All viability assessments, including any undertaken at the development plan-making stage, should reflect the recommended approach in national planning guidance, including standardised inputs, and should be made publicly available. All plans/drawings submitted should be numbered (any amended plans will require a revision number and date). The submitted drawings should be at a scale of 1:50 or 1:100 and should explain the proposal in detail. The site plans should also provide written dimensions and distances from the elevations of the proposed development to both: i) The existing site boundaries and ii) The existing buildings falling within 10 metres of the development. All applications for housing development of 10 units or more. Floodlighting within 50 metres of woodland, water or hedgerows / lines of trees with an obvious connection to woodland or water; Works to fell or lop veteran trees, trees with obvious cracks, holes and cavities, or trees with a diameter greater than a metre at chest height; Major proposals within 500 metres of the perimeter of a pond, or 200 metres of rivers, streams, canals, lakes or other aquatic habitats such as wetlands; Minor proposals within 100 metres of a pond or adjacent to rivers, streams, canals, lakes or other aquatic habitats such as wetlands; Woodland, or hedgerows / lines of trees with an obvious connection to woodland or water; Gravel pits, quarries, natural cliff faces, or rock outcrops with crevices or caves; European protected sites or candidate sites: Special Protection Area (SPA) / Ramsar Site, Special Area of Conservation (SAC); Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI); Site of Local Conservation Interest (SLCI); Priority habitats as defined in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) (Refer to Local BAPs and the Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act); A semi-natural habitat. Home; Study + New Students; #TakeOnTomorrow; Undergraduate ; Undergraduate Study Degree The statement should indicate whether the Code for Sustainable Homes and/or BREEAM assessment methods and rating systems are being used or considered. Section 96A of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, enables the submission of applications for non-material changes to existing planning permissions, without requiring the submission of a new planning application. This account is not for reporting issues. Without the correct information and fee the planning application cannot be made valid and it cannot be determined. Sunlight/Daylight/Microclimate Assessment, Community Infrastructure Levy (Gateshead, North Tyneside and Newcastle only, 1. A major property developer has applied to construct over 500 homes, out of potentially 2,700, in Murton Park. For Residential and Workplace Travel Plans; Setting out the rationale for the approach to parking provision (car, cycle, disabled and motorcycle provision); Servicing plan covering deliveries, refuse collection and taxi pick up and drop off (Auto Tracks may be required in some instances); Existing and proposed Traffic Regulation Orders Plan for a defined area; Details of Car Club and Electric Charging Point Facilities. When a proposed development is in close proximity to the windows of habitable rooms of an existing residential development and is likely to significantly affect the sunlight and/or daylight levels to those windows; When a proposed residential development, because of its proximity to either existing buildings or other proposed buildings within the development, is likely to receive low levels of sunlight and/or daylight to habitable rooms; When the scale and form of a development is likely to result in significant shadowing impacts upon neighbouring properties or land; When the scale of the development proposed would result in micro-climatic conditions that could result in wind levels affecting pedestrian and vehicle movement outside of the building. Welcome to the Planning Portal Interactive guidance Interactive guidance Access our interactive guides to the planning and building rules for various house types and single mini guides for conservatories, extensions, loft conversions, outbuildings and porches. Use this link to the governments Planning Portal webpage to find out more information about CIL: For planning applications within conservation areas the statement should address how the proposal has been designed to have regard to the character and/or appearance of the conservation area and to explain how the proposal enhances or preserves the character or appearance of the conservation area. All planning applications for development on existing open space will require an open space assessment. Trees/soft landscaping located close to a proposed development and certainly within falling distance must therefore be accurately shown on a scaled plan with the following information: Species; height in metres; stem diameter in metres at 1.5 metres above adjacent ground level or immediately above the roof flare for multi-stemmed trees; branch spread in metres taken at north, south, east and west points; height in metres of the lowest part of the canopy above ground level. The purpose of a Phase 1 Land Contamination Assessment is to establish the previous uses of the land under consideration or land adjacent to it, and to initially identify potential sources of contamination, receptors and pathway that could be risks to human health, surface or ground waters, buildings or protected species (the receptors). a 3b/5p property). There are three basic steps in an assessment: The report should also contain the following information: Where a local authority has adopted an Air Quality Action Plan or Air Quality Strategy, the assessment should detail whether any of the actions contained within these will be directly compromised or rendered ineffective by the development. Landscape design should consider local landscape features or characteristics which could be incorporated into the development in order to respect and enhance local landscape character and