Rather more than two years later Shirguh persuaded Nureddin to put him at the head of another expedition to Egypt, which left Syria in January 1167, and, entering Egypt by the land route, crossed the Nile at Itfib (Atfih), and encamped at Giza; a Frankish army hastened to Shgwars aid. Per tale motivo il Parlamento europeo si è affrettato ad adottare il trattato di Prüm prima dell'estate. Sentence into pic; Feedback; Donate; Home > Hasten in a sentence. His action was hastened by the fact that the Hottentots, deserting their former masters, flocked to the British standard. and taken prisoner by Surenas, the Parthian general, who put him to death by pouring molten gold down his throat. ), which aroused the solicitude of the emperor and hastened his return to Paris. Learn more. Failing to wash your hands properly will hasten the spread of the flu virus. Kepler immediately hastened to Wurttemberg, and owing to his indefatigable exertions she was acquitted after having suffered thirteen month's imprisonment, and endured with undaunted courage the formidable ordeal of "territion," or examination under the imminent threat of torture. How to use hastened in a sentence. But his Hungarian allies hastened to his assistance, and the mediation of the Holy See restored peace in 1346. There has been some discussion as to the fairness of the treatment accorded by Pascal to his rivals, but no question of the fact that his initiative led to a great extension of our knowledge of the properties of the cycloid, and indirectly hastened the progress of the differential calculus. Edward, greatly angered and now bent on putting an end for ever to the independence of the Principality, hastened into Wales; but whilst the king was campaigning in Gwynedd, Prince Llewelyn himself was slain in an obscure skirmish on the 11th of December 1282 at Cefn-ybedd, near Builth on the Wye, whither he had gone to rouse the people of Brycheiniog. You can use it anywhere it makes sense. hastened should be in sentence . On that occasion the native troops hastened to the mosques to perform their devotions; they were followed by European soldiers, and the mosques having thus been "violated" have remained open ever since to non-Mahommedans. 63. The storing of such tobacco for a lengthened period matures and deprives it of harshness, and the same result may be artificially hastened by macerating the leaves in water acidulated with hydrochloric acid, and washing them out with pure water. 2. Women also have an important role to play in harvesting the honey, brewing mez, and carrying out small scale beekeeping in cooperation with friends and neighbours. Nelson, to whom the command passed, at once put to sea, and hastened with a part of his fleet to Reval, which he reached on the 12th of May. Nominoe hastened to depose the four Frankish bishops, after wringing from them by force confessions of simony; he then established a metropolitan see at Dol. hastened Definitions. Definition of hastened in the Definitions.net dictionary. Having crossed the Euphrates he hastened to make himself master of Parthia; but he was defeated at Carrhae (53 B.C.) The establishment of these means of communication hastened the development of the natural resources of the region, and Reading early became an industrial centre. They have , perhaps , some motive to serve in hastening the ruin of a rival firm 2. In amalgamating without the use of chemicals, finely divided iron, worn from the shoes and dies in the stamp-mill and the pan, decomposes cerargyrite and argentite, and the liberated silver is taken up by the quicksilver; the process is hastened by adding salt. Learn more. By such an … The green maiden hastened away, but presently returned and said: "But we do not wish to intrude, I assure you," the Wizard hastened to say. Examples of hastened in a sentence: 1. As a matter of fact Lancaster was a more honest man than his enemies suspected; he hastened to acknowledge his little nephews rights, acknowledged him as prince of Wales, and introduced him as his grandfathers heir before the parliament of January 1377. Show More Sentences The collaboration, initiated two years ago, focuses on developing a customised harvester for the efficient, large-scale harvesting of castor beans in Latin America. I hastened to meet him. Rhymes Near rhymes Synonyms / Related Phrases [Mentions] Phrase rhymes Descriptive words Definitions Similar sound Same consonants Sentence for hastened? In order to achieve rapid economic growth, Singapore hastened its reforms. All yields, splits, cracks, floats, rolls, falls, jostles, Oxygen is a very important element for your body as it, Farewell ! His failure to relieve Breda had hastened the death of Maurice. Examples of hasten in a Sentence His death was hastened by alcohol abuse. He hastened to propitiate the former by a donative of twice the usual amount, and excused his hasty acceptance of the throne to the senate by alleging the impatient zeal of the soldiers and the necessity of an imperator for the welfare of the state. As soon as the revolution of 1848 broke out he hastened to Paris, but the attempt to organize a republican corps for the invasion of Germany was prevented by the government. "In 1,000 small ways, you have hastened the deaths of many" "He hastened his plans to invade Norway" "I'm pleased I've hastened the announcement" "We were already a target you just hastened the process" This discovery excited the greatest commotion among the scholars of all nations; and many of them hastened to Naples to see the marvellous statues of the Balbi and the paintings on the walls. This unnatural rebellion on the part of one grandson, combined with the fact that it was supported by the other grandson, Cardinal Alessandro, hastened the pope's death, which occurred on the Toth of November 1549. Information and translations of hastened in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on … The Emperor was following him, and Bennigsen had hastened on to make some preparations and to be ready to receive the sovereign. (A) Most people who have experienced an earthquake don't want to do it again. I like even better the idea of being in a state of vexation. Hastily quitting his quarters in Upper Swabia, Gustavus hastened towards Nuremberg on his way to Saxony, but finding that Wallenstein and Maximilian of Bavaria had united their forces, he abandoned the attempt to reach Saxony, and both armies confronted each other at Nuremberg which furnished Gustavus with a point of support of the first order. When Sloughter arrived two days later Leisler hastened to give over to him the fort and other evidences of authority. The man who has wronged her has come back, he sends for her and she forgives him everything, and, As the foreman of a spinning mill, when he has set the hands to work, goes round and notices here a spindle that has stopped or there one that creaks or makes more noise than it should, and. Questa notizia fece indignare Maometto e sembra che abbia affrettato la condanna a morte di Niccolò. These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. At the close of 1808, while Napoleon was in Spain, Talleyrand entered into certain relations with his former rival Fouche (q.v. Marilyn made an attempt to hasten the death of her elderly husband by putting arsenic in his food. The art of printing had been invented in good time to help and hasten the new movement of men's minds. A few days before his installation the Long Parliament had met; and among the complainants who hastened to appeal to it for redress was the ex-prebendary, Smart. ‘But, the lawyer hastened to add, ‘This is not intended to be any kind of specific statement.’’ ‘This, I hasten to add, is not to cast any aspersion over the good intentions of either company, rather, it reflects what tends to happen generally in a market concentrated on a small number of suppliers.’ No sooner had he wholly recovered than he hastened to, confront the emperor, reproaching him with his impiety; Diocletian ordered him to be instantly carried off and beaten to death with rods. definitions. To give effect to these terms, General Junot hastened westward across Spain, at the head of 30,000 French soldiers and a large body of Spanish auxiliaries. The citizens hastened to construct a second line of wall, enclosing the Cowgate and the heights beyond, since occupied by Greyfriars churches and Heriot's hospital, but still excluding the Canongate, as pertaining to the abbey of Holyrood. Caesar hastened back from Italy, slipped past Vercingetorix and reached Agedincum (Sens), the headquarters of his legions. When a person is wet, that process is hastened dramatically. At the outbreak of the French Revolution, he was stationed at Valenciennes, where he contrived for a time to keep order, and facilitated the escape of the French emigres by way of Namur; but, in 1790, he hastened back to Paris to assist the king. en.wiktionary.org . Simple past tense and past participle of hasten. The growth of the lace industry in the 17th century hastened the process by leading to the substitution of broad bands of lace as decoration; occasionally, as in a magnificent specimen preserved at South Kensington, nearly half the vestment is thus Apparelled Alb in the South Kensington Museum.

hastened in a sentence 2021