Lincoln's actions result in the sisters (except Lily) collectively turning on him and giving him a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown that results in him getting hospitalized and developing a crippling fear of his sisters. ", "How can it be fixed," asked Lori, "the screen is cracked right down the middle! This is what Luke looked like. When that was finished, he waited till everyone was asleep, then went downstairs. Time 17m. ", "You bet it was," said Butch, "If we'd been on that branch longer, we'd be dead men!". Sam: Stop it boys, you know better than that! Lincoln: Yes, You have to collect all of the gems to get the secret ending and the costumes, and it's not in forwards it's also on N. verted as well. "Well, that was plain mean," said Mark, "I wouldneverdo that tomykid brother! Luna: If you boys need us, we will be in my room. Caught Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Luna: I hope nothing bad happens this time! "I'M SO MAD I CAN'T EVEN CRACK A JOKE," yelled Luan. Lincoln plopped down on his bed and sobbed into his pillow. ", "Hello," said the officer, "I'm looking for a Lincoln Loud. Simon: Wow, you have good taste in Oreo cookies and Dinosaur gummies. (Lincoln pauses the game and turns to Luna). Sam: Yeah, just try to get along and talk about the superhero. It was the Loud family's new friend James. ", "OK," said Lana, "I'll leave you alone then.". Luna: Guys, this is ridiculous, stop fighting and put aside your differences. "Bun-Bun," said Lincoln, "do you think Lori would be happier if I left?". "Yahoo," cheered Lola, "Lincoln's not dead!". Lincoln: Luna, how are you feeling right now? She works for rich men, has to do all kinds of odd jobs, an Do You Literally Like Me? Clyde: Interestingnow your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Not including our own show. ", Lincoln then places the remote on the table). "How can I accept your apology after you destroyed my most cherished item," snapped Lori. As Lori ran upstairs, Lola prepared to throw her shoe at her, but Lynn Sr. stopped her. Apathy: Lincoln's feelings to Lori and Lisa. "Hey, Lincoln," said Butch, "this one's for you. My 39th fanfic, sequel to "No Such Luck". The Loud House Fanfic #21-Brother Bicker Add to Favourites Comment By jgodzilla1212 Published: Feb 23, 2021 Favourites Comments 10K Views (It begins with Luna watching "School of Rock" on her laptop, then she gets a call on her phone) Luna: Go for Loud! Clyde: >to Lincoln and Simon< And how do you feel about it verbally? (Sam and Luna just gasped, as well as Liam and the other farm animals, as well as Ellie Mae and Virginia). Lincoln whispered everything in Lana's ear. The next morning, Lincoln woke up in Lynn's loving embrace. Simon: >angered, to Lincoln< If you would have agreed with me, we shouldn't start fighting in the first place. ", "Uh," asked Mark, "am I missing something?". (It then cuts to Sam and Luna still bickering). Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< THAT'S ENOUGH, >points upstairs< BOTH OF YOU UPSTAIRS IN MY ROOM RIGHT NOW! "Lana: "anything else? Luna: This is strike two, if you guys fight one last time, we will never pair the both of you again. Leni remembered how most of her siblings had all laughed upon hearing the lyrics. Luna: I don't know, they probably may not have in common like us during the quest. and you're all invited! Sorry to break it to you, but Playstation is such a bland console, if you don't have a cooler console like Xbox, you are out of the leagues, that's my verdict. I used to love that cartoon, but he's dead now. It will only make things much worse. This Old Gal's Pressure Cooker Cookbook . "Please dude," said Luna, "you'vegottahelp us find him!". Sam: >to Luna< Yup, i'm happty that they are happy. >to Simon< And as for you bro, you need to stop acting like you know better then him. "Luke: "Definatley, when we have the chance. Luna: >to Simon< No offense dude, but we are in the middle of a conversation. ", "Sheesh," said Butch, "And to think she'd improve her character in Season 2 of this show.". I like dressing (for boys obviously). Lincoln: Nothing is quite more fun