Read more . Accessibility Help . COVID-19 has pushed many people to the brink of homelessness. There groups can help in a many different ways including help with shopping, meals on wheels, delivering medicines or just a friendly telephone conversation. Your landlord must give … Homes for all Cymru make the case for good homes to be central to the national recovery plan. The council should help you make a homelessness application and, if you are sleeping rough, or at risk of finding yourself on the street, they should give you emergency accommodation. See the current Welsh Government advice and FAQs. This includes : You could be given a shorter notice in some cases. NOTE: For general information about COVID-19 visit Welsh Government.For information on the vaccine and its rollout visit Public Health Wales. If your landlord does not serve a notice before the 29 January 2021, the eviction proceedings will be automatically stopped. If staying at home puts you or your family at risk of abuse from someone else in the household, you should get help. You might qualify for benefits or financial help if: Universal credit You will still be responsible for paying your rent whilst your tenancy is continuing, even if you are not living there. Find out more on the Trussell Trust website. Facebook. Click on the topics below to help work out what it means for you. This is because coronavirus can spread very easily and if you are sleeping on the streets it is very difficult for you to keep to the government health advice for hygiene, self-isolation and social distancing. Help with paying your council tax and other bills, © Copyright - 2017. Use the sample text below to help you put together an email or text. They have had some support from Shelter Cymru, which says Covid-19 has exposed "huge inequalities". Food banks provide food parcels to people in need. Your landlord can still try and increase your rent during the coronavirus outbreak but they must use the right procedure to do so. Due to the current COVID-19 situation, we have had to make changes to the way we provide our services. If you are on benefits, make sure you are getting everything you are entitled to. You can usually get a universal credit advance within a few days if you can’t wait 5 weeks for your first payment. Your benefit will usually increase if you report an income drop promptly. 23 May: Welsh Government works with Shelter Cymru to develop digital campaign on Housing Advice during COVID-19 to assist those seeking advice related to different housing issues. If your private landlord gives you a notice which is less than the periods above, you should speak to an adviser. You could offer to show the property to new tenants through a virtual viewing on your phone. Shelter Cymru is Wales’ people and homes charity. If you are not getting benefits you might be able to claim universal credit which can include help towards paying your rent. The Discretionary Assistance Fund provides urgent grants to people in Wales as a last resort. This website uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience. We have a dedicated coronavirus housing advice page for help with paying bills and... Cofiwch, dyw hi byth yn rhy gynnar nac yn rhy hwyr i gael cyngor. Home / Course / Covid-19 and Housing – where are we now? Visit our dedicated page Coronavirus : advice for young people. Visit our advice pages on domestic abuse for more information. Police will still come to your home. Covid-19 and housing – where are we now? Check your tenancy agreement to see if it says anything about paying rent when you are not at the property or ending the tenancy early. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Click here for more details. This could be in the same building. When you call 999, an operator will ask which emergency service you need. Worried about paying your mortgage? Call Childline on 0800 1111 or call 999 if you are in immediate danger. Click here for more details. It should not be regarded or relied upon as a complete or authoritative statement of the law. Self Isolation payment Beat. See our pages on harassment and illegal eviction and contact your local council, Rent Smart Wales or the police. If you are having problems with your rent, contact your landlord as soon as you can. You normally have to allow your landlord access to carry out repairs but you can ask your landlord to postpone any repairs which are not urgent. If you are unable to talk, hold the line until you hear the message “you are through to the police”. Check back regularly for updates. It is also illegal for your landlord to lock you out of your home. The information contained on this site is updated and maintained by Shelter Cymru and only gives general guidance on the law in Wales. Try to continue to pay your rent if you can or, if you can’t, contact your landlord to try and agree a repayment arrangement. Any move should be delayed. Universal credit If you are working age and on a … an agreement for someone else to top up your pre-payment meter. Find contact details for your local council here. Covid-19 and Housing – where are we now? Contact your landlord as soon as you can and explain your situation. Sections of this page. For more information on eviction if you are a tenant, see our pages on eviction : court action. If you are worried about getting in to debt during this time Shelter Cymru provides free, independent, confidential, specialist debt advice across Wales. During this period you do not have to make any payments to your mortgage but be aware that your monthly payment will go up after the holiday ends. If you are worried about someone that you have seen sleeping rough during the pandemic, you can use the Streetlink website to send an alert and Streetlink will help to link that person up with local support. Do this in an email or text and keep a copy so that you can show this to the court if asked. Coronavirus housing … If you need more advice or help with money matters