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But her plan was short lived. The evil powers are going to be overthrown, defeated and judged by the Lord through the believers.In 2 Kings 11 we find a rather interesting scenario. 1. Ahaziah the king of Judah died and his mother, Athaliah, decided to kill any relative who could possibly become king. This portrays the selfless and noble character of the priest. The story was shaped on the basis of earlier biblical and extra-biblical sources and the creative imagination of its author. However, Levin 1982 provides a general analysis of Athaliah's reign and fall. History, full of war, death and disease, teaches us that there is nothing sacred or righteous in that domination. Athaliah, the queen mother and Joash's grandmother, heard the noise from the temple and came over from the palace (2 Chronicles 23:12). Our goal in this study is to better understand the mistakes this wicked queen made, learn from her and thus avoid similar mistakes in our walk with . (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Ezra 8:7Of the sons of Elam, Jeshaiah the son of Athaliah; and with him seventy males. After the great revolution by which Jehu seated himself on the throne of Samaria she killed all the members of the royal family of Judah who had escaped his sword. j&ntK)TY3P 9j~(4{J!T/bgfd6)S+ \U'){VgA|8aV>n\28HKB4De"QA2DgN@R@>dg L`G\4A* ,Wv]T+NjID Pr,:mBO04/M`$wA-,$_C=GG^Ju d!%KaaA B MNSKYF}J,6^,9eF0( U^X5O b*rk+8O50U This is an astonishing feat in itself; however, to consider Queen . Jehu had carried out Gods orders and destroyed most of Ahabs family including Athaliahs husband Jeroham and her son King Ahaziah. What Are The Names of the Thieves Crucified With Christ? Third, who are these commanders?Athalia, the mother of Ahaziah the King, was a descendant of Jezebel the wife of Ahab. Join the Mornings with the Holy Spirit prayer broadcasts live. If we scrutinize the role he played in the whole plot we would realize that he was more than a priest. We "There's nothing quite like waking up to discover that your church is being featured on an episode of 'Dateline,'" Pastor Cal Jernigan wrote in a letter to Central Christian Church, the congregation he leads in Phoenix, Arizona. I look forward to hearing from you! When young Athaliah asked for moral advice of her Lol, the one is like her is Pelosi that makes me laugh so hard!? The human soul was not made to live in darkness and will wither in its continued presence. Her Usurpation:The palace being cleared of its royal occupants, Athaliah had herself proclaimed sovereign. Her 1st year synchronizes with the 1st of Jehu in Israel, and may be placed 846 B.C. When Athaliah heard the noise of the guard and of the people, she came to the people in the house of the Lord. Corrections? This is the truth and as such calls out the lie that is His sole domination. <> Have you ever compromised your values to get what you wanted. Omissions? Are all these kings and queens giving you a headache, trying to keep up with all of them? She is the daughter of either Omri, king of Israel (2 Kgs 8:26; 2 Chr 22:2 ), or, more probably, of his son King Ahab (2 Kgs 8:18; 2 Chr 21:6; the Jewish historian Josephus cites this in Antiquities), who ruled from 873 to 852 b.c.e. Anytime you have a demonic presence operating in a life, you will see depression accompany it at some point. Intercessors must lift the needs of the people Up as well as Pull the Purposes of God down. This is what makes sense. The name of the first soldier has to do with us listening to the Lord for His direction concerning everything. I watched the exact moment when the kneeling, pleading man understood the police officer was about to kill him. All rights reserved, Lessons from The Virtuous Woman, Lydia and Priscilla on How to be a Strong Business Woman, An Interview with Mary DeMuth on Mary of Bethany, Lessons from Athaliah on Seeking Godly Counsel. He mobilized certain commanders of the army and the people of Judah and they came to the temple of Jerusalem and crowned Joash to be their king. Hence if we look critically we find that the credit would have gone to Jehoiada for the good and peaceful era of Joash the king. Jehoshaphat The reign of Jehoshaphat obviously contrasts with that of Ahab. She tore her clothes and screamed, Treason! Athaliah heard the commotion and tried to figure out what was going on. Strategies on the Jezebel Spirit or as many characteristics you can name are not infallible or the Inspired word of God. She was probably the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, or possibly Ahab's sister. His promotion to the primacy led to the undoing of the usurper, as Jehoiada proved staunchly, if secretly, true to the