& Oberm. Morning harvest is preferable to avoid pod-shattering and seed loss. Sesbania rostrata. The number of stem nodules at 55 d after sowing was about 1200. It grows best at temperatures above 25 ºC. Sesbania cannabina ... Sesbania macrantha. Unlike the root nodules, the aeschynomenoid stem nodules contain functioning chloroplasts and are therefore capable of photosynthesis. Sesbania cannabina. Pods ripen over a long period, and are normally hand-harvested. Adults feed on the crop, but it is not suitable for nymphal development, making it an ideal trap crop for this insect. This service is based upon the Taxonomic Name Server (TNS), a thesaurus of taxonomic information. Sesbania [Cultivars] Sesbania bispinosa. Journal of Plant Physiology 121:199–210. & Oberm. Sesbania rostrata Bremek. Adapted to poorly drained and flooded soils of at least moderate fertility, with pH 5.5 to slightly alkaline. Rootknot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) Ovary glabrous; style glabrous, 5‒6 mm long. Vicia cracca (14,17,18) or non legumes, such as Coriaria sinica (Watanabe, pers. This limits its use as a green manure since rapid vegetative growth is restricted to that part of the year with increasing daylengths. (1987) Productivity of Sesbania species. This species is accepted, and its native range is Tropical & S. Africa, Madagascar. If grown in the short-day period, it flowers early resulting in lesser vegetative growth and lower nitrogen fixation. Scientific Collections ... Sesbania rostrata Name Synonyms Sesbania hirticalyx Cronquist Homonyms Sesbania rostrata Bremek. Add to Likebox #91420375 - Ingeniously Designed of The Vegetable Hummingbird Tree in The.. Species recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. The record derives from ILDIS which reports it as an accepted name (record 2447). Recommendations for time of sowing for seed crops vary from March to May, to as late as an August sowing for a December harvest, in the northern hemisphere. A later flowering type has been bred (see 'Cultivars'). Similar Images . Readily eaten by sheep and goats, sometimes by camels, but not relished by cattle and carabao. Stem nodules occur in rows at the sites of adventitious root primordia, the bacteria entering via fissures caused by erupting primordia. Proceedings of an International Workshop held at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Vientiane, Laos, 21-22 April 1999. p. 28–36. The amount of Nitrogen contributed by Sesbania rostrata plant in terms of Nitrogen fertilizer equivalence ranges from 80–120 kg/ha. & Oberm. There are no related plants for species Sesbania rostrata. vernacular scientific ... Sesbania rostrata is a species of herb in the family Fabaceae. Systems used to automatically annotate proteins with high accuracy: Select one of the options below to target your search: Select item(s) and click on "Add to basket" to create your own collection here (400 entries max). Proceedings of the 10th Australian Nitrogen Fixation Conference, Brisbane, Australia. Sesbania cinerascens. Becker, M., Diekmann, K.H., Ladha, J.K., De Datta, S.K. & Oberm. doi.org/10.1016/0038-0717(90)90037-Z, Becker, M., Ladha, J.K., Watanebe, I. and Ottow, J.C.G. (3) PK fertilization + ammonium sulphate (60kg N ha −1). Leguminosae) subfamily: Faboideae tribe: Sesbanieae. Ikeda, K., Kariya, Y., Takano, T., Enishi, O., Shijimaya, K. and Murai, M. (1997) Effect of sesbania silages (Sesbania cannabina Pers. Philippine Journal of Veterinary and Animal Science 19:87–94. S. rostrata responds to lime in strongly acidic soils, and phosphorus (about 20 kg/ha P) in low fertility soils. names in breadcrumbs. Asia: turi mini (Indonesia); girkhe dhaichaa (Nepal); sano african (Thailand), India: jantar, manila agathi; dhaincha (mostly applied to Sesbania bispinosa (Jacq.) Sesbania. Sesbania tomentosa. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, the Netherlands. In:  Whitbread, A.M. and Blair, G.J. Corolla yellow or orange; suborbicular, 12‒16 (‒18) mm × 11‒14 (‒15) mm; wings 13‒17 mm × 3.5‒5 mm, yellow, a small triangular tooth and the upper margin of the basal half of the blade together characteristically inrolled; keel 12‒17 mm × 6.5‒9 mm, yellow to greenish, basal tooth short, triangular, slightly upward-pointing with small pocket below it on inside of the blade; filament sheath 11‒13 mm, free parts 4‒6 mm, anthers 1 mm long. Species. It can also be grown on freely drained, moist soil in cultivation. General Information Sesbania rostrata is an erect, robust, softly woody annual plant that can become a short-lived perennial under favourable conditions (eds) Plant Resources of South-East Asia No. Foliar CP levels are usually of the order of 30%, stems 7‒12%, and whole plant 24%. 