The school curriculum is an entitlement for all pupils, with all included. Curriculum Guide of Moral and National Education subject formally shelved. Thus, since 1973, moral education and the social studies have been taught separately in … In 1973, moral education became a separate subject in the elementary and middle school curriculum. The pdf documents on this page will allow you to view the curriculum documents for each subject in the new National Curriculum. How will the Moral and National Education (MNE) subject be implemented? Does the government have a schedule for the implementation of the MNE subject? Education Bureau All rights reserved. What is the role of the “Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject”? education of Myanmar. ... Short films of teachers and subject experts talking about the national curriculum and how to use it are also available. New England Puritans believed the moral code resided in the Bible. Since the advent of schooling, adults have expected the schools to contribute positively to the moral education of children. With reference to the “Moral and National Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 to Secondary 6)”, examples of learning contents in Section 2.5.1 of the National Domain in Key Stage One include “learn about and respect the representations of the country, including the date of the National Day and its significance; the design and meaning of the national flag and national emblem as well as the occasions and regulations regarding their use; the etiquette of raising the national flag and hanging the national emblem; the meaning of the national anthem as well as the occasions it is played and related etiquette”. To supplement Guyue Zhou's answer, many people in Hong Kong are not against a curriculum covering materials about China, but the way they are covered. projects, Implementing the National Framework for Values Education in Australian Schools, 2006, asserted somewhat tentative good practice principles for values education. The moral education course works to build character of pupils, instills an ethical outlook, fosters community feel, and brings pupils closer to their culture. Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty, national identity building became an important part of school education meeting some resistance in Hong Kong society. Moral, Civic and National Education is an essential element of whole-person education which aims at fostering students' positive values and attitudes through the learning and teaching of various Key Learning Areas/subjects and the provision of relevant learning experiences. Curriculum Guide for Formal Basic Education (1996) as well as the Pilot Curriculum Guide for Formal Senior Secondary Education (1998), ensures continuity of the foundation principles of the Namibian education system as described in Toward Education for … A(IV)-4. ... moral… (Please refer to P.30 of the Curriculum Guide for details. “Action” encourages students to put positive values and attitudes into practice in their daily life, including making thoughtful and reasoned decisions. According to the recommendations of the Basic Education Curriculum Guide – Building on Strengths (Primary 1 – Secondary 3) (2002), schools should adopt the nurturing of the five priority values and attitudes, i.e. On this ground, it is to develop students' ability to identify the values embedded, analyse objectively and make reasonable judgement in different issues they may encounter at different developmental stages so that they could take proper action to deal with the challenges in their future life. Thus, the three-year “initiation period” will be abolished. These extend beyond textbooks and classroom teaching, providing students with an engaging educational experience that includes informal learning methods such as field trips … - Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject, The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject:The Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject issued the following statement after its meeting today (October 8):First and foremost, it is the unanimous view of the Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject that moral, nationaland civic education is an important facet of school education, and that whole-person development should include knowledge about one's country, understanding of one's national identity and awareness of such core values as inclusiveness and diversity in the wider society. The Education Bureau (EDB) issued a circular memorandum to schools outlining the amendment to the policy on the "Moral and National Education" (MNE) Subject and its details on 21 September 2012. According to the Moral and National Education Curriculum Guide, are students required to shed tears whenever they watch the raising of the national flag, and is assessment based on whether students shed tears? SED accepts Moral and National Education Curriculum Guide The Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, today (April 30) accepted the recommendations by the Curriculum Development Council (CDC) on the refined Curriculum Guide for the "Moral and National Education" (MNE) subject in primary and secondary schools. According to the revised Moral and National Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 to Secondary 6) (MNE Guide) published in June 2012, the subject has the following aims: Development of moral qualities. 