religion of Yahweh. I/o my life was forever changed and the Lord opened my eyes. She was, therefore, allowed to reach the door of the palace in flight. Simply press play on the audio below: The Bible contains many scriptures about the importance of seeking counsel and instruction from others. But Israel, like Saul, has turned to his own way. Athaliah's son was king and was killed in battle, so she decided to seize the throne for herself. In the seventh year a counter-revolution was planned. The Spirit of Athaliah targets individuals with leadership abilities before they have the chance to ascend to the throne or walk fully in the office that God has ordained for them. All because he dared to enjoy a sunny day at the park. 2 0 obj When he died, Ahaziah, his son, ruled in Judah, 2 Chron 22:1. Jeroham was apparently impressed and influenced by Ahab because he became a part of his lineage through his marriage to Athaliah. It loves to flatter. After the death of Ahaziah, her son, Athaliah usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. Longer than some men, perhaps? Jehoiada led the people in a righteous revolt; and he succeeded. The one who is like her is Pelosi. Here are ten signs of Delilah spirit you should beware of. Her husband dies and their son, Ahaziah becomes king. Well, shes nothing compared to her daughter Athaliah. A granddaughter of Omri, 2 Chronicles 22:2, and daughter of Ahab and Jezebel, 2 Kings 11:1. The statement of 2 Kings 12:1 is here understood in the sense that Jehoash began his public reign in the 7th year of Jehu, and that he reigned 40 years counting from the time of his father's death. Knowing where the power is & why the attacks are aimed at our soul; . She was just plain evil like her mother Jezebel. Find your family's origin in the United States, average life expectancy, most common occupation, and more. AMEN. On the death of her husband and of her son Ahaziah, she resolved to seat herself on the vacant throne. Many artists have referenced the story of Athaliah in their work, notably the tragic play Athalie by Jean Racine, written in the late seventeeth century. That spirit found revenge through Jezebel and Ahab's daughter, Athaliah. Your email address will not be published. Is it worth it to gain the prize if you lose your loved ones in the process? Next Wednesday we take a look at Jehosheba, the woman responsible for rescuing Joash, but in the meantime, tomorrow we continue our daily bonus episodes with Jedidah, mother of King Josiah. when a woman is not honored the temptation is to usurp authority especially the authority it has been holding her down oppressing her making life difficult and miserable with no hope. Of course, no power is greater than God's power, but the enemy is working overtime to hinder the saints. Of course it is documented that she advised the king to rebel against God and thus led him to his premature death. They are so soulful and full of Grace. Job 22:28 says, Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee. The deeds that Athaliah committed or ordered committed were not feminine in and of themselvesthey were just evil. Things that were not supposed to happen, but did, or things that were supposed to happen that didn't, which ended up turning out for the better? Who is willing to lay aside their opinion of what the situation calls for if it does not line up with scripture or what is right, Whose primary concern is your spiritual well-being and so will only instruct you in the way of the Lord, even if it goes against what you want to do/hear, Who is willing to prayerfully consider your situation in order to speak, as an oracle of God, into your life, Has already done what it is that we are seeking to do successfully or, Failed at it and so can tell us what not to do. So who was Athaliah and what are the characteristics of this assignment? Unique Circular Format see more in less space. Have you ever trampled over other people in an affect to achieve success? You're not alone. Chapters 8:17-9:31: Relationship with surrounding nations. He also governed his people in the same wayas Ahab. The priesthood of Yahweh is being greatly opposed in this nation and we as his soldiers are required to stand up and defend our spiritual inheritance of the blood covenant Jesus made between us and Him. destruction and despair. One Love by Athaliah published on 2020-06-09T20:41:53Z. Cold by Athaliah published on 2020-06-09T20:41:46Z. What is the meaning of AD, BC, BCE and CE? Why did she want to kill all of her grandchildren? Get equipped in the prophetic at The Global Prophetic Center here: . Treason! But no one cared. What if your children or grandchildren were keeping you from achieving your dream? Treason!" Talk about divine timing. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. "When Athaliah heard the noise of the guard and of the people, she went into the house of the Lord to the people. Answer. God has a divine plan to release his people from the curse of desolation and barrenness. The son of Asa, he reigned as the fourth king of Judah twenty-five years (1 Kgs 15:24; 2 Chr 20:31). 1. They were the monarchs that rejected God and introduced the worship of a god called Baal in Israel- even going so far as to kill the majority of God's prophets. King Ahab was a corrupt ruler who led the people of Israel into the false worship of Baal and other idolatrous practices. |, Who was King Joash in the Bible? 1 /5. 1 And when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and destroyed all the seed royal. Jehoram, with Athaliah by his side, was an evil king who reigned for eight years then died of sickness. Dear Sharon, I hope you and your husband are well in this time. She was a woman obsessed with power, willing to . Join the resource library now! Athaliah was the daughter of King Ahab of Israel and her name means "the Lord is exalted". She was a daughter of a king, wife of a king, and mother of a king. 2 Chronicles 24:7. For the sons of Athaliah, that wicked //maclaren/expositions of holy scripture g/glad givers and faithful workers.htm, The Divided Kingdom. It was proclaimed by the king to be the Law of the realm, and the people pledged obedience to it. Her Death:At the time of her deposition, Athaliah was resident in the royal palace. The Delilah Spirit chooses instead to disempower powerful leaders, take their strength, then move on. On the death of her husband and of her son Ahaziah, she resolved to seat herself on the vacant throne. Some would debate on this with Desperate measures for desperate situation thesis. Characteristics of The Spirit of Athaliah. The enemy wants you to ignore him and pretend he doesn't exist, but the battle is very real. The third soldiers name is similar to the first one. (115 votes) Very easy. Jehoiada, Athaliah's bitter enemy, leader of the Temple priests. (2.) Does their counsel line up with the afore-mentioned markers of good advice (i.e. BringCharismamagazine home with a Beloved, have you been waiting a long timebut you have almost given up hope for blessings? 8. Through Athaliah, a major character in these chapters, the narrators show the political climate of the ninth century; set up a series of contrasts largely of good and evil; and stress the political and theological vacillation of the people. Oftentimes, he's just ignored or forgotten, and this makes sense. Ladies, that Athaliah, was one evil woman. /a/athali'ah.htm - 11k, Jehoash (28 Occurrences)Athaliah was taken by surprise when she heard the shout of the people, "Long live the king;" and when she appeared in the temple, Jehoiada commanded her to be /j/jehoash.htm - 32k, Jehosheba (2 Occurrences) Yahweh is an oath"): Called "Jehoshabeath" in 2 Chronicles 22:11; daughter of Jehoram king of Judah, possibly by a wife other than Athaliah (2 Kings 11:2 /j/jehosheba.htm - 8k, Ahazi'ah (33 Occurrences) reigned one year in Jerusalem. Strangely enough, she was chosen as the wife of Jehoram, son of the pious Jehoshaphat king of Judah. There is an impending confrontation in the spirit realm. We also need to understand who Jehoiada the priest was. The evil powers are going to be overthrown, defeated and judged by the Lord through the believers.In 2 Kings 11 we find a rather interesting scenario. Ahaziah was forty-two years old when he became king, and he reigned one year in Jerusalem. However, the Bible says that: The Holy Spirit gets a bad rap. Jesus went before us and became the High Priest in the order of Melchizedek (Hebrews 6:20). However there are other scriptures that confirm this as well, such as: So we see that, according to those scriptures, seeking counsel has positive consequences such making us successful, wise and prolonging our lives. This goes deeper than just seeking Christian advice, though, it also means someone: As previously mentioned, Athaliah's parents came to very violent ends as a result of their idolatry (Jezebel, for example, was literally thrown from a tower and then her corpse was eaten by dogs!). Living a life serving God and His purposes isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Just like in the Old Testament we are kings in the Kingdom of our Father, and kings rule by decree. It probably intensified it. He remained hidden with his nurse at the temple of The LORD for six years while Athaliah ruled the land," 2 Kings 11:1-3. Catch the spirit of the revival. Open our eyes to what it is You have us to do rather than what we want to do. It is great to see you