DJ 3000 Regular Show Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Both have also demonstrated strong leadership in moments throughout their shows. Her friendship and shared interest with him eventually cheers Mordecai up and the two end up having fun together. Mordecai is able to calm her down by apologizing and explaining that he only thought of them as friends; she is still very hurt and refuses to think that she can be friends with Mordecai. [12] This put Mordecai into a long depression, but with the help of his friends, he pulled through in the end. C.J. Mordecai fails to calm her with various environmental triggers giving a more wrong impression. However, her father shuts him down when he called him a "sensitive guy" and that the only trophy he probably won was for crying. What are Bensons gumballs? She then gives back the gift he gave her on their date, and leaves crying, convinced that Mordecai didn't care about her anymore since he didn't even point in her direction. Cash Bankis CJ then visits Mordecai in the hospital when he got beat up by the construction workers and Mordecai honestly tells her that he used to like Margaret, but is now over her after the events of "Steak Me Amadeus" and are now just friends. After a friendly conversation, where they both reveal they had dates that didn't work out, CJ, due to being surrounded by the other kissing couples, says that they can still make the best out of the remaining minute of midnight. The first time CJ interacts with Margaret is in the episode "Yes Dude Yes". breaking things off with Mordecai); Muscle Man and Starla end up married after all. We also felt like Mordecai had moved on in his life. He brought up his cousin Hadassah as his own child after she lost her parents (see Esther 2:7 ). CJ owns a car, but she rarely uses it and apparently instead prefers to exercise by walking or riding a purple bike as seen in ", CJ has used her storm-cloud ability three times in the series, during ". Stef is seen socializing with Eileen in the finale, indicating that she is friendly, and possibly befriends the whole Park crew. Dr. Henry Mordecai's favorite band is Brain Explosion. Farmer Jimmy Although Mordecai naturally despises work, he strives to keep a good reputation, once almost losing his life to avoid being labeled as a slacker, and vouching for extra work to pay for concert tickets. According to "The Art of Regular Show", Sean Szeles came up with CJs design. "HOLY CRAP!! Carlocks According to this Midrash, it is obvious why Mordechai refused to bow to Haman despite the danger. Milk People The next time we see them together is in "Survival Skills"; in Mordecai's imagination, where they appear to be fighting. I think I remember in one episode she almost killed Mordecai and Margaret because she was jealous. Del Hanlon During the game, you see Mordecai supporting her all the way; even when they hit the sudden death round. Of the duo of two main characters, Mordecai displays far more patience, responsibility, and intelligence than Rigby does. CJ accepts his apology, a mistletoe is placed on the metal hospital rod and they kiss on the lips, rekindling their relationship. Rigby reveals that he and Eileen have been secretly dating for a few months. Posted by June 29, 2022 houses for rent in butler school district on why did mordecai and cj break up June 29, 2022 houses for rent in butler school district on why did mordecai and cj break up Johnny Allenwrench Mordecai then lifts the tension with a joke and they finally start to have a fun chat. DVD Elevator Repairman After a short romantic conversation, they share a kiss while the sun rises officially making them a real couple. Spacey McSpaceTree (character) In "1000th Chopper Flight Party", Mordecai is still awkward with her presence and afraid to screw up, even to the point of letting Rigby constantly mess up the Party as a diversion just to keep her away from him. Blu-ray Keith Eye color: CJ then leaves the party crying as Margaret, Mordecai, Eileen, and Del Hanlon watching her leave. Rich Steve Jerry, Dr. Dome At the party, Mordecai tries his best to prevent CJ from seeing Margaret. Suit He does indeed love his mother and father but he hates it when his mother embarrasses him. Cool Cubed Translator Whe he said that he and CJ are taking a break, it most likely meant that they officially broke up so they could feel free to spend time with whoever they want without any awkwardness and then see if they get back together or not. Mother Duck Cat Masterson He then tells her that things had been rough ever since she dumped him, but when he started dating CJ, he feels a lot happier now. He was too wishy-washy with them!!". They instantly became great friends, with CJ developing a crush on him. Mordecai likes Muscle Man and Hi-Five Ghost at times, but he doesn't approve of their personality, especially Muscle Man's "my mom" jokes. He happened to hear her scream and without hesitatio,n he goes to save her from the monstrous gophers that were attacking her and her father; helping her win the Putterpalooza. Rigby has been Mordecai's best friend since they were toddlers. The Urge Despite this, however, CJ still manages to beat him at dodgeball in the end. Mordecai is a 23-year-old anthropomorphic