distinctiveness, in line with any local landscape character assessments. Using the methodology set out in the Standard should help to ensure that development is suitably integrated with trees and that potential conflicts are avoided; Sections 7 to 12 of BS 5837: 2012 contain detailed guidance on protecting trees that are to be retained both within and outside the proposed site that could be affected by the development. (except changes of use) where the proposal would materially affects its appearance; A Heritage Statement could form part of a more comprehensive Design and Access Statement (see also requirement 7), where this is also needed. Certificate B must be completed when the applicant is not sole owner of the site but all of the owner(s) of the site are known. Development on sites of 0.5 hectare or more within a local authoritys own identified critical drainage area. Copyright 2007-2023 Capita Business Services Limited. Design and access statement (if required). dock levellers and 2 no. First - A letter to Head of Development Services about: i) using the shelter without doors, ii) the misuse of the complaints Procedure by the Case Officer and his Manager and iii) notice that UK Docks are still working on a development without planning permission. It should be noted that for an outline application it is necessary to indicate access points on the submitted plans even if access will be a reserved matter. Pre-application discussions are therefore an important stage in ensuring that applications are complete in terms of their information requirements. This will include a location plan, cross sections/elevations and specification. The assessment must be produced by an experienced professional archaeologist. MHNE uses its combined voice to represent the sector at all levels. Please seek pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority for further details on when this would be required. The right information is crucial to good decision making, particularly where formal assessments are required (such as Environmental Impact Assessment, Habitat Regulations Assessment, Flood Risk Assessment and Transport Assessment). The advice could, however, be a material consideration to be taken into account and given weight in the planning application process. Restaurants and cafs use for the sale of food for consumption on the premises, excludes internet cafs (now A1). Requests to remove existing soft landscaping may also arise, due to overshadowing problems associated with new development, if sufficient space is not set aside for future growth. Since 2017, the local authority has earmarked the Murton Gap as a site for heavy housing development. Areas where there may be a planning condition, Article 4 Direction or other restriction that limits permitted development rights. Where a development would include Biomass boilers or a Combined Heat and Power Plant; Proposals for industrial processes where there are direct emissions to the air. The application may be refused if the requested information has not been provided within the agreed timescales. Copyright 2023 inkl. Apply online Apply for planning permission online via the Planning Portal. Further information on permitted development and whether these have been withdrawn is available on the councils webpage and on the Planning Portal:, Checklist 6. A Planning Application Additional Information Requirement Form is required to be competed for all relevant applications in Gateshead, North Tyneside and Newcastle to calculate CIL liability. Failure to provide information on protected species at the outset can significantly delay the processing of your planning application whilst a survey is carried out, and could result in a need for design and layout changes that should have been taken into account in the original proposal. National Planning Practice Guidance Housing need assessment section. Greens Place South Shields NE33 2AQ 2nd May 2014 This would receive the same protection as land within the designated site and so the same expectation for avoidance and mitigation measures to be put in place would exist. Coal Mining Risk Assessment / Mineral Safeguarding. As a minimum the relevant historic environment record should have been consulted and the heritage assets assessed using appropriate expertise, where necessary. Proposals on or near Scheduled Ancient Monuments; Developments along the Hadrian's Wall corridor or within the vicus (civilian settlement) of the Roman Forts (Newcastle, Benwell, Wallsend and South Shields); Greenfield sites of 1hectare or more in size. Unitary Development Plan Policies DC2 (a and b) and ENV3. Please remember only registered users can access this Portal. Attenuation systems should be designed to accommodate a critical rainfall event of 1:100 year + 40% allowance for climate change. Other indoor and outdoor sports and leisure uses not involving motorised vehicles or firearms. Applicants can also submit an Economic Statement to highlight the economic benefits of a scheme if they so wish but this would not be required for validation purposes. Confirm whether the prior written permission of the Coal Authority will be required for the site investigation and/or mitigation works and indicate when this permission will be sought. Report a breach of planning control. For single home development a screening assessment form can be used as a basic contamination assessment. Supporting calculations should be included in the Drainage Assessment and form part of the planning application. This Tyneside Validation List therefore seeks to explain, the information that the relevant local planning authority will require in order to make your application valid. Sport England will require sport specific information to be provided by the applicant as part of the planning application and applicants should therefore refer to Sport Englands webpage and seek pre-application advice to avoid any delay in the determination of the application (see above paragraphs under the heading: v) Pre-application Advice). Post: Planning