continuing your creative work. But the spirit that was influencing Jezebel sought revenge. The above prayers are from the book by Ms. Sandie Freed entitled "Breaking the Threefold Demonic Cord: How to Discern and Defeat the Lies of Jezebel, Athaliah and Delilah " If you recognise that spirits of Jezebel, Athaliah or Delilah are holding you in bondage, we recommend that purchasing a copy of the book to fully understand how to use . The onus is on the man to make it work. After she carried out this deed she became the undisputed Queen of Judah. The issue with that is that her unwillingness to break free of her comfort zone also led to her son's destruction- and later her own (2nd Chronicles 23). Her story is told in the 4th and 5th chapters of Judges, following a familiar pattern. The Healing Power of Grief Beni, my wife of 49 years, died on July 13 of last year. How does the Bible let us know the influence a parent had on a child? He was stunned with the news. Her name means taken away of the Lord, or Jehovah has afflicted. When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? God sees past the outward appearance and judges the thoughts, intents and motives of the heart. During this traumatic journey, David pens some of the most poignant passages in our Bibles due to . Athaliah was Queen Jezebel's daughter, and she's even more wicked. Athalyah -- daughter of Ahab, also three Israelites, History Of Egypt, Chaldaea, Syria, Babylonia, and Assyria, V 7, (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), Who was Athaliah in the Bible? How far would you go to get your way? It could be a sure sign that you're under spiritual attack. (2 Chronicles 24:6) The child was brought up under Jehoiada's care, and concealed in the temple for six years, during which period Athaliah reigned over Judah. But Athaliah's advice had the direct opposite effect for her son. <>/Metadata 384 0 R/ViewerPreferences 385 0 R>> endobj Check Pages 1-50 of Overcoming Jezebel, Athaliah, And Belial Part 3 in the flip PDF version. His plan was successful, and Athaliah was put to death. Easily See 6017 Years of Biblical and World History Together! Attractive design ideal for your home, office, church . (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 24:7For the sons of Athaliah, that wicked woman, had broken up the house of God; and also all the dedicated things of the house of Yahweh did they bestow on the Baals. The leviathan spirit is a sneaky beast, twisting reality . How Long Was Joseph In Potiphars House? I rebuke and cut of the spirit of Athaliah that attempts to destroy the royal seed (2 Kings 11:1). You can follow me on social media, follow my blog, or contact me directly via email or my contact form. 4 0 obj One of the outcomes of operating out of the opposite spirit is staying in alignment with the Lord. A woman sat the throne for 6 years. After the death of Ahaziah, her son, Athaliah usurped the throne and reigned for seven years. (WEB KJV JPS ASV BBE DBY WBS YLT NAS NIV), 2 Chronicles 22:12He was with them hid in the house of God six years: and Athaliah reigned over the land. Both deaths were also both in line with prophesies that were given through God's prophets; yet Athaliah still somehow did not realise that they were not the best examples to follow. How do you make your decisions? Athanasian . It is amazing how different people viewed her. So Jehoshabeath, the daughter of king Jehoram, the wife of Jehoiada the priest (for she was the sister of Ahaziah), hid him from Athaliah, so that she didn't kill him. I hope not. The Jezebel and Delilah Spirits look similar but act different. Her six year reign was a total mess. The prophecy of this young woman was not . Watch my vlog here. (3) Father of Jeshaiah, who returned with Ezra (8:7); called Gotholias in Apocrypha (1 Esdras 8:33).W. After a reign of six years she was put to death in an insurrection (2 Kings 11:20; 2 Chronicles 21:6; 22:10-12; 23:15), stirred up among the people in connection with Josiah's being crowned as king. With the Book of Ki before him, it was not necessary to do more than extract from the ancient records such particulars as had not hitherto appeared. He married Jehosheba, or /j/jehoiada.htm - 36k, Reigning (57 Occurrences) 26 a son of twenty and two years 'is' Ahaziah in his reigning, and one year he hath reigned in Jerusalem, and the name of his mother 'is' Athaliah daughter of /r/reigning.htm - 24k, Mother (2641 Occurrences) dowager occupied a very important position at the court of the kings of Israel, eg Bathsheba (1 Kings 2:19); Maacah (1 Kings 15:13); Athaliah (2 Chronicles 22:2 /m/mother.htm - 17k, Ahaziah (34 Occurrences) Called Jehoahaz (2 Chronicles 21:17; 25:23), and Azariah (2 Chronicles 22:6).