blue jay who works as a groundskeeper at The Park. He began online dating and found a girl called CJ, who he had a lot in common with. In "Dodge This", they meet once again, and after facing their history together, they are able to become friends. In "Lift With Your Back", there is a small part in the beginning of the episode where she hangs out with Mordecai, goes to the movies, and has Mordecai move her couch; all of this being a way to spend some time with her boyfriend. Mordecai is the only known person to finish and survive the Eggscellent challenge, as the only other person to finish it (, Mordecai kissed Margaret five times in the series so far; the episodes were ". Even though Mordecai's uncle is a slacker without much money (much like Rigby), Mordecai still seems to care about his uncle when he dies. Colonel Rawls [15] Some time later, Mordecai accidentally confessed his love for her over text, and they agreed to go on a date together, where they kissed. Stef is Mordecai's wife[28], and ninth known love interest. What is the plot of Mordecai and Margaret's wedding? Both women are angry when they find out that Mordecai accidentally invited them both to the same movie, especially CJ who turns into a hurricane until Mordecai apologizes. Black Mordecai can also be very badass at times, especially when he nearly sacrificed his life to save Christmas by tackling a traitor-elf into a lava pit. Upset by his actions (saying that they are typical), she turned into a massive array of storm-clouds and began to destroy The Coffee Shop. Dunwoody Family Did i miss a part of story. After Mordecai asks Margaret if she would like to go to the movies with him (forgetting that he asked CJ to the same movie), CJ becomes heartbroken. Even though almost every problem in every episode that was caused by the duo is Rigby's fault, Mordecai puts up with his laziness and immaturity, once filling out a job application for Rigby because he claimed it was "boring". John The following episode, "Dodge This", continues the story just days after the kiss when CJ and Mordecai play against each other in a dodge ball tournament. By the end of the episode, they ended up kissing as the sun began to rise and officially become a couple. Mordecai and CJ eventually start dating after they patch things up with Margaret gone. and Mordecai have kissed six times in the series in these episodes:, Since CJ participated in Motor-Cross when she was younger, she knows how to ride a motorcycle and has a motorcycle license, as shown in ", CJ is part of a female dodgeball team called the. Party Horse 42699 Prayerfully study: Esther 2:5-11, 15-23 The king chooses Esther to be his new queen. Hair to the Throne CJ, being comfortable with this, kisses Mordecai and the duo parties with the rest of the Park employees' dates. Andy Shortly after, CJ finds Mordecai unconscious on the ground, and CJ begins moaning and sobbing in pain, thinking he died. At the end of "Steak Me Amadeus", Mordecai asks Margaret to be his girlfriend, and she says she feels like they could be in a relationship that could actually go somewhere. Heartbroken over what she had just witnessed, she runs out of Eileen's house crying and drives away before Mordecai could catch her. His relationship with Margaret was real, as was the heartbreak, and the difficulty getting over her. As Haman passed through the castle gate, though, his eyes fell on Mordecai, that Jew who still refused to pay him special homage. When Margaret leaves, CJ is concerned whether Mordecai still has feelings for Margaret. Frank Jones She then kisses Mordecai who quickly accepts her kiss. After these events, Mordecai informs Rigby that he drove her to the airport, ending the episode. Margaret tries to talk to him, but Mordecai awkwardly resists until she scolds him for his attitude in desire for their friendship. Headmaster Bennett Harbaugh: Corum to miss spring to rehab knee,Jim Harbaugh says Michigan star running back Blake Corum will miss spring as he rehabs his injured knee but should be good to go in June. This young woman, who was also known as Esther, had a lovely figure and was beautiful. Destroyer of Worlds But Mordecai did not bow down or pay homage" (v. Others might imply that Mordecai refuses to bow before Haman because, as a God-fearing man, he seeks to worship God alone. Why did Mordecai break up with CJ? They then watch the missiles demolish the portable toilets. Mordecai kept working this job for another six years. While signing autographs, Mordecai and Stef bumped into each other, and we see them stare at each other. by | Jun 16, 2022 | kittens for sale huyton | aggregate jail sentence | Jun 16, 2022 | kittens for sale huyton | aggregate jail sentence CJ is a cloud-humanoid with white skin and a cloud-like head and "hair" that looks as if it's tied in a pony-tail with a big bushy fringe on top. Carter and Briggs For a complete list of CJ's outfits, see CJ's Alternate Outfits. In The Power, Mordecai reveals that he is 23 years old, along with Rigby. He likes to sing along to KanYe Wests I Wonder in his album Graduation. In the future, CJ and Margaret are the inspiration for Mordecai in his abstract artwork. Future Mordecai and Future Rigby, British Taxi At the beginning of "Laundry Woes", Mordecai is deeply depressed (similar depression in "Yes Dude Yes") and the guys do everything they can to cheer him up. Unlike Rigby, Mordecai doesn't talk about or openly express himself or his feelings. (Thanksgiving! In "Real Date", CJ had many different hairstyles over the years, including: a tall flat-top, big pigtails with overalls, wild messy hair and a goth hairstyle and clothing. This leads to awkwardness between them in the final round of the tournament and they are forced to address their issues before the Intergalactic Dodgeball Council. He has been nicknamed Mordo, Mordecry, Wrongecai, Brodecai, Blondecai, Motorcai, and Mordy. Mordecai and C.J break up for a while because CJ still believes Mordecai loves Margaret, but that's because Mordecai is terrible at admitting his true feelings for C.J. Also, from a personal perspective, he didn't have chemistry with either of them. He explains everything about their breakup and his new girlfriend, and they finally lift tension. No Rules Man CJ arranges a double date with Margaret and Del, to atone for wrecking her dad's party, and her attitude for her being with Mordecai. In "Sad Sax", one of Sad Sax Guy's suggestions for Mordecai to win back CJ was to have Margaret to talk to CJ and straighten everything out. Blonde Men Mordecai and CJ officially break up. Stag-Man Denise Smith Anti-Pops In "The Longest Weekend", he asks Thomas to help watch Muscle Man when he was going crazy for Starla. The Seer of the universe mentions she preferred CJ over Margaret when she brings up Mordecai's love life. Mordecai and Skips once played video games together in "Video Game Wizards", leaving Rigby out. Every episode that has ever aired has always shown the two as a duo. Kyle Garrity Carl trained CJ to be great at miniature golf, but his highly competitive nature and constant teasing ruined her love of the sport. Natalie They all look similar to him, and they all have bat ears and brown hair like Stef. Corny Mordecai tends to be more sociable and friendly than Rigby, and has much more manageable relationships with others. She explains she just wanted to start over, but CJ angrily blurts out why they just don't get it right the first time, and leaves with Mordecai chasing after. Benny Harris After they take off their masks CJ is shocked to see that she was kissing Mordecai and, while Mordecai is distracted by Rigby, she flees the party. Hector (Thanksgiving!). She is also a great dodgeball player, as she plays on a team called the Thunder Girls, and wins the tournament in Dodge This. Thomas, unhappy about the park's playground, throws a tantrum and causes a small earthquake. Published. Mordecai tries to save Margaret, but she calms CJ when she reveals that she is in a relationship with news anchor, Del Hanlon, which stuns Mordecai and surprises her parents. During the finale, Mordecai is seen drawing an abstract art that features her and Margaret, showing that she and Margaret are still special to him despite their break-ups. On a side note, I always thought it was weird how some of the guys could be naked, but all the women had to be dressed. Rigby reveals Eileen and he have been dating for awhile without Mordecai realizing it. Timmy - Mordecai in "Ello Gov'nor", Yeah, I/he/we did/do/does/is/am/was! - Mordecai, "Dude quit fooling around!" When they meet up at Muscle Man and Starla's wedding, they appear to be on good terms. Chong Throughout the evening, there are various activities they consider doing that coincidentally have romantic moments, which Mordecai does not want to experience. She eventually enjoys the home movies with him and accepts several mixtapes he made in high school. [4] They ended up finding that no experience was required for a job at the city Park, and got a job there as a groundskeeper. Trucker Ghosts Dale As she was trained by her father who is a champion mini golf player, she proves to be exceptionally skilled at playing mini golf. Still troubled by what he did, she declines saying "No, I just don't think I can be your friend right now. Another example of Mordecai being a badass is when he tackled Death Bear (a huge, killer grizzly bear) to save his friends (Eileen, Margaret, and Rigby) from danger. Mordecai was a responsible cousin who exercised fatherly care over Hadassah. In the episode "Daddy Issues", Mordecai (along with Eileen and Rigby) persuades CJ to take on mini golf after she has giving up the sport over an incident with her father. So i decided to skip episodes and watch romance related episodes first . It could be that Mordecai and Rigby's gross salary is much higher than this, and $100 is a month's take-home pay after paying for damages that they have caused in the past. Sad Sax Guy While watching X-Extreme Barista, Mordecai's phone accidentally auto-corrects "I like Yuji" to "I like you hi". She briefly appears in "Survival Skills" in a hallucination where she and Margaret are fighting. The first and foremost difference between the two is that a PhD is "awarded" after defending a thesis (plus additional duties depending on the department). He finally left the park to pursue art, and we thought it'd be cool if he met someone while doing that.
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