have a read of our money advice pages or visit the Money Advice Service coronavirus support page. Other household bills and essential expenses. Since the national lockdown in March 2020 there have been regular changes in the housing world in adjusting to the “new normal.” This course aims to equip you with an update to housing and homelessness following in recent months and what the changes mean on a day to day practical … Mortgage lenders are allowing borrowers to apply for a ‘payment holiday’ of up to 6 months during the pandemic. Initial property viewings should be done online. Last updated: 22 December 2020. There is no doubt that Covid-19 has significantly impacted every aspect of our lives and our home is more important than ever. Rydym yn ymddiheuro na fedrwn ddarparu’r wybodaeth yma yn Gymraeg, ond os hoffech siarad ag ymgynghorydd yn Gymraeg yna cysylltwch ar 08000 495 495. Article. This website uses cookies so that we can provide you with the best user experience possible. This means that every time you visit this website you will need to enable or disable cookies again. Applications are currently being treated more flexibly until the 31 March 2021. Use the extra time the emergency laws have given you to try and get on top of things. For more information on student support go to You must be in receipt of a qualifying benefit to apply. Many lenders have also announced extra help for borrowers including : Click here to find out what support your lender is giving. Contact the Trussell Trust to find your nearest food bank and then contact them to see what they offer in your area. If you feel it is not safe to stay at home but you have nowhere to go, get help from your local council’s homelessness department. Includes advice … We have set out below some sample wording you could use to send to your landlord or agent in a letter, email or text. You can find out more about illegal evictions here. Contact the housing department at your local council as soon as you can and ask to make a, If you are not sure which council you fall under, you can. This website uses cookies to provide you with the best browsing experience. Shelter Cymru acknowledges the support of Shelter in allowing us to adapt their content. Shelter Cymru said private renters were among the hardest-hit by the pandemic. Can I stop prospective new tenants viewing my home? Yes. Eviction during the coronavirus pandemic. Lockdown measures do not stop you from leaving the house to get help. What if I received a notice from my landlord before the 29 September 2020? you can’t work because you’re sick or self isolating. You or a trusted adult should call 999 and ask for an ambulance, even during the coronavirus outbreak. For tips on what other steps you can take to keep safe, click here. If you are getting universal credit or housing benefit you might be able to apply for a discretionary housing payment to help with your housing costs. The Welsh Government said it would keep its own six-month notice period, due to expire in September, "under review". If you are working age and on a low income you might be able to apply for universal credit. You might qualify for benefits or financial help if: you lose your job; you can’t work because you’re sick or self isolating; your pay goes down because of the COVID-19 outbreak. The information contained on this site is updated and maintained by Shelter Cymru and only gives general guidance on the law in Wales. Does your landlord want you to leave because of coronavirus? 63 were here. Your landlord may be sympathetic to your request to leave if they understand your reasons. Even though you have a roof over your head you are still classed as homeless and your local council should be able to help you. If someone in your home is self isolating, Welsh Government guidance says repairs should only be carried out if there’s a serious problem that poses a direct risk to people’s safety, for example emergency plumbing. Financial assistance – what is … If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Shelter Cymru yw’r elusen yng Nghymru ar gyfer pobl a chartrefi. To keep our advice team safe, our advisers are now working from home. Take a look at our step-by-step guide to making a homelessness application. They might be sympathetic and agree to late rent or a rent reduction for a temporary period. Check and save your message before you send it. Remember to report any changes to your income to the housing benefit department or the DWP through your online UC journal. From 29 September 2020, most tenants in Wales are entitled to 6 months’ notice before their landlord can start court action to evict them. Most claims for universal credit are made online. Find out more about the scheme here and to make an application, click here. you can’t work because you’re sick or self isolating, everyone in your home is a full time university or college student, everyone in your home is under the age of 18, or. If you do not have anywhere to live you should contact your local council or your support worker as soon as you can. You may be able to get an Emergency Assistance Payment from the Discretionary Assistance Fund (DAF) to help cover essential expenses as a last resort. To read our full advice about dealing with rent arrears, click here. Some universities have set up crowdfunding pages to raise money for students who need financial help during the pandemic. See Citizens Advice for more information on: If you are vulnerable, homeless or need emergency help phone your local Jobcentre Plus. Find out more about the self-isolation payment here. Your landlord or agent can only arrange a physical viewing of your home with your agreement. If you share your accommodation with others, for example, you rent a shared house, are staying in a hostel, or are sofa-surfing, you must tell those you live with if you: Try to avoid visiting shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas as much as possible. living in unsuitable