Group, Town Hall and Civic Offices, Westoe Road, South Shields, Tyne and Wear, NE33 2RL. This must set out the reasons why the applicant considers that the information requested by the LPA, in refusing to validate the planning application, does not meet the statutory tests. However, not all consent types may be submitted through the Planning Portal i.e. Planning obligations seek to address various planning issues such as affordable housing, public open space provision, highway works or landscape and nature conservation mitigation. If used the pre-application advice service enables the council to provide an informal response regarding the planning merits of the scheme. Modification / demolition (including in part) of the following: Applications that would include the following: A survey assessment & mitigation report may be waived if: Please seek pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority for clarification on when a survey or Habitat Regulation Assessment screening opinion (see below) would be required. Please seek pre-application advice from the Local Planning Authority for further details on what provisions would be required. A day in the life of a planning application. Planning appeals are. Planning applications must be determined in accordance with the adopted development plan, unless material planning considerations indicate otherwise. The LPA are likely to seek the comments of relevant statutory consultees on the air quality assessment before reaching a decision on the planning application. Please visit the planning pages of your LPAs website to find out more about the range of pre-application services available, including any charges that may apply for using them. The Noise Impact Assessment should outline the potential sources of noise generation, and how these may have a negative effect on local amenity and environmental receptors particularly on sites in close proximity to nationally and internationally designated sites. It should quantify the travel characteristics of the development by all modes or travel, the resulting impact on transport infrastructure and identify what measures will be required to improve accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly for alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling and public transport and what measures will need to be taken to deal with the anticipated transport impacts of the development. In such circumstances the planning case officer will inform the applicant / agent as soon as possible setting out what information is required. Certificate A must be completed when the applicant is the sole owner of the site. Alternatively, there are a number of online sellers that can provide a location plan and some of these are listed on the Planning Portal website (see the Buy a Plan section). Core Strategy Policies CS1, CS13, CS15 and CS16, Unitary Development Plan Policies DC1 (g) and MWR35, Sustainability Statements Planning Process Note (November 2021), Site Specific Allocations Policies SA1, SS2, J2 and H2. A Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) would be required for some major development application as advised at pre-application stage by the Local Planning Authority. The results of such tests should be included in the Drainage Assessment. (a) Offices other than in use within Class. Planning applications where ventilation or extraction equipment is to be installed, including those for the sale or preparation of cooked food, launderettes, and significant retail, business, industrial or leisure developments. However, not all consent types may be submitted through the Planning Portal i.e. Area Specific requirements and further information: Northumbrian Water Limited Water Developer Services on telephone number 0345 733 5566 or visit The types of building which warrant assessment include churches, farms, houses, industrial buildings, public houses and schools; Proposals affecting buildings or structures identified on the Tyne & Wear Historic Environment Record. If the development discharges to an existing soakaway, evidence that it has sufficient capacity to cater for any additional flow must be submitted. The statement should contain layouts (annotated in square metres) to demonstrate that all rooms within the property can; (a) comfortably accommodate the required basic items of furniture, and (b) provide enough circulation space for the intended occupants to safely navigate rooms and perform basic tasks. A blue line should be drawn around any other land owned or controlled by the applicant, close to or adjoining the application site. Contact us. Skip navigation. Plans have been revealed to demolish the former South Shields Central Library to pave the way for future housing development. Where connection to the mains sewer is not practical, then the foul/nonmains drainage assessment will be required to demonstrate why the development cannot connect to the public mains sewer system and show that the alternative means of disposal are satisfactory. These thresholds are for guidance purposes only. Planning and building control Planning See or comment on a planning application The easiest way to view or submit a comment on a planning application is through Planning Online, our. An impact assessment will also be required if the local authority has set a threshold lower than 2,500 sq. This section provides information and resources relating to development control advice and guidance. Links to other sources of information and guidance are provided to assist in determining when additional information is required. For developments including or solely for demolition, the statement should assess the contribution that the building in question makes to the character and appearance of the conservation area and provide justification for demolition. Changes of use to Class A3 (restaurants, snack bars, cafes), A4 (nightclub), A5 (takeaways), D1 (places of worship, church halls, clinics, health centres, crches, day nurseries, consulting rooms), D2 (cinemas, music, concert