'Trombay' (TSR-1) Released in India. and Sesbania rostrata) on the body weight gain and blood characteristics in Holstein steers. Sesbania rostrata. The "standard" or common variety. P levels have been measured at 0.2‒0.3% in both leaf and stem, and Ca levels at 1‒2% in leaves and about 0.7% in stems. doi.org/10.2307/4118710. It remains vegetative for up to 60 days after the date of sowing, even in winter. You are using a version of browser that may not display all the features of this website. Sesbania rostrata: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Pillipesara: Phaseolus trilobus: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) Sunnhemp: Crotalaria juncea: Fabaceae (Leguminosae) VEGETABLES: ... SCIENTIFIC NAME OF PLANTS & TREES February 10, 2020. Saud, H.M., Norizan, T. and Shamsuddin, Z.H. Pod, curved 15‒22 cm long, including a slender beak of 1.5‒3.5 cm; septa 4.5‒5.5 mm apart. Brot., sér. is an accepted name This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Sesbania (family Leguminosae). No record of spread elsewhere. doi.org/10.1007/BF00261012. The Plant List includes 137 scientific plant names of species rank for the genus Sesbania.Of these 55 are accepted species names. ... Sesbania rostrata Bremek. The root nodules appear to form by root hair infection in a process intermediate between indeterminate and determinate types. Fuel crops: Sl.  S. rostrata is a short-day plant with a critical photoperiod of 12‒12.5 hours. Improvement in rice yield is equivalent to an application of 160‒200 kg/ha N.  Growing soybean plants are often infested with various species of stink bug (Hemiptera, Pentatomidae) that can cause severe damage to young seeds ripening in the pod. ); Mali; Malawi; Mauritania; Namibia; Niger; Nigeria (n.); Senegal; Sudan; Tanzania; Zimbabwe, Asia, South: Bangladesh; India; Myanmar; Nepal; Sri Lanka, Asia, South East: Indonesia; Philippines; Thailand. and Verdcourt, B. W.F. Family: Fabaceae (alt. Bibliographic References. Wight (Duke, 1981; Miller et al., 1989) which is often called by its former name, S. aculeata (Yost and Evans, 1988), Sesbania rostrata, Sesbania sesban, and Sesbania exaltata (Raf.) Species recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. Email comments HIGHER TAXON: Robinieae GENUS: Sesbania Scop. (1993) Influence of Azorhizobium inoculation and fertilizer treatment on nodulation and growth of Sesbania rostrata on three tropical soils. and Patena, G. (1987) Flowering response of Sesbania rostrata to photoperiod. Felon Cowpea Vigna unguiculata Fabaceae (Leguminosae) VII. NDF, ADF, hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin levels of 54.6, 39.2, 15.4, 30.5 and 8.7%, respectively, and IVDMD of 55.6% have been reported. are damaging in better drained soils. Help pages, FAQs, UniProtKB manual, documents, news archive and Biocuration projects. Local name English name Botanical name Family 1. bispinosa), Africa: Botswana; Central African Republic; Chad; Democratic Republic of the Congo; Ethiopia (s.w. Plants of this genus, some of which are aquatic, can be used in alley cropping to increase the soil's nitrogen content. (eds) Flora of Tropical East Africa. No information available specifically for S. rostrata. Description: Sesbania is a genus of flowering plants in the pea family, Fabaceae, and the only genus found in tribe Sesbanieae.Riverhemp is a common name for plants in this genus. thick, sparsely pilose at first, later glabrescent with vertical rows of pustules above the leaf-axils which produce curious warty outgrowths on older stems. Protein sets from fully sequenced genomes. S. rostrata is used as green manure between rice crops, or as an intercrop in transplanted rice. doi.org/10.1016/S0378-4290(96)01003-9. In Hawaii, USA, field experiments were carried out under irrigated conditions to assess the yields of Sesbania species. Goats (5 months, 9.0 kg live weight) fed S. rostrata leaves ate 259 g/d DM and gained 38 g/day. The effects of four treatments upon the N content of rice crop and soil in 1m 2 irrigated microplots were compared: (1) PK fertilization + Sesbania rostrata (inoculated stems) ploughed in as green manure when it was 52 days old. Species recognized by Barcode of Life Data Systems, wikipedia VI, Angola Species List, Botswana Species List, Democratic Republic of the Congo Species List, Namibia Species List, South Africa Species List, Zambia Species List, NCBI, and TRY summarized records

sesbania rostrata scientific name 2021