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Shaynih'a will ask you to visit her to update her artisan quest as well. After defeating them, you may want to use Inspire Competence because there are a number of high DC checks in this room. Head northwest and you will find Remus spouting nonsense to the assembled brainwashed. Win or lose, Valerie will get something to remember Sinnet by: a scar across her face. When the 14 days are up, the Rotten Beasts event will appear in your event list. In fact, you have 13 days and 8 hours left because when the timer reaches 14 days, stuff will start happening. Go there and interact with it. If you search the various containers you will find minor loot and a new recipe, Fish-on-a-Stick. This will advance you through the Troll Trouble storyline. These are nothing to worry about but you will probably aggro two Branded Trolls and a regular Troll at the same time. Make sure you can target her quickly when she appears. You will come across a group of five seriously outclassed bandits (all 3rd level). I managed it with Kalikke using empowered blasts on the Tremendous Centipedes. Unfortunately, he'll stand at distance and pelt you with rocks all the day long. Head to the world map and make your way to Silverstep Grove. The round container holds potions while one of the crates contains the Cypress Queen's Quill (3/5). Fortunately, she'll spend her first round casting Summon Nature's Ally. You can pick up part of a relic set so it's worth a visit. When you defeat him, he will shift back to human form and you have to decide what to do with him. You will find a Falcata +1 inside. Head immediately north and examine the body by the wall to update your journal. Assuming you killed Hargulka, you can loot his remains for some very decent stuff: the unique Mallet of Woe, a Belt of Physical Might +4 and the Iron Dwarven Key which will allow you to open the remaining doors in the complex. It's perfectly doable at 8th level. [4] Announced through a Kickstarter campaign in 2017, the game was released for Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux on 25 September 2018. Just to the left of your starting point is a hidden stash with minor loot. Keep to the left and you will find a chest containing Full Plate +2. The check itself is DC17. When he's dead, loot the nearby container for a Dwarven Helm Shard (8/10) and a Torag's Pendant. The ranger will join your group. When he's dead, retrieve the Cypress Queen's Flute (4/5). Loot their bodies to find a silver thingy and begin the quest. Return to your capital and speak to Jenna who is suitably grateful. Interactions Bartholomew comes across as a perfectly normal person for a wizard, but if the player explores his shed they can find out that he is performing brutal experiments on a captured troll named Dimwit to unlock the secret of regeneration and immortality. Return to Lake Silverstep Village (you don't need to go in if you don't want to) and you will be able to cross Lake Silverstep. Afterwards, speak to Rismel. Head into the passage on the left and pay attention to the sunlight coming in through the ceiling. When they're dead, climb up and grab a suit of Leather Armor +2 and other stuff from a couple of loot caches. Take the coins and show them to the ghost. Tell him that you are hunting trolls as well and he will mark three locations on your map: Dwarven Ruins, Kobold Trail and Troll Clearing. Head north and examine a log by the path. Go down to the lower level again and look for the Sun and the Moon statues in the central chamber they will have the right symbols. In a bad case of writer's pet, if Regongar is in your party, he will override you in this matter and attack the children. When you reach the junction that goes south to the Bridge Over the Gudrun River, head northeast instead. If your Loyalty rank increased to 20, Tristian will ask you to make a choice. Despite being a named troll, he's not much tougher than a Branded Troll. Cast Resist Lightning (Communal) before you go near it, however. When they're dead, you can grab the other two Gloomberries and search a log to find Shard of Knight's Bracers (6/10) and a Token of the Dryad. Hargulka has 236HP, which is the main thing you have to burn through, and five powerful melee attacks. If you have a good alignment, you can order Ekundayo not to kill them. As a reward, you will be given 1800 experience points. Otherwise, answer how you please. Return to the previous room and unlock the other door. Before asking about the fire-resistant trolls, ask what he is selling. While you're immune to electricity, go across to the other side where there's a Mobility (DC20) check to get across a ditch. Lone House, Bartholomew Delgado, Bridge over the Gudrin River +1 +3 dodge bonus to AC, immune to nauseated: Beastrender: Falchion: Goblin Fortress +2: . Return to the world map and head east from the Swamp Witch's Hut. After a couple of rounds, they will be joined by two Greater Giant Spiders. When traveling to the left of the fortress, you will meet some trolls attacking merchants. A hidden crate a short distance to the northeast contains a Sai +1. After his turn, Ruthgert, the "First Faithful", will address the gathered throng. You can now unlock the large doors. You can ask about the child to learn how he's being treated. Head to Narlkeep to speak Shaynih'a. Insist of stopping his experiments. Do not take the Neutral Good choice - it will cost you your rope! There are a couple of loot stashes here, one of which is locked (DC21). Do not cross yet. Equip the Heart of Ira and buff up with potions before going in. For the time being, don't go out of your way to claim resources, but if you're passing and have the BP, you may as well. Search a nearby container for the Soot-Blackened Gloves (3/5). He will die if trolls brought him below 0 health . You can cheese the Owlbears. Vesket will charge him and be struck down. Head south towards the Skunk River. If you have a day to kill because you're waiting for an event, opportunity or project to complete before you hit the trail again, you're probably strong enough to take on Ratnook Hill. Use a Stinking Cloud on them if you have one to spare. I would suggest a Longhouse to begin with along with a pier by the water. Hit the Doomspider with Glitterdust and its AC will drop to sensible levels. There are two Fighters, an Alchemist, a Rogue and a Bard. If you are able to make one of the alignment checks, do so. Continue round to a fallen tree leaning against the wall. He has a surprisingly large number of HP. I would equip this on Octavia or Linzi, since you don't want to be attacked by someone who would actually benefit from the sneak damage. Proceed north up the path and pay attention to the sign about traps. He sells a unique handaxe but I would save your money. Act 2 - Troll Trouble An Ancient Curse You start off in your new capital, which occupies the former site of the Stag Lord's Fort. Send them to wolf heaven and search among the remains of various meals for some minor loot. However, having seen what became of his colleagues, you can reason with him anyway, making him realise that the voice in his head is not Nethys after all. Cut your way through three Hodags and when you reach a cave entrance, buff up seriously. You will want to make the Intimidate (DC23) check here. Unfortunately, none of the merchants in your capital sell them but hopefully you have a couple at least. Continue north and observe that the footprints change. See here for possible candidates. Follow the path south until you see a dog beckoning you to follow it. There's a log nearby to cross the ravine (Mobility DC19) which saves some backtracking. Maybe. There is a hidden stash nearby with a Ring of Protection +2. Examine the fallen tree to find Nyta's Letter and an Old Wedding Ring. If the player manages to rescue him from the trolls, he will assign the quest Guiding Beacon. You'll be attacked by another group of wolves: three Dire Wolves, an Alpha Wolf and a Ferocious Worg. Buff up. He also drops some decent loot. Run back to Tiressia and tell her that Elga Verniex is back in the village and she will give you a letter to give her. When the trolls are defeated, you have a number of responses you can make. Let's just say that robbing the corpse may not bring you good luck. One contains a suit of Chainmail +2 while the other contains minor loot. This is the Eight Legged Curse: monstrous spiders emerging from Bald Hill. After you've dealt with them, search the bushes to the left of the path for a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag. The loot container holds a Robe of Water which gives a +2 bonus to the DC of cold spells. Stand just outside their perception range and drop a Web on top of them and follow it up with Grease. You are pretty much home and dry. Sounds like a quest! Dog can keep one of them tripped. This house belongs to Brevis who is a trader. Version: 1.1y | Updated: 02/20/2023 FAQ of the Month Winner: October 2021 | Highest Rated Guide. When they're dead, you can loot a chest for a Wand of Fireball and Bracers of Armor +1. These are the children of Kargadd, the troll that Ekundayo is sworn to kill. You will find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag in a bag next to a hut. For example, a Wizard with their high Intelligence would work best as a Magister or Treasurer. Kesten Garess will meet you to give you a whistle-stop tour. After seven days, when the problem has been solved, go to Shambling Steps to confront Nazrielle about the dodgy weapons. Head south and open up the