halls, dance, sports halls, swimming baths, skating rinks, gymnasiums, other indoor and outdoor sports and leisure uses, bingo halls and casinos); New residential development adjacent to the strategic road network (i.e. For applications for advertisement consent only, the following should be submitted: Advertisement consent applications may also include existing and proposed photomontages to supplement scaled plans. Planning, building and environment Planning Planning permission, the Local Plan, neighbourhood planning and more. sprinkler tanks and pumphouse to J Barbour and Sons Ltd Land to the rear of Units 11-12 Bedesway, Jarrow. calculated based on the net additional new floorspace being built/created, having subtracted the amount of vacant floorspace on the site (at the time of the planning application being assessed and determined) that is to be re-used/converted or demolished. Proposals should be accompanied by plans (to scale and also including area measurements), showing any areas of existing or proposed open space within or adjoining the application site. Assess the existing air quality in the study area (existing baseline); Predict the future air quality without the development in place (future baseline); Predict the future air quality with the development in place (with development). Unitary Development Plan Policies OS1, OS1.1, OS1.2, OS1.4, OS1.5 and OS1.6 (in part), Unitary Development Plan Policies CR20, CR21 and ENV27, Supplementary Planning Document 3 Green Infrastructure Strategy (Feb 2013), Supplementary Planning Document 3 Green Infrastructure Strategy Technical Appendices (Feb 2013). Includes automatic 2nd authentication factor (2FA). You may download offline printable forms from the Planning Portal at: Goodbye, Passwords. Hotels, boarding houses and guest houses, development, C2 - Residential institutions - hospitals, nursing homes. Download planning application forms. Clearly, there are some circumstances where applicants will need to discuss the local list requirements with the relevant local planning authority (LPA) before submitting an application. trunk roads or motorways under the control of Highways England) or classified roads (forming part of the local highway network under the control of the Local Highways Authority, or adjacent to railway or metro lines, the airport, or existing industrial uses (except Class B1); New residential development near to licensed premises and cultural venues; New industrial development close to existing residential development. Kem Sokha, Cambodias most prominent opposition politician still in the country, was sentenced to 27 years of house arrest Friday on a charge of treason and barred from running or voting in elections. A South Shields perspective on news, sport, what's on, lifestyle and more, from your local paper The Shields Gazette. Temporary pause on development in the River Camel Special Area of Conservation. The Government has set down the minimum level of information that must be submitted with outline applications, as follows:-. The UK. The Spa Valley Railway (SVR) is a standard gauge heritage railway that runs from Tunbridge Wells West railway station in Tunbridge Wells to High Rocks, Groombridge, and Eridge, where it links with the Oxted Line.. For developments with a potential impact on the strategic highway road network Highway England should be contacted, Development Control: Planning for Air quality - 2010 update (Environmental Protection UK, In World Heritage Sites or in a conservation areas; the provision of one or more dwellinghouse. All major development as defined by the Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015. Self-build and custom housebuilding. Otherwise, a Flood Risk Assessment should identify and assess the risks of all forms of flooding to and from the development and demonstrate how these flood risks will be managed, taking climate change into account. Proposed new development may necessitate the creation of new highways that can be identified for future adoption by the Highways Authority. Development Management Town Hall & Civic Offices, Westoe Road South Shields Tyne & Wear NE33 2RL 0191 424 7421 planningapplications@ 5,000-year-old Skeletons May Be Worlds First Equestrians, Study Finds. Persimmon has applied to North Tyneside Council for planning permission to develop . Hong Kong court convicts activists behind Tiananmen vigil, A Hong Kong court has convicted three activists from a now-defunct group for failing to provide authorities with information about the group in accordance with a national security law, Italy Coast Guard rescues 211 migrants off Lampedusa island. Involvement and seek to demonstrate that the views of the local community have been sought and taken into account in the formulation of development proposals. The review of the 2016 validation checklist began with a 21 day publicity exercise. North Tyneside Council - About Us. The submission of a valid application for planning permission requires a completed application form, compliance with local and national information requirements and the correct application fee. Apply for planning permission. historic plans or photographs; For any alterations, replacement, or installation of features such as windows, doors and shopfronts, elevation plans and sectional drawings to a scale of 1:20 or less. It may also include details of consultations with the Local Planning Authority and wider community/statutory consultees undertaken prior to submission. It should be noted that species associated with some designated sites receive protection outside of the designated boundary for example land outside of the site boundary where birds associated with Special Protection Areas are found to be feeding or roosting would be considered functional land. This involves supporting GP appraisers through mentoring, and training. Landscape design should consider local landscape features or characteristics which could be incorporated into the development in order to respect and enhance local landscape character and