temporary accommodation. It does not matter if your landlord wants to evict you because of coronavirus – they must still follow the same steps. Claims for UC are made online. Emergency laws mean that, in most cases, you are entitled to 6 months notice before your landlord can apply to court to evict you. Use our Support Near You tool to find services and organisations who can help you now. Shelter Cymru is Wales’ people and homes charity. Make sure you tell your landlord about the affect that coronavirus has had on you and your family. What you need to know about a COVID-19 vaccine Answers to the most common questions about coronavirus vaccine development Read the story. They may be sympathetic to your request to leave if they understand your reasons. If you are struggling to pay, see our advice above. Follow @DWP on Twitter for up to date information. If you are not feeling safe at home, you must get help. Police can still come to your home. Rydym yn ymddiheuro na fedrwn ddarparu’r wybodaeth yma yn Gymraeg, ond os hoffech siarad ag ymgynghorydd yn Gymraeg yna cysylltwch ar 08000 495 495. Chat to one of our advisers using our instant messaging service, Call our expert housing helpline on 08000 495 495, This page was last updated on: January 11, 2021. If you are a university student and struggling with money, contact your NUS Students Union and ask about applying to the university hardship fund. 6.1K likes. Covid-19 has demonstrated the importance of a good home. If you are struggling to pay, get in touch with your landlord as soon as you can and look at our advice to find out what help you can get sorting out your money. Clear Fear is a free app to help recognise, manage and reduce your anxiety and fear. If you need to collect your belongings from a tenancy that you have already moved out of, take a look at this Welsh Government guidance first. From 29 September 2020, most tenants in Wales are entitled to 6 months’ notice before their landlord can start court action to evict them. You can move home but you must try to do as much of the process online as possible and follow current Welsh Government guidance. While it will not be suitable for everyone, for some people facing a period of financial difficulty the scheme has the … For more advice on what to do if you are already claiming benefits or how to claim benefits, click here. Aged 16-25? You should not move home if you’re self isolating or have tested positive for coronavirus. Sign Up. Young people in Wales have had to make big changes to their lives because of coronavirus. Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Guidance for the housing, homelessness and support sector We are in daily contact with the Welsh Government's housing and social care teams, working with them to consider and respond to the risks and concerns affecting the homelessness, housing and support sector. I don't feel safe in my home, what help can I get? There are also charities and even apps that can help with managing anxiety: Coronavirus and mental health (Young Mind). The police raided the shelter because the commission had received a complaint from a resident of the home, a press released issued by Ms Maliwal's office said. They might not be able to get the problem fixed during the usual timescales but shouldn’t delay repairs unreasonably. Chief executive of Shelter Cymru, Ruth Power said: The Covid-19 crisis has created unprecedented stress and hardship for people privately renting across Wales. Other benefits You still need to pay your rent if you can, otherwise you could be evicted. Mae COVID-19 wedi gwthio llawer o bobl yn agos at ddigartrefedd. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. Landlords have the same responsibilities for repairs during the coronavirus pandemic. Wales' housing minister says she is "absolutely determined" homeless people will not have to go back on to the streets after the coronavirus pandemic. To find out more about applying for benefits during the coronavirus pandemic click here. Homeless or worried about becoming homeless during the pandemic? This includes those delivered from the offices of other organisations as well as those delivered from its own offices. If your income has dropped and you are worried about paying rent, tell your landlord or agent straight away. If you want to leave your tenancy early because of coronavirus, you must make sure you end your tenancy correctly. For up to date Welsh Government guidance on self-isolating in shared accommodation, click here. Use the entitledto benefits calculator to see what you can claim. You might be able to come to an agreement or negotiate a reduction in your rent. 0808 801 0711 (youthline) 0808 801 0811 (studentline) Under 18s helpline, webchat and online support groups for people with eating problems, such as anorexia and bulimia. Things you will need for this course: A quiet space; A pen and paper for making notes; Speakers or earphones to hear the presentation; Accompanying notes ; What we will cover: Coronavirus Act 2020; Worried about paying your rent? If you rent a room in a shared house or house in multiple occupation (HMO), your landlord or agent can arrange viewings of empty rooms but must follow the Welsh Government guidance. This means our helpline is still open but operating with reduced capacity and there is now a queue limit time of 8 minutes. With unlawful evictions on the rise in Wales since the Covid-19 pandemic hit, this course seeks to provide you with information and practical guidance on recognising unlawful evictions and harassment and how these issues can be dealt with by tenants in the private rented sector. Click here to see if you can. Anyone who comes to carry out repairs should follow Welsh Government guidance on social distancing. You could get support including: For more advice and help about paying energy and water bills have a look at the National Energy Action (NEA) Warm and Safe Homes scheme. Safety when … They might be