than watching a cartoon that you and you're family loved so much. Lincoln got out aSupermancomic he had bought earlier and read it while he ate his pizza. Remember that dream I had when all of my sisters became boys? Leni: I'm so sorry to hear that, you didn't deserve that, and neither does Lincoln. Loudhouse Stories - Wattpad 2 hours passed and still Lincoln hadn't come down. And uha word of warning: This MIGHT be a LITTLE sad, but hey, if other people do stories like this, why not let me join the fun? "Poor Lincoln," said Lynn, "I can't believe it. Then, he got on his bike and rode away from the house. Luna: >to Simon< Sorry dude, if you can't get along with my brother, than so be it. Reads. "A skilled target." (March 02, San Francisco.) Luke: "Well, I enjoy video games. The Missing Linc Chapter 1, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Sam: Wellat least there is something they had in common about what they both disliked. Lincoln Loud (A loud house Wall-E crossover Fanfiction) - Ethan Deemer Lincoln: Maybe I could if Simon wasn't such a smart little butt. Lynn: (whispering) You're NOT bad luck, Stinkoln. Oh wait! "Oh, Lord," Lori cried, "what have I done?". I forgot which sibling though. In fact, it was the pillow decoy Lincoln had set up, along with a folded-up piece of paper on top. Luna: Why don't you watch some TV? Luna: Dang it, it didn't work, Lincoln is getting triggered. Back in Royal Woods, the other Loud sisters still weren't talking to Lori because of what she did to Lincoln as well as feeling sad that their brother ran away. (It starts with a black screen with the narrator reading the words on the screen) Narrator: >reads< "Previously on The Loud House" Ronnie Anne: My familia's got COVID and my Mom and Bobby are staying here for the week until my familia feels better. "Sheshe," stammered Lincoln, "shedoesn't love me anymore.". ", "Yeah," said Lincoln, "she gets upset over the dumbest things! ", "OK," said Fred, "I admit that Lisa asked me to help her fix your phone. "Boy, when I get my hands on her, I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind," Steve growled. "Don't you guys think we're being a little too hard on Lori," asked Lynn. Then Lynn broke down, soon followed by the twins, Lucy, Lisa, Lily, and eventually, Luan herself. He can always heat it up later.". Lincoln: Okay. ", "I don't care," snapped Lori, "that phone is literally my fave thing in the whole world and now you've wrecked it! Lincoln: "I can't believe we have another brother! Luna: Yeah, had to watch it on my laptop while I'm babysitting my siblings, Leni's gone to work, Luan is at a birthday gig, Lynn is at Baseball practice. Lincolnloud Stories - Wattpad ", After everyone had some cake, Lori went upstairs to have a chat with her brother. (Lincoln, Luna and Sam all gasped as Simon made a comment about Lincoln). The problem was, he don't know how to. The others then turned back to Lori, their faces showing angered expressions. But when they did this he discovered a power that few have learned, and very few hav. Sam: I'm fine thanks, >annoyed< But what are you doing here? Sam: Consider you boys lucky that Liam's Memaw isn't here to give you boys a spanking, as I will give both of you a spanking. (Lola kicks Simon and Lincoln out of their room, Luna and Sam walked out as well). ", "My dad taught me," said Fred, "he has been since I was Lincoln's age. Lincoln: >to Luna< Good idea Luna, >to Simon< Hey, do you like to play a game with me? 0 hours, 17 minutes 17m. Simon: But our opinions matter too you know. The Loud House Fanfiction Stories | Quotev Simon: >to Lincoln< YES IT IS, ADMIT IT, YOU DON'T HAVE A BETTER OPINION THAN MINE! ", "That's very kind of you, James," said Rita, "what would we do without you? "It's good to hear you're OK, son," said Rita, "you really had us worried! "Luke: "Uhh, I like comedy. by werewolf259226 4.1K 114 7 21 year old Lincoln is the only one that's in Royal Woods, Michigan with his friend Clyde but his family was around the world living big and not see how lincoln was doin. (Luna, Lincoln, Sam and Simon were all surprised that Leni did something nice for these