distinctiveness, in line with any local landscape character assessments. Newcastle graduate, qualified as GP in 2000. Supporting calculations should be included in the Drainage Assessment. Confirmation of the agreed discharge rate must be supplied. There are a number of types of travel plan: The type and scale of development together with locality will normally determine the requirement for a TS or TA. Rumour has it that Tyne Docks UK wish to move large lifting gear from their Sunderland Dock to the . Local authority guidance on the Community Infrastructure Levy is available from: Applications for new building, extension or; engineering works; or change of use with external building / extension/ engineering works, Change of use with no external building / extension / engineering works, Completed Agricultural Holdings Certificate, Design and Access Statement (where required), Coal Mining Risk and Mineral Safeguarding Assessment, Ecological Survey Assessment and Mitigation Report & Protected Species Survey, (including playing fields and recreational buildings), Planning Obligations Draft Head of Terms, Tree Survey and/or Statement of Arboricultural Implications of, Community Infrastructure Levy Additional Information Form. This does not, however, apply to vacant buildings that have been abandoned. This should include the maintenance plan setting minimum standards of maintenance over the lifetime, integrating with other green infrastructure and long term funding plan (including annual charges and replacement of SUDS) (refer to CIRIA guidance on maintenance plan. General industry (other than classified as in B1). Government policy now means that a financial credit, equivalent to the existing floorspace of any vacant buildings brought back into any lawful use or demolished for redevelopment, should be deducted from the calculation of any (on-site or off-site) affordable housing contributions sought from relevant development schemes. A Heritage Statement will describe the significance of any heritage assets affected, including any contribution made by their setting. Existing Highways and Public Rights of Way. The Coal Mining Risk Assessment should be prepared by a competent person and should address the following issues: Including past/present/future underground mining, shallow coal workings (recorded or probable), mine entries (shafts and adits), mine gas, current licensed areas for coal extraction, any geological features, any recorded surface hazards, past/present surface mining sites (past sites may have used the old style opencast extraction methods); layout) and what mitigation measures will be required to manage those issues and/or whether any changes have been incorporated into the development proposals, and, Where an application site exceeds 1 hectare in area and the proposals are for non-mineral development a report will be required to deal with the potential sterilisation of mineral resources, Development Management Policies DM1, DM8 and DM9. However, the same comments regarding scoping and provision of supporting evidence noted above in relation to TAs equally apply to TSs. An applicant must first send the LPA an article 12 notice. The desktop study and the site walkover should be the first stages of any site assessment and should enable a 'conceptual site model' of the site to be produced that provides a clear interpretation of all plausible pollutant linkages at the site. C2 - Residential institutions residential education, C2 - Residential institutions institutional hostels. Noise survey/sound insulation details may be required for the following types of application: In addition, a vibration survey may be required if a development is proposed adjacent to a railway line. The certificate is required whether or not the site includes an agricultural holding. The list below, taken from South Tyneside Council's website contains received and decided applications from this past week. All rights reserved. Whilst the outline planning application process allows the minimum level of information to be submitted to enable the application to be made valid, the LPA must then reach its planning decision on the application in line with its development plan and having had regard to any material planning considerations. Contraception STIs and testing Symptom checker C-Cards Emergency Contraception Pregnancy Decisions HIV PrEP If the highways within the development do not fulfil the requirements for future adoption by the Highway Authority then a Management and Maintenance of Estate Streets plan will be required and may be secured in a S106 Agreement for the highways to remain privately maintained. Most applications incur a fee and they cannot be validated without the correct fee being paid. Also we deal with works to protected trees; advice on ecology; giving urban design advice for key sites in the City; advice on archaeology; promoting and protecting the City's heritage; and planning for the city's future development. It must be demonstrated that the proposed development provides significant wider sustainability benefits to the community that outweighs flood risk; The development must be on previously developed land; A Flood Risk Assessment submitted with the application must demonstrate that the development will be safe without increasing flood risk elsewhere and where possible reduce flood risk overall. Where new infiltration assets are proposed, percolation tests should be undertaken in accordance with the testing method set down in BRE 365. Unitary Development Plan Policies T2, T4.5, T5.3, T7.1 and T7.2, Supplementary Planning Documents 6 (Parking Standards) and 7 (Travel Plans). Persimmon is part of a conglomerate of developers with interests in the Murton Gap with the aim of developing 2,700 homes. If Certificate C has been completed, written notice must be served on the known owners of the site in question in the same way as the procedure under Certificate B and a copy sent to the LPA with the planning application.
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