understanding and agree to late payments or to reducing your rent for a period. Benefits. Some court cases were put on hold between March and August 2020. Negotiating a reduction in your rent because of coronavirus - Shelter Cymru If you are having problems paying your rent because of coronavirus, you must tell your landlord as soon as you can. Keep up to date with current coronavirus advice in Wales on Meic and Gov.Wales. This means that even if your landlord has obtained a possession order from the court, bailiffs will not currently be able to evict you from your home. Women’s Aid also have lots of help and easy to read information on their website. Men can contact the Men’s Advice Line on 0808 8010327 and The Dyn Project in Wales. If you are shielding and/or at higher risk from coronavirus due to health reasons, you should discuss the move with your GP first. Shelter Cymru is Wales’ people and homes charity. If you are of working age you might be able to apply for universal credit (UC). The current law in Wales is that you should stay at home, work from home if you can and self-isolate if you or anyone in your household has symptoms of coronavirus. Find out more here. If your income has dropped and you are worried about paying your mortgage, speak to your lender as soon as possible. It is illegal for your  landlord to make you leave without giving you the right amount of notice or getting a court order. Viewings should not happen in those circumstances. This report offers a deep dive into … Allocation of social housing in Swansea. In the notice they must give information to the court about the impact coronavirus has had on you and your family. You can also look at the Welsh Government information leaflet for rough sleepers. If you feel that you are being abused and need to talk to someone, there are organisations open – use our search tool below. This is called a ‘Reactivation Notice’. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Housing: coronavirus; Renting a home: coronavirus; Eviction during the coronavirus pandemic; Guidance. If your landlord tries to evict you or is harassing you or your family, get advice urgently. Universal credit can include a claim for help with your housing costs, including rent payments. CORONAVIRUS UPDATE Emergency laws have been introduced in Wales to protect tenants from eviction for a temporary period. These steps still apply during the coronavirus pandemic. COVID-19 and conflict – a deadly combination The pandemic has deepened acute food insecurity in countries already under intense strain, leaving millions of children at risk of famine Read the story. Click here for more details about how to apply. Call the Live Fear Free helpline on 0808 80 10 800 (free and confidential) or visit Welsh Women’s Aid advice page on Safety and Self-Care Advice for Survivors in Isolation. We’re currently taking a high number of calls from people who are worried about losing their jobs, their homes, and keeping their families safe during the Coronavirus outbreak. Find out more about the fund and make an application online here. Press alt + / to open this menu. Courts are open to deal with repossession hearings but bailiffs are NOT currently able to carry out evictions, except in limited circumstances. Rather than banning all evictions as promised, the emergency legislation will simply extend the current notice period for a section 21 eviction from two months to three. You usually have to wait 5 weeks before your first payment but you might be able to get a UC advance within a few days if you are unable to wait. If you are sofa surfing it might be hard for you to keep to the rules about social distancing and staying indoors. We have a dedicated coronavirus housing advice page for help with paying bills and... Jump to. COVID-19 guide for parents What you need to … You will be contacted by the court if this happens and you will be told if there is to be a court hearing. Don’t delay in making your claim. Cookie information is stored in your browser and performs functions such as recognising you when you return to our website and helping our team to understand which sections of the website you find most interesting and useful. have tested positive for coronavirus and/or, been told to self isolate by the NHS Track & Trace system, makes you leave without the right notice or a court order, feel unwell and think you may have coronavirus, due to leave prison or hospital but have no where safe to go. If the council say that they cannot see you face-to-face they should still be able to take an application from you over the phone. Court proceedings for eviction were suspended for a period but have now started up again. If you are facing court action, get urgent advice. If you cannot safely talk out loud or make noise you can use The Silent Solution system. The Senedd Research coronavirus page has lots of help and information for people living in Wales, including information on health and social care and education. Coronavirus - Shelter Cymru Many people are worried about coronavirus and how it could affect their housing. We welcome any additional steps by the Welsh Government to reduce the risk of private tenants becoming homeless. It is illegal for your landlord to evict you without following the proper steps. If you have any information to add to this map, please e-mail: . Shelter Cymru operate numerous advice centres and surgeries across Wales. Check what you can claim here. Worried about paying your mortgage? From physical and mental health, to the ability to work and learn from home, the pandemic has exposed far reaching inequalities and a lack of investment in homes. So if your organisation has people working from home or in settings where social distancing is necessary, this could be an opportunity to invest in their skills and knowledge. Part of: Renting a home: coronavirus; First published: 15 May 2020. It is okay to feel frightened and worried.

shelter cymru coronavirus 2021