trail west along the northern bank of the Gudrin River. Head south down the path a short distance and turn down the path to the left. That said, if a candidate for the necklace is able to use dueling swords, the Lord Protector will make it that the wearer is a lot less likely to hit allies. You will learn that the Great Ancestor has ordered them to plant dope-weed instead of heal-herb. You will see the Monster Den a short distance to your north. There is also a merchant near the gate if you want to offload junk that you don't want to carry back to civilisation. Ekun's leads aren't very good so far. Continue east and you will run into two low-level bandits. If you will not kill the spirit in time, he can finish off the boy. Find Dragn and give him the Onslaught pieces. He should know how to end these scoundrels. After some chit-chat, the battle against the Gargoyle-like Treant will start. Have someone equip the Demolisher and put Freedom of Movement on your frontline. Continue up the path, but hug the left side so that you don't trigger an ambush from an Ancient Will-o'-Wisp because you can't target it from here. The most interesting thing here is that you can complete several quests at the same time: take Harrim (companion quest called Unwanted Legacy), Ekundayo (A Score to Settle quest) and Jubilost (Renowned Explorer quest) with you and go there. He tells you that he's been swindled by a gang whom he employed to retrieve his possessions from Candlemere Island and who have subsequently vanished. So Shall You ReapYou need to do the curse research projects to learn the necessary information to unlock the ending. Because there's no rest for the wicked, Jhod will come up next and suggest that you employ Bokken as your court alchemist, initiating The Court Alchemist. There is another container in the room with a Torag's Pendant and minor loot. The Tremendous Centipede is weak compared to the monster beneath Old Sycamore. Regardless, he will say that the formula needs to be tested on something more human and suggests wererats. Talk to them, they will ask you to kill the Scythe-Tree, who destroyed the village. There is another chest with a potion and a bit of gold. Sevintan 4 yr. ago I just did this with Strengthen enemies, though it took two tries. Save your game before talking to Jennas son, Tig. The trolls and kobolds are arguing over spoils and one of the kobolds produces the whip that Bartholomew was after. When there are sixteen days remaining on the curse timeline, you will receive an event, "Troll Invasion". Among the ruins of the fortress you will find the portal and Rismel in front of it. The ghost will say that it cant fall asleep because of the lights visible in the well. You may want to return to your capital to rest up and unburden yourself. When they're dead, you can find a Taldan Warrior's Dog Tag among the rocks to the right. Hold Person will not work on Hargulka because he has Freedom of Movement but it may take Tartuk out of the fight. This is not a particularly wise choice and will cost you the services of Ekundayo. Doing so will allow you to summon their assistance later. Either way, you will be able to secure the Iron Mine kingdom resource. While exploring this area, you will have a fixed encounter at some point. Before going into the village, you can explore the area. You will see Dragonleaf Gulch to the south (assuming your Perception is high enough) and Ironstone Gully to the east. Interact with the pile of fish nearby and add your fish to the pile. At the bottom of the stairs, you will fight a pair of Kobold Blades and a Trollhound. Head east from the Silverstep Grove. One of the doors upstairs is locked (DC17). Initially, you will be fighting six Giant Spiders. Details about it are described in the Swamp Bouquet and Mushrooms from the Mud Bowl errands. There are two Lizardfolk Sentinels just past your starting point. While you're here, grab the stash of minor loot from nearby. Go north for a battle against a Nereid, a Nixie Prankster and four Giant Poisonous Frogs. Help them and find out about a mage living nearby. Clear another trap and continue northwest to find the Bandit Leader and his group. At the crossroads, head east again and cross over into the Kamelands where you will arrive at the Secluded Lodge. There will also be people waiting to see you. What do you know? Regardless, the quest will be completed, and you will be ordered to return to the barons castle. Run back to the Old Beldame (again) and give her the letter. I don't believe the choice matters. Question him and then follow him around the place. There is a locked (DC 30) container on the wall with a pair of Lesser Gloves of Dueling. Ekun should concentrate on killing the Nereid from a distance that leaves him unaffected by her aura. Like all