39 on Primary Education – The Administration of Primary Schools and Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Director of Audit's Report No. Adopting a truly innovative approach to teaching methodology, the moral education’s curriculum encourages teachers to engage students using a variety of tools and techniques suited to their ages. 39 on Primary Education – The Administration of Primary Schools and Supplemental Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Director of Audit's Report No. Regardless of the modes of implementing the related education (i.e. Full Text, - Relevant Education Bureau Circular Memorandum, School-based Support Services for Kindergartens, Pre-primary Curriculum and Learning Materials, Report of the Committee on Free Kindergarten Education, Admission Arrangements for Nursery (K1) Classes in Kindergartens, Selection Exercise for Kindergarten Operator for Kindergarten Premises under Link Properties Limited ("Link"), Reporting Mechanism for Absentees in Kindergartens, Parent Education Information at Kindergarten Stage, Applicable to Primary and Secondary Education, Non-local Higher and Professional Education, Private Schools Offering Non-formal Curriculum, History Education - General Studies for Primary Schools (Primary 1-Primary 6): Learning and Teaching Resources (New) (Chinese Version Only), History Education - Chinese History (Secondary 1-3): Sharing of Teaching Practices (New) (Chinese Version Only), Learning and Teaching Resource Lists (New), My Pledge to Act 2020 – Be Grateful and Treasure What We Have, Stay Positive and Optimistic, Using e-Learning Modes to Support Students' Home Learning (New), Liberal Studies for Senior Secondary Level, Seven Learning Goals of Primary Education, Seven Learning Goals of Secondary Education, Information Technology for Interactive Learning, Using e-Learning Modes to Support Students' Home Learning, Booklets on Professional Development Programmes, Collaborative Research and Development ("Seed") Projects, Leaflet on Intellectual Property Protection when Preparing for Lunar New Year Fairs, EDB One-stop Portal for Learning and Teaching Resources, Guidelines on Drawing up the School Calendar, Native-speaking English Teacher (NET) Scheme, Survey on Senior Secondary Subject Information, Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guide (2017), Basic Education Curriculum Guide (P1 – P6) 2014, Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (2017), Curriculum and Assessment Guide (S4-S6) - Core Subjects and Elective Subjects, Computational Thinking – Coding Education: Supplement to the Primary Curriculum, Learning to Learn - The Way Forward in Curriculum Development, Report on the New Academic Structure Medium-term Review and Beyond – Continual Renewal from Strength to Strength, Report on Promotion of STEM Education - Unleashing Potential in Innovation, Task Force on Review of School Curriculum, Pre-Primary Education Voucher Application, School-based After-School Learning and Support Programmes, Assistance Scheme operated by Uniformed Groups and The Hong Kong Award for Young People for Needy Student Members, Community Care Fund Assistance Programmes, Subsidy for Persons Holding Non-local Qualifications to Conduct Qualifications Assessment (SNQQA), Extra-curricular activities and organised outings, Education services for non-Chinese speaking (NCS) students, Prevention of Student Suicides and Promotion of Student Mental Health, Severance Payment and Long Service Payment, EDB Kowloon Tong Education Services Centre, Report of the Task Force on Professional Development of Teachers, Menu > School Administration and Management >, Checklist on Common Administrative Issues in Aided Schools, Newly-Arrived and Non-Chinese Speaking Children, Project on Enhancement of Complaint Management in Schools, IMC Meeting Arrangement during the Epidemic, School-based Management and School-based Management Governance Framework, Workflow of IMC Establishment and Related Matters, Corner for Incorporated Management Committee Schools, References for School-based Management and Forms, School Development and Accountability Framework, Performance Indicators and School Self-evaluation Tools, External School Review and Other School Inspections, Furniture and Equipment List for New Schools, Director of Audit's Report No. When the first common schools were founded in the New World, moral education was the prime concern. Education Bureau Curriculum Officer (Moral, Civic and National Education) (EDB/CDI/124/20) Vacancies 2020(a) To co-ordinate the planning, development, dissemination, and review of the curricula relating to values education (including moral and civic education, national education etc. Education Bureau All rights reserved. • Students gain a positive outlook on their role in making the world a more peaceful and just place • Global Education enriches any curriculum by clarifying the connections to real life. The revised curriculum of the Junior Primary phase (pre-primary, grades 1-3) comprises of the following subjects: Mother Tongue Instruction from pre-primary to grade 3, English, Mother Tongue/predominant local language, Mathematics, Environmental Studies, Arts, Physical Education and Religious and Moral Education. Copyright © 2018. Development of a positive and optimistic attitude. With reference to the “Moral and National Education Curriculum Guide (Primary 1 to Secondary 6)”, examples of learning contents in Section 2.5.1 of the National Domain in Key Stage One include “learn about and respect the representations of the country, including the date of the National Day and its significance; the design and meaning of the national flag and national emblem as well as the occasions and regulations regarding their use; the etiquette of raising the national … The programme has four main pillars which include character and