four, they all ran up to Leni and gave her a hug as a way of saying thank you). "Linc," asked Lana, "where are you going? Votes. But when we had A few more kids, they didn't take them away, which makes things confusing. (Luna hung up and it goes back to Luna in full screen, it later cuts to Lincoln playing "Godzilla Unleashed" on the Wii, Lincoln was playing as Godzilla 90's fighting King Ghidorah in Seattle, Luna then tapped on his shoulder, and got Lincoln's attention). ", "I know," said Lincoln, "I'm sorry I ran away! Luna: Good idea Leni, maybe I was a bit harsh on him after our breakup. (Ephesians 4:32). +4 more. However, this replacement is reasonable. Anyways, if you're reading this right now, I want to say that if you could, please come home, Lincoln. Fanfiction - A Near Death Experience - The Loud House Encyclopedia 54 Favourites. "Hey eldest sister," said Lisa, "I have some fantastic news for you.". "Phew," said Lincoln, "that was a close call! Simon: You could teahc me a few trick can't you? My 6th fanfiction. Theloudhouse Stories - Wattpad "Lynn Sr. (Dad): "Kids, Sit down. "I just didn't know they actuallymissme," sobbed Lincoln. Lola: Okay boys, we have something we want you to try out, I have two different types of tea, cookies and muffins. Lincoln: >points at Simon< I want Simon to stop arguing with me first and admit he's wrong! Lincoln: Good graphics, better controls, great games, amazing Playstation deals on the Playstation store. Simon: Speak for yourself Lincoln, Why can't you watch boy stuff? Leni Loud walked through the house singing to herself. They walked in Lori and Leni's room, where we often do those family meetings. Only ten more minutes until the end of the school day and Lincoln could go home and read comics in his underwear, and play video games. Luna: >to Lincoln and Simon< Now shake hands! Luna: >to Lincoln< Hey bro, I want to say, I'm sorry for saying "I never wanted to speak to you again" I was angry at you and Simon for your petty argument over opinions you disrespected, and I was upset about our breakup between me and Sam, I had a lot of anger and sorrow about it for at least an hour and I had a lot of self doubt and I took advantage of it, and most of all, I'm sorry that you and Simon can't get along because of your opinion differences. This is for Lincoln)" on it. (Just as Sam was about to walk up to the counter to place an order, Sam spotted Luna in shock, she even tohught to herself). (It begins with Luna watching "School of Rock" on her laptop, then she gets a call on her phone), (It then goes to split screen with Sam on the right). Clyde: Now for your favorite cartoon show >to audience< Again, not counting our own show. ", "Not that big of a deal," repeated Lori, "not that big of a deal?! Luna: Sam! Fanfiction - No Such Luck Extention - The Loud House Encyclopedia Lincoln: Oh, the kid Clyde told me about, I heard from him that you did a great job cat-sitting for them and they were thankful. Brother Fight Protocol Chapter 1: Loss Respect, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction A/N: This story was an inspiration and idea I got the day I got April fooled by my relatives (i don't want to talk about it, it's embarrassing), but sometimes I wondered if the pranks luan made are basically safe, or based on rules? "Man," said Lincoln, "that was a close call!". Leni: Just because you are mad at Lincoln doesn't mean you should hate him for like ever, even Lori knows that! 1,245 1.2K. Lincoln: >annoyed< You know what? [Lori Loud X Male *WARNING MATURE. She is still the greatest super heroine out there, better than stupid Ace Savvy. Luna would later tell her that the song was a one hit wonder from the nineties by a band called the Divinyls. (Luna then forms tears in her eyes and starts crying, Lincoln tries to calm her down, but Luna pushed him to the ground), (Luna runs away from him as she continues crying, Lincoln gets back up and turns to Liam). ", "I just thought it'd be a way to bond with you guys," said Lori, "that's all. Simon: That's because I have a better opinion than him, he knows nothing.
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