good villains, he will reveal his motivations and then you get to make a choice. He gives you the key to his laboratory and tells you to wait for him. Go in there both to rest and to buy the Onslaught Gauntlets for Dragn. Fight your way through a group of four War Wisps. Designed for use with the rules in the Pathfinder Beginner Box and the perfect bridge to the exciting options of the full Pathfinder Core Rulebook, these adventures take your heroes to 4th level and beyond as they venture further into the nearby wilderness and face fearsome foes lurking all too close to home! pathfinder: kingmaker bartholomew release troll. A nymph will appear and then sic the monster on the main character. Speak to Corax and mention a reward and you will receive 400G. Grab a Torag's Pendant from a cache and continue along the wall. There are a couple more things to pick up while we're here. Visit Lone House and talk with Bartholomew Delgado about trolls that can resist fire. There are two ways to do this: speak to Aysel and follow the "Let's talk about this hunter" thread to receive a Diplomacy 19 check to have Aysel add Silverstep Grove to your map. After a round or so, he will be joined by four Dread Skeleton Elites and three Ferocious Skeletal Champion Archers (level 12 undead). Exhaust his conversation options but don't kill him and don't simply dismiss him. With 73 HP, the Worgs are tough but the Alpha is something else. If you met him on the road, you will find Rashor here. You may want to rest before tackling the Troll Lair Depths. At the next crossroads (close to Tuskgutter's Lair), head southwest. Grab a Torag's Pendant from the ground and then continue south to face off against 6 Greater Giant Spiders. This will net you 450 XP. Guiding Beacon is a quest in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Have your party stand on the sunlit area, unlink Dog and have him go through the door to cause Karga and Agadd to appear. At the next junction, you will be able to claim another resource, Ancient River Bed. You will meet up with the Guardian of the Bloom again. So Shall You ReapDon't pursue the fleeing cultists. Follow it up the slope to the northeast where you will find an injured Ekundayo on the ground. You will be thrown into battle immediately against a Giant Flytrap. He will use Lay on Hands repeatedly to heal himself so equip Valerie with potions of Healing. After looting their bodies, look under a tarpaulin for a Cloak of Resistance +1. You will immediately be thrown into combat against 4 Tatzylwyrms, 2 Greater Tatzylwyrms and a Nixie Prankster. Do not go in there yet - you'll come back later. There is a crate filled with minor loot out front and if you go round to the side, you will find the Hunter's Letter which makes for very interesting reading. Head south back towards the village. The Greater Trollhound has 150 HP and a howl that causes fear. Continue west and kill a group of wolves. Continue east around the rock and then up the slope. When they're dead, remove any equipment (Ring of Protection / Amulet of Natural Armor) that you gave Kalikke and head over to the tower. You want to get Glitterdust on him so that he's slightly easier to hit. Loot the bodies of the trolls to find a Torag's Pendant and a unique greatclub, The Crusher. Ask her what she wants and she will give you a letter to give to Hassuf. Search a hidden chest a short distance to the right for a Robe of Earth and some gold. There's a chest with some minor loot. Turn around and go south. Go inside the hut and speak to the child, Tig. If you tell him to free the troll, Valerie will come over all Lawful Stupid. Only fire seems to cause a troll to hesitate, but even this mortal threat is not enough to stop a trolls advance. After you've killed them, you will see a bunch of hostile Lizardfolk fighting a smaller bunch of non-hostile Lizardfolk, including a named NPC, Rashor. He's not pleased. If you were able to make Tartuk your vassal, you will emerge in the courtyard of what is now an established kobold settlement. Loot a nearby body the a White Cog-wheel Ring, a Handaxe +1 and a Bandit's Letter which makes for interesting reading. Ask who they are and, if you don't have any yet, you can ask Tiressia for five feather tokens for Melianse. Make your way around the dungeon to the puzzle room in the northwest and set the floor mechanism so that the fish rune is showing. Claim the Abandoned Laboratory near Lone House on your way. The next room down is used as a larder. You might expect by now that there will be some tough creatures up here and there are: two level 14 Owlbears. If you're burdened with loot from the Troll Lair, you can sell to him as well; just be careful not to sell him anything irreplaceable (the Heart of the Anvil looks like a common gem, for