morality, individual and community, civic studies and cultural studies. Why is the Moral and National Education subject guided by “affection”?Will this amount to brain-washing students from a young age? Taking the community’s views into consideration, the modes and schedule for the implementation of the MNE subject will be determined by the school sponsoring bodies (SSBs) and schools in accordance with their mission and vision, schools’ readiness and professional judgment. The Committee will have a meeting in September to discuss the related issues. The “Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject” chaired by Ms Anna Wu will continue to collect views and propose suggestions to the Government and the CDC on various issues about the MNE subject, including resources, teaching resources, Curriculum Guide, etc, from various sectors in society. The National Curriculum Framework for School Education 2000, (NCERT) observed that schools can and must strive to restore and sustain the universal … Self-recognition. 135/2012. The … 39, School Management Committee/ Incorporated Management Committee Service Agreement, Menu > Public and Administration Related >, Efficiency Office - Guide to Corporate Governance for Subvented Organisations, Government Departments & Education-related Organisations, Vocational Training & Related Organisations. Relevant matters related to the modes and schedule for the implementation of the MNE subject will be handled and determined by the school sponsoring bodies (SSBs) and schools in accordance with their vision and mission, schools’ readiness and professional judgment. ), The curriculum for the subject is not guided by “affection”. 2014 Character and Citizenship Education (Primary) Syllabus (English) (1.27mb .pdf) 2014 Character and Citizenship Education (Primary) Syllabus (Chinese) (2.96mb .pdf) 2014 Character and Citizenship Education (Primary) Syllabus (Malay) (1.15mb .pdf) 2014 Character and Citizenship Education (Primary) Syllabus (Tamil) … Q(I)-5. These conflicts have influenced teachers’ attitudes towards MNE and curriculum … It is a misunderstanding of the Moral and National Education Curriculum Guide that “students need to shed tears whenever they watch the raising of the national flag”. (Please refer to P.82 of the Curriculum Guide for details.). Copyright © 2018. 1. Social sciences contribute to the development of the curriculum in the following ways: Helps students function as effective, caring and responsible citizens of their local, national communities, by learning moral values and life skills which will impact positively on them. Primary. Taking cultivation of positive values and attitudes as the direction, schools should make use of everyday life events to strengthen the coordination of learning activities, and enhance the connection, among various cross-curricular domains in values education, including moral and ethical education, civic education, Basic Law education, human rights education, national education, anti-drug education, life education, sex education, education for sustainable development, etc. Since Hong Kong returned to Chinese sovereignty, national identity building became an important part of school education meeting some resistance in Hong Kong society. Departmental advice on promoting basic important British values as part of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development. This Curriculum Guide encapsulates the vision of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago that human development is fundamental to national success 135/2012: Amendment to the Policy on the "Moral and National Education Subject", Remarks on Moral and National Education Curriculum by the Secretary for Education, Mr Eddie Ng Hak-kim, and the Chairperson of the Committee on the Initiation of Moral and National Education Subject, Ms Anna Wu, at a media session on 8 October 2012. Q(III)-6. In 2012, thousands of school stakeholders protested against the introduction of the 2012 Guide of Moral and National Education (MNE). How should schools handle the “Moral and National Education Support Grant (formerly known as the Moral and National Education Subject Support Grant)” of $530,000 that was disbursed in August? SSBs and schools could use their discretion in deciding how to handle relevant matters, including whether to develop the MNE subject, whether to implement MNE as an independent subject or adopt other modes, and the implementation schedule. Q(III)-7. In this year, 2006, a year designated the year of Curriculum, the Ministry of Education resonates with joy, as we launch the first National Early Childhood Care and Education Curriculum Guide. 6 Global Infusion: A Guide to Bringing the World To Your Classroom. A(IV)-3. In 2012, thousands of school stakeholders protested against the introduction of the 2012 Guide of Moral and National Education (MNE). Q(I)-6. In the National Education Law (draft), chapter 1, section 2 (n), the meaning of curriculum framework is defined as “it means the systematic written programs for all fields in formal and non-formal education, which are designed to achieve educational objectives and which include learning outcomes, Early Years Education 5. );(b) To design and develop related learning and teaching resources; (c) To plan, organise … Q(IV)-3. Curriculum Framework 2. Moral, Civic and National Education is an essential element of whole-person education which aims at fostering students' positive values and attitudes through the learning and teaching of various Key Learning Areas/subjects and the provision of relevant learning experiences.

moral and national education curriculum guide 2021