ending in 2008, 2009, and 2010. Their pension was 60 percent of final average earnings (FAE). When Northwest Airlines was forced to file for bankruptcy protection in 2005, it was nevertheless far from alone. Copyright 2023 Asset International, Inc. All Rights Reserved. The Northwest Airlines Coleman says he thinks Congress could realistically act on pension reform legislation by the end of November. On April 14th, 2008, Delta Air Lines and Northwest Airlines (NWA) announced an agreement to merge and create a $17.7 billion enterprise. $194,155,000. BusinessesBuy Stuff, On January 28, 2011 I received a notice of the funding status of the Contribution from Delta Airlines was $77,621,712. You can find everything printed here in Deltanet Employee Connection (found on The couple paid off their house and cars, and his wife later went back to work. Thats a Good Thing, A Better Way to Fund Electric Aircraft R&D. A spokesman for American said the company "always welcomes discussions with our pilots and looks forward to hearing from APA about their priorities" when talks begin. For example, although Leighton only claimed to be entitled to temporary partial disability, the stipulation calculated his settlement based on his potential entitlement to permanent total disability. She noted that had the calculation reflected his claim, it would have calculated the payments based on his potential entitlement to temporary partial disability. Invest as much as you can for your own future. Breach of fiduciary duty and wrongful denial of benefits are distinct causes of action so a plaintiff may pursue both under ERISA, she said.The plaintiffs allege that the committee denied their claims because it consulted with the Workers Compensation Department, a party alleged to have an interest adverse to participants. Main Office The plaintiffs have since retired and begun to receive their pensions. Trans World Airlines (2001) 10. Once a company declares bankruptcy, an automatic stay prevents creditors from placing liens on corporate assets and forcing the company to pay its debts, including debts to its pension funds. Under this reading, any settlement for a workers compensation claim would be periodic, making the phrase periodic benefits payable identical to benefits payable and rendering the word periodic meaningless. The government has subpoenaed voluminous and detailed information from Northwest going back to January 2002, when both the airline and its pension fund faced severe financial pressures after the terrorist attacks of 2001 and the bursting of the technology bubble in the stock market. The standard for the U.S. airline industry is for the company to contribute an amount equal to 16 percent of a pilots pay to their 401(k) plan each month. He said their expenses are less than $10,000 a year now, and they banked nearly $1.7 million when he retired two years ago, including savings from his Delta wages and the $1.2 million pension lump sum. But that also gives DAL a lot of hubs here in the U.S. and two international hubs (KIX and AMS). Plan Lookup (100,000+) Her husband is a retired Northwest pilot, and their family lives on his monthly pension checks. I hope that understanding why will convince you that you would never want a pension in the first place. Benefit levels for various groups Page 18 of 61. Delta says about 1,300 retired pilots had their monthly pension checks zeroed out by the pilot pension plan termination. "That, in conjunction with freezing our pension plan that we've been in discussions to do, should provide the type of relief necessary to maintain the benefits we have." Administration expenses were $17,035,079. For suggestions and comments, please click the Contact link at the bottom of this page. He's too young to draw Social Security, and he had put the lump sum into an IRA that can't be reached without penalties for another year and a half. investment gains (loses) and Plan contributions from Delta, Plan assets at the maintaining the fund, fees and commissions. Home A federal judge has denied dismissal of a lawsuit in which five former employees of Delta Air Lines allege Delta and its administrative committee improperly reduced their pension benefits from the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Contract Employees. You can send Jason questions at editorial@flying.media. In August 2005 the mechanics and cleaners at Northwest Airlines (NWA), the world's fourth largest passenger airline went out on strike. The pension bill is now being completed in a House-Senate conference committee. Delta, which had emerged from bankruptcy protection just a few weeks prior, was in a similar position. Officials of the Labor Department confirmed the investigation but declined to elaborate, other than to say it was a civil matter concerning the parts of the pension law that deal with funding and the disclosure of information to participants and regulators. Most airlines now have defined contribution retirement plans like a 401(k). Their pension was 60 percent of final average earnings (FAE). On KN Aviation, I share reviews of the flights I take and lounges I visit on top of many other aviation-related articles. But McClain said he doesn't believe the Northwest pensions are in jeopardy -- if Congress grants the airline a new, more lengthy payment schedule. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hi! For example, in plaintiff Leightons settlement agreement, his lump sum of $52,000 represents an amount of $225.81 per month for the rest of his life. least the amounts necessary to meet minimum funding requirements of ERISA. And yet, airline pilots feel like their companies jumped at the opportunity. Administration expenses were $17,035,079. How it Works Instead, it reduced the plaintiffs pensions by an amount calculated to accommodate SSDI benefits. [File Photo: Adobe Stock]. Argentina Australia Belgi (Nederlands) Belgique (Franais) Brasil By 1989, as ill effects from the problematic integration of Republic Airlines had mostly subsided, Northwest was bought out by a consortium of investors that included KLM in a leveraged buyout that turned out extremely costly for the company. So, for the past three years the company has met the minimum contribution to the They won't take her," said Cochran. Jason Depew flies as a captain for a major U.S. airline. Airline Pensions All But Gone? Unlike most employees, retiring Delta pilots until 2005 could cash out half their pension benefits in lump sums that sometimes topped $1 million. Continental Airlines' plan was frozen before it merged with United, which continues to administer that fund, the union said. United pilots' pension fund was terminated in its 2002 bankruptcy and taken over by the PBGC. 2010 in the funding status report of the Northwest Airline Pension Plan for When Northwest Airlines and Delta Air Lines merged in 2008, they created the worlds largest airline, and one that to this date still ranks as the largest in several metrics including assets owned and market capitalization. Page 39 They can also assume a pilots life expectancy is closer to the U.S. average of about 80 years. $164,978,671 (amount of money in the plan at the start of the year and amount at Due to aggressive automated scraping of FederalRegister.gov and eCFR.gov, programmatic access to these sites is limited to access to our extensive developer APIs. A Northwest spokesman said yesterday that the company had provided some of the documents sought, but was fighting to keep others confidential, and was scheduled to appear in court later this month to argue for a protective order. Weirton Steel (2004) [See Jobs With the Best Retirement Benefits .] Cochran said he flew extra trips before retiring, boosting his income to $240,000 a year. "Because the pension board caps the amount you can receive at something in the mid-$40,000 range. "These pension checks are only the remaining portion of their benefit after they took the lump sum," said Rob Kight, Delta's vice president in charge of employee benefits and related matters. In the Audit, page 46, year ended Sept. 30, 2009, assets $1,738,184,000. Cochran, for instance, hopes to soon begin tapping a $1.2 million lump sum that he got when he retired almost three years ago and put into an IRA account. In its filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, Northwest Airlines highlighted a pension deficit that's now reached $3.8 billion. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., is one of the airline's allies on the issue, and co-author of a pension reform bill. The Internal Revenue Service shares enforcement of the pension law, and it sometimes imposes excise taxes on companies that skip their pension payments. Employees caught up in recent pension fund collapses have said they were not adequately warned of the impending failure and have questioned how it could have happened if the people in charge had kept their interests foremost. Therefore, plaintiffs failed to state a claim for breach of fiduciary duty, Ericksen wrote. There is a lot of interesting information in Some of the delayed contributions are now starting to come due, and the airline has been lobbying Congress to give it still more time. And Congress last summer enacted a law giving the airline 17 years --- 10 years more than most companies --- to bring its plans to full funding. However, companies allow this practice because it allows them to get away with saving less). The PBGC has agreed to takeover their pension liabilities, but will only guarantee $6.5Billion of that. Delta says pilots who got zeroed out already took a major portion of their pension benefits when they left the airline. from Mr. Kight. Anyone can read what you share. In its motion for a protective order against the Labor Department's subpoena, Northwest is arguing that the demand is "extremely broad" and that full cooperation could "threaten or undermine" its ability to reorganize in bankruptcy. Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Salaried Employees (Salaried Plan), the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Pilot Employees (Pilot Plan), and the Northwest Airlines Pension Plan for Contract Employees (Contract Plan) (Collectively, the Plans), Located in Eagan, MN A Notice by the Employee Benefits Security Administration on 08/19/2003 What will be the best performing asset class for 2023? The retired Boeing 767 captain said he expected his $2,460-a-month pension to shrink by about 70 percent after Delta last summer won bankruptcy court approval to terminate its pilot pension plan. "We kind of expected that the benefit would go to zero, but it's a shock when that letter shows up," said Lewis. "I felt like I had to do it for my family, even though I wanted to stay and fly.". It can cost businesses between $75,000 to $150,000 to dismantle a plane like the 747. But it has no authority to enforce fiduciary duty. She dismissed the plaintiffs ERISA claim for equitable relief. Northwest Retiree Benefit Trust exclusively for Northwest Airlines Retirees This booklet includes summaries of the benefits covered under the Northwest Retiree Benefit Trust for NWA Retirees, eligible Dependents and Survivors age 65 and older. However, it also assumes your money needs to last at least 30 years. With its clear post-war focus on Asia, Northwest Airlines adopted the brand name Northwest Orient as it continued introducing new Asia routes and adding capacity with new aircraft. Did Textron Get a Good Deal When It Bought Pipistrel? "If those are amortized over a number of years, they're not a significant drain on the operating budget for the carrier. As airline pilot pay has finally made up most of the losses from the last round of bankruptcies, some companies are looking at adding a new type of modified defined benefit plan