example) because he may shortly disappear from the game one way or another. A woman named Jenna Tannersen will appear in your throne room around this time. If you come back later, there will be three Dire Boars here. Get out of the village, killing the rest of the lizards, and then leave the location and go back to the capital, where you need to talk with Jenna in the tavern. Be careful as you make your way down because there is a trap (DC22) at the bottom. Ask what they were arguing about and they will tell you about the danger posed by the Scythe-Tree. Ask about "other dangers on the road" and a location named Hodag Lair will be added to your map. Return to the entrance to the Troll Lair, buff up and go through. He'll help you later if you let him live. Head left to pick up a Token of the Dryad and some minor loot and then go through the door on the right where you will find Jazon. Exhaust his conversation options and, if you like, sell anything weighing you down to the merchant. You are told that you need to "Defeat the monsters" and "Get the key from the dungeon". You probably witnessed the "cleansing" he talks about. Listen to Enneo's version of events to initiate Jaethal's first companion quest, Investigate My Death. Grab the contents of a hidden cache a short distance to the northwest of the campfire and head east where you will be attacked by three Ferocious Wolves. You are looking for the "[Knowledge (World) check passed]" option which is required for the best outcome for Harrim's personal quest. She will now open up - in more ways than one since she will now buy and sell and you probably have plenty of loot to offload. In the square, Linzi will introduce you to Tessie the Quill, a merchant who sells books. Afterwards, he will pick you out of the crowd and suggest that you show your devotion to the people by offering up your life in sacrifice. Check the timer for the Ancient Curse quest. Barge past him and check the locked container (DC18) next to his house for a couple of scrolls among other things. You can get your fish back afterwards if you like. A Troll and three Trollhounds will wander down from the north after which you should remove a trap from the floor in front of you. Unwanted LegacyQuick save and examine the anvil. You will find Maegar Varn speaking to a merchant. This is another dwarven relic that will have Harrim musing on the inevitability of death and decay. Once across, go north and then turn southwest at the junction. leave Octavia in captial when you visit bart and allow him to contiune experiment? These are properly nasty. Needless to say, you don't want to take on hordes of powerful enemies while fatigued. Enter your settlement in the South Narlmarches (which I assume is called Narlkeep) and start building Dragn's Armor Shop. The trap cramps your style quite badly so make sure you have your ranged attackers take out the Shaman. Afterwards, loot the dead trolls and then check the boxes and crates by the cart for a Token of the Dryad and various cooking ingredients. You can sell all the Masterwork crossbows that the Snipers dropped while you're at it. Return to the path and follow it round as it heads north. Since you helped him out earlier, he will agree on the condition that you build him a new laboratory. Pack plenty of provisions. You may want to claim the nearby Remnants of Dwarven Fortifications. The best option is the "[Requires Chaotic]" one which allows you to make Tartuk your vassal. Examine the box next to the cart. Again, a dose of Inspire Competence can help make it safe. June 29, 2022; creative careers quiz; ken thompson net worth unix They drop Masterwork longswords. Avoid the traps and slip between the Redcaps as they patrol. At the end of the corridor is a hidden cache with minor loot. When you've defeated it, head all the way east to find a hidden cache containing a Wand of Crushing Despair. Which monsters and which dungeon are unspecified at this point. Erm, no. Have Ekun take out the Boomsayer while your melee attackers go after the trolls. A short distance to the right of Bartholomew is a hidden cache containing a Dwarven Helm Shard (4/10). Harrim will punch the anvil, smashing it. After you kill it, you can unlock a chest (DC28) containing a Noble Warhammer which is a +3 weapon. Once across, head west and follow the trail as it loops to find the Kobold Trail. Back in the previous room, there is a nook in the far wall with a Torag's Pendant and some scrolls. He does spam Magic Missile, however, but Shield keeps you safe. If you succeed at a Knowledge (Arcana) check, you will figure that it's an invisible creature controlling the child telepathically rather than a spirit possessing him. The best option seems to be the Neutral Evil one which gains you 4500G. The Nereid projects a Fascination