his love, but I get in in doses, at random times. Honey, just a smart piece of adviseGET OUT while you still are alive and can. Aquarius women hate to feel like we are intruding or bothering others. An artistic woman is just as sensitive as he is, and willing to express and communicate her emotions, even if it's not always through words. Be straight so we can set our minds on how to deal with stuff Both Pisces and Aquarius have deep needs for creativity and helping others. I feel no matter what we will always gain insight from one another and I truly feel no matter what we will forever and always be in each others lives. They try their best to have discernment. Aquarius easily waits for a good thing to come in the future. Required fields are marked *. No fucking around, in short. My Aquarius wife was an amazingly lousy lover. Keep reading for more details on what this match up looks like. Either way, approach her honestly and innocently, no arguing. A Pisces man is not one to push against resistance or make ultimatums, so he will go along with whatever she wants to do. Im so happy I found this site. It takes a long time for an Aquarius woman to fall in love. But I wouldnt want it with any other man. And the astrology experts do not recommend that match simply b/c its a VERY difficult match to find common ground on. Tell her how you feel, we Aquarian women can act outwardly cool and detached when in fact we are completely in love and are just afraid to loose our independence. A Pisces mans ideal woman is genuine and straightforward, yet knows how to temper her honesty with kindness and compassion. He is completely devoted to a partner and will do anything for her. You cheated YOU HAVE LOST HIM simple as that. It is possible for pisces and aquarius but it requires a little care and awareness. And second of all, thank you so much for replying to my questions about Pisces men with such honesty.I am seeing 3 common replies to the question about commitment and it makes me happy to know that Pisces men arent afraid to commit to the woman they like as I am also someone who likes the clarity on where I stand with my man in the relationship. I think he wants to be the woman in the relationship and in life as well. One thing about a pisces male is that he loves to be seen and love to flirt. I just find them awkward personally. Weve been talkin for 8 weeks and I want to take it to the next level. I am a Pisces man and I got out of a relationship with an aquarius women last year and we were going out for 3 years prior to the break up and a bit on and off through out the time frame, but we were so deeply in love with each other and passionate for each other its still to this day one of the best relationships I have ever had. Most serial killers fall under Pisces). 12. Its NOT just sex for physical pleasure any longer with me, I feel what the Pisces man feels if not more so but I am now older so been there, done that. Her need for independence eases, and together that touch of crazy that they play with together sends her into a love that she holds onto forever with faith and loyalty. She will play hard to get. It is one of the most dominant aspects in my natal chart.It makes me an ultimate romantic, feminine, sensitive and nurturing. Tried for awhile to change me but it didnt work. Value a mutual connection and not just sex for the sake of sex. West says a scent is so much more than a nice smell for them, but rather, it's a psychotropic, magical . 13. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. Aquarius woman may be a bit more into her personal freedom though and Pisces man will have to work hard to get her to commit to him. The Pisces woman keeps her man from becoming too disengaged. 14. SO I never remarried and am not communicating with a few men to do the process of elimination. It sucks but I want HIM and having distance with the man I love is 10000000x better than being next to someone that just any other man. Shes not likely to think Pisces man is really someone she can see giving up her free time for unless its for sex only. Some women get caught up in abusive relationships and just complain about them and their lives instead of doing anything constructive about their situation, YOU ARE ONE OF THOSE WOMEN regrettably. NOPE Aquarius often has the reputation of being progressive and open-minded, but that is only because she will listen with interest to anything anyone else has to say. Pisces Man and Aquarius Woman Love Compatibility Guide, click here to learn more about Pisces Man Secrets. One of those things is sex. The Pisces and Aquarius compatibility in friendship is perhaps the strongest bond between this pair. Chasing her may freak her out and make her want nothing more to do with you as it would make you seem desperate and Aquarius women do not like that at all. A loving Aquarius heart turning cold slowly is a sad thing to witness. It stems from the strong desire for him.Its definitely not a tool for deception as I am not the cheating type.I am a very loyal woman who has eyes only for her man. It CAN be fixed but you would have to give up a lot of your freedom pisces, and I know you would hate that. Perhaps they can use some of this technique when it comes to love. They were together for 9.5 yrs. He is patient, he is kind. Wooing her by bringing flowers and some chocolate will definitely work. Absolutely terrible. Not sure exactly why you would say that, as I was married to one for 34.5 years. She will talk to him and realize that she can relate to his dreamer side. A Spiritually Based Connection This is something that can happen in any relationship; if you don't have your own inner strength yet and haven't learned how you stand in the world, combining your energy with someone else's is going to be messy. Trust is a long hard road and once people before have destroyed that, its hard to trust people in any capacity. Pluto enters Aquarius on March 27 and this . Because hes so in touch with other peoples feelings, its easy for a Pisces guy to see a situation from multiple perspectives. Sex is sacred intimacy, cant fake for it. I just want the perfect amount, not too much that he feels drained out and not too less where I feel starved for affection and unsatisfied. Talk it through together. On that note, they will both wait until they are committed before they start to really opening up. This means that the Pisces man will probably be left to his own devices. Absolutely correct. Aquarius and Pisces Compatibility - The Definitive Guide But she, an Aquarian Woman, will really be frightened by my love, and more so by her own deep need for such a beautiful Pisces Man and will never respond its easy for her, so she thinks For I, Joseph, a Pisces Man AM HER HERO She is ambitious but doesn't display it, and she wants someone who is ambitious too. (of course this doesnt mean they love love you!) The relationship works fine till the time the Aquarius displays cold and detached attitude, which can hurt Pisces very much. She will hopefully (AS I HAVE DONE) enjoy it more, want it more and appreciate it more than when she is young. Share your thoughts and experiences in a comment below. what do you mean by when the energy changes between us? What attracts an Aquarius man to a Pisces woman? The advantage that they have is that even if they do not communicate well, a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman are able to peacefully coexist and stay out of each others way. i dont know what he dreams about or if it even includes me. Somebody who i trust, and can be understanding goes a long way. Still, both of these signs are unpredictable. (I hate sounding so harsh, sometimes lol ). Is the any Aquarian woman who could give some advice or suggestions? Maybe. We dont like anyone knowing everything and enjoy our privacy plus being alone with our thoughts. I just getting to know a pisces man, also divorced. I have been with a pisces man for some time. If I meet a man and he doesnt give me attention (lots of it) and doesnt treat me special or make me a priority in his life after we know one another then I will get lonely for companionship. I dont want to delve into the debate about whether psychopaths are inborn or made but I do feel that being the most sensitive,kind and emotional sign,I can see why Pisces would feel the resentments,vindictiveness,betrayal and pain on a much deeper level than others. We definitely dwindle in our own dreamland as opposed to being secretive. She is not at all materialistic in any way. A Pisces man often has brilliant ideas, but it is hard for him to put them into practice. If you can get a Pisces guy talking about both of your creative pursuits, and he will want to get to know you better. However, neither of them are really built to change the fiber of their being.