to give pilots tax-advantaged savings opportunities in addition to the 401(k). Very interesting read you have given us about Northwest Airlines. This prompted Northwest Airlines to expand its domestic feeder network and intensify expansion across the Atlantic, where it was far from as dominant as in the Pacific market. Attorneys Say Guaranteed Income Safe Harbor Clearer Than Previous Guidance, 702 King Farm Boulevard, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20850 / +1 212-944-4455 /. Home Twelve years later, Northwest also launched the first nonstop flight between China and the United States, strengthening its position as the leading carrier for China-bound travelers in North America. But Cochran saw two things when he opened the envelope. Years ago, airline pilots got a great deal on their retirement, but things have changed. When a plan is frozen, it generally closes to new participants and benefits won't grow. With annual pay above $600,000 per year (in today's numbers), a 60 percent FAE pension. In its filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, Northwest Airlines highlighted a pension deficit that's now reached $3.8 billion. Northwest CEO Doug Steenland said the airline will continue seeking changes in pension law that would spread out those payments over a longer period of time. frozen Defined Pension Plans). Officials with the PBGC said Northwest can't dump its obligations on the agency unless it cannot exit from bankruptcy without terminating its pension plan. Unfortunately, many companies choose to skimp now, relying on unknowable market performance or profits to save them later. funding status report for the Contract Employees Plan. Cochran hoped to have enough of a monthly benefit left to cover his family's health insurance premiums. Northwest Airlines was founded in 1926 as Northwest Airways and initially served as an airline focused on mail service before expanding into passenger service in 1927. Suite 3200 News stories provided by third parties are not edited by "Site Publication" staff. Lewis also retired four years earlier than he had planned, in order to save his lump sum pension benefit, also $1.2 million. 5500) Financial Information, Page 37, because of missing information for the "The only ones that are getting their pensions dumped are the retired pilots.". Cutting that timeline from 30 years to just 15 means our rule of thumb doesnt hold anymore. But the number of pilots who got zeroed out was larger than many expected, and the requirement to pay Delta for health benefits makes the pill even more bitter. The PBGC has a database of unclaimed. His writing is focused on personal finance for pilots with the goal to help all types of aviators enjoy great careers, sometimes in spite of themselves. Northwest Airlines, Inc. Group Medical Plan from Delta Airlines. Even so, an alarming number of large plans have collapsed in the last few years, leaving the government to cover huge debts to retirees. 2023 Minnesota Public Radio | All rights reserved, Mark McClain of the Air Line Pilots Association talks with MPR's Bill Catlin about the pension situation. If youre like me, you have a flying habit that youll need support. Before the merger, Northwest Airlines ranked as the United States fifth-largest airline. None of the figures jive for the present value of the Plan as of September 30, Northwest's pension fund consists of three individual plans, for about 8,000 pilots, 9,000 salaried employees and 52,000 unionized workers, including mechanics and agents. Therefore, she said this factor weighs in favor of the defendants. "There's kind of an interesting dynamic there, where the pilots in many ways have the most to lose," says Schwieterman. Glassdoor is your resource for information about the Pension Plan benefits at Northwest Airlines. Delta's union leaders have taken "initial steps" to examine options and are looking to hire outside consultants who specialize in retirement plans, according to a memo sent to pilots. The aviation industry Northwest Airlines was faced with as it emerged from bankruptcy was one of high fuel costs and many competitorsnot unlike the environment which had contributed to its bankruptcy filing in the first place. Harris said she's worried about the possibility of losing income and insurance as Northwest reorganizes in bankruptcy. Federal law currently requires the company to pay off most of that shortfall within the next three years. Lets say an airline could predict a few lean years ahead and it wanted to put extra money into its pension fund to protect its employees. In fact, about 15,200 active United employees live in California. The plan defines workers compensation benefits as any periodic benefit payable. The committee argues that because the one-time lump-sum payment settles a claim for a periodic benefit, that one-time payment is also periodic. While it is theoretically possible that the committee made its decision for the purpose of putting Deltas financial interests over the interests of the beneficiaries, plaintiffs failed to plead facts that support such an inference. Copyright 2005 LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 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However, if the balance gets too high above the actuarially calculated glideslope, he starts to think the company is trying to get away without paying taxes. company has met the minimum requirements ($69,417,036 per year) for the years Airlines have the luxury of planning for pilots to retire at the FAAs mandatory retirement age of 65. Delta today announced that it has reached a comprehensive settlement agreement that will resolve all issues in connection with the termination of the Delta Pilots Retirement Plan (Pilot Plan) with the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC), the federal agency charged with insuring the nation's pension plans under ERISA.