aura that stops anyone attracted to females dead in their tracks. These aren't as powerful as Viscount Smoulderburn (they only have AC24 for starters) but they have Natural Invisibility so you will miss frequently due to concealment. Retain Bartholomew. Explore and conquer Stolen Lands and make them your kingdom! Don't feel obliged to rush into this. The DC30 Knowledge (Arcana) check gives you a clue for the puzzle in this room. Trolls possess incredibly sharp claws and amazing regenerative powers, allowing them to recover from nearly any wound. Jazon drops a suit of Hide Armor +3 while the Spark Shaman drops a Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2. By the way, even if you dont save the boy, you will still need to talk to her and tell her about the tragedy. It's not tough but it has a ranged attack that causes the entangled status. Loot the opened chest for a Red Cog-wheel Ring, a Breastplate +2, the Trollreaper greataxe and a Soot Blackened Apron (1/5), the first of another relic set. Ignore it again and continue deeper into the trees. The only other bandit who is a remote threat is the 8th level Fighter. He has some interesting stuff, but nothing that made me feel compelled to part with 1000s. After you've made your decision, you will figure out that Enneo is probably behind this whole charade. You will summon the Water Elementals to help which will keep the creature occupied while Kanerah gets into position to destroy the creature with her fire blasts. Do not go through the gate. Outside the door to Bartholomew's laboratory is a group comprising a Branded Troll and four Ferocious Trollhounds. When you win, you get to make a choice. There is a ghost near one of the houses talk to it to start the quest. They are, however, susceptible to Stinking Cloud. At the top, there is a cave entrance to your right. You will climb down to a deserted campsite. Cross over to the south side of the Gudrin River if you're not already there and head east. Search the pack of the dead merchant lying in the road for an Amulet of Agile Fists and a Merchant's Letter. Cast Delay Poison (Communal) and head east, where you will find a Torag's Pendant among some rubble, and then north. If you are unable to recruit him, you can murder him. Afterwards, you will have to choose a name. You should have six or seven days until you need to pay attention to an Ancient Curse and four or five days until Bokken's Alchemical Workshop is complete. To advance the quest, read the walkthrough of The Nature of the Beast main quest. After your victory, talk to Bartholomew, go to his laboratory and head down. By now, she should be capable of taking on the Ferocious Hodag since it's not that tough. The Wererat Lair location is added to your map. Alternatively, you may want to level up an advisor since problem events will start increasing in difficulty. You can then visit him after Season of Bloom, and he will have reset again. 4. The Eyes of the Eagle and Trickster's Gloves are both worthwhile purchases from Hassuf. Before leaving the area, grab a stash of minor loot (locked, DC22) to the right of the exit. When they're dead, have Kallike use her Water Blast ability on the flames surrounding the trapped Water Elementals to free them. The quest will begin after you meet Jenna in the throne room (you will have to receive some visitors). Speak to Kagar and Tig who will leave to return to his mother. Hopefully, that way only the Alpha will make it to your party in the initial instance and you can concentrate your attacks on him without his lesser brethren tripping your melee guys. In the next room along is a locked chest (DC30) with the Hand of Magus Dann. The quest will be completed. Go into the room beyond and interact with the column. When you were last here, you were too low-level to tackle this place but it should be manageable now. Manipulate the floor puzzle so that the lightning rune is showing. Defeat the leader and decide what do you want to do kill him or spare him. There's not really much to see there unless you have a thing for wyverns. The monster is in the lower right corner of the location. Exhaust his conversation options to learn that a spirit calling itself "Great Ancestor" is manipulating Vesket, the village chief. If you come here during the day. Head east, hugging the edge of the path and you will come across three bandits, a fighter, an alchemist and an archer. If you made the knowledge check, you can fight it now, although that's not optimal. You will see the Swamp Witch's Hut to the south. Go south down the lower passageway. It costs 400BP (or equivalently 32,000G) and an additional 50BP to build a settlement. Speak to Lykka nearby who's a friendly nixie. Before you leave the area, check out the top right corner for some minor loot.